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Report Writing

• Explain that a report aims to give facts

• Learners write an entirely factual report, sequencing it in the order in which it happened.
• Encourage them to use short sentences, so that points are clear, and connectives (if used)
that are causal/explanatory (e.g. because, that, when).


• What is a leaflet
• Design a Persuasive leaflet and sequence it in order of effectiveness.
• Agree on what makes for an effective leaflet in relation to audience and purpose.

Verb Phrases

• Define verb phrases and state what they consist

• Explain what infinite verb is to the learners and allow learners to give examples.


• use summarising strategies to prepare a summary from a longer and complex extract
• make a one-sentence summary of the main point/argument/story of the text
• highlight key words/term

Language of news articles and Magazine Writing

• Discuss features of a newspaper report and compare it with a comment type magazine
• Discuss what makes a magazine article different from a newspaper report.

Explain how journalists use various techniques to make their articles more interesting.

For example:

• sentence openers
• connecting sentences in different ways
• exaggeration
• Mixture of direct and reported speech.


• Pronunciations e.g the ough spelling pattern and pronunciation

• The ‘ss’ sound which makes either the /sh/ or /ss/ sound
• Similar words with different meaning
• Homophones
• Synonymes

Figurative language: Simile, metaphor, imagery, personification, alliteration etc

• Show how writers combine structural and literally features for effect.

Article Writing

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