2000 Core English Words 1-4

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No. Word PoS.

1 downtown adv.
2 guidebook n.
3 harbor n.
4 lost adj.
5 passport n.
6 plane n.
7 platform n.
8 railroad n.
9 scooter n.
10 sidewalk n.
11 sightseeing n.
12 subway n.
13 suitcase n.
14 taxi n.
15 terminal n.
16 ticket n.
17 tour n.
18 tourist n.
19 transit n.
20 traveler n.
21 adventure n.
22 arrive v.
23 away adv.
24 camping n.
25 corner n.
26 depart v.
27 driver n.
28 helicopter n.
29 highway n.
30 motorcycle n.
31 north n.
32 parking n.
33 passenger n.
34 south n.
35 stay v.
36 tire n.
37 toward prep.
38 traffic n.
39 vacation n.
40 visitor n.
41 chef n.
42 chili n.
43 cooking n.
44 cracker n.
45 fried adj.
46 garlic n.
47 ginger n.
48 ham n.
49 jar n.
50 make v.
51 menu n.
52 noodle n.
53 oil n.
54 pizza n.
55 sandwich n.
56 smell v.
57 steak n.
58 taste v.
59 toast n.
60 yogurt n.
61 biscuit n.
62 cereal n.
63 chopsticks n.
64 cream n.
65 dessert n.
66 drink v.
67 flour n.
68 jelly n.
69 lettuce n.
70 lime n.
71 lunchtime n.
72 mug n.
73 nut n.
74 omelet n.
75 plate n.
76 slice n.
77 straw n.
78 strawberry n.
79 takeout n.
80 watermelon n.
81 ache v.
82 alive adj.
83 bleed v.
84 blind adj.
85 breath n.
86 condition n.
87 cure v.
88 disabled adj.
89 disease n.
90 fitness n.
91 habit n.
92 harm v.
93 heal v.
94 hip n.
95 needle n.
96 often adv.
97 painful adj.
98 result n.
99 tablet n.
100 treatment n.
101 asleep adj.
102 belly n.
103 cast n.
104 chubby adj.
105 clinic n.
106 cough v.
107 deaf adj.
108 drug n.
109 emergency n.
110 fever n.
111 forehead n.
112 hunger n.
113 illness n.
114 muscle n.
115 nap n
116 normal adj.
117 operation n.
118 recover v.
119 virus v.
120 weight n.
121 agency n.
122 baker n.
123 career n.
124 company n.
125 department n.
126 designer n.
127 employer n.
128 industry n.
129 librarian n.
130 manager n.
131 opportunity n.
132 organization n.
133 professional adj.
134 professor n.
135 salary n.

secretary n.
137 staff n.
138 trade v.
139 training n.
140 writer n.
141 advertise v.
142 athlete n.
143 benefit n.
144 business n.
145 deal n.
146 detective n.
147 director n.
148 duty n.
149 firefighter n.
150 journalist n.
151 lawyer n.
152 mayor n.
153 mechanic n.
154 musician n.
155 pilot n.
156 pirate n.
157 reporter n.
158 salesman n.
159 senior adj.
160 veterinarian n.
161 clearly adv.
162 comment n.
163 context n.
164 conversation n.
165 detail n.
166 diary n.
167 document n.
168 explanation n.
169 internet n.
170 list n.
171 meaning n.
172 news n.
173 note n.
174 notebook n.
175 problem n.
176 repeat v.
177 shout v.
178 show v.
179 speak v.
180 write v.
181 bow v.
182 envelope n.
183 forget v.
184 fully adv.
185 greet v.
186 handwriting n.
187 ink n.
188 invite v.
189 joke n.
190 maybe adv.
191 meeting n.
192 message n.
193 postcard n.
194 print v.
195 sorry adj.
196 stamp n.
197 sure adj.
198 talk v.
199 tell v.
200 welcome v.
201 academy n.
202 campus n.
203 childhood n.
204 course n.
205 crayon n.
206 difficulty n.
207 eraser n.
208 gym n.
209 kindergarten n.
210 learn v.
211 lecture n.
212 marker n.
213 purpose n.
214 rank v.
215 student n.
216 teach v.
217 understand v.
218 university n.
219 vocabulary n.
220 whiteboard n.
221 blackboard n.
222 cafeteria n.
223 chalk n.
224 check v.
225 classmate n.
226 club n.
227 dictionary n.
228 homework n.
229 junior adj.
230 line n.
231 mistake n.
232 PE n.
233 practice v.
234 principal n.
235 quiz n.
236 remember v.
237 scissors n.
238 study v.
239 tape n.
240 textbook n.
241 ashamed adj.
242 astonish v.
243 careless adj.
244 clever adj.
245 congratulations n.
246 creative adj.
247 emotional adj.
248 fool n.
249 happiness n.
250 helpful adj.
251 lazy adj.
252 lovely adj.
253 pleased adj.
254 powerful adj.
255 scary adj.
256 serious adj.
257 silly adj.
258 stupid adj.
259 surprised adj.
260 talent n.
261 attitude n.
262 attract v.
263 background n.
264 boring adj.
265 bother v.
266 calm adj.
267 careful adj.
268 cheerful adj.
269 enjoyable adj.
270 excitement n.
271 feeling n.
272 gentle adj.
273 happily adv.
274 interested adj.
275 lucky adj.
276 noisy adj.
277 peaceful adj.
278 realize v.
279 scared adj.
280 wish v.
281 average adj.
282 beautiful adj.
283 bride n.
284 brother n.
285 clap v.
286 couple n.
287 cousin n.
288 elegant adj.
289 engagement n.
290 forever adv.
291 girlfriend n.
292 gown n.
293 kiss v
294 marry v.
295 merry adj.
296 nephew n.
297 party n.
298 sister n.
299 stepbrother n.
300 white adj.
301 aged adj.
302 anniversary n.
303 annual adj.
304 companion n.
305 divorce n.
306 extraordinary adj.
307 father-in-law n.
308 gender n.
309 grandparent n.
310 hug v.
311 marriage n.
312 newborn adj.
313 niece n.
314 pure adj.
315 refuse v.
316 reveal v.
317 seek v.
318 spouse n.
319 twin n.
320 widow n.
the area of a city with the greatest concentration of businesses
an information book used for traveling
an area of water next to the land where boats stay
does not know where they are
a book that you need to enter and leave a country.
a vehicle or machine that flies
where people wait for a train
a system of tracks on which trains travel
a small machine for driving with two wheels and an engine
a path on the side of the street for people to walk on
the activity of visiting famous places in an area
a system of underground trains
a large bag that carries your things when you travel
a car that takes people to a place in exchange for money
a building where you can get onto a plane, bus, or ship
a piece of paper that shows you have paid to do something
a visit to and around a place, area, or country
someone who travels to a place for fun
the system that is used for moving big groups of people
someone who is traveling or travels often
an exciting and sometimes dangerous experience
to reach a place
when they are not at home or near a certain place, person or thing
the activity of living outdoors and sleeping in a tent
the place where two lines or streets meet
to leave a place to go on a trip
someone who drives a vehicle, such as a car or truck
a machine or vehicle that flies using long, thin blades on top of it that spin very fast
a main road that connects cities and towns
a machine for driving with two wheels and an engine
the direction on your left when you face the rising sun
a place where a vehicle is put into and left temporarily
someone who is traveling in a vehicle, such as a car, bus, or train
the direction on your right when you face the rising sun
to be at the same place for a period of time
a rubber ring filled with air that goes around a wheel
you go in the direction of it
the collection of vehicles using a road
when people go somewhere to relax or travel
someone who visits a person or a place
a person who makes food for people to eat
a spicy, red or green pepper
preparing food
a flat, dry, small piece of baked bread
cooked in hot oil
a vegetable like a small onion
a root of a plant used for cooking
meat from a pig’s back or upper leg
a glass container used for storing food
to build, create, or produce something
a list of food and drinks
a thin strip of dough made of flour and water
a thick liquid produced from plants that is used in cooking
a flat, round bread topped with tomato sauce, cheese, meat, and vegetables
two pieces of bread with food such as meat and cheese between them
to use your nose to notice something
a thick, flat piece of meat or fish
to sense the flavor of something you are eating or drinking
a bread that has been heated to make it hot and crispy
a food made of milk and bacteria
a type of sweet, soft bread baked in small pieces
breakfast food made from grain and eaten with milk
thin sticks used to pick up and eat food
the thick part of milk that contains fat
sweet food eaten after a meal
to take a liquid through the mouth
a powder made from a grain that is used to make bread
a sweet and soft food made with sugar and fruit juice
a plant that has large green leaves used in salads
a small green fruit that has a sour taste
the time in the middle of the day when people eat lunch
a large drinking cup with a handle
a seed or fruit in a shell that you can eat
a dish made from eggs that have been mixed and fried
a flat dish that is used for eating or serving food
a thin tube that you use for drinking through
a thin tube that you use for drinking through
a soft, juicy, red fruit with a green leaf at the top
food that is cooked in a restaurant and taken by a customer to be eaten at another place
a large round fruit with hard green skin, red flesh, and black seeds
to have a continuous pain
living and not dead
to lose blood because of a cut or injury
unable to see
the air that goes into and out of your lungs
the particular state that something or someone is in
to make someone with a sickness healthy
having a condition or injury that makes it difficult to do things
a sickness that affects a living thing
the condition of being physically strong and healthy
something you do often and regularly
to cause hurt, injury, or damage
to become healthy or well again
the part of your body between your waist and legs
a thin, sharp, metal tube used to take blood out or to put medicine into the body.
it happens many times
causing emotional or physical pain
the information you get from an exam, experiment
a small round piece of medicine
the use of medicine and exercise to make a person healthy again
sleeping and not awake
a cute name for the stomach
a hard covering that is put on a body part of a broken bone
slightly fat in a way that looks healthy
a place where people get medical help
to force air through your throat with a short, loud noise
unable to hear
a substance used as a medicine
a serious situation that needs immediate action
a body temperature that is much higher than normal
the part of the face above your eyes
the feeling you have when you need to eat
a sickness or disease
a body tissue that can produce movement
a short period of sleep, especially during the day
usual or ordinary
when a doctor cuts someone’s body to remove or fix a part of it
to become healthy after being sick or having an injury
something that causes a disease and spreads
a measurement of how heavy something is
a business that provides a particular service
someone who bakes bread and cakes
a job that someone does for a long time
an organization that makes, buys or sells something for money
one part of an organization
someone who plans how something new will look and be made
someone who hires other people to work for them
the people and activities in one type of business
someone who works in a library
someone who is in charge of an organization
a chance to do something good, such as a job
a group formed for a particular purpose
relating to work that needs special training or education
someone who teaches at a college or university
an amount of money a worker is paid each year
someone whose job is to handle communication, letters, and records for another person in an
a group of people who work for an organization or business
to buy and sell goods or services
a process of learning the skills you need to do a particular job or activity
someone who writes books, poems, stories, and articles
to make a public announcement that something is available
someone who is trained in sports
a good or helpful result or effect
an organization that makes, buys, or sells something for money
an agreement especially in business
someone whose job is to find information about a crime
someone who tells the actors what to do
a particular job that has been given to you
someone who works to put out fires
someone who writes news stories
someone whose job is to give advice about the law
someone who is elected to be the leader who governs a town or city
someone who repairs machines and keeps them running properly
someone who writes, sings, or plays music
someone who flies an airplane or helicopter
someone who attacks and steals from a ship at sea
someone who tells people the news by any form of media
a man whose job is to sell things
high or higher in rank
someone whose job is to give medical care to animals
easy to hear, see, or understand
a spoken or written statement that expresses an opinion
the group of words that are used to help to explain meaning
a talk between two or more people
one of many facts or pieces of information
a book in which you write your experiences and thoughts each day
an official paper that gives information about something
the detail or reason that someone gives to make something clear
a system that connects computers throughout the world
a series of names, words, or numbers
the idea that is represented by words or a phrase
new information about something that has happened recently
a short piece of writing
a book with blank pages that is used for writing notes
something that is difficult to handle
to say something again
to say something very loudly
to let someone look at something
to say words in order to express thoughts and opinions
to form letters or numbers on a surface with a pen or pencil
to bend forward at the neck or waist as a form of greeting
a flat, paper container for a letter
to be unable to think of or remember something
completely done
to meet someone with friendly and polite words or actions
the way a person’s writing looks
a colored liquid that is used for writing and drawing
to request that someone attend a scheduled event
something that someone says to make people laugh
possible but not certain
a gathering of people for a particular purpose
a piece of information that is sent or given to someone
a card, often with a photo or picture on one side that can be sent without an envelope
to put words or images on paper using ink and a machine
feeling sorrow or regret
a small piece of paper with glue on it that is used to mail a letter
no doubt about something
to say words in order to express your thoughts, feelings and opinions
to say or write something to someone
to greet in a warm and friendly way
a school that provides training in subjects or skills
the area and buildings around a school, university, or college
the period of time when someone is a child
a series of classes about a particular subject in a school
a stick of colored wax that is used for drawing
something that is not easy to do or to deal with
small piece of rubber that is used to remove something
uilding or room with equipment for doing exercises
a school or class for very young children
to gain knowledge or skill by studying, practicing
a talk given to a group of people to teach them
a type of pen that makes wide lines
the reason why something is done or used
to place something or someone in a particular position
a person who attends a school
to show or explain how to do something
to know why or how something happens or works
a school where students study at a high level to get a degree
all the words you know in a particular language
a large board that can be written on with special markers
used for writing on with chalk in a classroom
a place where people get food at a counter and carry it to a table to eat
made into white or colored sticks used for writing
to make sure something is correct
a member of the same class
a group of people who meet to participate in an activity
book of words in alphabetical order with their meanings
work that a student is given to do at home
being in a younger group
a long narrow mark on a surface
something that is not correct
a sports and exercise class taught as a subject at school
to do something again and again in order to become better at it
the person in charge of a school
a short test that is often taken without preparation
to have or keep an image or idea in your mind
a tool used for cutting items
to read, memorize facts, attend school, and do work in order to learn about a subject
a long, narrow piece of sticky material used to stick things together
a book about a particular subject
feeling shame or guilt
to cause a feeling of great wonder or surprise
not paying enough attention
intelligent and able to learn things quickly.
a message meaning you are happy for someone
making new things or thinking of new ideas
easily upset or excited
a stupid or silly person
the state of being happy
willing to help or are useful
not working heard or being inactive
pleasant, enjoyable, or beautiful
happy or satisfied
able to control and influence people
causing fear
not joking or intending to be funny
not being logical or showing thought
not intelligent
feeling or showing surprise
a special ability that allows someone to do something well.
the way you think and feel about someone or something
to cause someone to like or be interested in something
their education, family, and experiences
dull and uninteresting
to cause someone to feel troubled, worried, or concerned
not angry, upset, or excited
paying attention to what they are doing
feeling or showing happiness
making you feel happy
feeling of eagerness, enthusiasm, and interest.
an emotional state or reaction
kind and careful not to upset or hurt anyone
done in a happy way
giving a lot of attention to something
having good things happen to you by chance
making a lot of noise
quiet and calm
to understand or become aware of something
afraid, nervous, or frightened
to want something to be true or to happen
usual or typical
very attractive or pleasant
a woman who is getting married
a boy or man who has the same parents as you
to hit your hands together several times
two people who are in a marriage or romantic relationship
a child of your aunt or uncle
stylish and attractive
an agreement to be married
it will continue for an endless amount of time
a woman with whom someone is in a romantic relationship
a long, formal dress that a woman wears for a special event
to touch the lips or face of another person with your lips
to legally become a husband or wife of someone
cheerful and lively
the son of your brother or sister
a social event where people enjoy themselves
a girl or woman who has the same parents as you
the son of your stepmother or stepfather
having the color of fresh snow or milk
very old
a day on which an important event happened in a previous year
happening once a year
someone with whom you spend a lot of time or go somewhere
the ending of a marriage by a legal process
very special, unusual, or strange
the father of your husband or wife
the state of being male or female
parent of your mother or father
to put your arms around someone
a relationship between a husband and a wife
recently born
the daughter of your brother or sister
not mixed with anything else
to say that you will not accept something
to make something known
to search or try to find something
a husband or a wife
one of two babies that are born at the same time to the same mother
one of two babies that are born at the same time to the same mother.
200 Core English Words Book 2
No. Word Definition Example
1 downtown adv. the area of a city with the greatest concentration of businesses My friend and I go to downtown Manhanttan.
2 guidebook n. an information book used for traveling They used the guidebook to find a museum.
3 harbor n. an area of water next to the land where boats stay You can take beautiful picture of the harbor.
4 lost adj. does not know where they are The man is lost and cannot find his hotel.
5 passport n. a book that you need to enter and leave a country. I take my passport out when I am at the airport.
6 plane n. a vehicle or machine that flies We will go to Germany by plane.
7 platform n. where people wait for a train Wait for the train at platform 23.
8 railroad n. a system of tracks on which trains travel Let's meet at the railroad station after lunch.
9 scooter n. a small machine for driving with two wheels and an engine I drove through Rome on a scooter.
10 sidewalk n. a path on the side of the street for people to walk on Walking on the sidewalk is safer than walking on the street.
11 sightseeing n. the activity of visiting famous places in an area She took picture while sightseeing in Norway.
12 subway n. a system of underground trains I take the subway every morning to go to school.
13 suitcase n. a large bag that carries your things when you travel I bought a new white suitcase for my trip.
14 taxi n. a car that takes people to a place in exchange for money I like to take a taxi when I travel around a new city.
15 terminal n. a building where you can get onto a plane, bus, or ship The international terminal is busy during the holidays.
16 ticket n. a piece of paper that shows you have paid to do something Show your tickets before getting on the plane.
17 tour n. a visit to and around a place, area, or country The students went on a tour of the city.
18 tourist n. someone who travels to a place for fun The tourist is taking a photo of the Eiffel Tower.
19 transit n. the system that is used for moving big groups of people Singapore has a good transit system.
20 traveler n. someone who is traveling or travels often I'm the kind of traveler who likes to plan everything.
21 adventure n. an exciting and sometimes dangerous experience He likes to go on an adventure once a year.
22 arrive v. to reach a place The family was happy to arrive home after their long trip.
away adv. when they are not at home or near a certain place, person or thing
23 They are going away for the weekend.
24 camping n. the activity of living outdoors and sleeping in a tent She goes camping every summer.
25 corner n. the place where two lines or streets meet The girls meet at the corner of Jane Street and Finch Street.
26 depart v. to leave a place to go on a trip The plane departs in three hours.
27 driver n. someone who drives a vehicle, such as a car or truck My uncle is a bus driver.
28 helicopter n. a machine or vehicle that flies using long, thin blades The helicopter flies over the city.
29 highway n. a main road that connects cities and towns Driving on the highway is a fast way to get to the next city.
30 motorcycle n. a machine for driving with two wheels and an engine He likes to ride his motocycle on sunny days.
31 north n. the direction on your left when you face the rising sun My home is north of where I am.
32 parking n. a place where a vehicle is put into and left temporarily It is hard to find parking on the weekend.
passenger n. someone who is traveling in a vehicle, such as a car, bus, or train
33 There are many passengers on the plane.
34 south n. the direction on your right when you face the rising sun The wind blew from the south.
35 stay v. to be at the same place for a period of time The man stays at the hotel for work.
36 tire n. a rubber ring filled with air that goes around a wheel He is changing the flat tire.
toward prep. you go in the direction of it
37 The bus is traveling toward the tower.
38 traffic n. the collection of vehicles using a road The traffic is heavy.
39 vacation n. when people go somewhere to relax or travel We go to the beach for our family vacation.
40 visitor n. someone who visits a person or a place My grandmother likes to have visitors at her house.
41 chef n. a person who makes food for people to eat The chef is cutting vegetables.
42 chili n. a spicy, red or green pepper I picked chillies from my garden.
43 cooking n. preparing food The friends enjoy cooking dinner together.
44 cracker n. a flat, dry, small piece of baked bread Many people enjoy eating crackers with cheese.
45 fried adj. cooked in hot oil She eats fried chicken for lunch.
46 garlic n. a vegetable like a small onion There are many ways to cook with garlic.
47 ginger n. a root of a plant used for cooking I would like a cup of ginger tea.
48 ham n. meat from a pig’s back or upper leg We are eating ham tonight.
49 jar n. a glass container used for storing food She is putting the jam into the jar.
50 make v. to build, create, or produce something Anna makes cookies with her grandmother.
51 menu n. a list of food and drinks He is choosing what to eat from the menu.
52 noodle n. a thin strip of dough made of flour and water Let's have noodles in the soup.
53 oil n. a thick liquid produced from plants that is used in cooking The chef puts olive oil in the pan to cook food.
pizza n. a flat, round bread topped with tomato sauce, cheese, meat, and
54 vegetables I like to eat pizza with my friend.
sandwich n. two pieces of bread with food such as meat and cheese between them
55 I bring a sandwich to eat at school.
56 smell v. to use your nose to notice something She is smelling the dessert.
57 steak n. a thick, flat piece of meat or fish I cut the steak into small pieces.
58 taste v. to sense the flavor of something you are eating or drinking This honey tastes delicious.
59 toast n. a bread that has been heated to make it hot and crispy Jeff spreads butter on his toast.
60 yogurt n. a food made of milk and bacteria Yogurt is a healthy breakfast choice.
61 biscuit n. a type of sweet, soft bread baked in small pieces The baby is eating a biscuit as a snack.
62 cereal n. breakfast food made from grain and eaten with milk I use a spoon to eat my cereal.
63 chopsticks n. thin sticks used to pick up and eat food He is picking up the noodles with a pair of chopsticks.
64 cream n. the thick part of milk that contains fat She pours cream into her coffee.
65 dessert n. sweet food eaten after a meal They are making a chocolate and cherry cake for dessert.
66 drink v. to take a liquid through the mouth I like to drink hot chocolate in the wintertime.
67 flour n. a powder made from a grain that is used to make bread I use flour to make bread.
68 jelly n. a sweet and soft food made with sugar and fruit juice Today's lunch is peanut butter and grape jelly sandwiches.
69 lettuce n. a plant that has large green leaves used in salads I will use this lettuce for my salad.
70 lime n. a small green fruit that has a sour taste Can you buy some limes at the supermaket?
71 lunchtime n. the time in the middle of the day when people eat lunch The students enjoy lunchtime together.
72 mug n. a large drinking cup with a handle He is pouring coffee into his mug.
73 nut n. a seed or fruit in a shell that you can eat She likes to eat nuts as a snack.
74 omelet n. a dish made from eggs that have been mixed and fried My father cooked this omelet for my breakfast.
75 plate n. a flat dish that is used for eating or serving food The girl is helping her mother wash the plate.
76 slice n. a thin tube that you use for drinking through Would you like a slice of apple pie for dessert?
77 straw n. a thin tube that you use for drinking through I drink my orange juice through a straw.
78 strawberry n. a soft, juicy, red fruit with a green leaf at the top We make strawberry jam every summer.
79 takeout n. food that is cooked in a restaurant and taken by a They are eating takeout for lunch.
watermelon n. a large round fruit with hard green skin, red flesh, and black seeds
80 The children are eating watermelon in their backyard.
81 ache v. to have a continuous pain My tooth aches from eating too much sugar.
82 alive adj. living and not dead Maria feels happy to be alive.
83 bleed v. to lose blood because of a cut or injury His knee is bleeding from his fall.
84 blind adj. unable to see The woman helped the blind man cross the street.
85 breath n. the air that goes into and out of your lungs Eating garlic can give you had breath.
86 condition n. the particular state that something or someone is in Jane's health is in poor condition.
87 cure v. to make someone with a sickness healthy The doctor is working hard to cure the sick patient.
88 disabled adj. having a condition or injury that makes it difficult to do things This building has disabled access.
89 disease n. a sickness that affects a living thing The man suffers from a form of heart disease.
90 fitness n. the condition of being physically strong and healthy They jog every morning to improve their fitness.
91 habit n. something you do often and regularly Biting your nails is a bad habit.
92 harm v. to cause hurt, injury, or damage Smoking harms your lungs.
93 heal v. to become healthy or well again The boy is waiting for his leg to heal.
94 hip n. the part of your body between your waist and legs I hurt my hip exercising yesterday.
95 needle n. a thin, sharp, metal tube used to take blood out or to put He is afraid of needles.
96 often adv. it happens many times Nick is in good shape because he exercises often.
97 painful adj. causing emotional or physical pain He got a paintful neck injury from the car accident.
98 result n. the information you get from an exam, experiment The patient received good results from the doctor.
99 tablet n. a small round piece of medicine The doctor gave me a tablet to take for my pain.
100 treatment n. the use of medicine and exercise to make a person healthy again My father's treatment for his cancer is going well.
101 asleep adj. sleeping and not awake He fell asleep watching TV.
102 belly n. a cute name for the stomach My belly is full from eating takeout for lunch.
103 cast n. a hard covering that is put on a body part of a broken bone Adam broke his arm, so he has to wear a cast for a month.
104 chubby adj. slightly fat in a way that looks healthy Kevin was always chubby as a child.
105 clinic n. a place where people get medical help Janet took her daughter to the clinic.
106 cough v. to force air through your throat with a short, loud noise The man could not stop coughing.
107 deaf adj. unable to hear Deaf people can communicate using sign language.
108 drug n. a substance used as a medicine Scientists are working on a new drug for cancer.
109 emergency n. a serious situation that needs immediate action Please call 000. It's an emergency!
110 fever n. a body temperature that is much higher than normal The child has a fever.
111 forehead n. the part of the face above your eyes Sarah is touching her forehead to see if she has a fever.
112 hunger n. the feeling you have when you need to eat She doesn't know what to eat to satisfy her hunger.
113 illness n. a sickness or disease The man has a serious illness and has to stay in the hospital.
114 muscle n. a body tissue that can produce movement I hurt my leg muscle while I was running.
115 nap n a short period of sleep, especially during the day She is taking a nap before she does her homework.
116 normal adj. usual or ordinary It is normal to feel tired after exercising.
117 operation n. when a doctor cuts someone’s body to remove or fix a part of it The doctors prepare for a long operation.
118 recover v. to become healthy after being sick or having an injury The man is recovering from an operation.
119 virus v. something that causes a disease and spreads The scientist is studying a new virus that is killing birds.
120 weight n. a measurement of how heavy something is My father needs to lose weight.
121 agency n. a business that provides a particular service I bought my flight tickets at the travel agency.
122 baker n. someone who bakes bread and cakes The baker sells a lot of bread at his bakery.
123 career n. a job that someone does for a long time She enjoys her career as a high school counselor.
124 company n. an organization that makes, buys or sells something for money Greg works at a software company.
125 department n. one part of an organization My aunt is working in the accounting department.
126 designer n. someone who plans how something new will look and be made The designers work together to choose a color.
127 employer n. someone who hires other people to work for them She was sent to China by her employer.
128 industry n. the people and activities in one type of business The automobile industry is growing each year.
129 librarian n. someone who works in a library The librarian is putting away the books.
130 manager n. someone who is in charge of an organization The manager of the department led the meeting.
131 opportunity n. a chance to do something good, such as a job The university graduate is excited about new job opportunities.
132 organization n. a group formed for a particular purpose They work for an organization that helps the elderly.
133 professional adj. relating to work that needs special training or education My dream is to become a professional singer.
134 professor n. someone who teaches at a college or university The professor teaches chemistry.
135 salary n. an amount of money a worker is paid each year She received a 10% salary increase for her hard work.
136 secretary n. someone whose job is to handle communication, The secretary answers the phone and takes a message.
137 staff n. a group of people who work for an organization or business The staff are having a meeting before they open the restaurant.
138 trade v. to buy and sell goods or services The ship is used to trade oil between the countries.
139 training n. a process of learning the skills you need to do a particular job or aAll new employees have to receive a week of training.
140 writer n. someone who writes books, poems, stories, and articles Jonathan wants to become a writer.
141 advertise v. to make a public announcement that something is available He advertises his business on the internet.
142 athlete n. someone who is trained in sports William is a professional athlete.
143 benefit n. a good or helpful result or effect One of the benefits of studying at a unisversity is preparing for a career.
144 business n. an organization that makes, buys, or sells something for money Janice runs her own clothing business from her home.
145 deal n. an agreement especially in business Alan was happy to make a business deal.
146 detective n. someone whose job is to find information about a crime The detectives are trying to find the criminal.
147 director n. someone who tells the actors what to do The directior talked to the camera woman before filming.
148 duty n. a particular job that has been given to you It is a police officer's duty to protect people.
149 firefighter n. someone who works to put out fires The firefighter fought the wildfire in the forest.
150 journalist n. someone who writes news stories The journalist stayed up all night to finish her story.
151 lawyer n. someone whose job is to give advice about the law The lawyer spoke to the judge after the trial.
152 mayor n. someone who is elected to be the leader who governs a town or cThe mayor is giving an interview on TV.
mechanic n. someone who repairs machines and keeps them running properly
153 The mechanic is looking for the problem in the engine.
154 musician n. someone who writes, sings, or plays music The talented musician is making music in his studio.
155 pilot n. someone who flies an airplane or helicopter Kelly is training to become a pilot.
156 pirate n. someone who attacks and steals from a ship at sea The children are pretending to be pirates.
157 reporter n. someone who tells people the news by any form of media The reporter is interviewing a businessman.
158 salesman n. a man whose job is to sell things The car salesman is showing the couple the price.
159 senior adj. high or higher in rank The new employee is learning from the senior manager.
160 veterinarian n. someone whose job is to give medical care to animals He loves animals, so he is a good veterinarian.
161 clearly adv. easy to hear, see, or understand A news reporter needs to speak clearly to the audience.
162 comment n. a spoken or written statement that expresses an opinion He is reading comments about the article.
163 context n. the group of words that are used to help to explain meaning He is using the new word in context to help them understand.
164 conversation n. a talk between two or more people The two friends are having a conversation about a book.
165 detail n. one of many facts or pieces of information They are talking about the details of their group project.
diary n. a book in which you write your experiences and thoughts each day
166 Melissa writes in her diary every night.
167 document n. an official paper that gives information about something They are looking at the bank documents before signing them.
168 explanation n. the detail or reason that someone gives to make something clear The doctor is giving an explanation about how to be healthy.
169 internet n. a system that connects computers throughout the world The boy is searching for information on the internet.
170 list n. a series of names, words, or numbers She is writing a list of what she needs to prepare for the presentation.
171 meaning n. the idea that is represented by words or a phrase Mr. Trent is teaching us the meaning of rhymes.
172 news n. new information about something that has happened recently They received very good news.
173 note n. a short piece of writing My mother always leaves me a note with my lunch.
174 notebook n. a book with blank pages that is used for writing notes The women is writing down information in her notebook.
175 problem n. something that is difficult to handle Dennis is dealing with a problem at work.
176 repeat v. to say something again The girl is repeating after the teacher.
177 shout v. to say something very loudly He is shouting because he is upset.
178 show v. to let someone look at something The man is showing his smartphone to the salesman.
179 speak v. to say words in order to express thoughts and opinions Patrick is speaking to the group about his work experience.
180 write v. to form letters or numbers on a surface with a pen or pencil Betty is writing a sotry in her journal for homework.
181 bow v. to bend forward at the neck or waist as a form of greeting In Asia, it is polite to bow.
182 envelope n. a flat, paper container for a letter I am putting a letter in an envelope.
183 forget v. to be unable to think of or remember something Jake forgot how to say "hello"in German.
184 fully adv. completely done Rachel wants to become a fully qualified teacher.
185 greet v. to meet someone with friendly and polite words or actions They are greeting each other with a hug.
186 handwriting n. the way a person’s writing looks The child is practicing his handwriting.
187 ink n. a colored liquid that is used for writing and drawing I enjoy writing with a pen and ink.
188 invite v. to request that someone attend a scheduled event The Hanson family invited us for dinner.
189 joke n. something that someone says to make people laugh They are laughing at their friend's funny joke.
190 maybe adv. possible but not certain There were maybe one hundred people at the conference.
191 meeting n. a gathering of people for a particular purpose Our team has a meeting every Monday morning.
192 message n. a piece of information that is sent or given to someone Eric is excited to receive a message from a friend.
193 postcard n. a card, often with a photo or picture on one side that The woman is buying a postcard to send to a friend.
194 print v. to put words or images on paper using ink and a machine I am printing the document.
195 sorry adj. feeling sorrow or regret Jane is sorry for spilling coffee on a customer.
stamp n. a small piece of paper with glue on it that is used to mail a letter
196 She is sticking the stamp onto the envelope.
197 sure adj. no doubt about something Make sure you put a period at the end of each sentence you wirte.
talk v. to say words in order to express your thoughts, feelings and opinions
198 The teacher is talking to the little boy.
199 tell v. to say or write something to someone Betty is telling a secret to her daughter.
200 welcome v. to greet in a warm and friendly way My friend is welcoming me into her home.
201 academy n. a school that provides training in subjects or skills Lisa is taking piano lessons at a music academy.
202 campus n. the area and buildings around a school, university, or college The students enjoy meeting on campus.
203 childhood n. the period of time when someone is a child His childhood dream was to become a famous athlete.
204 course n. a series of classes about a particular subject in a school They are taking a computer course.
205 crayon n. a stick of colored wax that is used for drawing The little girl is drawing with crayons.
206 difficulty n. something that is not easy to do or to deal with Chris is having difficulties with his assignment.
207 eraser n. small piece of rubber that is used to remove something He is using an eraser to erase his writing.
208 gym n. uilding or room with equipment for doing exercises The students are playing basketball in the gym.
209 kindergarten n. a school or class for very young children Mike is a student in kindergarten.
210 learn v. to gain knowledge or skill by studying, practicing Beth is learning French online.
211 lecture n. a talk given to a group of people to teach them The students are taking notes during the lecture.
212 marker n. a type of pen that makes wide lines The teacher is writing with a maker.
213 purpose n. the reason why something is done or used The purpose of studying is to gain knowledge.
214 rank v. to place something or someone in a particular position He is ranked first in the world.
215 student n. a person who attends a school They are second-year medical students.
216 teach v. to show or explain how to do something Kathy is teaching math to her class.
217 understand v. to know why or how something happens or works I don't understand how to do this homework.
218 university n. a school where students study at a high level to get a degree She wants to go to university to study biology.
219 vocabulary n. all the words you know in a particular language I like to make a list of new vocabulary words every week.
220 whiteboard n. a large board that can be written on with special markers The professor is drawing a diagram on the whiteboard.
221 blackboard n. used for writing on with chalk in a classroom A boy is solving math questions on the blackboard.
a place where people get food at a counter and carry it to a table to
cafeteria n. eat
222 The friends are eating lunching together in the cafeteria.
223 chalk n. made into white or colored sticks used for writing The kindergarten student is drawing with chalk.
224 check v. to make sure something is correct The teacher is checking Tom's notebook.
225 classmate n. a member of the same class My classmates are helping me finish my workbook question.
226 club n. a group of people who meet to participate in an activity The boys are a part of an after-school soccer club.
227 dictionary n. book of words in alphabetical order with their meanings Ron is looking up words in a dictionary.
228 homework n. work that a student is given to do at home Kelly's father is helping her with her English homework.
229 junior adj. being in a younger group They are enjoying junior science club.
230 line n. a long narrow mark on a surface She is drawing a line with a ruler.
231 mistake n. something that is not correct Mr. Miller is fixing the student's mistake.
232 PE n. a sports and exercise class taught as a subject at school Wr are playing basketball in PE
233 practice v. to do something again and again in order to become better at it The students are practicing a song together
234 principal n. the person in charge of a school The principal is meeting the with the new student and her mother
235 quiz n. a short test that is often taken without preparation They are taking a biology quiz
236 remember v. to have or keep an image or idea in your mind She is trying to remember what she studied today.
237 scissors n. a tool used for cutting items The girl is cutting a piece of paper with scissors
238 study v. to read, memorize facts, attend school, and do work in Alice is studing her notes in the library after class.
tape n. a long, narrow piece of sticky material used to stick things together
239 I'm using tape to pack my box of books.
240 textbook n. a book about a particular subject John is reading his textbook while eating lunch.
241 ashamed adj. feeling shame or guilt Paul is ashamed because he failed his test.
242 astonish v. to cause a feeling of great wonder or surprise The result of the contest astonished them.
243 careless adj. not paying enough attention I was careless and spilled my drink on the floor.
244 clever adj. intelligent and able to learn things quickly. The clever child likes to spend time in the library.
245 congratulations n. a message meaning you are happy for someone We said congratulations to each other as we hugged.
246 creative adj. making new things or thinking of new ideas The creative group of people is designing a new product.
247 emotional adj. easily upset or excited The sad movie is making them very emotional.
248 fool n. a stupid or silly person Fred felt like a fool because he couldn't get up.
249 happiness n. the state of being happy The couple found happiness together.
250 helpful adj. willing to help or are useful A helpful man at the tourist office gave me some tips on places to visit.
251 lazy adj. not working heard or being inactive Peter likes to be lazy on the weekends.
252 lovely adj. pleasant, enjoyable, or beautiful The children are having a lovely time with their grandmother.
253 pleased adj. happy or satisfied The student is very pleased with his grades.
254 powerful adj. able to control and influence people The mayor of our city is a powerful man.
255 scary adj. causing fear They are reading scary stories in the dark.
256 serious adj. not joking or intending to be funny My parents are having a serious conversation.
257 silly adj. not being logical or showing thought My brother made a silly mistake and left his keys in the car.
258 stupid adj. not intelligent Ken is known to do stupid things sometimes.
259 surprised adj. feeling or showing surprise Their boss was surprised by the good news.
260 talent n. a special ability that allows someone to do something well. Jenny's talent surprised her mother.
261 attitude n. the way you think and feel about someone or something The teacher is unhappy with Stacey's bad attitude.
262 attract v. to cause someone to like or be interested in something Tourist are attracted by the country's beautiful beaches.
263 background n. their education, family, and experiences The student come from different cultural backgrounds.
264 boring adj. dull and uninteresting The movie is very boring.
265 bother v. to cause someone to feel troubled, worried, or concerned Please don't bother me with your questions.
266 calm adj. not angry, upset, or excited The woman feels calm on top of the mountain.
267 careful adj. paying attention to what they are doing It is important to be careful while you drive.
268 cheerful adj. feeling or showing happiness Curtis' grandfather is always cheerful.
269 enjoyable adj. making you feel happy Family dinners are an enjoyable time.
270 excitement n. feeling of eagerness, enthusiasm, and interest. There is a lot of excitement at the game.
271 feeling n. an emotional state or reaction The feeling of sadness is too much for Andy.
272 gentle adj. kind and careful not to upset or hurt anyone She is being gentle with the dog.
273 happily adv. done in a happy way The woman is happily baking in the kitchen.
274 interested adj. giving a lot of attention to something They are interested in learning yoga.
275 lucky adj. having good things happen to you by chance The lucky winner received a cash prize.
276 noisy adj. making a lot of noise I can't hear you because it is too noisy.
277 peaceful adj. quiet and calm I go to a peaceful park when I feel nervous.
278 realize v. to understand or become aware of something Sally only realize her mistake the next day.
279 scared adj. afraid, nervous, or frightened Lawrence is scared of the dark.
280 wish v. to want something to be true or to happen I wish that I could go on a trip.
281 average adj. usual or typical The average age to get married in North America is 30.
282 beautiful adj. very attractive or pleasant Teresa is trying on a beautiful red dress.
283 bride n. a woman who is getting married The bride is getting ready for her big day.
284 brother n. a boy or man who has the same parents as you The brothers enjoy playing with each other.
285 clap v. to hit your hands together several times They clapped after the wedding ceremony.
286 couple n. two people who are in a marriage or romantic relationship The couple is fighting about not spending enough time together.
287 cousin n. a child of your aunt or uncle My cousins and I are very close.
288 elegant adj. stylish and attractive My aunt is a very elegant woman.
289 engagement n. an agreement to be married Jeremy is surprising her with an engagement ring.
290 forever adv. it will continue for an endless amount of time Some people want to live forever but it is impossible to do.
291 girlfriend n. a woman with whom someone is in a romantic relationship He is asking his girlfriend to be his wife.
292 gown n. a long, formal dress that a woman wears for a special event Nancy designs wedding gowns.
293 kiss v to touch the lips or face of another person with your lips She is kissing her son good night.
294 marry v. to legally become a husband or wife of someone Pam married her best friend.
295 merry adj. cheerful and lively I heard their merry laughter.
296 nephew n. the son of your brother or sister The woman is taking her nephews on a trip.
297 party n. a social event where people enjoy themselves I want to have a party outside for my wedding.
298 sister n. a girl or woman who has the same parents as you Luke loves his little sister.
299 stepbrother n. the son of your stepmother or stepfather Annie is teaching her stepbrother how to use a smartphone.
300 white adj. having the color of fresh snow or milk Nick is wearing a clean, white shirt.
301 aged adj. very old The aged man is using a cane to walk.
302 anniversary n. a day on which an important event happened in a previous year They are celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary.
303 annual adj. happening once a year The international company has an annual meeting every February.
304 companion n. someone with whom you spend a lot of time or go somewhere The women have been close companions since childhood.
305 divorce n. the ending of a marriage by a legal process The child is sad because his parents are getting a divorce.
306 extraordinary adj. very special, unusual, or strange Jill is telling us about her extraordinary trip.
307 father-in-law n. the father of your husband or wife Glen is sharing some good news with his father-in-law.
308 gender n. the state of being male or female They are finding out the gender of their baby.
309 grandparent n. parent of your mother or father Lily is spending time with her grandparents.
310 hug v. to put your arms around someone The friend are hugging each other warmly.
311 marriage n. a relationship between a husband and a wife They have a happy marriage.
312 newborn adj. recently born The father is holding his newborn son.
313 niece n. the daughter of your brother or sister My niece and I are laughing together.
314 pure adj. not mixed with anything else My husband gave me a pure gold ring.
315 refuse v. to say that you will not accept something My daughter refuses to eat any vegetables during family dinner.
316 reveal v. to make something known The woman is revealing a secret to her friend.
317 seek v. to search or try to find something Justin is seeking a new job.
318 spouse n. a husband or a wife I went on a trip with my friends and their spouses.
twin n. one of two babies that are born at the same time to the same mother
319 Erica and Kate are twin sisters.
widow n. one of two babies that are born at the same time to the same mother.
320 Leah lost her husband and is now a widow.
NO. Word PoS. Definition
1 battery n. an object that provides a supply of electricity for something
2 cellphone n. a telephone that people can carry and use outside
3 click v. to press a button on a mouse or other device
4 computer n. an electonic machine that is used to store and sort information
5 current adj. happening or existing now
6 development n. the gradual growth of something so that it becomes more advanced
7 file n. a collection of computer data that forms a single unit
8 improve v. to make something better
9 keyboard n. the set of keys for operating a computer or typewriter
10 laptop n. a portable computer that can work with a battery
11 machine n. a piece of equipment that uses power to do work
12 online adj. connected to a computer, a computer network, or the internet
13 plug n. an object used for connecting a piece of equipment to an electricity supply
14 printer n. a machine that is used for printing documents
15 speaker n. an electronic machine that produces sound
16 switch n. a device that you press to turn something on and off
17 technique n. a way of doing something by using special knowledge or skills
the electrical system of communication that you use to talk to someone else in a different
18 telephone n.
19 update v. to change something by including the most recent information
a collection of computer documents connected to the internet where a company or a person
website n.
20 puts information
21 access n. a way of being able to use or get something
22 chat v. to talk to someone in a casual way
23 device n. a piece of equipment that has been made to do a particular job
24 digital adj. using or characterized by computer technology
25 display v. to put it where people can see it
26 dot n. a small round mark
27 electric adj. relating to electricity
28 electricity n. a form of power that is used to operate machines
29 energy n. the power that is used to operate machines and provide light
30 information n. facts or details about someone or something
31 innovation n. a new idea, device, or way of doing something
32 link v. to join or connect two or more things together
33 load v. to cause a program or file to become available
34 memory n. the part of a computer that stores information
35 off adv. not to be switched on or connected
36 screen n. a flat surface on which you see images
37 search v. to look carefully for someone or something
38 software n. a program that runs on a computer and performs certain functions
39 technology n. the use of science to invent useful things
40 user n. a person that uses or operates something
41 automatic adj. working or operating by itself
42 code n. a set of instructions that tell a computer what to do
43 connection n. something that allows you to become connected
44 data n. information that is produced or stored by a computer
45 disk n. a flat, thin, round object that is used to store information
46 equipment n. supplies or tools needed for a special purpose
47 error n. a mistake, especially one which causes problems
48 function n. a special purpose or duty

gear n. a machinery in a vehicle that turns engine power into movement forwards or backwards
50 generate v. to produce or create something
51 hardware n. the electronic parts of a computer system
52 network n. a system of computers that are connected to one or more other computers
53 nuclear adj. relating to energy produced by changing the structure of the central part of an atom
54 procedure n. a series of steps for doing something
55 pump n. a device that forces liquid, air, or gas into or out of something
56 storage n. space for keeping information on a computer
57 technical adj. having to do with science or industrial work
58 unit n. a part of a machine or system that has a particular use
59 virtual adj. occurring on computers or on the internet
60 volume n. the amount of sound that is produced by electronic devices
61 biography n. the written story of a person’s life
62 celebrity n. someone who is famous
63 comedy n. a play, movie, story, or television show that is funny
64 download v. to copy a file or program from one computer system to another
65 episode n. a television or radio show that is one part of a series.
66 item n. an individual thing
67 orchestra n. a group of musicians who play instruments and perform together
69 passage n. a section of a book, poem, or speech
70 performance n. an activity that a person or group does to entertain an audience
71 performer n. a person who acts, sings, or dances for an audience
72 poem n. a piece of writing, often with each line ending in rhyme
73 poetry n. poems as a form of writing
74 publish v. to prepare and produce written works for sale
75 release v. to allow it to be shown, sold, or published
76 rhythm n. a regular, repeated pattern of sounds or movements
77 scene n. a part of an act in a movie or play
78 series n. a set of books, articles, or stories
79 shot n. a part of a movie that is filmed by one camera without stopping
80 statue n. an object that is made from stone or metal
81 whistle v. to make a high sound by blowing air through your lips or teeth
82 amuse v. to entertain in a pleasant way
83 audience n. a group of people who gather together to watch or listen to something
84 author n. the writer of a book, play, story, or other written work
85 ballet n. a form of dance that uses exact, graceful movements
86 broadcast v. to send out programs over radio or television
87 capture v. to get and hold someone’s attention or interest
88 commercial n. an advertisement on radio or television
89 conduct v. to direct the performance of musicians or singers
90 craft n. an activity making things that requires skill
91 dramatic adj. exciting and impressive
92 edition n. a particular version of a book, magazine, or newspaper
93 expression n. the act of showing your thoughts or feelings
94 fame n. the condition of being known or recognized by many people
95 horror n. a genre of movie, book, etc. that is designed to scare people
96 humor n. a funny or amusing quality
97 media n. the main way that large numbers of people receive information and entertainment
98 plot n. a series of events that form the story in a novel or movie
99 publication n. the act of printing a book or magazine

publicity n. attention that is given to someone or something by newspapers, magazines, or television

101 tone n. the mood that an author expresses in a piece of writing
102 bill n. a request for payment of money owed
103 borrow v. to take something with the promise to return or replace it
104 budget n. the amount of money that you have available to spend
105 buy v. to get something by paying money for it
106 cash n. money in the form of coins or bills
107 cent n. a unit of money that is equal to one percent of a dollar
108 currency n. the money that a country uses
109 debt n. an amount of money that you owe to a person or bank
110 dollar n. a basic unit of money that is equal to 100 cents
111 earn v. to get money for work you have done
concerned with the organization of the money, industry, and trade of a country, region, or
economic adj.
112 society
113 exchange v. to give something and receive something in return
114 income n. money someone gets for work or from a business
115 insurance n. protection against certain accidents that is provided by a company in return for a fee
116 loss n. a situation in which more money is spent than earned
117 pay v. to give money in order to buy something
118 pound n. a basic unit of money in the UK and some other countries
119 save v. to keep money instead of spending it
120 spend v. to use money to pay for something
121 wallet n. a small folding case that holds money
122 account n. an arrangement in which a bank looks after your money
123 award v. to give a reward or prize to someone
124 balance n. the amount of money in a bank account
125 charge v. to ask for money in return for a service or activity
126 cost n. the price of something
127 deposit v. to put money in a bank account
128 economy n. the system by which a country’s trade, industry, and money are organized
129 fare n. the money paid to travel on public transportation
130 fee n. an amount of money that you pay to do something
131 financial adj. relating to money
132 loan n. an amount of money that a person or business borrows, especially from a bank
133 owe v. to need to give someone back money that they have lent you
134 rate n. an amount of money that is paid or charged
135 sum n. an amount of money
136 tax n. an amount of money that you have to pay to the government
137 valuable adj. having worth or merit
138 value n. the amount of money that something is worth
139 wage n. the amount of money you earn for working
140 wealth n. a large amount of money and possessions
141 worth adj. used to indicate the value of something
142 cabin n. a small simple house made of wood in a remote area
143 cottage n. a small house, especially one in the country
144 dust n. very small pieces of dirt that cover surfaces inside buildings
145 facility n. a building made or used for a particular activity
146 faucet n. a device that is used to control the flow of water from a pipe
147 fountain n. a device that sends a stream of water into the air
148 frame n. the part that supports and forms the basic shape of something
149 heat n. the system that is used to provide warmth to a room
150 heater n. a machine for making air or water hotter
151 hut n. a small and simple house or shelter
152 lab n. a special room or building where scientists do tests
153 ladder n. a piece of equipment that is used for climbing to reach high places
154 palace n. the official home of a king, queen, or president
155 property n. something that is owned by a person or business
156 rug n. a piece of thick material used to cover part of a floor
157 ruin v. to destroy something completely
158 shelter n. a structure that covers or protects people or things
159 string n. a long thin piece of twisted thread
160 structure n. a thing made up of a number of parts joined together in a certain way
161 yard n. an open area next to a house or other building
162 altogether adv. completely or in every way
163 brick n. a hard block of baked clay used as a building material
164 candle n. a stick of wax with a string that you burn to give light
165 closet n. a cabinet in a room that holds clothes or other things
166 column n. a long post made of steel or stone that is used as a support in a building
167 concrete n. a hard building material made by cement
168 condo n. an apartment building in which each apartment is owned by the person living in it
169 construction n. the act or process of building something
170 counter n. a long flat table where customers are served
171 decoration n. something used to make an object or place more attractive
172 feature n. a part of something that you notice because it seems important, interesting, or typical
173 fence n. a structure like a wall built outdoors, usually of wood or metal
174 hammer n. a tool with a heavy metal part on a long handle
175 household n. a home and the people who live in it
176 interior n. the inner part or inside of something
177 lamp n. a device that produces light
178 locate v. to put or build something in a particular place
179 monument n. a building or statue that honors a person or event
180 resident n. someone who lives in a particular place
181 studio n. a small apartment that has a main room, a small kitchen, and a bathroom
182 ankle n. the joint between your foot and your leg
183 breathe v. to move air into and out of your lungs
184 cancer n. a serious disease caused by cells that are not normal
185 cell n. a very small living thing that makes up every part of your body
186 chest n. the front part of your body between your neck and your stomach
187 flu n. a common illness that makes you feel tired and weak
188 funeral n. a ceremony held for a dead person
189 gene n. a part of a cell that influences the appearance of a living thing
190 heel n. the curved back part of your foot
191 lung n. one of the two organs in your body that you breathe with
192 obesity n. a condition in which someone is too fat in an unhealthy way
193 pregnant adj. having one or more babies growing within a mother’s body
194 skull n. the framework of bones forming the head
195 surgery n. medical treatment in which a doctor cuts open someone’s body
196 tension n. a feeling of anxiety and stress that makes it impossible to relax
197 thigh n. the part of your leg above the knee
198 throat n. at the back of your mouth inside your neck
199 waist n. the area of the body just above the belly button
200 wound n. an injury in which your skin or flesh is damaged
201 wrist n. the part of your body where your hand joins your arm
202 badly adv. not well; in a bad way
203 buttock n. the part of your body that you sit on
204 carsick adj. feeling sick because you are traveling in a car
205 depression n. a mood of unhappiness that can last a long time
206 disorder n. a physical or mental condition that is not normal or healthy
207 entire adj. including everything, everyone, or every part
208 faint v. to become unconscious for a short time
209 grave n. a place in the ground where a dead body is buried
210 growth n. the process of growing physically
211 infection n. a disease caused by germs that enter the body
212 injury n. physical damage done to a part of a person’s body
213 internal adj. located on the inside of your body
214 joint n. a point where two bones meet in the body
215 medical adj. relating to medicine and the treatment of disease
216 naked adj. not wearing any clothes
217 physician n. a doctor, especially one who practices general medicine
218 sneeze v. to suddenly force air out through your nose and mouth
219 starve v. to suffer or die from lack of food
220 survive v. to continue to live or exist
221 sweat v. to produce a clear liquid from your skin when you are hot
222 confuse v. to cause somebody to be unable to think clearly something
223 content adj. pleased and satisfied
224 delight n. a strong feeling of happiness
225 eager adj. very excited and interested about something
226 generous adj. willing to give or share
227 grateful adj. feeling or showing thanks
228 hero n. a person who is brave and often looked up to by others
229 imagination n. the ability to form pictures or ideas in your mind
230 judge v. to form an opinion about something or someone
231 mood n. the way you feel at a particular time
232 patient adj. able to remain calm and not become easily annoyed
233 pleasure n. a feeling of happiness, delight, or joy
234 proud adj. pleased and satisfied about someone or something that you own or have done
235 regret v. to feel sad or sorry about something that you did or did not do
236 reliable adj. able to be trusted to do or provide what is needed
237 selfish adj. caring only about yourself and not about other people
238 shocking adj. very surprising, upsetting, and difficult to believe
239 steady adj. not nervous or excited
240 suffer v. to experience physical or mental pain
241 violent adj. very forceful or intense
242 caring adj. thinking about what other people need or want and trying to help them
243 courage n. the ability to do something that you know is difficult or dangerous
244 desire n. a strong hope or wish
245 doubt n. a feeling of being uncertain or unsure about something
246 emotion n. a strong feeling such as joy, hatred, or fear
247 envy n. the feeling of wanting to have what someone else has
248 faith n. a strong belief or trust in someone or something
249 force v. to make someone do something
250 frank adj. honest and truthful
251 freedom n. the right to do or say what you want
252 honor n. a type of respect or promise
253 mental adj. connected with or happening in the mind
254 misery n. extreme suffering or unhappiness
255 offense n. something that causes a person to be hurt, angry, or upset
256 reputation n. the common opinion that people have about someone or something
257 shocked adj. feeling surprised and upset by something
258 stress n. pressure or worry caused by the problems in somebody’s life
259 stressful adj. causing worry or anxiety
260 strict adj. demanding that people follow rules or behave in a certain way
261 truly adv. in an honest manner
262 coffin n. a long box in which a person who has died is buried
263 costume n. clothing worn by someone to make them look like something else
264 creed n. a set of beliefs held by a person or group
265 creepy adj. causing people to feel nervous and afraid
266 dead adj. no longer alive
267 gloomy adj. causing a sad or dreary feeling
268 graveyard n. an area of ground where people are buried
269 haunted adj. lived in or visited by ghosts
270 myth n. a story that many people believe, but which is not true
271 pray v. to speak to a god in order to ask for help or to give thanks
272 religion n. the belief in a god or a group of gods
273 ritual n. a series of actions that are always performed in the same way
274 sorrow n. a feeling of great sadness
275 spooky adj. strange and frightening
276 tomb n. a structure above or below the ground where a dead person is buried
277 voodoo n. magical beliefs and practices that are a form of religion
278 unlucky adj. causing bad luck
279 werewolf n. a person who changes into a wolf every month when there’s a full moon
280 witch n. a woman who is thought to have magic powers
281 worship v. to show love and respect for a god
282 angel n. a spiritual creature who is God’s servant in heaven
283 appearance n. the way someone or something looks
284 beast n. a wild animal that is large, dangerous, or unusual
285 crawl v. to move along with one’s body close to the ground
286 crescent n. curved shape that is wider in the middle and pointed at each end
287 elf n. an imaginary creature that has pointed ears and magical powers
288 evil adj. enjoying harming others
289 fairy n. an imaginary creature that looks like a small person with wings
290 0 adj. completely untrue
291 ghost n. a spirit of a person who has died
292 horn n. the hard, pointed thing on the head of some animals
293 hunt v. to chase animals in order to catch or kill them
294 image n. a picture of a person or an idea of how something is
295 invisible adj. cannot be seen
296 legend n. an old story about people and events that may not be true
297 luck n. a thing that happens to a person because of chance
298 mermaid n. a mythical sea creature that has a woman’s head and body, and a fish’s tail
299 mysterious adj. strange, unknown, or difficult to understand
300 mythical adj. from a story that most people think is not true
301 unicorn n. an animal looks like a white horse with a long straight horn on its head
302 beak n. the hard, pointed mouth of a bird
303 breed v. to mate in order to have babies
304 cattle n. large mammals raised on farms for their milk or meat
305 claw n. a sharp, curved part on the toe of an animal or bird
306 crab n. a sea animal that has a hard shell, eight legs, and two large claws
307 creature n. anything that is living, such as an animal, fish, or insect
308 extinct adj. a type of animal or plant does not exist anymore
309 feather n. one of the light, soft parts that cover a bird’s body
310 hatch v. to be born by coming out of an egg
311 jellyfish n. a sea animal that has a round, transparent body and can sting you
312 leopard n. a large animal with yellow fur and black spots
313 paw n. an animal’s foot that has nails or claws
314 reindeer n. a large deer with long, wide antlers
315 roar v. to make a deep, very loud noise
316 tail n. a part at the back of an animal’s body that can move
317 turtle n. a reptile with a soft body covered by a hard shell
318 wildlife n. animals and insects that live in a natural environment
319 wolf n. a wild animal that is similar to a dog
320 worm n. a long thin creature with no bones and no legs
321 zookeeper n. a person who takes care of the animals in a zoo
Word PoS. Definition
NO. Example
1 bay n. a large area of water that is part of an ocean or lake We went swimming in the bay.
2 bloom v. to produce flowers on a tree or plant The flower seemed to bloom overnight.
3 cliff n. a high area of rock with a very steep side I can see for miles when I stand on the cliff.
4 climate n. the weather conditions and patterns in a region The climate was too cold for me to live in.
5 coast n. the land along the sea or ocean The coast is lined with soft white sand.
6 coral n. the hard red, white, or pink substance We dove down in the water to look at the pretty coral.
7 district n. a particular section of a city, town, or country The suburban district has the best scenery in the city.
8 fossil n. the remains of an ancient plant or animal My brother found a small disnosaur fossil.
9 galaxy n. a single, large group of stars that is part of the universe I sometimes wonder if there is life in another galaxy.
pollution n. anything that makes the air or water dirty There was so much pollution from the factory that it was difficult to
10 breathe.
pond n. a body of water that is smaller than a lake and surrounded by land
11 The pond is in the park.
12 recycle v. to use something old to make something new Our family recycles plastic, glass, and newspapers.
13 region n. a large or particular area of a country or of the world The southern region of the country is very beautiful.
scenery n. the view of natural features such as mountains, forests, and valleys
14 I like to drive into the mountains to enjoy the scenery.
15 shore n. where the sea or ocean meets the land You can find many seashells when walking on the shore.
16 soil n. the top layer of earth in which plants grow The soil in our garden was very sandy.
17 stream n. a body of water that flows and is smaller than a river The stream is full of fish.
18 trash n. something you throw away The trash in the street was dirty and unhealthy.
19 universe n. everything that exists in space There are billions of stars in the universe.
20 wave n. a long area of water that rises and moves toward the shore The giant wave knocked me down and under the water.
21 adapt v. to change something to make it easier to live in a certain place This animal found a way to adapt to its surroundings.
22 continent n. one of the major divisions of land on Earth There are seven continents in the world.
disaster n. a sudden event that happens, such as a flood or tornado, and causes
23 much destruction The tornado was the worst disaster to ever hit the city.
24 environment n. the natural world in which people, animals, and plants live A rainforest needs a moist enviroment in order to thrive.
25 flame n. a burning gas you can see when there is a fire The flames burned hot in the fireplace.
26 flood n. when a large amount of water from a storm covers an area The water from the flood reached the top of our front door.
27 flow v. to move in a steady, continuous stream We watched the water flow over the rocks.
28 forecast n. the weather that you think might happen in the future The forecast calls for rain on Wednesday.
29 freeze v. to bring it’s temperature to or below 0°C Water will freeze at 0 degree Celsius.
30 frozen adj. turned into ice The frozen lake shimmered like diamond.
31 global adj. involving the whole world Pollution and air quality is a glonal problem.
32 humid adj. having a lot of moisture in the air It was so humid outside that water dripped down the window.
33 impact n. a powerful force, effect, or influence The high winds had a terrible impact on the tall trees.
landscape n. distinct quality or appearance of a place The landscape we saw on our trip through England was incredibly
34 beautiful
oxygen n. a chemical in the air that is necessary for breathing The woman put on an oxygen mask because it was hard for her to
35 breathe.
36 peak n. the pointed top of a mountain I could see the mountain peak above the clouds.
polar adj. relating to the North or South Pole
37 This bear gets its name because it lives in a polar region of the world.
38 rise v. to move upward We watched the water rise an inch an hour.
39 root n. the part of a plant that usually grows under the ground The giant root of the tree began growing above ground.
40 underwater adj. something is locaed or takes place under the surface of the water My dog decided to take a swim underwater.
border n. aanother
line that separates one country, city, town, or neighborhood from
41 We had to cross the border to get back home.
42 brake n. the part of a vehicle that makes it stop I had to adjust the front brake on my bike.
43 convenient adj. something is easy, useful, or suitable for a particular purpose It was more convenient for us to fly than to drive.
44 crash n. an accident between vehicles that causes damage or injury No on seemed to be hurt in the crash.
45 crew n. the people who work on a ship, plane, or train This crew is walking through the airport to get to their plane.
46 cycle v. to ride a bicycle My sister does not drive, so she cycles to work every day.
47 eastern adj. in or from the east of a region, state, or country Somalia is at the very eastern part of Africa.
48 entry n. a door, gate, etc. by which you enter a place The security entry at the airport was easy to get through.
49 expedition n. a journey taken by people for a specific purpose We had to cross some rough land on our expedition.
50 movement n. an act of moving the location or position of something The movement of the bus made me very sleepy.
51 rail n. the system of transportation that uses trains I traveled by rail to get to the stadium.
reserve v. to make prior arrangements to use something
52 We needed to reserve our tickets before we could get on the train.
53 resort n. a place that offers a lot to do when you go on vacation I relaxed by the pool at the resort we stayed at on our trip.
54 route n. a way to get from one place to another The route to get to my aunt's house had a lot of turns.
55 sailor n. a person who works as part of a crew on a boat or ship My uncle is a sailor on his friend's sailboat.
56 souvenir n. a thing you buy or keep to help you remember a holiday I bought a souvenir to bring to my parents.
57 tourism n. the act of visiting a place for fun or in order to see the sights Tourism is the most popular reason people visit Spain.
58 transportation n. a system used to move people from one place to another I can take public transportation to get to work.
tropical adj. very hot, humid, and often near a beach
59 I put this tropical scene on my phone to remind me of our vacation.
60 wander v. to walk someplace with no particular destination My mother wanted to wander through the town.
abroad adv. to go to a foreign country
61 Cassie traveled abroad to learn about new culture.
ahead adv. to be in front of or closer to the front
62 There were lots of people ahead of me in the security line.
63 aircraft n. a machine such as a plane or helicopter This aircraft needs servicing before it can fly again.
64 baggage n. all the personal items that you take on a trip We had to wait for our baggage before we could go home.
65 campsite n. a place where you put up your tent Our campsite was very simple and very peaceful.
66 cruise v. to travel on a big ship, usually for a vacation I would like to cruise across the ocean and just relax.
67 destination n. the place someone or something is going This was the only bus I could take to get to my destination.
68 fuel n. a material that can be burned for energy I had to put fuel in the car before we could continue our trip.
69 jet n. a fast airplane with one or two engines My CEO flew us to Tokyo on his private jet.
70 lane n. a part of a road that is separated by painted lines This highway has three lanes going each way.
71 launch v. to shoot something into the air or into space The rocket was launch into the sky.
motor n. a machine that makes power or motion
72 The mechanic had to fix the motor because my car wouldn't start.
73 rush v. to do something in a hurry We had to rush to the gate so we wouldn't miss our flight.
74 signal n. an act that gives information The man gave the pilot a signal as she approached the gate.
75 southern adj. in or from the south of a region, state, or country South Africa is at the southern end of the continent.
76 steer v. to control the direction it goes in The car was hard to steer in the high winds.
tunnel n. an underground passage through which cars, trains, and people can pass
77 The longest tunnel in the world is under the Swiss Alps.
78 vehicle n. a machine that carries people or cargo from one place to another A car is only one kind of vehiche on the road.
via prep traveling through a place on the way to a destination
79 . We could only get to New Zealand via Australia.
80 western adj. in or from the west of a region, state, or country The western part of Africa is shown in blue on this map.
81 agent n. a person who works on behalf of someone else The real estate agent led the family into the empty house.
82 apply v. to ask for something formally I went online to apply for the job opening.
83 assistant n. a person who helps someone else My sister works as a nursing assistant at a home for the elderly.
84 chief n. the person who is in charge of a group or company The police chief spoke to the crowd after the tragedy.
85 client n. a person who pays for a service done by a professional Sarah shook hands with the new client she signed up.
86 committee n. a group of people who get together to make decisions The committee listened as Marianne gave her report.
a person who makes changes or corrects mistakes in a printed, online, or
editor n. video production
87 The video editor worked with the footage to get it just right.
full-time adj. do something for the same number of hours that are considered
88 standard or normal for a job Brian stays home with his son full-time while his wife works.
89 hire v. to give someone a particular job I need hire another salesperson at my job.
90 import v. to bring a product into a country to be sold The company has to import the needed parts from China.
issue n. an important topic that people are concerned about
91 They met to discuss the issue of working conditions at the factory.
92 manufacture v. to use machines to make large amounts of something There are many countries that manufacture cars.
93 minister n. a person who leads a church and performs services The minster at our wedding listened while we said our vows.
officer n. a person who holds a position of authority in a company or organization
94 The police officer gave me a warning to slow down.
95 priest n. a person who has been trained to perform religious duties The priest said a long and meaningful prayer.
96 producer n. a person who is in charge of making a movie, play, or record She is a very competent producer.
97 production n. the process of making something that will be sold I work on an automobile production line.
promotion n. a move up to a better position in a company Mary was thrilled about getting the promotion she'd worked so hard
98 for.
retire v. to stop working after a long time When I'm old enough to retire, I want to relax instead of rushing off to
99 work.
100 specialist n. a person who has great skill in a particular area of study My brother is a security specialist at a large company.
101 barber n. a person who cuts men’s hair and beards The barber trimmed my beard very carefully.
102 boss n. a person in charge who tells employees what to do We listened as our boss outlined his new plan of operation.
103 capable adj. have the ability to do something successfully She is a hard worker and very capable in her job.
chart n. information presented in a form such as a table or diagram Ben's chart clearly showed how the sale of the stocks increased and
104 decreased.
105 contract n. a legal agreement between two people or companies Once we signed the contract, the business was ours.
106 debate n. a discussion between people who have different views The debate focused on who should pay for the changes.
employ v. to give someone a job
107 Mr. Monroe decided to employ me as company's tech specialist.
expert n. a person who knows a lot about a subject or topic We listened as the expert gave his opinion about how to increase our
108 business.
109 guide n. a person who shows visitors interesting places I'm very happy with my job as a tour guide.
110 profession n. a job that requires special training or skills I'd like to decide on a preofession before I take more classes.
111 profit n. the money a business makes after all expenses have been paid I'm going to spend the profit I made when I sold my business.
112 promote v. to make people more aware of its existence The company sent out an ad to promote its new discounts.
113 report n. a spoken or written description of an event or situation All of the information I gathered went into my report.
responsibility n. a task, job, or duty that you are required to do
114 It was our group's responsibility to clean up the company grounds.
115 schedule n. a plan of how and when things will be done I added one more task to my very busy schedule.
116 servant n. someone whose job is to cook or clean in someone else’s home She has servants who do all of her household chores for her.
117 signature n. a person’s name written by that same person I put my signature at the end of the document.
118 spare adj. something that is extra and not currently used I don't have any spare time because of work.
119 strike v. to stop work in order to get your demands met The workers decided to strike in order to get better pay.
survey n. a questionnaire in which many people are asked about their opinions
120 They collected the survey data and then began to analyze it.
121 ally n. a country that helps another country in a time of war Great Britain was an ally of France in World War II.
argue v. to disagree about something There are some people who argue that fighting is not the way to
122 change things.
123 armor n. special clothing that soldiers wear to protect their bodies Knights wore heavy metal armor when they fought in battles.
124 arrow n. a type of weapon with a pointy end The arrow hit the target right in its center.
125 attack v. to try to hurt or destroy something in a violent way The men were ready to attack the hiding terrorists.
attention n. to stand with your body stiff and straight The soldiers stood at attention before they were given the signal to
126 march.
127 captain n. an officer of high rank in an army Our old captain joined us at the war remembrance.
128 defeat v. to win in a game or war The soldiers were excited to defeat their enemy.
129 guard n. a person who protects something or someone The guard stands outside the building.
130 gun n. a weapon that shoots bullets The soldier has to carry a gun to protect herself.
131 helmet n. a kind of hat you wear to protect your head The helmet made his head sweat in the hot sun.
132 jeep n. a small truck that can go over rough surfaces and roads The allies drove a jeep to the peace talks.
133 military adj. related to the armed services of a country Both of this boy's parents are wearing military uniforms.
134 navy n. the branch of the military that uses ships, submarines, and planes My brother is in the navy and works on this aircraft carrier.
peace n. no war or fighting
135 As soon as peace was declared, the soldiers were able to go home.
radar n. a detection system that sends out signals and receives their echoes
136 The radar equipment on the ship could easily locate incoming aircraft.
137 soldier n. a person who is a member of the military This soldier is happy to serve his country.
138 submarine n. a ship that moves under the water The submarine stayed underwater for a week.
139 tank n. a military vehicle that is covered with armor A tank can easily move over almost any kind of surface.
weapon n. anything that can be used in fighting, such as a gun, a sword, or a knife
140 A long time ago, soldiers used these cannons as weapons.
agreement n. a situation in which people have the same opinions
141 The soldiers came to an agreement about how to handle the situation.
142 army n. a large group of soldiers who fight on the ground These soldiers are members of the South Korean army.
aviation n. the practice or business of flying airplanes or helicopters My brother joined the Air Force because he loves anything to do with
143 aviation.
144 battle n. a military fight between groups of soldiers As the tanks approached the battle, they fired their weapons.
capital n. the city where a country or region has its government
145 The tanks rolled down the streets in a parade through the capital.
charity n. an organization that helps people Everyone brought something they no longer wanted and donated it to
146 charity.
147 crisis n. a situation that needs immediate attention The military was called in when the crisis escalated.
148 gain v. to get something you value or want The protesters wanted to gain equal rights for everyone.
149 government n. the group of people who make decisions for a state or a country The government controls who can enter the country.
independent adj. not controlled by others These Panamanians are celebrating the day they became independent
150 from Spain.
leader n. someone who guides or leads other people
151 The leader of New Zealand responded immediately to the crisis.
152 marine n. a soldier who serves both on shipboard and on land This marine has to carry a tremendous amount of gear.
153 nation n. a large area of land that is led by its own government These soldiers belong to the nation of Canada.
154 national adj. relating to a whole country or nation Veterans Day is a national holiday in the USA.
official adj. being approved by the authorities
155 This official postage stamp shows soldier from the old Spanish army.
156 president n. the elected head of some governments George Washington was the first president of the US.
public adj. affecting all the people in a community The country's leader made a public announcement about the budget
157 for defense.
158 revolution n. an attempt to end the rule of a government in power The town had to be rebuilt after the end of the revolution.
social adj. relating to society
159 When people are social, they enjoy doing activities with other people.
160 society n. a group of people who live together in organized communities People in the military are respected by our society.
161 authority n. the power to make decisions, direct or control someone In a courtroom, the judge has authority over everyone else.
blame v. to
say or think that someone or something is responsible for something The mayor wants to blame the city council for making a mess of the
162 local election.
163 candidate n. a person who is trying to get elected to an office The candidate shook hands with all of his supporters.
164 citizen n. a person who legally belongs to a country My Aunt Essie is a proud citizen of Australia.
council n. a group of people who are chosen to make rules, laws, or decisions
165 Each member of the council had an equal vote.
democracy n. a form of government in which the people vote for their officials
166 Elections are the most important way for people to practice democracy.
deny v. to say it is not true The man tried to deny that he had anything to do with leaking the
167 information.
domestic adj. something is found within the home country
168 The candidate claimed that he will strengthen their domestic market.
169 election n. a vote to choose someone to serve as a public official I voted in our local election to choose the new mayor.
170 federal adj. something that has to do with the central government This building is where frderal laws are proposed and voted on.
171 govern v. to lead and make decisions that affect a group People are happy to govern themselves.
172 influence n. the power to change something The speaker had an influence on the audience's ideas.
173 massive adj. something is large in size, amount, or degree There was a massive number of people at the protest.
174 parliament n. a group of people who make the laws in governments It was the first meeting of the parliament in the new year.
175 policy n. an accepted set of ideas or rules The new policy affected all of the staff.
176 politician n. someone who is active in government and is an elected official Each politician spoke about how they would change the law.
177 politics n. the activities involved with the government My sister decided to enter politics and run for office.
178 regulation n. an official law or rule I looked for a regulation about how the council makes rules.
179 republic n. a country run by elected officials India is the largest republic in the world.
180 royal adj. related to a king or queen Only a member of the royal family can wear this crown.
clue n. an object or piece of information that helps to solve problems
181 The police thought the footprints on the floor might have been a clue.
182 crime n. an act that breaks rules or laws The robber committed a terrible crime.
183 criminal n. a person who has committed a crime The criminal was phototgraphed by the police.
184 danger n. something that puts a person at risk Policeman face many dangers at work.
185 death n. what happens when living things reach the end of their lives After death, a body is often covered up with a sheet.
186 evidence n. anything used to prove that something is true They sealed the evidence in a plastic bag.
187 guilty adj. being responsible for a crime The judge said the man was guilty of stealing.
illegal adj. something is against the law and you might be punished for doing it
188 It is illegal to steal someone's phone.
189 jail n. a place where criminals are kept The jail is dark and scary.
190 justice n. the process of making things fair after a crime They felt that justice had been done.
191 law n. a rule which everyone must follow Jane broke the law by driving too fast.
192 legal adj. allowed to do it by law My dad is as lawyer so people always ask for legal advice.
police n. alaws
group of people whose job is to stop others from breaking rules and
193 The police wear uniforms and often carry guns.
194 prison n. a building where criminals are locked away The prison has high walks and bars on the windows.
195 prisoner n. a person who is locked away in a prison or jail The prisoner was locked away for ten years.
196 punish v. to make them suffer in some way To punish the man, the judege made him pay $500.
197 punishment n. the act of punishing someone His punishment for stealing was one year in prison.
198 rule n. a fixed way of behaving that people are told to follow The rule says that people cannot cross this line.
199 thief n. a person who takes things without asking or paying The thief stole a necklace from the shop.
trick n. a lie used to mislead or fool a person
200 The criminal planned to trick the lady into giving hime her money.
201 accuse v. to say that the person did something bad The group accuses Mark of stealing the cake.
202 armed adj. carrying a weapon The robbers are armed with guns.
203 arrest v. to capture them for a crime they might have committed The police arrest a man for the crime.
204 bullet n. a small piece of metal that is fired from a gun The gun was loaded with five bullets.
205 commit v. to do something bad Some people commit crimes using computers.
206 cruel adj. being mean or nasty to others The group of kids were extremely cruel to Lisa.
207 deliberate adj. intended or planned; it is not an accident The police said tht damage to Bob's car was deliberate.
208 fear n. the emotion we feel when we are scared Dan felt a strong sense of fear when he saw the man had a gun.
209 frighten v. to make someone feel scared The messages were starting to frighten Sarah.
210 hold v. to stop someone or something from moving The police hold the woman to stop her from running away.
211 innocent adj. having done nothing wrong Mike says he is completely innocent.
212 penalty n. the punishment you get for a certain crime The penalty for parking in an illegal place is a $200 fine.
potential adj. describes something that could happen Because of heavy snow, the police were worried about a potential
213 accident
214 pretend v. to act like you are something or someone you are not Katy likes to pretend she is a police officer.
215 risk n. the possibility that something dangerous may happen The police were well aware of the risks involved.
216 shock n. a strong emotion people feel when surprised by something bad The car accident caused a terrible shock for the driver.
217 suspect v. to think someone might have done something bad She began to suspect him of lying.
218 suspicion n. the feeling you have when you don’t trust someone or something Her suspicion was that the letter was a trick.
219 trial n. the process that decides whether someone is guilty or innocent At the end of the trial, John was found to be innocent.
witness n. a person who sees a crime take place
220 A witness told the police that the robber was a tall man with black hair.
221 arithmetic n. the part of math that deals with numbers My teacher is good at teaching arithmetic.
222 billion n. a very large number made up of a thousand million The population of the world passed 7.5 billion in 2019.
223 calculate v. to work out the amount or number of something using math Emma is trying to calculate how much money she has.
224 compass n. a tool used in math which allows you to draw a perfect circle The student drew a circle with her compass.
225 divide v. to split it into several smaller parts Sue will divide the pie into eight pieces.
226 division n. the act of dividing numbers The math teacher is trying to explain how division works.
227 dozen n. another way of saying twelve The carton has a dozen eggs in it.
equation n. a statement that the value of two mathematical expressions are equal
228 The man is trying to solve a difficult equation.
229 even adj. one that can be divided into perfectly equal parts Two, four, six, eight, and ten are all even numbers.
230 formula n. a mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols William wrote the formula on the blackboard.
231 fraction n. a part of a whole number or thing One half is an example of a fraction.
232 graph n. a picture that shows us numbers or quantities These graphs tell us everything about the company's sales.
less adv. smaller in size or value than another
233 She has less water than he does.
minus . the part of a sum that tells us to take something away
234 Seven minus one equals six.
multiply v. to increase a number by adding that number to itself a certain number of
235 times If you multiply two by two, you get four.
236 ordinal n. a type of number which tells you where something comes in a list First, sencond, third are all ordinal numbers.
percent adv. a number or value compared to a total value of 100
237 Nuclear power provides 14 percent of the world's energy.
plus . the part of a sum which says a number will be added
238 One plus one equals two.
239 quarter n. one of four equal parts of a whole number or thing Somebody ate one quarter of the burger.
240 subtract v. to take one number away from another If you subtract three from seven, you fave four.
241 certificate n. a piece of paper that proves you can do a certain thing The doctor's wall has many certificates on it.
242 creativity n. the skill which allows people to make or invent things The student's creativity was clear to see in her paintings.
243 degree n. an award given to a student when they finish at university Sara studied for her degree for three years.
244 demand n. to ask strongly for something I demand that you give me back my pencil.
direction n. instructions that tell you what to do or how to do something
245 The teacher gave general directions, so the students were confused.
246 education n. the process by which people learn A child's formal education is very important.
247 elementary adj. describes the first or simplest stage of something A child's education begins in elementary school.
248 examination n. an important test to check what students know She was very worried about the examination.
249 focus v. to think about one thing clearly Nina needs peace and quiet to focus on her project.
250 instruction n. the process of telling people how to do something The teacher's instruction helped Nick build the robot.
251 intelligence n. how clever a person is The young man was well know for his very high intelligence.
252 knowledge n. what a person knows or has learned Her knowledge of history was very impressive.
253 major n. the main subject that a student studies at university My major is computer programming.
254 mark n. the score you get for a piece of work Mike got a great mark on the test he took.
255 master v. to become very good at it Karen is trying to master the piano.
256 mentor n. someone who leads another closely through learning Dr. Jones is Alice's mentor.
257 section n. one part of a larger thing This section of the book is about politics.
258 solve v. to complete or answer it Sarah is very clever and can solve problems quickly.
259 standard n. the level at which you do something She speaks French to a very high standard.
tuition n. money students pay to be taught, especially at a college or university
260 This year, the student' tuition has increased by $1000.
261 academic adj. related to learning Luke is studying in a famous academic building.
262 curriculum n. a set of subjects that will be taught These books are part of the school's curriculum this year.
a certificate that a student receives when they complete a course of
diploma n. study
263 Professor Willis gave him his diploma.
264 draft n. an early version of a piece of writing The professor started to work on the first draft of his new book.
265 educate v. to teach people and improve their knowledge Mr. Smith is trying to educate his class about potitics.
266 educational adj. providing education or relating to education This educational toy teaches children to read and write.
267 fail v. to not succeed at a given task or test John said he knew he was going to fail the examination.
the process of finishing school, college, or university, often involving a
graduation n. ceremony
268 Joe's mom and dad came to his graduation.
269 institution n. a large and important organization This academic institution is 300 years old.
270 lecturer n. a teacher at a college or university Professor Khan is the most popular lecture at the university.
271 literacy n. the ability to read and write The examination tested the children's literacy.
272 midterm n. a test taken halfway through a semester Suzy is studying incredibly hard for the midterm.
273 minor adj. small or less important than other things Studying poetry is only a minor part of Jane's English degree.
274 philosophy n. the study of knowledge, reality, and existence Plato and Socrates are two important figures in philosophy.
progressive adj. new and ahead of others He went to a progressive private school, where the pupils could choose
275 which classes to attend.
276 reference n. a piece of text which mentions another writer, book, or idea In the book, Amy found a reference to Plato.
term n. a word or expression used within a particular subject or area The term used for a first-year student in high school or college is
277 "freshman"
278 tutor n. a teacher who works with small groups or individuals Betty's tutor is helping her understand philosophy.
279 tutorial n. a period of teaching and discussion with a tutor Nick is having a tutorial with Professor Schmidt.
280 union n. a group of people who share a common goal The students' union met to organize a charity event.
281 annoy v. to make them slightly angry The website was starting to annoy her.
282 belief n. the feeling that something is true or real Jane has a strong belief in God.
283 belong v. to be a part of something The boys belong to a soccer team.
284 charm n. the ability to make others like you Molly thinks Tony has a great deal of charm.
285 cheat v. to behave in a dishonest way in order to get what you want Kate found out that Nick had begun to cheat on her.
286 depressed adj. being extremely sad Paul is feeling depressed.
287 disappoint v. to upset someone by not doing what they expected The soccer team disappoints their fans by losing 5-0.
288 embarrassed adj. feeling like a fool in front of others Dan was so embarrassed when he fell off his chair.
289 intelligent adj. someone who is clever This young chess player is extremely intelligent.
290 jealous adj. when they wish they had what someone else has Emma is so jealous of her younger brother now.
291 lively adj. full of energy and enthusiasm The fitness calss is very lively today.
292 lonely adj. feeling sad because they are alone Sarah loves to see the sunset but felt lonely.
293 miserable adj. feeling very sad or grumpy Zoe is feeling mierable because her cat died.
294 negative adj. describes a bad feeling, reaction, or response Bob's response to the survey was negative.
295 nervous adj. feeling worried about something in the future Roger was incredibly nervous about giving the speech.
296 positive adj. a good feeling, reaction, or response Karen is feeling really positive today.
297 pride n. the emotion we feel when we are proud Jessie's parents are feeling a huge amount of pride.
298 respect n. an attitude of admiration or esteem Amy feels so much respect for her grandmother.
299 satisfy v. to please yourself or someone else Emma finds work is the best way to satisfy herself.
300 severe adj. very bad or extreme The storm has caused severe damage to the trees.
301 anger n. the emotion we feel when we think something is unfair or wrong Tim showed his anger by hitting his laptop.
302 anxiety n. the emotion we feel when we are extremely worried or stressed Kate's anxiety about her job was stopping her from sleeping.
303 anxious adj. suffering from anxiety Crowed places make Laura feel very anxious.
304 appeal v. to seem attractive or tempting The donut appeals to her more than the apple does.
305 appreciate v. to be grateful for something or understand the reason for it John really appriaciates Helen's gift.
306 aware adj. knowing something has happened or may happen Jenny was aware of a tall dark figure watching her.
307 awkward adj. describes an uncomfortable situation, movement, or feeling Jim and Paula felt very awkward on their fist date.
308 comfort n. the feeling of being relaxed and satisfied Lying back, Ted felt total comfort.
309 command v. to strongly tell someone to do something The teacher commands his student to stop chatting.
310 concern n. the feeling of worrying about another person or thing Ella showed a great deal of concern for her friend.
311 confidence n. the emotion we feel when we believe we can succeed The sales team's confidence is obvious.
312 esteem n. what we feel about a person we admire The workers hold their boss in very high esteem.
313 extreme adj. far from normal Pete likes swimming in extreme conditions.
314 fright n. what we feel when we are sudden The hornor movie gave Julie a real fright.
grief n. adies
sad feeling or process we go through, usually when someone we love
315 Harriet helped her mom through her grief.
316 hopeless adj. describes a person or action that has no chance of succeeding Dan tried to write a book, but it was hopeless.
sensible adj. describes a person or action that is practical
317 Harry is sensible and always wear a helmet when he rides his bike.
318 tense adj. describes a feeling of nervousness The fans are very tense because the socre is 1-1.
319 thoughtful adj. thinking of others’ needs and wants Because he is thoughtful, Gordon stops to help a lady.
320 wisdom n. a large amount of knowledge gained over a long period The monk shared his wisdom with a traveler.
downtown ginger heal training greet mistake
guidebook ham hip writer handwriting chili
harbor jar needle advertise ink cooking
lost make often athlete invite cracker
passport menu painful benefit joke fried
plane noodle result business maybe garlic
platform oil tablet deal meeting disabled
railroad pizza treatment detective message disease
scooter sandwich asleep director postcard fitness
sidewalk smell belly duty print habit
sightseeing steak cast firefighter sorry harm
subway taste chubby journalist stamp professor
suitcase toast clinic lawyer sure salary
taxi yogurt cough mayor talk secretary
terminal biscuit deaf mechanic tell staff
ticket cereal drug musician welcome trade
tour chopsticks emergency pilot academy write
tourist cream fever pirate campus bow
transit dessert forehead reporter childhood envelope
traveler drink hunger salesman course forget
adventure flour illness senior crayon fully
arrive jelly muscle veterinarian difficulty club
away lettuce nap clearly eraser dictionary
camping lime normal comment gym homework
corner lunchtime operation context kindergarten junior
depart mug recover conversation learn line
driver nut virus detail lecture vacation
helicopter omelet weight diary marker visitor
highway plate agency document purpose chef
motorcycle slice baker explanation rank breath
north straw career internet student condition
parking strawberry company list teach cure
passenger takeout department meaning understand opportunity
south watermelon designer news university organization
stay ache employer note vocabulary professional
chalk tire bleed manager whiteboard show
check toward blind notebook blackboard
classmate traffic industry problem cafeteria
speak alive librarian repeat shout

downtown fried disease professional shout blackboard

guidebook garlic fitness professor show cafeteria
harbor ginger habit salary speak chalk
lost ham harm write check
passport jar heal bow classmate
plane make hip staff envelope club
platform menu trade forget dictionary
railroad noodle training fully homework
scooter oil often writer greet junior
sidewalk pizza painful advertise handwriting line
sightseeing sandwich result athlete ink mistake
subway smell tablet benefit invite PE
suitcase steak treatment business joke practice
taxi taste asleep deal maybe principal
terminal toast belly detective meeting quiz
ticket yogurt cast director message remember
tour biscuit chubby duty scissors
tourist cereal clinic firefighter study
transit chopsticks cough journalist print tape
traveler cream deaf lawyer sorry textbook
adventure dessert drug mayor stamp ashamed
arrive drink emergency mechanic sure astonish
away flour fever musician talk careless
camping jelly forehead pilot tell clever
corner lettuce hunger pirate welcome congratulations
depart lime illness reporter academy creative
driver lunchtime muscle salesman campus emotional
mug nap senior childhood fool
nut normal veterinarian course happiness
highway omelet operation clearly crayon helpful
motorcycle plate recover comment difficulty lazy
north slice virus context eraser lovely
parking straw weight conversation gym pleased
passenger strawberry agency detail kindergarten powerful
south baker diary learn scary
stay career document lecture serious
tire watermelon company explanation marker silly
toward ache department internet purpose stupid
traffic alive designer list rank surprised
vacation bleed employer meaning student talent
visitor blind industry news teach attitude
chef breath librarian note understand attract
chili condition manager notebook university background
cooking cure opportunity problem vocabulary boring
cracker disabled organization repeat whiteboard wish
bother cheerful feeling interested peaceful feather
calm enjoyable gentle lucky realize
careful excitement happily noisy scared

battery disk conduct owe lamp sweat

cellphone equipment craft rate locate confuse
click error dramatic sum monument content
computer function edition tax resident delight
current gear expression valuable studio eager
development generate fame value ankle generous
file hardware horror wage breathe grateful
improve network humor wealth cancer hero
keyboard nuclear media worth cell imagination
laptop procedure plot cabin chest judge
machine pump publication cottage flu mood
online storage publicity dust funeral patient
plug technical tone facility gene pleasure
printer unit bill faucet heel proud
speaker virtual borrow fountain lung regret
switch volume budget frame obesity reliable
technique biography buy heat pregnant selfish
telephone celebrity cash heater skull shocking
update comedy cent hut surgery steady
website download currency lab tension suffer
access episode debt ladder thigh violent
chat item dollar palace throat caring
device earn property waist courage
digital economic rug wound desire
display passage exchange ruin wrist doubt
dot performance income shelter badly emotion
electric performer insurance string buttock envy
electricity poem loss structure carsick faith
energy poetry pay yard depression force
information publish pound altogether disorder frank
innovation release save brick entire freedom
link rhythm spend candle faint honor
load scene wallet closet grave mental
memory series account column growth misery
off shot award concrete infection offense
screen statue balance condo injury reputation
search whistle charge construction internal shocked
software amuse cost counter joint stress
technology audience deposit decoration medical stressful
user author economy feature naked strict
automatic ballet fare fence physician truly
code broadcast fee hammer sneeze coffin
connection capture financial household starve costume
data commercial loan interior survive creed
creepy religion paw leopard jellyfish hatch
dead ritual unlucky beast 0 legend
gloomy sorrow werewolf crawl ghost luck
graveyard spooky witch crescent horn mermaid
haunted tomb worship elf hunt mysterious
myth voodoo angel evil image mythical
pray beak appearance fairy invisible unicorn
breed cattle claw crab creature extinct

bay cycle issue radar clue division

bloom eastern manufacture soldier crime dozen
cliff entry minister submarine criminal equation
climate expedition officer tank danger even
coast movement priest weapon death formula
coral rail producer agreement evidence fraction
district reserve production army guilty graph
fossil resort promotion aviation illegal less
galaxy route retire battle jail minus
pollution sailor specialist capital justice multiply
pond souvenir barber charity law ordinal
recycle tourism boss crisis legal percent
region transportation capable gain police plus
scenery tropical chart government prison quarter
shore wander contract independent prisoner subtract
soil abroad debate leader punish certificate
stream ahead employ marine punishment creativity
trash aircraft expert nation rule degree
universe baggage guide national thief demand
wave campsite profession official trick direction
adapt cruise profit president accuse education
continent destination promote public armed elementary
disaster fuel report revolution arrest examination
environment jet responsibility social bullet focus
flame lane schedule society commit instruction
flood launch servant authority cruel intelligence
flow motor signature blame deliberate knowledge
forecast rush spare candidate fear major
freeze signal strike citizen frighten mark
frozen southern survey council hold master
global steer ally democracy innocent mentor
humid tunnel argue deny penalty section
impact vehicle armor domestic potential solve
landscape via arrow election pretend standard
oxygen western attack federal risk tuition
peak agent attention govern shock academic
polar apply captain influence suspect curriculum
rise assistant defeat massive suspicion diploma
root chief guard parliament trial draft
underwater client gun policy witness educate
border committee helmet politician arithmetic educational
brake editor jeep politics billion fail
convenient full-time military regulation calculate graduation
crash hire navy republic compass institution
crew import peace royal divide lecturer
command anxious wisdom thoughtful tense sensible
concern appeal pride jealous belong reference
confidence appreciate respect lively charm term
esteem aware satisfy lonely cheat tutor
extreme awkward severe miserable depressed tutorial
fright comfort anger negative disappoint union
grief minor anxiety nervous embarrassed annoy
hopeless philosophy progressive positive intelligent belief
literacy midterm

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