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Alcantara, Daniella R.

1st year BSA – Set B


As a father, John has a moral obligation to do all that he can for the welfare of his son. Duty
demands that he provide a better life for Mike than he had for himself. John, a Christian man,
understands this and does his best to secure enough hours at his plant in order to adequately
provide for his family. He drives Mike to school, visits his little league baseball games, and does
his best to support him emotionally and financially. Those needs are drastically increased when
Mike’s medical condition is discovered; however, John’s deontological imperative remains the
same: to love, support, and take care of his son.

In this respect, John responds ethically to his moral responsibilities. He takes no thought to
consequence and proceeds with motives driven purely by filial obligation. He values his role as a
parent and the sanctity of human life above all else. His selfless decision to donate his heart to
his son demonstrates that he even values this above a “right” to one’s organs. This decision is the
only rational (and subsequently condonable) action under these circumstances. As deontology
necessitates, actions and laws must be universally applicable. All adherents must be willing to
both give and receive. John required no less from others than he was willing to give.

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