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Presented in Lesson 1. According to "The Meaning and Significance of Tourism and

Hospitality," vacationing is a beneficial activity that ought to be acknowledged by everyone. It could also be
referred to as the movement of individuals as well as the activity of the provider (the individual or company
that offers travelers a variety of services and goods) while they are traveling. Tourism refers to both the
temporary movement of individuals to places other than their usual dwellings and places of employment, as
well as the activities they engage in while there. In addition to the services that a visitor receives, tourism
may be characterized as a process that involves people and is focused on getting to know them better. It is
a long-term partnership between the consumer and the provider, not just a brief transaction. This
demonstrates the importance of knowledge, skill, and attitude in providing him with standard services and
goods that meet his needs. Whereas, the tourism industry is important for the benefits it brings and due to
its role as a commercial activity that creates demand and growth for many more industries. In which,
economic progress, source income, development of infrastructure, societal Progress, and cultural heritage.
They are the key terms that makes the tourism have significance meaning to society. They help to monitor
the tourism industry.

Lesson 2


In the seventeenth century, young, rich Europeans started traveling around Europe to widen
their horizons through an education in history, the arts, and culture. This is when hospitality and tourism
first emerged. The history of the hotel industry as a whole is believed to date back thousands of years, but I
learned this in lesson 2, "The History of Tourism and Hospitality." In France, ancient caves that were built to
house wandering tribes have been found. From 15,000 BCE, they have existed. In many ancient societies,
work on population mobility and housing has been significant. In many ancient societies, work on
population mobility and housing has been significant. Traveling outside one's usual location for personal,
business, or professional purposes is known as tourism and is a social, cultural, and economic
phenomenon. When studying the tourism industry, the hospitality sector must be taken into account.
Leisure travel is now a popular pursuit, as opposed to being a privilege enjoyed by a select few. Some
claim that the "business of making guests feel at home, at ease, and enjoying themselves" is what
hospitality is all about. The hospitality industry is made up of the hotel and food and beverage industries,
which together account for the majority of the business. Few members of the rich and aristocratic classes
were once allowed to travel. Young men of status were encouraged to take a "grand tour" of Europe up to
the 17th century. This custom dates back to the early Roman era. The three primary categories of tourism's
effects are economic, social, and environmental. Information gathered by companies, governments, and
business organizations is used to look into these consequences.

Several the developing countries have used tourism and hospitality development as an
alternative to help economic growth. The reasons for this are: first, there a continuous
demand for international travel in developed countries; second as, incoe in developed
countries increases, the demand for tourism and hospitality increases as a faster rate;
and third, developing countries need foreign exchange to aid their economic

Several developing nations have relied on the expansion of the tourism and hospitality
industries to support economic growth; it was said in lesson three, "The Economic of Tourism and
Hospitality." Three factors help to explain this: first, there is a constant demand for international travel in
developed nations; second, as incomes rise in developed nations, so does the demand for tourism and
hospitality; and third, developing nations require foreign exchange to support their economic development.
By enacting unique fiscal measures, exporting or tourist-receiving nations can manipulate exchange rates
to be higher or lower than those in other global marketplaces for trade; the latter is frequently done to entice
large numbers of tourists. When travellers from outside the destination area spend money there on
products and services, tourism and hospitality act as an export. Through bringing in money from outside
sources, industries. The amount of economic activity in the host region is immediately increased by visitor
spending. Many countries have increased their foreign exchange profits through tourism and hospitality in
order to raise the investments needed to finance economic growth. A destination area's economy can be
significantly impacted by the tourist and hospitality sectors.

When travelers outside the destination area spend on goods and services within the
destination, tourism and hospitality acts as an export. Industry by bringing in revenues
from outside sources. Tourist expenditures, also increases the level of economic activity
in the host area directly. Many countries have utilized tourism and hospitality as a
means to increase foreign exchange earnings to produce investment necessary to
finance economic growth.
The tourism and hospitality industry economic impact on a destination area can be
immense since it provides a source of income, employment, and foreign exchange


According to lesson 4 named "the tourism and hospitality network and supply
components," the hospitality industry is a network of both the public and private sectors, and decisions
made by government planners and agencies have an impact on every aspect. Natural resources,
infrastructure, transportation, superstructure, and hospitality are the five main categories into which the
parts of the tourism and hospitality supply are divided. Components of tourism and hospitality To calculate
the industry's supply of tourists, the price of the travel-related goods and services sold to travelers is added
up. Along with housing services, it also takes into account retail purchases for food, transportation, and
other items. The travel and tourism is referred to as being "comprised of organizations, both commercial
and public, that are active in the invention, manufacture, and marketing of goods and services to suit the
wants of travelers." Tourism management is a complicated discipline that encompasses a variety of
economic activities. One of the operations is the provision of tourists. It has a high degree of reliability when
it comes to the operational natural, artificial, or man-made, as well as the regulatory components involved
in developing the tourism product. The shareholder businesses must offer goods and services by incurring
costs and making plans for the marketing of each of their unique products and revenues because the
supply components are geographically constrained to a specific area.

When travelers outside the destination area spend on goods and services within the
destination, tourism and hospitality acts as an export. Industry by bringing in revenues
from outside sources. Tourist expenditures, also increases the level of economic activity
in the host area directly. Many countries have utilized tourism and hospitality as a
means to increase foreign exchange earnings to produce investment necessary to
finance economic growth.
The tourism and hospitality industry economic impact on a destination area can be
immense since it provides a source of income, employment, and foreign exchange
Tourism and Hospitality Organizations

In lesson 5, "Tourism and Hospitality Organizations" A tourism department is a for-profit legal

entity involved in the organization of basic or specialized tourism services as well as the provision,
promotion, sale, and purchase of tourism products. I've learned that the emergence of organizations to
interact and share information is due to the fact that tourism and hospitality are a varied sector with a range
of constituents. One of the most well-known organizations in the sector is the UNWTO, an international
technical body that handles all aspects of tourism and became a recognized agency of the UN in 2003.
Monitoring and identifying global tourist trends, studying travel demand, and promoting tourism, economic
development, peace, prosperity, and human rights are the main goals of UNWTO. carries out vocational
training programs, the World Bank (US), and the OPEC Fund For Internship, as well as acting as a
clearinghouse for tourist information and educating members on the development of tourism and
hospitality. Also, it evaluates the environmental implications of increased travel and offers suggestions for
safeguarding natural and cultural resources (Saudi Arabia). The organization's objectives, vision, and
mission all contribute to the success of its enterprise. Because of the individuals who work there, they can
better service their clients and run their business profitably. Companies in the tourist and hospitality sectors
carry out certain responsibilities that are advantageous to the company. Due to their proper operation, they
have a greater impact on clients.

The Impacts of Tourism and Hospitality

Lesson 6  focus is "The Impacts of Tourism and Hospitality." I now understand that tourism can
have three main types of effects: economic, social, and environmental. Information gathered by companies,
governments, and business organizations is used to look into these consequences. Some outcomes could
happen because tourism experiences also entail interacting with people. Interactions between hosts and
visitors are typically included in the consequences and changes that tourism causes. The theoretical
framework of social exchange, which explains how visitors' and hosts' behaviors change as a result of the
perceived advantages and hazards they produce during interaction, is typically used in studies of these
encounters. Women work in the tourism industry, which is frequently a young person's first job experience.
The money generated by tourism is therefore frequently invested in enhancing local infrastructure as well
as in the sustainable management and preservation of the world's natural beauties. The environment
benefits from improved infrastructure and services. They are centered on managing and consuming
resources. Modern wastewater treatment facilities conserve water and encourage its more effective usage.
Instead of simply dumping waste into the ocean or into landfills, waste management facilities emphasize
recycling items. The success of tourism depends on sound infrastructure and respectable service
standards. As a result, the business supports community growth and provides fresh motivation and
inspiration for the preservation of species, ecosystems, and natural regions rich in biodiversity.

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