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Manor House Descartes Science Test Class: Grade 2

Date: 16 / 02 /2022

Name: ______________________

I) Answer by true (T) or false(F) (3pts.)

1- Plants grow well in a greenhouse-------------

2- Off-season plant grows out of its season---------
3- Cow is carnivore----------

II) Match the following fruits and vegetables to the season (4 pts)

Strawberry Autumn


Banana Summer

III) Fill in the blanks (4 pts.)

Shark heat offseason poor

a- Cucumber is an ---------------------- plant.

b- ------------------is a carnivore.

c- Winter is a -------------------season in fruits and vegetables.

d- Greenhouses provide plants with --------------- and sunlight.

IV) Fill in the following table (3 pts )

Lion Tiger
--------------- ---------------
Dog Cow
--------------- ---------------
--------------- ---------------

V) Circle the best answer: ( 3pts.)

1- Rabbit lives on : land air water

2- Tadpole lives in : land air water

3- Snake lives on : land air water

VI) Cross out the intruder: ( 3 pts.)

a) Horse, sheep, dog, rabbit.

b) Watermelon, peach, tomato, grape.

c) Cow , Lion, strawberry, shark.

Good Luck

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