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Group Activity: Infomercial

1. The class will be divided into 5 groups. Each group must have a
maximum of 8-12 members.
2. The content of the infomercial video must revolve around three sources
of obligation discussed in class.
3. The objective of the infomercial is to inform the audience about
obligations- (what are obligations, how obligations arise and why we need
to fulfill obligations) and its application to life experiences.
4. The infomercial must run for a minimum of 1 minute to a maximum of 3
5. Video resolution should be at least 720p. The video format can be
in .mov or .mp4.
6. Infomercial must be original. All information presented in the video must
be cited giving credit to the original source.
7. The members of the group must solely produce material.
8. Any form of multimedia device is allowed in creating the infomercial.

Section: BSBA 2G
Group Number: 5
Sources of Obligation:
A. Law
B. Contract
C. Quasi-contracts

Group Members Tasks

1. Rochelle Bernardo Editor
2. Justine M. Celestial Actor/Videographer
3. Rosemarie S. Diego Actress
4. Jayson Torred Editor
5. Lovelene V. Palmes Actress

Rubrics: Group Activity (Obligations and Contract)

Criteria 1 5 8 10 Points
Planning Planning Movie done Movie was Thorough
and not evident. with little done with planning
Production Used work planning. some was evident.
done by Project planning Project
others. guidelines and guidelines
not thought. were
followed. Result followed.
could have
Content There was There was Information Infomercial
little some about the included
information information topic detailed
about the about the included description
topic. topic. descriptions of the topic
and and how it
applications can be
in applied in
situations. situations.
Music, Not evident Several Music, Music,
transitions present but transitions transitions
and Effects used poorly and effects and effects
were used. were used
Most were correctly
correct and and
effective. effectively.
Presentation No Movie was a With a bit Infomercial
infomercial series of more editing has flow
produced or clips put and better and theme,
movie does together. clips, message
not work Purpose transition was
was not and effects conveyed,
achieved use audience
infomercial would have
would be understood
excellent purpose

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