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Directorate of Anti-Discrimination

Intercultural Cities Unit

Strasbourg, 22 July 2022



The Secretariat of the Council of Europe has the honour to convene the 2nd meeting of the Committee of
Experts on Intercultural Integration of Migrants (ADI-INT) as follows:

Opening of the meeting Tuesday 18 October 2022

Closing of the meeting Wednesday 19 October 2022

Place Skopje, North Macedonia, in person only

Deadline for registration 23 September 2022

Subjects to be covered Preliminary draft agenda [attached]

Working documents Will be available on our restricted Website, still under

construction at the moment
ADI-INT Website

Secretariat contact Ivana d’Alessandro, Secretary to the Committee of Experts on

the Intercultural Integration of Migrants (ADI-INT)

Yann Privat, Assistant to the Committee of Experts on the

Intercultural Integration of Migrants (ADI-INT)

Council of Europe Ivana d’Alessandro – E-mail:
F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex Website
Tél.: +33 (0)3 90 21 51 51
1. Composition of the Committee
A. Members:
The Committee of experts shall be composed of ten representatives of member States, eight representatives
of local authorities that are members of the Intercultural Cities Programme, and two representatives of regional
authorities, of the highest possible rank in the fields of intercultural integration, equality, non-discrimination and
inclusion policies. The members have been appointed at the 5th CDADI meeting. One seat for a representative
of a regional authority of a member state is still vacant.

The Committee shall be composed in accordance with Article 6 of Resolution CM/Res(2021)3 on

intergovernmental committees and subordinate bodies, their terms of reference and working methods.

The Council of Europe will bear the travel and subsistence expenses of the above-mentioned 19 members of
the Committee. Other member States may send representatives without defrayal of expenses.

Each member of the Committee shall have one vote. Where a government designates more than one member,
only one of them is entitled to take part in the voting.

B. Participants:
The following may send representatives, without the right to vote and at the charge of their corresponding
administrative budgets:

- Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe;

- Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe;
- European Court of Human Rights;
- Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe;
- Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe;
- European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI);
- Steering Committee for Human Rights (CDDH);
- Steering Committee on Democracy and Governance (CDDG);
- Committees or other bodies of the Council of Europe engaged in related work, as appropriate.

The following may send representatives, without the right to vote and without defrayal of expenses:

- European Union (one or more representatives, including, as appropriate, the European Union Agency
for Fundamental Rights (FRA);
- Observer States to the Council of Europe: Canada, Holy See, Japan, Mexico, United States of
- Representatives of other international organisations, including Organisation for Security and Co-
operation in Europe/Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR), United
Nations (including Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), International Organization for Migration (IOM); and other
relevant UN agencies), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD);
- European Regional Authorities.

C. Observers:
The following may send representatives, without the right to vote and without defrayal of expenses:

- Non-member states with which the Council of Europe has a Neighbourhood Partnership including
relevant co-operation activities.

Observer status may be requested in accordance with Article 8 of Resolution CM/Res(2021)3 on

intergovernmental committees and subordinate bodies, their terms of reference and working methods.

2. Working methods
• Plenary meetings: 20 members, 2 meetings in 2022, 2 meetings in 2023, 2 days per meeting.
The rules of procedure of the Committee are governed by Resolution CM/Res(2021)3 on intergovernmental
committees and subordinate bodies, their terms of reference and working methods.

Whenever appropriate, it will prioritise environmentally sound working methods, such as virtual meetings
facilitated by information technology and written consultations.

3. General requirements for members

• The governments of all member States are entitled to appoint representatives of the highest possible rank
in the field of intercultural integration, equality, non-discrimination and inclusion.
• Members should be able to communicate sufficiently in one of the languages of the meeting (i.e. English
or French).
• When appointing persons, the governments should take account of Recommendation N° R (81) 6 of the
Committee of Ministers to member states on the participation of women and men in an equitable proportion
in committees and other bodies set up in the Council of Europe. It is recalled in this connection that
governments may send, at their own expense, one or more additional persons to attend Council of Europe
• Governments are invited to communicate as soon as possible, and at the latest by 23 September 2022,
the name, position, address, telephone and fax number, e-mail address and working language
(English/French) of the person(s) appointed to attend the meeting to the Secretariat responsible for
administrative issues concerning the meeting: . Please request persons appointed to
attend the meeting to check whether they need a VISA and to have with them a passport or identity card
and this letter of invitation.
• Specific travel related risks are covered by a CHARTIS insurance policy (number 2.004.761), which provides
cover for persons up to their 75th birthday. The following CHARTIS Assistance help line can be called in case
of need: +32 3 253 69 16.
• Where necessary the authorities of member States are invited to grant any visas that may be necessary
to the holder of this invitation letter as soon as possible.1 Please contact the Secretariat if signed personal
convocation letter is required.

4. General requirements for participants and observers

• Representatives of participants and observers should have recognised experience in the field of
intercultural integration, equality, non-discrimination and inclusion. They be able to communicate
sufficiently in one of the languages of the meeting, (i.e. English or French).
• Participants and observers are invited to communicate as soon as possible, and at the latest by 23
September 2022, the name, position, address, telephone number, e-mail address and working language
(English/French) of the person(s) who will attend the meeting to the Secretariat responsible for
administrative issues concerning the meeting: . Please request persons attending the
meeting to check whether they need a VISA and to have with them a passport or identity card and this
letter of invitation.

5. Privacy notice
Members, participants and observers are informed that they have access to the privacy notice describing the
Organisation’s data protection policy (link).

1By virtue of the Seat Agreement of 2 September 1949 between France and the Council of Europe, the French Authorities
are invited to grant where appropriate the visa to the holder of this invitation letter as soon as possible.

6. Documents for the meeting
Documents for the meeting will be published on the meeting’s website at least 20 days before the meeting.

Yours sincerely,
Ivana d’Alessandro
Secretary to the Committee
- Draft agenda
- Terms of reference of ADI-INT
- Rules concerning the reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses

Cc: Permanent Representations

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