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Year 36 No.

63 Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (A) — White June 4, 2023

Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC) Sunday

N ot many people are aware

that every Sign of the Cross NOT
and the Holy Spirit as Guide and
Counselor. In addition to being a

we make, or every Glory Be we community of loving relationships,
say, is really an expression of our the Holy Trinity is also an invitation

belief in the Holy Trinity. But, the to respect diversity.
Holy Trinity is not only a doctrine of There is so much hate and vio-

faith to which we give assent. More lence in our world today. There is
importantly for us Christians, the bullying happening in various institu-
Holy Trinity is a story of a relation- tions and in social media. There are
ship between God and His people. efforts to suppress contrary views. The
And in this story, God is revealed as irony is that the more we do so, the
one in three persons—Father, Son, more divided we become! We are
and the Holy Spirit. This story is probably familiar with the so-called
really a love story. God so loved us cancel culture or call-out culture.
that the Father created us, that Son Cancel culture is a modern form of
offered his life to save us, and that ostracism in which a person whose
the Holy Spirit accompanies us by views may appear unacceptable to
his empowering presence until the others is called out and then push
end of time. The Holy Trinity is not out of social or professional circles.
simply a logical conclusion of our Those subjected to this ostracism are
rational thought but rather a truth by Fr. Victor S. Nicdao said to have been cancelled. Should
revealed to us by Jesus in the New we cancel out or ostracize somebody
Testament. prayed for the unity of his disciples— simply because we do not agree with
One but not Alone. In one of “that they may be one, Father” (Jn that person? The challenge is not to
his homilies on the Solemnity of the 17:21), and also commanded them suppress diversity but to respect it,
Holy Trinity, Pope Francis remarked: to love one another—“I give you a even embrace it, if we are to be the
“… inasmuch as he is love, God new commandment: love one an- image and likeness of the Holy Trin-
… is not solitude but communion, other. As I have loved you, so you ity. Perhaps, we can all say together:
among the Father, the Son, and the also should love one another.” (Jn “Thank God, I am different!”
Holy Spirit.” God is one but He is 13:34). If we are to be a community Our awareness of the Holy Trinity
not alone. God is a community of of loving relationships, we need to in our lives can be heightened if we
persons. Being one is different from focus on the many things that unite can set a specific time each day to
being alone. The members of a choir us like our common desire to build think of all the good things we have
sing with one voice. They are one, a better and brighter future for our done and all the beautiful things we
but they are not alone. The beauty of children, our longing for a govern- have seen, and thank the Father who
what they do is in being together. The ment free of graft and corruption, created all things beautiful. Then,
members of a basketball team play and our unwavering faith in God we think of all our failures, the good
as one squad. They are one, but they who will not abandon us but will that we have missed doing and the
are not alone. In fact, their strength continue to sustain us. Common evil things we have done, and seek
is in being united. God is one, but concerns, mutual interests and shared forgiveness from the Son who came
not alone! More specifically, God is objectives can unify us, too. What- to redeem us and save us from our
a community of loving relationships ever our differences, whatever sets sins. Finally, we think of all our plans
between the Father, the Son, and the us apart, whatever distinguishes us for tomorrow and the coming days,
Holy Spirit. Love unites and brings from one another —all these can be our dreams and aspirations in life,
about communion. Anything that is bridged if we become a community and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance
against love—like jealousy, hatred, of loving relationships in the image and strength to be able to bring them
anger, infidelity, envy, and pride— and likeness of the Holy Trinity. all to completion.
divides, and engenders dissension. Respecting Diversity. The Holy For the Holy Trinity to come alive
If we are to be truly an image and Trinity is a community of three dis- in our lives, we can, perhaps, also
likeness of God (Gn 1:26-27), we tinct persons. It is a unity in diver- add that we begin and end each day,
need to be a community of loving sity. The Father is revealed to us in the name of the Father, and of the
relationships. For this reason, Jesus as Creator, the Son as our Savior, Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
INTRODUCTORY RITES Gloria Having come down in a
cloud, the L ord stood with
Entrance Antiphon All — Glory to God in the Moses there and proclaimed
(Recited when there is no opening song.) highest, and on earth peace his name, “L ord .” Thus the
to people of good will. We Lord passed before him and
Blest be God the Father, and praise you, we bless you, we cried out, “The Lord, the Lord,
the Only Begotten Son of God, adore you, we glorify you, we a merciful and gracious God,
and also the Holy Spirit, for he give you thanks for your great slow to anger and rich in
has shown us his merciful love. glory, Lord God, heavenly King, kindness and fidelity.” Moses
O God, almighty Father. Lord at once bowed down to the
(The sign of the cross is made here.)
Jesus Christ, Only Begotten ground in worship. Then he
Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, said, “If I find favor with you,
P—The Lord be with you. Son of the Father, you take O Lord, do come along in our
All—And with your spirit. away the sins of the world, have company. This is indeed a stiff-
mercy on us; you take away the necked people; yet pardon
Introduction sins of the world, receive our
(These [or similar words] may be used our wickedness and sins, and
to address the assembly.) prayer; you are seated at the receive us as your own.”
right hand of the Father, have
P—Dear brethren: Our whole mercy on us. For you alone are —The word of the Lord.
life is marked by the sign of the Holy One, you alone are All—Thanks be to God.
the Trinity. The Father created the Lord, you alone are the
us in love. The Son came to the Most High, Jesus Christ, with Responsorial Psalm (Dn 3)
world to make it possible for us the Holy Spirit, in the glory of
to recover our divine sonship God the Father. Amen. R—Glory and praise forever!
which we lost because of sin. Collect Sr. M.C.A Parco, fsp
The Holy Spirit continues the F ♭ F
   
work of the Son in the Church P—Let us pray. (Pause)    
and in history until the Lord God our Father, who, by Glo ry and praise for e ver!
Jesus returns in glory. In the sending into the world the
mystery of the Trinity—“three Word of truth and the Spirit of 5 C7 Dm C7 F
Persons equal in majesty, sanctification, made known to        
undivided in splendor, yet one the human race your wondrous Glo ry and praise for e ver!
Lord, one God”—our journey mystery, grant us, we pray, that
has its origin. The Holy Trinity is in professing the true faith we 1. Blessed are you, O Lord,
also our final goal. Someday our may acknowledge the Trinity of the God of our fathers,/ praise­
eyes will finally contemplate eternal glory and adore your worthy and exalted above all
the face of God who is Father, Unity, powerful in majesty. forever;/ And blessed is your
Son, and Holy Spirit. Through our Lord Jesus holy and glorious name,/
Christ, your Son, who lives and praiseworthy and exalted above
Penitential Rite all for all ages. (R)
reigns with you in the unity of
P — Brethren (brothers and the Holy Spirit, God, for ever 2. Blessed are you in the
sisters), let us acknowledge our and ever. temple of your holy glory,/
sins and so prepare ourselves to All—Amen. praiseworthy and glorious
celebrate the sacred mysteries. above all forever. (R)
OF THE WORD 3. Blessed are you on the throne
P—You were sent to heal the
First Reading (Ex 34:4b–6, 8–9) of your kingdom,/ praiseworthy
contrite of heart: Lord, have
mercy. (Sit) and exalted above all forever. (R)
All—Lord, have mercy. The Lord who revealed himself to the 4. Blessed are you who look
P—You came to call sinners: chosen people and who gave his name into the depths/ from your
Christ, have mercy. to Moses is a merciful and gracious throne upon the cherubim,/
All—Christ, have mercy. God, rich in kindness and fidelity. praiseworthy and exalted above
P—You are seated at the right all forever. (R)
A reading from the Book of
hand of the Father to intercede Exodus Second Reading (2 Cor 13:11–13)
for us: Lord, have mercy.
All—Lord, have mercy. EARLY in the morning, Moses Our Christian life is imbued with
P—May almighty God have went up Mount Sinai as the grace, love, and fellowship which
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, Lord had commanded him, are the gifts and the reflection of the
and bring us to everlasting life. taking along the two stone Trinitarian communion. The Holy
All—Amen. tablets. Trinity is within us and at work in us.
A reading from the Second of God, born of the Father wisdom to serve your people.
Letter of Saint Paul to the before all ages. God from God, We pray: (R)
Corinthians Light from Light, true God from C —Compassionate Father,
true God, begotten, not made, send help to the wayward,
consubstantial with the Father; the sick, the lonely, and those
rejoice. Mend your ways,
through him all things were who suffer in any way. We
encourage one another, agree
made. For us men and for our
with one another, live in peace, pray: (R)
salvation he came down from
and the God of love and peace
heaven, (At the words that follow C —Bind the members of
will be with you. Greet one
up to and including and became our community together in
another with a holy kiss. All man, all bow.) and by the Holy
the holy ones greet you. friendship and unity, that
Spirit was incarnate of the our greetings of peace in the
The grace of the Lord Jesus Virgin Mary, and became man.
Christ and the love of God and Eucharist may be reflected in
For our sake he was crucified
the fellowship of the Holy Spirit our everyday lives. We pray: (R)
u n d e r Po n t i u s P i l a t e , h e
be with all of you. suffered death and was buried, C—Bless all the efforts of those
—The word of the Lord. and rose again on the third who form and animate our
day in accordance with the Basic Ecclesial Communities.
All—Thanks be to God.
Scriptures. He ascended into May they mirror the same love
Alleluia (Cf. Rv 1:8) (Stand) heaven and is seated at the that you live. We pray: (R)
right hand of the Father. He will
All—Alleluia, alleluia. Glory come again in glory to judge C—Bring the dead to share in
to the Father, the Son, and the the living and the dead and your glory—the same glory, of
Holy Spirit; to God who is, his kingdom will have no end. your Son and the Holy Spirit.
who was, and who is to come. I believe in the Holy Spirit, We pray: (R)
Alleluia, alleluia. the Lord, the giver of life, who C—Let us pray for the urgent
Gospel (Jn 3:16–18) proceeds from the Father and concerns of our community,
the Son, who with the Father those who are in need of our
P—A reading from the holy and the Son is adored and prayers, and our personal
Gospel according to John glorified, who has spoken intentions (pause). We pray: (R)
All—Glory to you, Lord. through the prophets. P—Father, you send your Word
I b e l i e ve i n o n e , h o l y, to bring us the truth and your
GOD SO LOVED the world catholic, and apostolic Church.
that he gave his only Son, so Spirit to make and keep us
I confess one Baptism for the holy. Help us worship you,
that everyone who believes in forgiveness of sins and I look
him might not perish but might one God in three Persons, by
forward to the resurrection proclaiming and living our
have eternal life. For God did of the dead and the life of the
not send his Son into the world faith in you.
world to come. Amen. We ask this through Christ
to condemn the world, but
that the world might be saved Prayers of the Faithful our Lord.
through him. Whoever believes All—Amen.
P—The Father through the Holy
in him will not be condemned,
Spirit has sent Christ his Son to
but whoever does not believe
be one with us, and has made
has already been condemned,
because he has not believed him a source of life for us. Let Presentation of the Gifts
in the name of the only Son us raise our petitions to the
P—Pray, brethren...
of God. Triune God as we pray:
All—May the Lord accept the
—The Gospel of the Lord. R —Triune God, hear our sacrifice at your hands for the
prayer. praise and glory of his name,
All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus
for our good and the good of
Christ. C—Heavenly Father, send your all his holy Church.
Homily (Sit) Spirit to the Church that we
may be helped in our frailty Prayer over the Gifts
Profession of Faith (Stand) and be provided with gifts that P—Sanctify by the invocation
will make us pleasing to you. of your name, we pray, O Lord
All—I believe in one God, We pray: (R)
the Father almighty, maker of our God, this oblation of our
heaven and earth, of all things C —Send your Holy Spirit, service, and by it make of us
visible and invisible. dear Father, to our religious an eternal offering to you.
I believe in one Lord Jesus and political leaders that they Through Christ our Lord.
Christ, the Only Begotten Son may be filled with strength and All—Amen.
Preface: The mystery of the
Most Holy Trinity
P—The Lord be with you.
All—And with your spirit.
P—Lift up your hearts.
All—We lift them up to the Lord.
P — Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
All—It is right and just.
P—It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give
you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
almighty and eternal God.
Fo r w i t h yo u r O n l y
Begotten Son and the Holy
Spirit you are one God, one
Lord: not in the unity of a
single person, but in a Trinity
of one substance.
For what you have revealed
to us of your glory we believe
equally of your Son and of Invitation to Communion Solemn Blessing
the Holy Spirit, so that, in (Kneel)
the confessing of the true and
P—Bow down for the blessing.
P—Behold the Lamb of God, (Pause)
eternal Godhead, you might
behold him who takes away May the effects of your
be adored in what is proper
the sins of the world. Blessed sacred blessing, O Lord,
to each Person, their unity in
substance, and their equality are those called to the supper make themselves felt among
in majesty. of the Lamb. your faithful, to prepare
All—Lord, I am not worthy with spiritual sustenance the
For this is praised by Angels that you should enter under minds of all, that they may be
and Archangels, Cherubim, my roof, but only say the strengthened by the power of
too, and Seraphim, who never word and my soul shall be your love to carry out works
cease to cry out each day, as healed.
with one voice they acclaim: of charity.
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Communion Antiphon Through Christ our Lord.
of hosts. Heaven and earth are (Gal 4:6) All—Amen.
full of your glory. Hosanna in P—And may the blessing of
the highest. Blessed is he who Since you are children of God,
God has sent into your hearts almighty God, the Father, and
comes in the name of the Lord. the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit,
Hosanna in the highest. (Kneel) the Spirit of his Son, the Spirit
come down on you and remain
who cries out: Abba, Father.
Acclamation (Stand) with you for ever.
Prayer after Communion All—Amen.
All—When we eat this (Stand)
Bread and drink this Cup, Dismissal
we proclaim your Death, O P—Let us pray. (Pause) P—Go in peace, glorifying the
Lord, until you come again. May receiving this Sacra- Lord by your life.
ment, O Lord our God, bring
THE COMMUNION RITE us health of body and soul, as
All—Thanks be to God.
The Lord’s Prayer we confess your eternal holy
Trinity and undivided Unity.
All—Our Father...
Through Christ our Lord.
P—Deliver us...
All —For the kingdom, the All—Amen.
power and the glory are yours THE CONCLUDING RITES
now and forever.
P—The Lord be with you.
Invitation to Peace
All—And with your spirit.

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