Exam 2019 GSGM7223 - FBT - Sep2019-140220 - 120843

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CONFIDENTIAL / SULIT INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Nig UNITAR FINAL EXAMINATION SEPTEMBER 2019 COURSE TITLE MANAGING ORGANISATION COURSE CODE GsGM7223 DATE/DAY : 21 DECEMBER 2019/SATURDAY TIME/DURATION : 02:30 PM - 05:30 PM/3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES. 1, Please read the instruction under each section carefully, 2. Candidate are reminded not to bring into examination hallroom any form or written materials or electronic gadget excopt for stationery that is permitted by the Invgiator. 3, Students wino are caught breaching the Examination Rules and Regulations will be charged with an academic dishonesty ‘and iffound guity ofthe offence, the maximum penalty is expulsion from the University (This Question Paper consists of 4 Printed Pages including front page) “D0 NOT OPEN THE QUESTION PAPER UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO So“ ‘Managing Organisation (GSGM 7223) ‘CONFIDENTIAL ‘Seplomber 2019 Final Examination There is only ONE (1) section in this question paper. (100 Marks) There are SIX (6) questions in this question paper. Answer FIVE (5) questions only in the Answer Booklet. Question 1 Facebook published its sixth-annual diversity report, showing that the company has made only modest gains in its ambitions to bring more people from “traditionally underrepresented ‘groups” into its workforce. The report reveals that the company, globally, is 63.1% male and 36.9% female, only slightly changed from the 63.7% male and 38.3% female workforce that it reported last year. In technical roles, that changes to 77% male and 23% female, whereas last year, it was 78.4% and 21.6%. Among senior leadership, it's 67.4% male, down from 70% last year. As for ethnicity data, Facebook only breaks out its stats for the US. Across its ‘American operations, Facebook says, its workforce is 44.2% white, 43% Asian, 8.2% Hispanic, and 3.8% Black, with 3.1% of its employees reporting being from two or more backgrounds, and 0.7% marked down as “other.” Despite these relatively small changes from 2018, Facebook touts that it's been moving in the right direction, with more women and people from underrepresented groups joining its technical organisations, and more women Joining the ranks of leadership by being promoted from within. ‘Source : Business Insider USA 10 July 2019 Based on the Facebook example on workforce diversity at its organisation’ a} Discuss what can companies do to encourage gender diversity in the workplace. Give specific recommendations to reduce the tumover rate among women employees. (10 Marks) b} Describe factors that can slow organisation's progress towards a more diverse workforce. How can organisation overcome these challenges? (10 Marks) (Total : 20 Marks) Question 2 Planning helps managers allocate scarce resources appropriately. The planning process is aimed at reducing waste or limiting the inefficient use of the available resources. Thus, planning helps managers to understand the priorities of the organisation and ensures that the available resources can meet the most important processes adequately. Planning also provides the framework for measuring the progress of the different processes and tasks. It enables managers to stay informed with regard to how the processes are being conducted and how far they are from their goals. Planning helps determine the success or failure of different projects. Planning also enables managers to make the decisions about the direction of different projects and processes. Additionally, planning enables managers to control the different aspects of their projects and processes to ensure each task stays on course. 2 ‘Managing Organisation (GSGM 7223) CONFIDENTIAL September 2018 Final Examinetion a) How do strategic, operational, and tactical planning differ? (15 Marks) b) How might the three levels of managers complement one another in the process of planning in an organisation? Explain with suitable examples of business or non- business organisations. (5 Marks) (Total : 20 Marks) Question 3 Conflicts between team members exist within every organisation. Rather than looking for a compromise that suits no one, many managers are recognising that conflict is inevitable and actually has real benefits for the organisation. Conflict can increase creativity, force honest exchange of ideas, create a competition to succeed or improve, and challenge existing perspectives, Describe FOUR (4) common workplace conflicts and recommend resolution strategies for managers to overcome them (20 Marks) Question 4 International food giant Nestle decentralises decision-making power to employees in over 100 countries so they can be responsive to local consumers. The company believes that allowing local employees to make decisions is a key in growing the company's global market share. The role of the company’s headquarters in Switzerland is to do strategie planning and distribute information, Sometimes organisations change their degree of centralisation depending on the particular challenges that they are facing. Tougher times often cause senior management to take charge of decisions, whereas in times of rapid growth, decisions are pushed further down the chain of command a) Describe why organisation need to be decentralise. What would be the advantages of organisation that are decentralised in nature? Give example in your answer. (10 Marks) b) Explain FIVE (5) challenges of being a decentralise organisation. (10 Marks) (Total ; 20 Marks) Question 5 Managers in the 21% century come across various challenging business issues in the organisation. These issues arise from external and internal environment, and conflict with stakeholder groups such as customers, suppliers, employees, competitors, law and government, superiors, wholesalers, and retailers, Given all the organisational issues or problems, ethical issues are the most difficult ones to handle or deal with, As a manager, describe FOUR (4) examples of ethical issues that you might face in business, and describe steps you can take to maintain your honesty and integrity in a business environment. (20 Marks) ‘Managing Organisation (GSGM 7223) ‘CONFIDENTIAL, ‘Sepfomber 2079 Final Examination Question 6 ‘There are many variances to effectively managing people, and different managers have their ‘own thoughts and approaches for achieving optimum performance. Positive reinforcement originated from Skinner's Theory (1938) are among the most powerful leadership tool used by managers to motivate employees. This theory refers to a specific management style, in which managers reward, punish, or ignore behaviors in an effort to increase productivity. Consequently, it is in an employer's best interest to provide a rewarding atmosphere that encourages productivity and motivation; and that discourages turnover especially undesirable turnover. a) Evaluate how organisation can apply the principles of reinforcement and what are their advantages and disadvantages. (10 Marks) b) Recommend FIVE (5) best ways to motivate employees and increase productivity. (10 Marks) (Total : 20 Marks) *** END OF QUESTION PAPER "**

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