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Learning Outcome)
Introduction to 1.0 Introduction (Why This Topic) CLO1 - Articulate
Management 1.1 Introduction to Management the essential
1.2 Challenges to Good Management principles of
1.3 Management to Achieve Competitive Advantage management in an
1.4 Management Main Functions and Management Levels organisational
1.5 Main Management Roles and Management Skills setting.

CLO2 - Analyze
affected by

1.0 Introduction (Why This Topic)

There are several reasons behind why management is important and the study of that is significant for us.

1. Firstly, management facilitates the achievement of group goals - it supervises group attempts in the direction of the
accomplishment of pre-defined objectives.
2. Secondly, management optimizes the deployment of all various resources in hand - it utilizes all human and physical
capital efficiently and effectively.
3. Thirdly, management lowers the overall costs - it achieves the highest outcomes through the lowest input by
appropriate preparation and by utilizing the least possible input and making the highest possible output.
4. Fourthly, management creates a good company – there will be no overlapping of attempts and forces (effortless
and organised tasks). One of the main goals of management is to set up a proper organisational structure which is
matching the goals of an organisation and helps to fulfill them.
5. Fifthly, management creates equilibrium - it empowers the company to endure in changing environment. With the
shift in the external environment, the primary management of the organisation must be changed. So, it adjusts the
company to the ever-changing pressure of the market as well as changing demands of people in society.
6. Sixthly, management is vital for the prosperity of people in society - useful management directs to better cost-
effective production which improves the wellbeing of people. Decent management creates a complicated task
simpler by preventing the waste of limited resources. It enhances the standard of living. It boosts the process of
ultimate gain which is advantageous to corporate, and society will make the highest amount produced at the lowest
expense by establishing work opportunities which finally produce salary in hands.

Watch the following video for the significance of management titled “Why study Management?”

1.1 Introduction to Management

Managers operate within an organisation which consists of a group of people who work together to achieve some specific
purpose. If we want to define management, it can be defined as the chase of organisational objectives effectively and
efficiently by incorporating the effort of people via four main functions of planning, organising, leading, and controlling of the
organisation’s resources. To be able to achieve efficiency, mangers should use organisational resources including people,
money, raw materials similarly in cost-effective manner. On the other side, to be able to achieve effectiveness, managers
should accomplish outcome and make the right decisions in addition to successfully carry them out, so that they attain
organisational objectives. For example, if a restaurant tries to include breakfast to its menu to boost its customers volume. This
will be an obvious effort to enhance the company's effectiveness while reducing wastage in kitchen and planning the
employees work schedule to best cater to the jobs available without any redundancy will be an attempt to improve the
company’s efficiency.

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Watch the following video for a good overview of management:

Title: “Principles of Management - Lesson 01 Management Overview”

1.2 Challenges to good Management

There are several challenges to a good management which includes:

Being able to manage for competitive advantage – settling above rivals and performing better.
Being able to manage for diversity – the future events won’t be always like what encounter before and, in the past.
Being able to manage for globalisation – the developing universal management.
Being able to manage for information technology and its growing requirements in today’s world.
Being able to manage for ethical standards and creating the right code of ethics for the organisation.
Being able to manage for sustainability— the green business practices that takes care of all three-business bottom-lines of
profitability, society and social aspects(people) and environment.
Being able to manage for your own joy & life objectives and aspirations while working for an organisation.

Watch the following video for be a better manager:

Title: “5 Tips for First-Time Managers (How to Be a Better Manager + 5 Tips for New Managers)”

1.3 Management to Achieve Competitive Advantage

Competitive advantage is simply the capability of a corporation to make products including goods or services more
effectively than what other rivals can do, thus surpassing them in satisfying customers’ needs and ultimately gaining better
market share and dominance. These abilities simply can be through the combination of some or all of following factors

• Being responsive to customers in a much better and above competitors.

• Always actively looking at innovation and never stop innovating.
• Seeing the quality as never-ending competition and as part of continues improvement.
• Instituting efficiency and eliminating any sort of wastage of resource.

Watch the following videos to understand competitive advantage further:

Title: “Competitive Advantage and Business Strategy”

Title: “The BEST Tool for Competitive Advantage (VRIO)”

1.4 Management main functions and Management levels

The four primary functions of management are summarized as follows:

Planning: Setting goals and determining how to be able to accomplish them.

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Organising: Arranging tasks, people, and other resources to be able to do the work which was planned.
Leading: Motivating employees to be able to influence them to work hard to achieve all your planned and organised
Controlling: Monitoring performance of employees and gauging them against the goals and objectives and taking the
corrective action whenever it is necessary.

The above four primary functions work in a loop and cycle manner. In addition to these main functions, management has
different levels as well which are as follows:

Top Managers: They decide about long-term decisions regarding the general path of the company and determine the
strategies, objectives, and policies for that accordingly.
Middle Managers: They execute the plans and policies that top managers who are above them create, oversee and manage
the actions of the first-line managers who are below them.
First-line Managers: They decide about short-term operating decisions as well as supervising the daily duties of employees
and personnel.
Functional Manager: They are accountable for only one function or company activity in an organisation.
General Manager: They are responsible for numerous company activities in an organisation.

Watch the following videos to understand the above topics:

Title: “What is Management? Concept of Management, Levels of Management (animated video)”

1.5 Main Management Roles and Management Skills

There are three types of managerial roles as follows:

1. Interpersonal Roles: The role in which managers intermingle, intermix, and interact with people within and beyond
their work organisations. These interpersonal roles include being figurehead, being leader, overseeing liaison.
2. Informational Roles: The role in which managers obtain and share information. These informational roles include
monitoring, being a disseminator, acting as spokesperson.
3. Decisional Roles: The role in which managers make use of information to decide about different affairs and also to
resolve problems or make the most of chances and possibilities. These decisional roles include acting like an
entrepreneur, being a disorder and disturbance handler, being a resource distributor, diplomatic negotiator.

In addition to the above explained roles, there three main management skills as follows:
1. Technical Skills: The knowledge which is specific to the job by itself and must be performed properly in a dedicated
line of work.
2. Conceptual Skills: The skill which covers the capacity to think critically, to envision a company as one and realize how
the components go to work all together.
3. Human Skills: The capability to perform well in collaboration with other individuals to achieve goals and perform
different tasks.

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Watch the following videos to understand the above topics:
Title: “Management skills | 10 Management skills every manager should have.”

Title: “Basic Managerial Role & skills”

Additional Reading Materials

Article Titled: “Managing People More Effectively: Challenges and Best Practices”

Article Titled: “Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Information Technology”

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