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Phrasal Verb Meaning

Ask out To ask someone to go out on a date.
Bring about, bring on To make something happen
Bring up 1) To raise children 2) To raise a topic
Call back Return someone's telephone call
Call in Ask someone into an official place or office
Call off Cancel
Call up Call someone on the telephone
Cheer up Make someone happy
Clean up Tidy, make clean
Cross out Eliminate
Cut out Remove something or stop doing something annoying
Do over Repeat
Drop off Leave something somewhere
Figure out Understand
Fill out Complete a form
Fill in Complete spaces on a form
Give back Return
Give up Stop trying
Hand in Give an assignment or project to a teacher
Hang up Replace the telephone in the receiver
Have on Wear
Keep out Not enter
Kick out Ask to leave
Look over Review
Look up Try to find information
Make up Invent
Pick up Lift
Pick out Choose
Point out Identify
Put away Put in the proper place
Put back Return
Put off Delay
Put on Get dressed or dress someone
Put out Extinguish
Show off Demonstrate something of envy
Shut off Stop something from running
Take off Remove
Take out 1) Remove 2) Go on a date with someone
Take over Take control
Tear down Demolish or destroy
Tear up Rip into pieces
Think over Consider, ponder
Throw away Discard
Throw out Discard
Try on Test
Turn down Reduce
Turn in Go to bed
Turn off Stop a machine
Turn on Start a machine
Turn out Put out a light
Turn up Increase

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