Ix. Globalization of Religion

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Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. explain how globalization affects cultures and religions;
2. identify possible consequences of globalization to religion; and
3. discuss the role of religions in the present world crisis-COVID 19.

The impact and some possible consequences of globalization in relation to religion. (Browne K., 2019)
How Globalization Affects Cultures and Religion
1. It can eliminate or lessen certain traditions and cultures when other
cultures are pushed on to it.
2. Different cultures and religions are exposed to the ideas of other cultures
and religions.
3. Western culture has had a big affect on other cultures.
Religion epitomizes the definition of globalization due to the fact that it can be
spread more efficiently than ever before through the use of different
technological tools.

Tools of Uniting People All Over the World on

Religious Basis
-books -cell phone apps
-movies -social networks
-charity funds -special internet sites
-religious schools

COVID-19 has highlighted the interdependence of all people and the natural
world. The pandemic's disruption presents an opportunity to rebuild a world in
which markets work for the whole of society. The COVID-19 Response Alliance
for Social Entrepreneurs will help faith-based organizations and social
entrepreneurs enact radical change and rebuild a better future.
Faith leaders from Christianity, Judaism and Islam support government efforts to
control the coronavirus. Young men and women of faith can supply their digital
know-how to build good communication during the crisis. Discussions are taking
place about how the three religions can collaborate on charitable initiatives.
The COVID-19 global pandemic requires an immediate, whole-of society
approach to prevent the transmission of the virus. During this time of uncertainty,
faith leaders such as ourselves have turned to our religious texts and theology to
find comfort for the community and encourage safe practices. Fellow prominent
faith leaders from Christianity, Judaism and Islam are issuing opinions, guidance
documents – and even fatwas – to their communities that re-analyse religious
practices and provide theological opinions on how faith practices or rituals can
be adapted to meet the response of COVID-19 and implement social distancing.


Browne, Ken. Globalization and Religion #SOC. 2019

The World Economic Forum COVID Action Platform

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