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Q: Is face to face possible when doing NSTP?

A: The NFO Team will follow the directives of the University Administration in
accordance with the IATF Guidelines and CHED Memorandum.

Q: Will our classes be during Saturdays too?

A: Yes. NSTP (CWTS, LTS and ROTC) classes are held every Saturday.

Q: Since we will take our NSTP1 next academic year, and next AY has a huge chance
of face-to-face classes, will our NSTP be conducted face-to-face or still online?
A: The NFO Team will follow the directives of the university administration in
accordance with IATF Guidelines and CHED Memorandum.

Q: Is there a limited number of slots per NSTP Component?

A: Students may choose any component without worrying about the slots.

Q: Can we choose more than one component to work on?

A: No, you’re only required to take or enroll in one NSTP component of your choice
either ROTC, CWTS, or LTS.

Q: Where is the link for NSTP101 Component Confirmation Form?

A: The link can be found in Module 7.

Q: I am enrolled in the university as a student with dual citizenship (e.g. FILIPINO &
AMERICAN). Would I be required to take the NSTP 1 & 2 courses that were also
mentioned for the upcoming academic year?
A: • Students with Filipino Citizenship are required to take the NSTP course.

• Students with dual citizenship but still have Filipino as a primary (e.g. Filipino-
American) or secondary (Japanese- Filipino) citizenship are still required to
take the NSTP course.

Q: What will happen if a student does not enlist in NSTP 101 Module? Is he or she still
required to take NSTP101 Module the next term?
A: If the student will not enlist during NSTP101, she/he will not pass the NSTP101
Course and will receive a failing mark. Hence, she/he will have to take NSTP101
again in the following academic year.

Q: What will be another option if ever my parent doesn’t have a valid ID yet for the
submission of the NSTP101 Component Confirmation Form?
A: An Identification Card (ID) with your parent/ guardian's signature will suffice.
Q: Is there a possibility for one to not be accepted in his/her own chosen component? If
so, what should be the subsequent course of action?

A: No. Students may opt to take any NSTP component of her/his choice.

Q: Is NSTP taken also in higher levels ( sophomore, Junior and Senior)?

A: No. NSTP courses taken by frosh students or transferees who have not taken NSTP
yet in their previous schools.

Q: Are we going to take NSTP in our second to fourth year well?

A: No. Once you completed your NSTP 1 and 2 during your first year, you no longer
need to take the NSTP in the succeeding years.

Q: Am I supposed to take NSTP as a Frosh or can I do it my later years?

A: Everyone is encouraged to finish NSTP during their frosh year. This is to avoid
schedule conflict with major subjects, OJT, thesis, and other academic/personal

Q: Are we going to be with our current blockmates or will new blocks be constructed
specifically for NSTP?
A: LTS and CWTS students shall be grouped in sections depending on their blocks. On
the other hand, ROTC treats all students as a unit and will be separated depending
on their company.

Q: If I am student from DLSU Laguna Campus will be I be joined with students from
Manila Campus?
A: No. There are separate sections of NSTP students of Manila and Laguna Campus

Q: Is there a possibility of shifting programs (If there is a slot) during term 2 in the case
that the student decides otherwise?
A: NO, shifting NSTP components is no longer allowed. You will need to wait for another
academic year to choose another NSTP component. This is why it is important to
discern and consult your parent/ guardian regarding your NSTP component.

Q: After completing the NSTP101, NSTP1, and NSTP2 will there be another class
similar to NSTP in the next school year?
A: After completing your NSTP, there are other courses available in the university that
is geared towards student development and social engagement. Examples are the
Lasallian Studies, Service-Learning, and SAS2000.

Q: Once the F2F is confirmed, will the ROTC Training Return to F2F Drills?
A: Yes, once mass gathering is permitted during face-to-face classes, all ROTC mass
formation and drills will be conducted.

Q: Is it required to open your CAMERA every meeting?

Yes, especially during the drill exercises and inspections, but we give consideration
to students who are having technical difficulties.

Q: According to the Primer, ROTC will have uniform, but if it’s online, what is the
A: Cadets are required to wear the ff uniform during online ROTC training:
Type ”C” Uniform
Plain White Shirt (roundneck),
Blue maong pants
Black belt
Rubber Shoes

Athletic Uniform
Plain White Shirt (round-neck),
Botak shorts/Jogging pants
Rubber shoes

Q: Is it required to buy uniform even if were in an online class?

A: There's no need to buy if you have Type C and Athletic uniforms available on hand.

Q: Can the Haircut be like the following:

A: For males, your hair should be above the ears, and around the neck shall be tapered
from the lower natural hairline upwards at least ¾-inch and outward not greater than
¾ inch.
For females, for long hair, you may use a Neat Bun in Hairnet and for short hair, you
may use a hair clip.

Q: Are there facial hair policies?

A: During ROTC training days, students/cadets must adhere to the prescribed military
bearing. There is strict adherence to the prescribed uniform and haircut, which
includes no facial hair.

Q: Would there be considerations given to students with intermittent wifi? Are they
automatically considered as absent if they lost connection in the middle of their
A: Considerations are given to students/cadets with issues with internet connection.
Students/cadets are asked to submit video demonstrations of drill exercises as
alternative activities in lieu of their absence or non-participation in the drill exercises
during synchronous sessions.

Q: How do ROTC activities be held during pandemic?

A: Morning calisthenics, drills, practical exercises, and lectures are usually done during
synchronous sessions. Recorded lectures are posted during asynchronous

Q: In what ways can the students fully immerse themselves in the ROTC Components
aside from synchronous sessions.
A: During ROTC training days, drill exercises, naval specialization, and military
protocols are implemented. Extracurricular activities such as ROTC Week,
Sportsfest, and ROTC Leap classes are also held to raise awareness about ROTC
program and naval specializations.
Q: Do I have to be physically fit to join ROTC? I also have a health condition and asthma.
A: • Cadets with medical conditions may join but must provide medical clearance
allowing them to participate in physical activities.

• The medical clearance submitted will be the basis for joining the Service Support
Unit (SSU) and other physical activities.

Q: Since people with medical conditions will be able to join, and be put in a different
department in the ROTC, will they still receive the same training as everyone else.?
Or will they have their own respective training in their own department (Medic)?
A: Yes, you will have the same training but will be given appropriate consideration in
participating in the physical activities.

Q: Will there be any expenses for the ROTC Component?

A: None, other than the tuition fee indicated in your EAF.


Q: How will be able to have an outreach for the respective communities through DLSU’s
online set up?
A: The CWTS component will be offered in an online mode of learning. Project
Implementation is done through online means (e.g. webinars and online trainings)
and in coordination with community partners (e.g. the class will solicit for resources
and be in charge of delivery, the partner organization will then be in charge of
repacking and distribution to identified community members).

Q: How about those people who can’t donate money or contribute is there anything else
they can help?
A: Out of pocket monetary donations is strictly prohibited in CWTS. Project participation
can include (but is not limited through): hosting learning sessions, creating materials
for presentations, documenting class activities, providing assistance in resource
mobilization, taking part in logistical preparations, and providing technical assistance.

Q: What activities would be conducted and would these activities be done online?
A: For CWTS 1, the formation phase will include community partner orientation, online
community tour and integration, and project planning.
Q: If you are a leader in a youth organization, under the Sangguniang Kabataan, what
do you need to give the NSTP Office to show proof? And what does it entail (do we
get less hours, Etc.)?
A: Only elected SK Officials can avail of the privilege. Eligible students can send a
documentation of their SK activities conducted during Saturdays in lieu of the
scheduled NSTP session.

Q: How can we participate in the communities especially in this time of Pandemic?

A: Online community tour and interaction will be included in the CWTS sessions, our
partner organizations have received training and resources to participate online.

Q: Are we able to choose the community partner we wish to work with/help?

A: CWTS sections and Partner Organizations are randomly paired to ensure that
assignments will have a balance between morning and afternoon sessions.

Q: What would be our final project to accomplish NSTP if you chose CWTS?
A: For CWTS 1, the final requirement is the Project Plan. For CWTS 2, the final
requirement is the term end report and audio visual presentation of your project

Q: Is it true that CWTS is heavy with paperwork?

A: The CWTS 1 will require each class to submit their class project plan and CWTS 2
will require a term end report and audio visual presentation for their project
implementation. During the online mode of learning, most Social Engagement
Lecturers will ask for paperwork as proof of session participation and attendance.

Q: For the schedule of classes for online mode of learning, do we get to decide if
whether we go for the morning or afternoon sections?
A: Colleges will be assigned in the morning and afternoon session depending on the
number of enrollees in CWTS to ensure even distribution of sections for the two

Q: How will we raise funds for the partner community?

A: Colleges will be assigned in the morning and afternoon session depending on the
number of enrollees in CWTS to ensure even distribution of sections for the two

Q: Is it possible for me to contribute despite not being fluent in the Filipino language?

A: Yes, your social engagement lecturer can group you with students who can assist
you to communicate with the program stakeholders.
Q: How specifically will the CWTS conduct project implementations during an online set-
A: Project Implementation is done through online means (e.g. webinars and online
trainings) and in coordination with community partners (e.g. the class will solicit for
resources and be in charge of delivery, the partner organization will then be in charge
of repacking and distribution to identified community members).


Q: Would we able to choose whether or not it’s the parents or the children that we would
be teaching?
A: This would depend on the needs of the partner community. This is discussed during
the partner orientation.

Q: Would we be able to choose whether or not it’s the parents or the children that we
would be teaching?
A: Some would be preschoolers, elementary and high school students and also out-of-
school youth. There are instances that we conduct tutorials also for parents.

Q: Do we implement our lesson plan with the children or parent via online? Like in zoom
or google meet?
A: Yes, you will do it via zoom, Google meet or any video conferencing services

Q: Can I still pass and be able to learn from LTS even if I do not have the necessary
skills for this component?
A: Yes, As long as you participate and accomplish the requirements of the course.

Q: How prevalent is personal Tagalog comprehension within this course?

A: It is, but for the most part, both English and Filipino language are used.

Q: Will be there be any fees for the LTS Program?

A: Just the NSTP Tuition fee once you enroll.

Q: Will the money to buy donations come from us or the school will provide it?
A: The school will not provide funds. Students are also not allowed to spend their own
money for their LTS Projects. Students will do resource mobilization/fund raising
activities to fund their LTS projects/activities and be guided by their respective Social
Engagement lecturer (SEL).One module in the NSTP1 is Resource Mobilization. This
will guide the students on how to raise funds.
Q: Do we need to allot money most of the time for charity works?
A: No, you can also do so by sharing your time and talent.

Q: What are the fund raising activities of LTS?

A: Some fund raising activities : Selling of baked goods/pre-loved items, solicitation,
garage sale, online games, tutorials.

Q: How specifically will the LTS conduct project implementations during and online set-
A: Online tutorial (reading, mathematical computations etc.) Creation of learning
modules Creation of teaching aids (graphs, charts, flash cards Conduct of webinars
Solicitation of books and school supplies/hygiene kits.

Q: What are the activities that you have done so far? And what activities should we look
forward to?
A: • Tutorials - mathematics, reading
• Creation of teaching materials/aid like charts, flash cards, maps, educational
toys, creation of learning corners/ mini library, creation of educational play area
• Solicitation of books , school supplies and hygiene kits, fund raising activity for
construction materials needed in the improvement of classrooms ( paints,
cements, galvanized irons, etc.).

Q: What activities should we look forward to?

A: This would depend on the needs of the partner community. This will be decided
amongst the students, partner representatives and the NSTP Social Engagement
lecturer (SEL) after the online partner orientation/ interaction and the online
community tour.

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