Tolentino, Katrice MLS3-1 LabPostActReport1

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Name: Tolentino, Katrice Jade E.

Section: BSMLS 3-1

Attached the photo of your activity.

A. Tube forward Typing

Interpretation: After preparing the red cell suspension, 1 drop of blood was transferred to 2
tubes. The first tube have Anti-A antisera while the other tube has the Anti-B antisera. After
transferring the rcs and antisera, the tube was placed in the centrifuged for 1 minute. Once
done, the tube must be dislodge to see what RCS suspension with antisera has agglutination. In
my case, anti-b has agglutination. Therefore, my patient (Kristel Ann C. Librojo) have B blood

B. Tube Reverse Typing

Interpretation: After forward typing, we processed our sample for reverse typing by placing 2
drops of my patient serum to the labeled tube which are Cell-A, Cell-B, and Cell-O. The we
placed a drop of my prepared RCS on Cell-B tube. After that, we asked some of my classmates if
we could as a drop of A and O RCS. After collection, we centrifuged it. Once done, dislodge 3
tubes again. On my case, Anti-A shows agglutination. It might not be clearly shown on the
picture but rest assured that the clot will be seen on Cell-A slide, checked by our lab professor
Ms. Mary Jane Alba. In conclusion, Cell-O and Cell-B didn’t agglutinate since the antibody for
my patient’s blood type is present on Cell-A.

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