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Directorate of Sport, Exercise, and Physiotherapy, The University of Salford, Salford, United Kingdom
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Munro, AG and Herrington, LC. Between-session reliability of utcome measurement is an important tool in
four hop tests and the agility T-test. J Strength Cond Res 25(5): sports exercise science and medicine. It can be
1470–1477, 2011—The purposes of this study were firstly to used to assess, evaluate, and justify training
investigate whether learning affects were present in the methods, treatment, and rehabilitation interven-
tions through the identification of an athlete’s ability to cope
administration of 4 hop tests and the Agility T-test and secondly
with the physical demands placed upon them (6). During
to assess the between-session reliability of these tests. Twenty-
rehabilitation, the use of outcome measurement allows
two recreational athletes (11 women: age 22.3 6 3.7 years,
practitioners to evaluate an athlete’s progress to minimize
height 167.7 6 6.2 cm, weight 59.2 6 6.9 kg and 11 men: age the risk of reinjury on return to training and competition.
22.8 6 3.1 years, height 179.8 6 4 cm, weight 79.6 6 10 kg) Outcome measures commonly used to assess knee joint
took part in the study. The subjects performed 6 repetitions of function and subsequently inform when an athlete is ready to
each hop test and 4 repetitions of the Agility T-test once a week return to participation have included clinical measures such as
over a period of 3 weeks. Distances were normalized to leg knee joint laxity, range of motion, thigh circumference, and
length and presented as a percentage value for the single, triple quadriceps strength (14,16). Recently, however, the relation-
and crossover hop. Results showed that there were significant ship between such clinical measures and readiness for return
differences in scores between genders and that learning affects to sport has been refuted (3,9,14). Barber et al. (3) realized
were present in all tests. Intraclass correlation coefficients that for functional limitations of the knee joint to be
ranged from 0.76 to 0.92 for the hop tests and 0.82 to 0.96 for evaluated, testing that provided an objective measurement
while simulating sporting activity was required. A number of
the Agility T-test. The results indicated that the hop and Agility
tests that mimic sporting performance have been devised
T-tests are reliable tests for use with subjects in a clinical or
and investigated in recent years; these have been termed
team sport environment. The error measurement statistics
functional performance tests (FPTs). Functional performance
presented could be of help to practitioners to determine
tests, such as the hop tests and Agility T-test (3,6,24), are
whether changes in individuals’ scores in the hop and Agility closed chain in nature and therefore assimilate the joint
T-tests are because of a true change in performance or loading forces and kinematics that occur functionally (14).
measurement error. Of most importance was the fact that all A number of studies have shown that the hop tests can
subjects achieved at least 90% limb symmetry index on all detect differences between limbs in injured subjects
4 hop tests. Therefore, we recommend that a minimum limb (3,10,17,20,22), and therefore, they are most commonly used
symmetry value of 90%, rather than previously recommended with injured subjects to determine patient function. Hop tests
85%, should be adopted during rehabilitation and conditioning. can also be used in healthy populations to evaluate limb
symmetry and predict muscular strength and power (11).
KEY WORDS functional performance tests, ACL, outcome Limb symmetry index (LSI) is the most commonly used
measure method to assess this by giving a percentage value of 1 limb
vs. the other (3,12,20). An LSI of $85% indicates that
ÔnormalÕ limb symmetry exists and with regards to injured
populations that function of the injured limb is being restored
(3). The reliability of hop tests in both injured and uninjured
subjects has been investigated and shown to be high
(1,2,4,5,12,18,22,23); however, methodologies employed
Address correspondence to Allan Munro, have varied throughout. Firstly, only 2 of the studies to date
25(5)/1470–1477 (1,23) gave information on participants’ activity levels; this is
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research important because findings from an athletic population
Ó 2011 National Strength and Conditioning Association cannot be applied to a sedentary population and vice versa.
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Figure 1. Hop test setup.

Furthermore, studies have often used an unequal mix of men was needed to achieve a true score. However, participants
and women (1,4,5,12,22), despite the fact that one study has in this study were given practice trials until they felt
shown significant differences in hop scores between genders comfortable with the test, so it is unclear how many would
(3), which may skew subsequent data analysis and reliability be needed before performance stability is reached.
scores. Interestingly, authors have also reported that learning Furthermore, the studies mentioned (8,15,19) have all
affects were present in some studies (1,4,5,12,22), which may employed differing numbers of practice and measured trials
make the reliability values of these studies invalid. Despite but have not presented data of the changes between these
reports of learning affects only 1 study has adequately trials.
examined differences between trials (4), they found that 3 Although the reliability of the hop and Agility T-tests has
practice trials were adequate for the triple, crossover, and been investigated previously, learning affects and reliability
timed hops, whereas 4 trials may be needed for the single hop. have not been adequately assessed. Furthermore, no study to
The authors of this study concluded that further investigation date has taken into account the differences between genders
of learning affects associated with the hop tests was required. reported previously (3) and clearly delineated between the 2
The Agility T-test has been shown to be sensitive to groups. Therefore, the aims of this study were firstly to
changes in training patterns and differences in athlete skill investigate the learning affects associated with the 4 hop tests
levels (8,15). With this in mind, the agility T-test may be and Agility T-test. Secondly, once learning affects were
a useful tool to assess athlete function and changes in established, a standardized protocol could be determined and
performance during training and rehabilitation programs. the reliability of this protocol investigated to ascertain
Pauole et al. (19) found that within-day reliability for the measurement error values that enable practitioners to
Agility T-test was excellent and indicated that only 1 trial evaluate changes in an individual’s performance.

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Hop Tests and Agility T-Test

exercise routine, for at least 6 months before testing, and

have no history of lower extremity surgery. To qualify as
recreationally active, subjects were required to participate in
a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity 3 times a week
on a regular basis over the past 6 months, which included
recreational and competitive sports. All participants gave
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written informed consent to participate, and the research was

approved by the University of Salford Research and Ethics
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Participants were tested at the same time of day on 3 separate
occasions, separated by 1 week. All participants were asked
not to participate in strenuous exercise in the 24 hours before
testing and not to eat in the hour prior to testing. Participants
were also asked to wear the same training shoes on each
occasion so as to negate the effect of different designs of shoe
and support they provide on individual performance.
Dominant legs were noted as the leg with which the subject
would preferentially kick a ball. Each participant’s leg lengths
were measured on the first test occasion and were measured
Figure 2. T-test setup. from the anterior superior iliac spine to the distal tip of
the medial malleolus using a standard tape measure while
subjects lay supine. Leg length was used to normalize
METHODS excursion distances by dividing the distance reached by leg
Experimental Approach to the Problem length then multiplying by 100 and presented as a percentage
The purpose of this study was threefold: (a) to establish value. Limb symmetry index was calculated by dividing the
whether gender differences are apparent for each test; (b) to dominant limb by the nondominant limb and multiplying by
assess learning affects using a single-group repeated-measures 100 and presented as a percentage value.
design; and (c) to establish a standardized protocol and assess
the reliability and associated measurement error of the Hop Tests. The single hop for distance, triple hop for distance,
protocol for the single hop for distance, triple hop for 6-m timed hop and crossover hop for distance tests were
distance, crossover hop for distance, 6-m timed hop, and the originally described by Noyes et al. (17). A 6-m long,
Agility T-test. 15-cm-wide line was marked on the floor, along the middle of
A sample of recreational athletes was used to determine the which was a standard tape measure, perpendicular to the
learning affects and reliability of the tests. Recreational starting line. To record time for the 6-m timed hop 2 sets of
athletes were used for the results to be applicable to active electronic timing gates (Fitness Technology Inc., Australia)
populations encountered by most practitioners. Gender were placed on tripods at a height of 0.75 m, 3 m apart, at the
differences were assessed using a t-test. To assess learning start and finish line of the 6-m course. The setup for each hop
effects, all trials of each test were measured and analyzed test is shown in Figure 1.
through a repeated-measures 1-way analysis of variance Subjects performed 6 trials of each hop test, with all trials
(ANOVA). Reliability and measurement error were analyzed being measured. Both limbs were tested, and no restrictions
by repeating the testing over 3 sessions each separated by were given to subjects regarding the use of arm movement. A
1 week and analyzing scores using intraclass correlation rest period of 30 seconds was given between trials and 2 minutes
coefficients, SEMs, smallest detectable differences, and 95% between each of the 4 hop tests (22). Each hop test began with
confidence intervals. the great toe of the testing leg on the marked start line and the
distance hopped was measured to the rear of the foot upon final
Subjects landing. Subjects were required to maintain the final landing in
Twenty-two participants (11 women: age 22.3 6 3.7 years, the single, triple and crossover hop tests for a minimum of 2
height 167.7 6 6.2 cm, weight 59.2 6 6.9 kg and 11 men: age seconds. Unsuccessful hops were classified as a loss of balance,
22.8 6 3.1 years, height 179.8 6 4 cm, weight 79.6 6 10 kg) all an extra hop on landing or touching down of either the
of whom were university students volunteered for the study. contralateral lower extremity or the upper extremity (18).
Subjects were required to confirm that they had been free For the single hop, subjects were required to hop forwards as
from lower extremity injury, defined as any complaint that far as possible along the line of the tape measure and land on the
stopped the participant from undertaking their normal same limb. The triple hop involved participants performing 3
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TABLE 1. Week 1 mean 6 SD values for all trials of the 4 hop tests and Agility T-test for male and female subjects (% of leg length* 100, except for timed hop and
Agility T-test).

Trial number

Test 1 2 3 4 5 6

Women (n = 11)
Single hop 139.89 6 18.08 143.28 6 21.65 148.81 6 17.98* 149.30 6 19.38* 151.72 6 22.02* 153.15 6 18.97*†
Triple hop 460.57 6 51.75 473.57 6 48.74 470.03 6 44.82 486.29 6 40.14* 490.19 6 44.92* 496.63 6 42.60*†
Crossover hop 436.54 6 54.30 442.13 6 60.59 444.83 6 62.79 450.38 6 52.24 463.20 6 51.10* 468.34 6 53.94*†§
Timed hop (s) 2.139 6 0.156 2.141 6 0.201 2.175 6 0.256 2.124 6 0.181 2.059 6 0.168† 2.069 6 0.183
T-test 13.363 6 0.925 12.924 6 0.758* 13.058 6 0.882 12.945 6 0.826* ‡ ‡
Men (n = 11)

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

Single hop 161.98 6 27.58 171.50 6 27.21* 176.64 6 23.86* 179.11 6 24.40* 181.86 6 21.47*† 185.30 6 18.98*†
Triple hop 569.53 6 68.66 573.80 6 64.25 583.90 6 68.91 577.62 6 69.60 582.78 6 68.44 580.79 6 61.94
Crossover hop 491.65 6 78.76 520.20 6 77.86* 510.70 6 68.16 516.55 6 67.17 531.41 6 64.48* 543.82 6 59.61*§
Timed hop (s) 1.838 6 0.209 1.788 6 0.175 1.746 6 0.108 1.784 6 0.140 1.798 6 0.151 1.781 6 0.128
T-test 11.285 6 0.748 11.010 6 0.367 10.895 6 0.582* 10.926 6 0.434 ‡ ‡
*Significant difference from trial 1 (p , 0.05).
†Significant difference from trial 2 (p , 0.05).
VOLUME 25 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2011 |

‡Significant difference from trial 3 (p , 0.05).

§Significant difference from trial 4 (p , 0.05).


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Hop Tests and Agility T-Test

TABLE 2. Mean, SD, 95% CIs, SEM, SDD, and ICC values for the 4 hop tests and T-test (after practice trials).*†

Test Mean SD 95% CI SEM SDD ICC

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Single hop 157.15 17.74 154.66 159.64 7.93 21.98 0.80

Triple hop 505.28 51.83 498.02 512.55 23.18 64.25 0.80
Crossover hop 479.93 54.71 470.51 489.35 19.73 54.69 0.87
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Timed hop (s) 2.059 0.190 2.027 2.092 0.076 0.211 0.84
Agility T-test (s) 13.018 0.871 12.844 13.192 0.174 0.482 0.96
Single hop 188.93 17.60 186.47 191.40 7.87 21.81 0.80
Triple hop 584.76 60.71 576.25 593.26 17.17 47.59 0.92
Crossover hop 554.50 56.54 544.77 564.24 21.16 58.65 0.86
Timed hop (s) 1.762 0.133 1.743 1.780 0.084 0.233 0.60
Agility T-test (s) 10.736 0.496 10.637 10.835 0.210 0.582 0.82
*ICC = intracorrelation coefficient; SDD = smallest detectable difference; CI = confidence interval.
†All values presented as % of leg length* 100 except timed hop and Agility T-test.

consecutive maximal hops along the line of the tape measure, Subjects were asked to sprint forwards 9.14 m from the start
whereas in the crossover hop subjects maximally hopped line to the first cone and touch the tip with their right hand,
forward 3 times, alternately crossing the 15-cm-wide line. shuffle 4.57 m left to the second cone and touch with their left
Distance was measured from the start line to the rear of the foot hand, then shuffle 9.14 m to the right to the third cone and
upon final landing. In the 6-m timed hop, participants hopped touch with their right, shuffle 4.57 m back left to the middle
forward as quickly as possible from the start line through the cone and touch with their left hand before finally back
timing gates at the end of the 6-m course. Time was measured pedaling to the start line. Time began upon subjects passing
from when the subject passed through the first timing gate and through the timing gates and stopped upon them passing
stopped when they passed through the second. through on return.
Trials were deemed unsuccessful if participants failed to
touch a designated cone, crossed their legs while shuffling or
Agility T-Test. The Agility T-test was administered as failed to face forwards at all times. Subjects performed 4 trials, all
originally set out by Semenick (24). Four cones were of which were measured for learning affects to be evaluated.
arranged in a T shape, with a cone placed 9.14 m from the One minute’s recovery was given between each trial.
starting cone and 2 further cones placed 4.57 m on either
side of the second cone. All times were recorded using an
Statistical Analyses
electronic timing gate (Fitness Technology Inc.), a height of
All statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS for
0.75 and 3 m wide in line with the marked starting point. The
Windows version 16.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
test setup is shown in Figure 2.

TABLE 4. Results of limb symmetry index values for

TABLE 3. Limb symmetry index mean and SD values each hop test and all 4 combined.*†
for all subjects.
LSI $85 $90 $95
Women Men
Single hop 100 100 73
Hop test Mean SD Mean SD Triple hop 100 100 68
Crossover hop 100 100 64
Single 100.35 7.70 99.95 8.63 Timed hop 100 100 86
Triple 98.87 6.87 99.32 5.82 All tests 100 100 40
Crossover 101.61 6.60 98.38 6.12
Timed 99.46 6.51 99.16 8.97 *LSI = limb symmetry index.
†Values are given in %.

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TABLE 5. Comparison of SEM scores between studies.

Single hop Triple hop Crossover hop Timed hop

Study Subjects (cm) (cm) (cm) (s)
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Current Male recreational (n = 11) 7.5 16.4 21.0 0.084

Female recreational (n = 11) 7.1 20.8 17.1 0.076
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Booher et al. (5) Male (n = 4) and female (n = 14) 3.50 0.19

Bolgla and Keskula (4) Male (n = 5) and female (n = 15) 4.56 15.44 15.95 0.13
*Scores for men and women were collated for Booher et al.’s and Bolgla and Keskula’s studies.

Independent t-tests were carried out to assess differences that was 0.47. Statistical power was therefore low for the
between men and women. Separate 1-way repeated-measures timed hop (0.28) and high for all other tests (0.79–1) (25).
ANOVAs were then carried out on week 1 scores to assess Learning Affects
learning affects, with Bonferroni correction applied in instances The results showed that learning affects were present in all tests
where significant differences were found. Alpha levels were set in both men and women, where scores improved across trials.
at 0.05 for all tests. Effect sizes were determined using the Table 1 shows the means and SDs for all tests and indicates
Cohen d method (25), which defines 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8 as small, where significant differences between trials were found. For the
medium, and large respectively. Intraclass correlation coef- single and triple hop for distance, tests scores stabilized after 3
ficients (ICCs) (3,1) (21) assessed between-session reliability, trials in all subjects, whereas crossover hop scores stabilized
from which 95% confidence intervals (CIs), SEM, and smallest after 4 trials for all subjects. The timed hop stabilized after 4
detectable difference (SDD) were calculated to establish trials in women and 3 in men. Only 1 trial was needed before
random error scores. Intracorrelation coefficient values were scores stabilized for all subjects in the Agility T-test.
interpreted according to the following criteria (7): Poor =
,0.40; Fair = 0.40–0.70; Good = 0.70–0.90; and Excellent = Between-Session Reliability
.0.90 SEM pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
was calculated using the formula: After establishing how many trials were needed for the scores
ffi to stabilize, subsequent trials were used for reliability analysis.
(SDðpooled Þ  ð ð1  ICCÞÞ(25),pwhereas
ffiffiffi SDD was calcu-
lated from the formula: ð1:96  ð 2ÞÞ  SEM Þ (13). Therefore, trials 4–6 for the single and triple hop for all subjects
and timed hop in men, trials 5–6 for the crossover hop in all
subjects and timed hop for women and trials 2–4 for all subjects
RESULTS in the Agility T-test were used to calculate ICC, 95% CI, SEM,
Firstly, the results showed that men performed significantly and SDD values. These values are presented in Table 2.
better than women in all tests (p . 0.05); therefore, genders
were separated for all further analysis. Effect sizes were high Limb Symmetry Index
for all tests ranging from 1.08 to 2.99, except the timed hop The mean and SD LSI scores for both men and women are
shown in Table 3 and ranged from 98.38 to 101.61%. Table 4
also shows that all subjects achieved an LSI score of at least
90% in all hop tests, whereas 40% of subjects achieved at least
TABLE 6. Mean and SD raw scores for all hop tests 95% LSI on all hop tests.
for men and women.
Test Mean SD
The use of FPTs has become increasingly popular as a mode
Women of assessment during rehabilitation and training programs.
Single hop (cm) 137.9 15.53 However, it is important that these tests are reliable and that
Triple hop (cm) 442.0 42.54 the results of the tests can be interpreted appropriately.
Crossover hop (cm) 419.2 45.68
Therefore, information regarding whether practice trials are
Timed hop (s) 2.059 0.190
Men needed because of learning effects and the development of
Single hop (cm) 175.4 15.34 a reliable, standardized protocol that takes this into account is
Triple hop (cm) 543.5 47.32 highly important for practitioners.
Crossover hop (cm) 516.0 46.87 The results of the current study indicate that learning effects
Timed hop (s) 1.762 0.133
are present in the administration of the hop for distance tests
and Agility T-test. Bolgla and Keskula (4) previously described
learning affects being present during hop test administration,

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Hop Tests and Agility T-Test

where they indicated that 3 practice trials should be included The mean raw scores for the 4 hop tests in the current study,
for all hop tests, but may not be adequate. In the current study, shown in Table 6, also compare well with those found on
we found that 3 practice trials were enough in the single and healthy subjects in previous data (1,4,5), although direct
triple hop tests, whereas 4 trials were needed during the comparison is again difficult. The results of the current study
crossover hop, probably because of the increased complexity compare favorably to those conducted on patients with
of the task at hand. Learning effects were different between previous anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury (3,10,12,22).
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genders for the timed hop, with men needing less familiar- In these cases, we compared our results to those of the
ization than women did. Learning effects in the agility T-test uninjured limb, although once again direct comparison can
have not previously been investigated, with studies simply only be made with 1 of these studies. The higher scores found
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stating that participants were allowed to familiarize themselves in the recreational athletes in the current study compared
with the test or no practice trials were given at all (8,19). We to those of the uninjured limb of individuals in previous studies
found that only 1 practice trial was needed in both genders for may suggest that these particular individuals possess functional
familiarization purposes. deficiencies, which caused them to be at a greater risk of ACL
For the results of these tests to be reliable when used with injury. However, the decreased performance could also be
subjects, it is important for the correct number of practice a bilateral deficit that is a result of the injury itself.
trials to be included to allow subjects the chance to familiarize. The 4 hop tests have been shown to detect differences
In turn, this will give more consistent and reliable results that between injured and uninjured limbs (3,10,17,20,22). Measures
reflect an individual’s performance. of symmetry and statistical differences between limbs have
Reliability is an important aspect of performance testing; if been used previously to demonstrate the differences between
a test is not reliable, we are unable to gain anything from the limbs. Limb symmetry index is a measure commonly used to
results it produces. Test–retest reliability of all the hop tests in assess these differences by giving a percentage value of 1 limb
the current study except the timed hop for men had good or vs. the other. In the case of a patient going through
excellent reliability scores (7). Previous studies have reported rehabilitation, this would compare the injured against the
ICC values of between 0.66 and 0.99 (1,2,4,5,18,22,23), which uninjured limb, whereas in healthy subjects, it may compare
reflect the findings of the current study. Interestingly, the the dominant and nondominant limbs. An LSI of $85%
lowest score of 0.66 was for the timed hop (4), which mirrors indicating that ÔnormalÕ limb symmetry exists and function of
our finding for the male timed hop. When the values for the the injured limb is being restored (3). Further to the previous
timed hop are removed, ICC scores, including those from idea that lower mean hop scores in the uninjured limb of ACL
the current study, range from 0.80 to 0.99, which indicates patients may show a functional deficiency which predisposed
that the hop for distance tests are reliable (8). The low the individuals to injury, it may also be possible to screen
reliability scores for the timed hop are reflected in the small healthy individuals for limb symmetry to see whether there is
effect size and power values this test produced; this calls into any relationship with future injury occurrence. Mean scores for
question whether this particular test should be included in LSI for subjects of the current study were between 98 and
injury and rehabilitation screening. 102%. Upon further analysis, all subjects had an overall LSI
Only 2 studies that we are aware of have calculated SEM value of .85% (615%) in all hop tests. Perhaps of more
values for raw (nonnormalized) hop test scores (4,5). Booher importance is that we also found all subjects to have an LSI
et al. (5) only looked at the single and timed hop tests, whereas value of .90% (610%) for all hop tests, whereas only 1 subject
Bolgla and Keskula (4) conducted all 4 tests. In each of these had an LSI of ,95% (65%) in all 4 tests. Furthermore 40% of
studies, the number of men and women was unequal, and subjects had an LSI of $ 95% in all tests and at least 64% of
participant activity levels were not disclosed making direct subjects had an LSI of $ 95% for one hop test. These findings
comparison difficult. A comparison of SEM values for raw scores suggest that despite previous recommendations that LSI
can be seen in Table 5. SEM values for the single hop in both of scores of $85% indicate that ÔnormalÕ limb symmetry exists
these studies were lower than in the current study, whereas (3), this value should in fact be increased to 90%.
timed hop values were higher. Values compared well for men in The Agility T-test is commonly used to assess the ability of
the triple hop and in the crossover hop for women. Differences team sport athletes to change direction, including accelera-
in SEM values were more than likely caused by the differences tion, deceleration, and lateral movement during preseason
between SD scores across the studies, where SDs were much testing protocols. The times achieved by the participants of
higher in the 2 comparison studies (4,5) than the current one. the current study compare well with those of subjects in other
The SDs have a marked effect on the SEM values produced; this studies (8,15,19), one of which included recreational athletes
suggests that the SEM values for the current study are likely to be (19). To our knowledge no previous study has investigated the
more accurate because SD scores were much lower. The SD learning affects or the between-session reliability of the Agility
values in the comparison studies were probably higher because T-test. There was evidence of a learning affect taking place in
of a higher range of scores as a result of pooling men and women administration of the Agility T-test; therefore, we recommend
despite the significant differences in performance, which has a standardized protocol that includes the use of 1 practice trial
been shown previously (3) and in the current study. followed by 3 measured trials. The ICC, SEM, and SDD
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |

values presented in this paper will give both coaches and 5. Booher, LD, Hench, KM, Worrell, TW, and Stikeleather, J. Reliability
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VOLUME 25 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2011 | 1477

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Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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