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Ancient Egypt VS Rome

Temple of Khonsu Temple of Diana

Egypt Influences Rome
Egypt is a sandy desert with civilization and cities branching from the Rome is along narrow peninsula on the Mediterranean Sea. Being
river Nile, the source of life. It influenced the architecture as Egyptians Geographical close to the sea the roman spent their days looking out and
tend to build the buildings of the living on the east bank and the extracting beauty from the coasts and seas.
buildings of the dead on the west.
Rich on various rocks and stones ,which was the main building Geological Mostly they used marble, bricks and tufa a volcanic material like
material due to its mortality. concrete.
Egypt has no severe weather conditions, so they depended on safe Climate Rome it is mostly sunny and tropical
and simple construction designs.
The priesthood had great authority at the time and great influence In Rome Religion did have the same influence on architectural as it did on
over the architectural characteristics at the time. the Egyptian as the worshiping of the gods became a mater of state policy.
This is evidence on how they started to take more care on theatres and
Religion thermae.

Kings --priests -nobles -scribblers- workers Social construction Kings- senators and general assembly- nobles - peasants.

Ancient Egyptian history consisted of 6 historical periods each

flourishing and reaching its peak before demolishing giving space for Historical
a new period, all ending after the death of cleopatra.

Temples consisted in the planning of their mysterious

Sprit of the Temples were not public buildings no rituals was Sprit of the Temples were mostly vast and spacious producing a The temples were a very important social areas . Many
chamber and corridors, covered in painting and Purpose celebrated within it. Most parts of it were reserved Purpose
temple hieroglyphics that leave a gloomy and solemn print on its only for the eyes of the king and the priests.
temple strong sense of power and pride. publis rituals were preformed on them.

The Temples were composed of disconnected collection of Composition The roman Temples had whole rectangular
Composition various sized structure as the heights of each segment harmonious appearance.
decrease from front to back
Roman temples entrances always faced the forum.
The temples are raised on a platform with
Egyptian temples' entrances had a composition of a roadway of rams leading to the entrance and a
Entrance temples leading up to the portico from the front.
Entrance pylon consisting of 2 tall trapezoids with an open entry on the centre. The entrance was designed to The entrance to the cella or inner chamber would
give a sense of mystery and separate the outer world of the sacred place inside. often have doors..

Roman walls were constructed of small mean carse Openings were an important feature on the roman
Walls Openings architecture and they had many shapes squared ,
material such as concrete.
Egyptian walls were immensity thick stone Egyptian didn't use many window openings but they circular and semi circular.
Walls Openings usually were square headed and covered with massive
They were carved of one piece of marble and had The ornaments and decoration they used were mostly
Columns many orders such as Doric ionic Corinthian and Decorations telling stories about their wars an victories . They also
they were built on different levels and made They mostly carved on the walls picture from the nature composite having different capitals decorated the temples with colomns of different colors.
of stone with decoration on the body and Decorations and there daily life . The carves inside the temples
base .the capitals were palm trees and presented the act of adoration to the gods. The also
lotus. used natural colors.
Used Vaulting (arches, vaults and domes). Romans
generalized vaulting as a structural system. They
made it simple by use of concrete. The effect was far
Roofs reaching and gave freedom in the planning of complex
structures, which were easily roofed, the vaults being
of any form, and easily constructed.

Temple of Diana
This temple was built on the banks of the fountain,
and at the foot of a rock which was formerly enclosed
within the walls of the city. His situation could not be
happier. We know that, according to the custom of
It is made up of a pylon, a court, a hypostyle hall, a barque shrine, an
Temple of Khonsu
the ancients, the temples were usually placed near
ambulatory, and several chapels, one of which is on the roof. Almost every fountains and ponds, which facilitated the ablutions of
surface has carvings in both bas-relief and intaglio. Many of these carvings, the priests and the purifications of the pagans.
especially in the chapels, have kept their color. The temple is built on the site of
at least one other temple, and most of it is made of sandstone, except for the The building is of a beautiful structure and square in
inside of the barque shrine, which is made of granite. The sandstone blocks are shape, like most temples of antiquity. Considered
all used for different things. internally, it forms a vessel seven fathoms three feet
long, four fathoms five feet three inches wide, and six
fathoms one foot six inches high. It is barrel-vaulted,
with transverse arches, some of which are re-entrant
and others projecting. It was covered with tiles or
slabs, wedged one inside the other so tightly that The interior of the temple was adorned with
water could not find passage there. The front door is sixteen columns which supported a serrated
semi-circular and looks up. It is three fathoms two cornice which had been made to reign all
feet three inches high, and one fathom five feet three around, and on which the vault bears. The
inches wide. There was above a large opening or shaft of these columns is all plain and without
square window, which served to light the temple. any kind of groove.

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