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Table of contents:


Problem of Statement…………………………………………….2


Background of the study………………………………………….


Excepted Outcomes…………………………………………………

Scopes and Limitations…………………………………………….


Cosmetics product are any substance or formulation intended to be
externally used on portions of the human body for protecting,
cleansing, perfuming, altering the appearance, and eliminating body
odor, namely skin moisturizers, perfumes, lipsticks, nail polishes,
makeup, hair care products, etc..

In today's world, cosmetic products have become an essential part of

people's daily lives. From basic skincare products to high-end makeup
products, the cosmetic industry is growing rapidly. However,
managing the inventory, sales, and customer data of a cosmetic store
manually can be a time-consuming and daunting task.

Statement of problem

The statement of the problem in a cosmetic management system is

that existing system may not provide a comprehensive and efficient
solution for managing the various aspects of a cosmetic business,
including inventory management, sales tracking, customer
relationship management, marketing, and usability. These challenges
can lead to inefficiencies, missed opportunities for growth,stockouts,
overstocking, or wastage, and difficulty in creating and executing
effective marketing campaigns. To overcome these challenges, a
cosmetic management system is required to streamline processes,
provide accurate and real time information, help business make data
driven decision, and maintain good relationships with customers.
Additionally, the system should be intuitive, easy to use, and require
minimal training to use effectively.
Objectives of study

The objectives of the study are as follows:

a. To satisfying their customers by provide the quality product at
reasonable price.
b. To address any complaints or issues that customers may have with
the products.

Scope and limitations

The scopes and limitations of this project include:

1. Initial cost: The implementation of the system can
involve significant upfront costs, such as software
development, hardware installation, and staff training.
2. Technical expertise: The system requires technical
expertise to develop, implement and maintain.
3. Data privacy: The system will store sensitive customer
and business data, and it is essential to ensure that the
system is secure and complies with data privacy
4. User adoption: The system's success depends on the
store staff's willingness to adopt and use it effectively.

Background of study
Cosmetics management systems are software programs designed to
manage various aspects of a cosmetics business. The cosmetics
business is a highly competitive and constantly evolving market. A
cosmetics management system have become increasingly popular as
businesses seek to improve their efficiency and competitiveness in
the cosmetics industry.


The methodology of cosmetic management system are listed below;

Literature review:

Conduct a systematic literature review on cosmetic management

systems. Identify key concepts, frameworks, and models proposed in
the literature. Analyze the challenges faced by the cosmetic industry
and the solutions proposed in previous studies. Determine the
critical success factors and best practices for developing effective
cosmetic management systems.
Requirement identification:

1. Functional Requirements Identification: Based on the information gathered

from stakeholders and current process analysis, identify the functional
requirements of the cosmetic management system. These requirements define
what the system should do to support various activities, such as product
formulation, supply chain management, regulatory compliance, quality control,
sales, and marketing. Categorize the requirements into specific modules or
components for clarity.
2. Current Process Analysis: Analyze the existing cosmetic management processes
within the organization. Identify inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and areas for
improvement. This analysis helps in determining the required functionalities of
the new system and provides insights into areas that need automation or

3. Design and Development

a. User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design: Develop a
user-friendly and intuitive UI/UX design for the cosmetic
management system. Consider the needs, preferences, and skill
levels of the system users. Incorporate industry design standards,
usability principles, and feedback from stakeholders to create an
engaging and efficient user interface.
b. Database Design: Design the database structure based on the functional
and non-functional requirements. Identify the necessary tables, fields, and
relationships to support data storage, retrieval, and reporting. Ensure
data integrity, security, and scalability while considering industry-specific
data management regulations.
c. Software Development: Implement the cosmetic management system
according to the defined architecture and design. Utilize appropriate
software development methodologies, such as Agile or Waterfall, to
manage the development process. Divide the development tasks into
modules or components and assign them to the development team
members based on their expertise.

4. Testing
a. Functional Testing: Execute functional testing to validate
that the cosmetic management system meets the specified
functional requirements. Test each module, component, and
integration points to ensure proper functionality and data
flow. Verify that the system behaves as expected in different
scenarios and supports the intended business processes.

b. Performance Testing: Conduct performance testing to assess

the system's responsiveness, scalability, and stability under
varying workloads. Measure and analyze the system's
performance metrics, such as response times, throughput,
and resource utilization. Identify potential bottlenecks,
scalability limitations, and areas for optimization.
5. Feasibility study
a. Economic Feasibility Analysis: Conduct an economic
feasibility analysis to determine the financial viability of
developing the cosmetic management system. Estimate the
costs associated with system development, implementation,
training, maintenance, and support. Compare these costs
against the potential benefits, such as improved efficiency,
cost savings, and increased revenue. Consider the return on
investment (ROI) and payback period to assess the economic
b. Technical Feasibility Assessment: Evaluate the technical
feasibility of developing the cosmetic management system.
Assess the organization's existing technical infrastructure,
including hardware, software, network capabilities, and
compatibility with the proposed system. Identify any
potential technical constraints, such as resource limitations
or technological gaps that may hinder system development.

6. High-Level design of the System:

We will create a system flow chart to illustrate our cosmetic management system.
7. Expected outcomes

Some specific expected outcomes of a cosmetics management

system might include:

1. Improved inventory management: A cosmetics management

system can help businesses track inventory levels in real-time,
reducing the risk of stockouts and overstocking. This can help
businesses save money on storage costs and avoid lost sales due to
inventory issues.

2. Increased productivity: By automating routine tasks such as order

processing and invoicing, a cosmetics management system can free
up time for employees to focus on more valuable tasks such as
product development, marketing, and customer service.

3. Enhanced customer satisfaction: With a cosmetics management

system, businesses can provide better customer service by quickly
responding to customer inquiries, processing orders faster, and
delivering products more efficiently. This can lead to increased
customer loyalty and repeat business.

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