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The Pakistani economy experienced a V-shaped recovery in FY2022, posting a real GDP growth

of 5.97 percent after a 0.94 percent drop in FY2020 due to the pandemic. However, this growth
is unsustainable and has led to financial and macroeconomic imbalances, as Pakistan has a
history of volatile growth cycles The economy is facing a number of difficulties, including
dwindling budgetary room, exchange rate pressure, a growing current account deficit, inflation,
energy sector constraints, and political unpredictability. The coordinated monetary-fiscal policy
approach, along with policy support for exports, has revived the economy. However, the surge in
global commodity prices has exerted pressure on imports, resulting in a widening current account
deficit. Macroeconomic imbalances have been caused by inflationary and external sector
pressures, and the SBP decided to normalize monetary policy in September 2021 to combat
inflationary pressure. Pakistan requires all-encompassing measures to improve its economy as a
whole, promote growth, keep prices stable, create jobs, and rehabilitate its infrastructure. In
practically every area of the economy, fiscal reforms and adjustments are necessary for stronger,
more inclusive, and longer-lasting economic growth.

Financial Study of Pakistan 2021-2022 gives a complete outline of the country's monetary
exhibition during the financial year. A few critical features from the report include.
 GDP Development: Pakistan's Gross domestic product development for FY2021-22 is
assessed at 3.94%, a huge improvement from the earlier year's compression of 0.47%.
 Inflation: The expansion rate in Pakistan expanded to 8.9% in FY2021-22 contrasted
with 6.8% in the past financial year.
 Fiscal Shortage: The financial shortfall for Pakistan is assessed at 6.3% of Gross
domestic product in FY2021-22, down from 7.1% in the earlier year.
 Public Obligation: Pakistan's absolute open obligation expanded to Rs. 45.8 trillion in
FY2021-22, up from Rs. 44.8 trillion in the earlier year.
 Export Execution: Pakistan's products expanded by 29.5% to $31.4 billion in FY2021-
22, contrasted with $24.2 billion in the past financial year.
 Import Execution: Pakistan's imports additionally expanded by 29.5% to $67.7 billion in
FY2021-22, contrasted with $52.3 billion in the past monetary year.
 Agriculture: Pakistan's farming area showed positive development of 2.77% in FY2021-
22 contrasted with a constriction of 0.4% in the earlier year.
 Investment: Pakistan's proper venture expanded by 8.5% in FY2021-22, while private
area speculation expanded by 13.7%.
In general, the Monetary Study of Pakistan 2021-2022 features that Pakistan's economy is giving
indications of progress, especially in the space of Gross domestic product development,
commodities, and speculation. Be that as it may, challenges stay regarding high expansion,
public obligation, and the need to broaden the nation's commodity base.
Worldwide Economy confronted promising and less promising times when Coronavirus. Before
the Coronavirus requests for some items increment yet firms additionally creating more to
provide food the requests. However, Coronavirus impacted the economy seriously because most
of the organizations stop creation.
The restoration of worldwide financial action in the primary portion of 2021 has helped stock
exchange over its pre-pandemic top, as worldwide product exchange volume has expanded by
9.8 percent in 2021. The worldwide exchange developed by 26% and arrived at US$ 22.4

Pakistan's products have shown a huge improvement in the financial year 2021-2022, recording
an increment of 29.5% to $31.4 billion contrasted with $24.2 billion in the past monetary year.
Significant justification for expanding trade was utilizing star dynamic methods and degrading of
Pakistani Rupee.
In February 2022, the SBP permitted Rupee-based limiting of commodity bills for exporters
profiting Products Money Plan (EFS), at extremely appealing rates it likewise assists with
expanding the commodity.
Coronavirus upset the economy of Pakistan in FY2020 however in FY2021 Pakistan economy
bounced back again.
Overall exports for Pakistan that were estimated as $ 2,244 million.
Significant Commodity Classes
The significant product classifications of Pakistan in FY2021-22 were materials and clothing,
trailed by food and agribusiness items, and oil-based goods.
Nutrition type expanded by 18.9 percent and arrived at US$ 3.9 billion during Jul-Blemish
FY2022 as against US$ 3.3 billion to a similar period last year. Inside the nutrition class, rice
sends out expanded both in amount and worth by 22.8 percent and 15.0 percent, separately.
Commodities of rice were recorded at US$ 1.8 billion during Jul-Blemish FY2022 when
contrasted with US$ 1.5 billion same period last year.
The Petrol gathering's commodities posted an increment of 103.3 percent during Jul-Blemish
FY2022. Moreover, oil rough commodities additionally took off 184.9 percent to US$ 178.7
million during Jul-Blemish FY2022.
On account of sports merchandise, Gloves sends out expanded both in amount and worth 132.5
percent and 16.4 percent, separately during Jul-Blemish FY2022. Gloves sends out were
recorded at US$ 56.7 million. Other significant games merchandise is football seen an increment
both in amount and worth by 37.8 percent and 40.3 percent.
Commodities of Synthetic substances and drugs item developed by 29.6 percent and got started
at US$ 1093.7 million during Jul-Blemish FY2022. Synthetic substances, other than the ones
utilized in drug and plastic items, had the most elevated share.
USA stays the biggest commodity market for Pakistan during Jul-Blemish, FY2022. Products to
USA have modestly expanded from 20% in Jul-Blemish FY2021 to 21 percent in Jul-Blemish
FY2022. Likewise, Chinese Pakistan Financial Study 2021-22 148 offer in sends out has
expanded from 10% to 11 percent during the period under audit. Itemized bifurcation of
significant product markets
Pakistan's imports have additionally expanded by 29.5% to $67.7 billion in FY2021-22
contrasted with $52.3 billion in the past monetary year.
Significant Import Classes: The significant import classifications of Pakistan in FY2021-22 were
oil-based commodities, trailed by hardware, and food and farming items.
The all-out imports during Jul-Blemish FY2022 timed at US$ 58.9 billion when contrasted with
US$ 39.5 billion in a similar period last year, showing a development of 49.1 percent (Table
8.4). The expansion in imports is kept in every one of the significant gatherings. Different
variables have added to the lofty ascent in imports during Jul-Blemish FY2022. Rising
worldwide product costs contributed essentially to the rising import volume.
Expansion in real money save necessity for banks: The SBP expanded the normal money hold
prerequisite (CRR), to be kept up with by banks during a fourteen-day time span, from 5% to 6
percent, and the base CRR to be kept up with every day from 3% to 4 percent. The action is
supposed to direct homegrown interest, and furthermore urge banks to seek after store activation
endeavors effectively. Imported engine vehicles, SUVs and other engine vehicles.
Main commodities of imports during January 2023 were Petroleum products (Rs. 160,996
million), Palm oil (Rs. 85,283 million), Petroleum crude (Rs.75,929 million), Natural gas,
liquified (Rs.56,845 million), Iron & steel (Rs.51,158 million), Plastic Materials (Rs. 48,890
million), Raw cotton (Rs.43,235 million), Wheat un-milled (Rs.38,709 million), Electric
machinery & apparatus (Rs.34,902 million) and Iron & steel scrap (Rs.26,323 million).

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