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DEPARTMENT OF LIBERAL ARTS AND A. Body’s Sensuality C. Demeanor

BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES B. Body’s Sexuality D. Body’s Sensuality
Visca Baybay City, Leyte 6521-A 8. It refers to parts of the body that are primarily receptive and increase sexual arousal
Philippines when touched sexually.
Phone/Fax: 63 53 565 0600 local 1028 A. Plateau C. Resolution
Email address:,ph
Website: B. Erogenous D. Excitement
9. This concept refers to the concrete dimension, the tangible aspect of the person
that can be directly observed and examined.
The key to learning is an awareness of where you lack understanding.
-James Pierce- A. Material C. Physical Self
B. Extended D. Self-esteem
10. This is usually characterized by decreased arousal and sexual urge after
Name: ____________________________ Course: _____________ Score:_______ ejaculation which is most commonly seen in males.
A. Orgasm C. Erogenous
Instructor: _________________________ Class Schedule:________ Date:_______ B. Plateau D. Resolution
11. The natural method involves refraining from coital and considered the most effective
Directions: Read and answer the questions below. Select the letter of the BEST answer natural birth control method with ideally zero percent fail rate.
among the given choices. Write your answers in the provided answer sheet. A. Abstinence C. Withdrawal
B. Condom D. Calendar days
1. The portrayal of a specific behavior in a particular setting. 12. It is latex sheath that is placed on the erect male reproductive organ before
A. Aesthetic C. Body Image penetration to trap the sperm during ejaculation.
B. Demeanor D. Emotional well-being A. Ineluctable C. Condom
B. Implants D. Withdrawal
2. It is generally brief duration. If the stimulation is continued, orgasm usually occurs 13. This highlights how a person's behavior, attitude, or sentiments can change when
A. Erogenous zone C. Orgasm zone they believe they have received or experienced something that caused the change.
B. Excitement phase D. Plateau phase A. Fickled Minded C. Pygmalion Effect
3. According to William James,_________is about our bodies, clothes, immediate family, B. Placebo effect D. Testimonial Effect
and home. 14. According to him, the self does not only refer to the body and mind but everything
A. Digital Self C. Political Self attached to both physically and socially.
B. Material Self D. Philosophical Self A. Stone-Romero C. Anthony Giddens
B. Anderson-Fye D. Russel W. Welk
4. A person's sexual, emotional, physical, and psychological attraction to other people.
A. Sexual Climax C. Sexual Intercourse 15. You are coming into a court to participate in a court proceeding by a party who
B. Gender Expression D. Sexual Orientation has been validly served process. The formal attire that you used during court
5. The following are ideas of Russel W. Belk on extended self in a digital world except proceeding is part of your?
A. Sharing C. Dematerialized A. Emotions C. Demeanor
B. Construction D. Reimbodiment
6. Which of the following factor/s influencing the political self of a Filipino in modern B. Sexual D. Body Image
times? 16. This is how would you express attributes that relate to gender and are usually
A. Family C. Social Media presented through clothes, cosmetics, behavior which we can show people aspects
B. History D. All of them are correct of our sexuality.
7. It refers to what is seen by other people, like the biological surface of a person's body, A. Sexuality C. Gender Identity
the apparel, the decorations. B. Expression D. Sexual Orientation
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
17. Maslow considered this stage as the most important as all the other needs become
secondary until these needs are met. 26. This is characterized as the “Breakout of the visual” online, leading to new
A. Esteem needs C. Safety needs constructions and definitions of the self in the virtual world where online games,
B. Physiological needs D. Psychological needs blogs, web pages, photo, and video-sharing sites are possible.

18. This happens when you consume negatively perceived items such as medicines A. Sharing C. Dematerialized
for terminal illnesses with a positive mental state believing that you can still
B. Construction D. Reimbodiment
recover from it. This statement is under with what type of self-congruity?
A. Positive self-congruity C. Negative self-congruity 27. Which of the following is the least type of personal information that Darrel must
B. Negative self-incongruity D. Positive self-incongruity protect on social media in preventing a variety of crimes?
19. There is a positive product image and a negative self-image. The positive product A. Birthday C. PAG IBIG Number
would be a fit n’ right because of the negative outlook of your body.
A. Positive self-congruity C. Negative self-congruity B. Credit Card Number D. Relationship Status
B. Negative self-incongruity D. Positive self-incongruity 28. Playing mobile legends, watching favorite movies online, and for a while just to forget
your problems at home, and love life. Scientists called the idea of forgetting the real
20. One individual may have a strong desire to become an ideal parent. In another, world as _______?
the desire may be expressed economically, academically or athletically.This A. Escapism C. Excretory Homeostasis
situation is an example of which stage of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs? B. Escapade D. Experience Escapism
A. Esteem needs C. Safety needs 29. When someone is more excited in the virtual world than the real self because of the
B. Physiological needs D. Self actualization different magical applications that can brag and boost confidence. He is in the stage of
21. The contentment one has with the direction his or her life is going, the
A. Escapism C. Excretory Homeostasis
circumstances we find ourselves in, and the elements that make up his or her
B. Escapade D. Experience Escapism
life’s condition.
30. A young Daddy Miguel observes Dexter glued to his computer games. What aspect of
A. Life condition C. Life satisfaction
the family life may suffer due to the obsession of the boy with technology gadgets?
B. Life circumstances D. Life’s challenging
A. Young-child relationship C. Parent and son relationship
22. It is an unselfish concern for other people doing things simply out of a desire to help,
B. Parent-computer relationship D. Father and Mother relationship
not because you feel obligated to put of duty, loyalty, or religious reasons.
31. A learning technique in which Darrel explain to himself pieces of a learning material for
A. Altruism C. Social Interaction
the purpose of improving his understanding the concepts.
B. Socialization D. Social Identification
A. Mnemonics C. Self-explanation
23. What is the name of the book of Paul Knitter emphasizes that people should not
B. Rereading text D. Distributed Practice
contain the ideals of religions under one box but Instead must consider religious
32. How will I know I have succeeded? How many accomplishments or actions will it
take? These questions are associated with what “M” in SMART Goals?
A. “With Others Name” C. “No Other Name”
A. Meaningful C. Motivation
B. “With Not other’s Name” D. “No Other Than Name”
B. Measurable D. Meta cognition
24. It means interactions among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange 33. Do I have the resources needed to achieve the goal? Are the actions I plan to take
information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. likely to bring success? These questions are associated with what “A” in SMART
A. Social self C. Social Media Goals?
B. Social Interaction D. Social Identity A. Actionable C. Attainable
B. Applicable D. Adaptable
25. Our written communications, recorded music, photos, videos, and data are among 34. Which drive can motivate when someone is hesitant and difficult to perform the tasks.
the once-tangible artifacts that have _____ into digital ciphers of their former A. Drive to do C. Drive to achieve
A. Sharing C. Dematerialized B. Drive to do stagnant D. Drive to have will power.
B. Construction self D. Reimbodiment
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
35. The following are self-care strategies and techniques that we need to adopt and for 43. The ability to apply moral sensibility and conscience may be observed in the
us to improve our quality of life except manifestation of religion, its ideas, and acts.
A. Stay Positive C. Relax and sleep well A. Digital Self C. Physical Self
B. Face you fears D. Exercise and eat much junk foods B. Spiritual Self D. Moral Responsibility
36. It is one way to counter stress where it will help us to entail being warm and 44. The antonym of eustress which connotes negative stress in life such as divorce,
understanding to ourselves when we suffer, fail, or feel inadequate, rather than punishment, injury, negative feelings, financial problems, and work difficulties.
flagellating ourselves with self-criticism. A. Stress C. Distress
B. Problem D. Eu-stress
A. Self-efficacy C. Self-fulfillment
45. At this period, she develops underlying sexual desires toward her father. She grows
B. Self-compassion D. Self-satisfactory antagonistic to her mother and obsessed with her father.
37. The following are the instances that can cause stress, make someone irritated, A. Latency Stage C. Electra Complex
and threaten sense of self except: B. Genital Stage D. Oedipus Complex

A. Seeing crush with someone else C. Waking up to a roommate’s alarm 46. This stage is not really a psycho-sexual stage of development because there is no
sexual drive in this period. It is a resting period, with regression of desires.
B. Doing tasks to the last minute D. Chatting with my “significant other” A. Anal Stage C. Latency stage
B. Phallic Stage D. Genital stage
38. The study of things that a person is lacking, of how people make use of the things
that they have, and of making the right decisions. 47. The name of the hormone that activate the sexual glands. Once these sexual
glands are activated, they begin to release their own hormones, resulting in
A. Political Self C. Physical Self physical changes throughout the body.
B. Material Self D. Sexual Self A. Estradiol C. Progesterone
B. Testosterone D. Gonadotrophins
39. It characterized as a person's judgment of his or her sexual feelings and actions.
It notices how you see yourself. 48. He is the proponent of self-efficacy theory that discussed concepts of mastery
experiences, learning by doing, social persuasion, and psychological and
A. Political Self’ C. Physical Self emotional well being in attaining goals in life.
B. Material Self D. Sexual Self A. Jean Piaget C. Albert Bandura
B. John Dewey D. Erik Erikson
40. It investigates how social and economic settings have a significant impact on a
person’s mental health and well being. 49. You Interact differently with each website you visit, each of those websites will
have a different picture of who you are and what you do. Your characteristics and
A. Political Self C. Physical Self interactions that will give a glimpse about yourself called as _______?
B. Material Self D. Sexual Self A. Online Picture C. Online Self
41. This explores the phenomena of virtual self-expression and the aspects that have B. Online Identity D. Virtual Reality
led us to create a virtual self.
A. Digital Self C. Social Images 50. Which of the following situation best emphasizes the principle of equal opportunity?
B. Spiritual Self D. Social Network A. The employer needs to provide a level playing field for everyone
B. The employer needs to provide a level playing field exclusively for Asians.
42. Which of the following trait that is worth emulating if we are in the situations or C.The employer needs to provide a level playing field for all with discrimination
obstacles encountered in life like trauma, disaster, health crisis? D.The employer needs to provide a level playing field exclusively for African-American
A. Stagnant C. Emulation
B. Buoyancy D. Surcease
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.

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