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The portfolio

Applicants must meet TU Delft’s general admission requirements for international

applicants, and are selected on the basis of a digital portfolio. A Portfolio is required
for all MSc tracks; Architecture, Building Technology, Landscape
Architecture, Management in the Built Environment and Urbanism. The digital
portfolio should include samples of work from your previous educational programme.
Working experience may be added to the portfolio.

What the portfolio should reflect

A portfolio should reflect the scope and variety of your previous training and
experience with specific emphasis on your knowledge of and skills in the
degree track for which you are applying. You should submit work that
represents your personal interests as well as your design and technological

In general, we look for candidates who demonstrate strong interest in a

variety of design approaches and methods as well as theoretical and technical
knowledge. We look for those who can engage themselves in an intellectually
rigorous manner. We believe that pursuing an advanced degree in
architecture requires perspectives and interests beyond the technical
conventions of the profession.

What the portfolio should include

The portfolio cover should include your full name and contact information.
Please note: For those applying for the Architecture track: as applicant you
are encouraged to submit a video link (URL) to your self-introduction video on
the cover of your portfolio.

Number and nature of projects:

 Include a total maximum of 5 projects.

 Include no more than 2 professional projects.
 Include at least one individual project.
 Include your final project (if you have not yet completed it, include your
most recent project).
 At least one of the projects included should clearly demonstrate your
capabilities with respects to structural and technical project
viability. We highly recommend that these structural and technical
aspects are exhibited in either the final thesis project, or alternatively,
your most recent or most advanced level, project.
 Include a summary of your motivation letter of no more than 400 words.

You should present your best (and/or most thorough) projects and describe
them in detail (in English), graphically demonstrating your ability to initiate and
follow through the design process.

Please present clearly the specific issues of your interest and the
steps/methods/techniques you followed in each design exercise, not just the
end results. Please keep in mind that you are applying for an academic
programme and therefore should be able to display your attitude and
approach appropriate for it.

You don't necessarily need to include free-hand sketches/paintings/handicraft

as the application is not for an undergraduate programme. (If you do, please
put them at the end of the portfolio in 2-3 pages.) Please consider carefully
the distribution and the range of your portfolio's contents.

Please keep in mind that the admissions committee judges your individual
skills. In general individual projects show your capacities better than group
work. If you decide to add group projects, please indicate carefully what your
contribution is. If this is not clear to the committee they can’t judge your
personal skills and this might decrease your chances of being admitted to the
MSc track.

Project documentation
Per project include:

 concept sketches, showing preliminary visual (and verbal when

relevant) development of ideas, approaches and methods and showing
how you organise your ideas.
 finished drawings of original design work, documenting in a clear and
precise manner both the intention and the resolution of each project.
 a written explanation in English of the design concept and solution.
Here you should include the inspiration behind the project as well as
the goals and objectives of the design. Be clear and concise. Longer
texts should be worked out in the form of your letter of motivation.

Please note that for all drawings we require you to include the name of the

Per project define

 name and location of the project

 if it is academic or professional
 if it is individual or group work
 your role in the process
 your exact contribution to the project
 the level of the project (year/semester of your study in which the project
was carried out)
 date when the project was carried out
 name and email address of the supervisor of the project

The size of your portfolio

Please be aware that quality is more important than quantity. Note that
portfolios are evaluated digitally and should be easily readable without
zooming or scrolling. Therefore:

 The size of your portfolio should not exceed 20 MB.

 The size of the pages should not exceed A4.
 The number of pages should not exceed 30 A4 size pages.
 It is not allowed to show more than one A4 size page per screen
 It is not allowed to use the booklet format because that is two pages
per screen
 The format should be pdf.
 Be aware that a landscape layout suits our requirements best.

Self-introduction Video (for Architecture-track applicants only!)

Neatness and clarity of presentation are extremely important as they reflect both
your attitude towards your work as well as your ability to communicate your work in a
comprehensive and deliberate manner.


We will work strictly to these requirements. If you do not meet them, your
portfolio will not be evaluated and you will not be given another chance to
apply this academic year.

Evaluation criteria per programme/track:

 Architecture (pdf)
 Building Technology (pdf)
 Landscape Architecture (pdf)
 Management in the Built Environment (pdf)
 Urbanism (pdf)

Application does not guarantee admission

Please note that you are not assured of admission simply by meeting our
requirements and sending us all the required documents. Your application will be
evaluated by at least two expert members of the admissions committee for the track
for which you apply. They will then decide if you qualify for admission based on the
information and materials provided in your application.

Applicants will only be evaluated once during an academic year; it is not possible to
send new documents for re-evaluation in the same academic year.

Application procedure 2022-2024

The application procedure for the Master Architecture, Urbanism and Building
Sciences programme (for intake for 2022-2024) will be as follows:

Non-EU/EFTA nationals
For Non-EU/EFTA nationals the application deadline is 15 January 2022
(23:59 CEST); selective admission will take place on the basis of the entire
application package. The MSc Architecture, Urbanism and the Built
Environment strives for a diverse and balanced student population. This will
be taken into account in the admission procedure. A maximum number of
Non-EU/EFTA nationals can be accepted to these MSc programmes.
EU/EFTA nationals
Our online application system will be available as from 15 October 2021.

Limited number of scholarships

The Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment receives many applications
and only a very limited number of scholarships are available. More information on
the available scholarships.


After reviewing your application, the admissions committee may invite you to
interview. Interviews are by invitation only after all application materials have been
received and initially reviewed by the admissions committee. If invited to interview,
you will receive the invitation and scheduling information via email. Interviews are
conducted over Skype; or, when logistically possible, held in person in Delft.
Interviews are conducted by a member of the admissions committee, who will have
thoroughly read your entire application package.

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