Tutorial1 Electromagnetic Theory

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Unit1: Electromagnetic Theory

Tutorial sheet
Elementary Physics (BCA 204)
BCA/ B.Sc.(H)

Note: There is no need to submit the solution of the tutorial sheet.

1. (i) Write the statement of Gauss’s law along with its mathematical form.
(ii) Find the electric field E at a distance r due to a point charge q.
(iii) Find the electric field E at a distance r due to a line charge distribution of linear
charge density λ.
(iv) Find the electric field E at a distance r due to a planar charge distribution of
surface charge density σ.

2. (i) Write the statement of Ampere’s law along with its mathematical form.
(ii) Find the magnetic field B at a distance r due to a current carrying wire having
current I.

3. What is velocity selector? Explain its working principle with the help of a diagram.

4. Write the continuity equation for charge density ρ and current density J.

5. Write Maxwell’s equations in both differential and integral forms for charge density
ρ and current density J present in air or vacuum.

6. Explain the following questions.

(i) What is the inconsistency in Ampere’s law?
(ii) What is the modification done to fix the inconsistency in Ampere’s law?


7. A point charge of 10 C is present in air. What is the magnitude of electric field at

a distance of 100 m from the charge? (Use 4πϵ o
= 9 × 109 N m2 C−2 )

8. A line charge of charge density 10 C m−1 is present in air. What is the magnitude
of electric field at a distance of 100 m from the line charge distribution?

9. A planar charge of charge density 10 C m−2 is present in air. What is the magnitude
of electric field at a distance of 100 m from the planar charge distribution?

10. Current of 50 A is passing through a wire. What is the magnetic field at a distance
of 100 m from the wire? (Use 4π = 10−7 in SI system of units)

11. Draw the path traced by a point charge q when both electric field E and magnetic
field B are present in space. The magnitudes of both E and B are constants and
their directions are perpendicular to each other.

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