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Activity in RDG 502 Developmental Reading

Name: Cindy S. Daza and Kimberly D. Libre

Week 26

Marco, a grade 6 pupil of their school, is running for a position of president in the
supreme student government. Due to some merits he received from being active and good
in school, he decided to move forward in the level of running as president in their supreme
student government. During the campaign period, he prepared his written platforms to be
delivered in front of all the pupils in their school. He also cites reasons behind his platforms
and promised to do his best and be aware of his responsibility if he won as a president. On
the day of the election, all the pupils participate in writing the name of their choice in the
ballot. When the results came out, Marco rejoiced when see his name at the porch of the
school congratulating him as the new president of the supreme student government.

1. Who is the main character in the story?

2. Why do you think Marco won the election?
3. Was the ending of the story is effectively established?
4. If you were going to run as a president in your school, what platforms will you going
to impose?
5. What do you think the author wants to tell you as you read the story?

Week 28

In the slums of Tondo, Manila, there was a kid living with his mother, named Jose.
They had a fruit stand beside the market. Selling fruits and vegetables is their only source
living. At a very young age, Jose gets his allowance from selling fruits and vegetables. One
day, the principal of their school came and talks to her mother. She tells Jose’s mother
about her concern on her child. Jose is always absent in school. Then, the mother with
watery eyes explained their situation. The principal and the mother made an agreement on
Jose’s situation. The principal promised to help Jose in school in returned, he will stop
making absences and study well. Jose showed dedication and perseverance in his studies so
not to disappoint the principal. As years passed by, Jose did finish his studies, graduated
with flying colors and found a marvelous career in the field of medicine. Thanks to the
principal who was been his motivator as well as his inspiration.

1. Where did Jose and his mother fruit stand located?

2. Why do you think Jose is always absent?
3. What do you think is the message of the story?
4. If you were the principal, would you do the same? Why?
5. If the ending of the story was changed, do you think the message it implies will also

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