Wk7 8 Performance Task

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Aspire and Inspire

The world is evolving right now, and new chances are continuously opening up. It will
soon be time for me to begin choosing the direction I want to pursue in life. Choosing is really
difficult because there are so many possibilities. Some so many people advise me to do things.
But I've already decided. When I graduate, I'm planning to join the military.

I've had numerous late-night arguments with myself and have come to the decision that I
need to live my life for myself. I cannot permit anyone to obstruct the pursuit of my goals. They
are my dreams, so if you don't want to help, that's fine, but I'm going to stand up for what I think
is right. I'll be brave and show everyone that I'm capable of doing it.

It inspires me to be the person I will become. A source of inspiration for people who have
been told they can't, that they aren't strong or smart enough, or that they can't do what they want
to do or be whom they want to be. I want to serve as an example for everyone who believes they
are incapable of achieving their goals because everyone has told them they can't.

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