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Group Members: Cyrhus Bachiller Oblefias

                             Clyde Victor Radan

                             Sofea Ysabel Pesigan

Research Title: The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Business Owners

Research Objectives: To determine the impact of COVID-19 on small business owners

Statement of the Problem

The research about the “Impacts of COVID-19 on small business owners” aimed

to explain briefly towards the end of the student about the following questions:

1. Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Sex

1.2 Age

2. What are the perceived effects of COVID-19 on small business owners in terms of:

2.1Work Experience

3. What implications can be drawn based on the results of the study?

Background of the Study

COVID-19 is shuddering the world economy and it is a pandemic giant

distraction to life in the world. This virus is highly transmittable and has spread with

inconsistent progress in every corner of the world. One of the most impacted groups

has been small businesses who faced the challenge of dwindling staff and customers

while implementing new social distancing and public health practices. The COVID-19

pandemic outbreak has forced many small businesses to close, leading to an

unprecedented disruption of commerce in most industry sectors. The global health

catastrophe triggered by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic began in

China in December 2019. (Akpan et al., 2020a; CDC, 2020; Huang et al., 2020; Ting et

al., 2020), catching the globe off guard and unprepared, wreaking havoc on corporate

operations, with catastrophic consequences for small business. Small businesses are

likely to be severely affected, as they tend to be more concentrated in sectors that have

been directly affected by the COVID-19 response measures (e.g., retail and services)

and are typically more credit constrained than larger businesses (Cao & Leung, 2020;

Kumar & Francisco, 2005).Small businesses, after all, make up the majority of

businesses in the economy and employ a large percentage of the workforce.

(Humphries et al., 2020). Previous studies by Harel et al. (2019b, 2020a, 2020b) Small

firms that used open innovation tools outperformed small businesses that did not use

open innovation tools, according to a study that focused on boosting innovation in small

enterprises in various industry sectors (Harel et al., 2019b) and implemented processes

for sharing and utilizing knowledge (‘sharing processes’; Harel et al., 2020a) and

processes for developing an innovation culture that encourages innovation (‘cultural

processes’; Harel et al., 2020b), were more effective at encouraging innovation.

Previous research on small firms has found a direct correlation between innovation and

business performance and growth. (Baregheh et al., 2009; DTI, 2003; Smith, 2005;

Taques et al., 2020). As a result of COVID-19. The business community suffered

greatly. The majority of the company’s operations have been halted. As a result, many

employees are laid off, while others work from home. Knowing these reasons allows us

to avoid and adapt to the current consequences. People are now able to obtain funds in

a variety of ways, including online selling and Non-Fungible Token (NFT) games. It

becomes a means of supporting their family and their financial needs.

Conceptual Framework:



Significance of the Study

 To the future small business owners, this study is important for them to speed up

and streamline the process of obtaining or gathering information that can be used for

a variety of reasons.

 To the small business owners, the results may provide information as to how they

can cope with the challenges that affect their small business in the pandemic.

 To future researchers, this study will serve as a basis for related topics. A

continuation of this study may be done to fill in the gaps of this research.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study will focus one the impacts of COVID-19 on small business owners.

The goal of this study is to know the impact of COVID-19 on small business owners.

This study will be conducted in Lutucan, Sariaya, Quezon for it is where the

respondents are managing a business. It will focus on 5 selected small business owners

Literature Review

According to the assessment report, Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)(2020),

includingEthiopia, is unlikely to be spared the direct and indirect consequences of the

pandemic and the ensuing global crisis. While the COVID-19 trajectory is still in its early

stages in the region, the ramifications of development elsewhere are already being felt


In these circumstances, it is critical to understand the scope, nature, and breadth of

social and economic impacts in order to design an appropriate and effective policy and

programmatic response at the national, regional, and global levels. As a result of

COVID-19, Ethiopian small businesses faced significant challenges.

According to Fairlie (2020), find that the number of working business owners

plummeted from 15.0 million in February 2020 to 11.7 million in April 2020 because of

COVID-19 mandates and health- and economic-driven demand shifts. The loss of 3.3

million active business owners (or 22%) was the largest drop on record. When

conditioning on working roughly 2 days per week or 4 days a week, the losses are even

larger (28% and 31 percent, respectively). Total hours worked by all business owners

dropped by 29%. Although incorporated businesses are more growth-oriented and

stable, they experienced a drop of 20% from February to April 2020.

These findings build on the findings of a few related studies of the coronavirus's

early effects on small businesses in various countries.

According to the International Journal of hospitality(2020), Using resilience theory

and an international sample of 45 primarily small hospitality businesses, this exploratory

study adds to our understanding of the key concerns, coping strategies, and changes
and adjustments made by these firms' owners and managers during the COVID-19


According to ONE UN Ethiopia (2020) assessment report, Sub-Saharan Africa

(SSA), including Ethiopia, are unlikely to escape the direct and indirect effects of the

pandemic and the attendant global crisis. While COVID-19's trajectory in the region is

still in its early phases, the effects of growth elsewhere are already being noticed. To

build an appropriate and successful policy and programmatic response, whether at the

country, regional, or global levels, it is critical to assess the scale, type, and depth of

social and economic repercussions. As a result of COVID-19, Ethiopian small

businesses experienced significant hurdles.

The number of active business owners bounced back by 7 percentage points

resulting in a 15% drop in business activity from February to May 2020, and an

additional 5 percentage points rebound in June resulting in an 8% drop in business

activity from February to June 2020.

Research Design

This study entitled The Impacts of COVID-19 on Small Business Owners, aims to

determine the impacts of COVID-19 on small business owners. A quantitative research

design specifically a descriptive type of research was utilized. Quatitative research is a

type of research that collects and works with numerical data that seeks to interpret

meaning from these data. The researchers will use quantitative research with

descriptive type because it will be an appropriate way to gather numerical data.

Participants of the Study and Sampling Technique

The participants of this study are some of the small business owners in Lutucan.

The chosen participants best suit this study because they are the ones who could

provide valid data needed for the study. They will be chosen through Simple Random

Sampling, where we select a group of subjects for study from a larger group. The

researchers decided to use this technique because of its simplicity and lack of bias.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will follow several procedures to be able to finish the study. First,

the researchers will ask permission from the selected respondents. Next, the

researchers will interview with a structured questionnaire that will serve as the primary

data gathering instrument. Then the researchers will get the data needed for the

selected respondents. After collecting all the data compelled, the researchers will

synthesize the result of the research conducted through data gathered to make the

conclusion and recommendation of the study.






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