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San Andres, Catanduanes


NAME: _____________________________________ DATE: ____________

GRADE AND SECTION: _____________________ SCORE: __________

“Kung nag-review ka, handa ang may alam!

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Multiple Choice
Direction: Read each statement carefully and write the LETTER of the correct answer on
your answer sheets.

1. Which of the following statements regarding pituitary hormones is false?

A) The hypothalamus makes oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone, which are transported the
posterior pituitary for storage.
B) Antidiuretic hormone, released by the posterior pituitary, causes urine volume to increase
and blood volume to decrease.
C) Luteinizing hormone, an anterior pituitary hormone, triggers ovulation of an egg from the
ovary and causes the ruptured follicle to produce progesterone and some estrogens.
D) Hyposecretion of follicle-stimulating hormone or luteinizing hormone leads to sterility in
both males and females.
2. Androgens are produced by the _______.
A) Ovaries B) testes C) hypothalamus D) islets of Langerhans
3. One of the two hormones made by the pituitary that help regulate reproductive cells is luteinizing
hormone. The other hormone is _______.
A) Androgens C) Epinephrine
B) Follicle stimulating hormone D) Norepinephrine
4. Calcium level in the blood is regulated by the:
A) Parathyroid and thyroid C) Testes
B) Adrenal medulla and pancreas D) Parathyroid and thymus
5. Which one of the following is NOT typical of the changes that follow the binding of a hormone to
its target cells:
A) plasma membrane permeability changes
B) cellular mutations occur
C) enzymes are activated or inactivated
D) mitosis is stimulated
6. Being lipid soluble, steroids can do all the following EXCEPT:
A) catalyze cyclic AMP
B) diffuse through the plasma membranes of target cells
C) enter the nucleus
D) activate genes to transcribe mRNA for protein synthesis
7. Estrogens and progesterone are produced by:
A) the testes. C) the adrenal glands.
B) the ovaries. D) the hypothalamus.
8. Most endocrine organs are motivated into action by other hormones; this type of stimulus is
A) hormonal stimulus C) neural stimulus
B) humoral stimulus D) receptor-mediated stimulus
9. The body’s major metabolic hormone is released from the:
A) Pituitary B) Thyroid C) Thymus D) Hypothalamus
10. How is hormone secretion regulated?
A) by the nervous system C) by changes in blood composition
B) by other hormones D) all of the above
11. Target cells for hypothalamic releasing hormones are in the
A) thyroid B) hypothalamus C) anterior pituitary D) posterior pituitary
12. Most of the endocrine system is regulated by:
A) negative feedback mechanisms. C) hormone-receptor complexes.
B) positive feedback mechanisms. D) hormone-gene complexes.
13. The posterior pituitary gland stores and secretes
A) oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone
B) human growth hormone and thyroid stimulating hormone
C) prolactin and follicle stimulating hormone
D) glucocorticoids and androgens
14. The alpha cells of the pancreas secrete _______ which targets the _______.
A) glucagon; liver C) glucagon; kidney
B) melatonin; liver D) calcitonin; thyroid
15. The growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland is known as _______.
A) somatotropin B) prolactin C) luteinizing hormone D) follicle-stimulating hormone
16. The rate of metabolism of all body cells is regulated by _______.
A) parathyroid hormone B) aldosterone C) calcitonin D) thyroid hormone
17. The relatively constant internal environment of the body is maintained by _______.
A) negative feedback B) positive feedback C) homeostasis D) metabolism
18. The secretions from which of these glands differs between males and females?
A) Adrenal B) Parathyroid C) Gonadal D) Pancreas.
19. The two regulatory systems of the body are the endocrine system and the _______.
A) nervous system B) immune system C) circulatory system D) respiratory system
20. Why can a single endocrine hormone produce a wider spread of responses in more of the body
than a single nerve cell?
A) A single hormone can target many different responses, whereas a nerve only targets a
single response.
B) Blood can carry all the same hormones throughout the body simultaneously, producing
responses all over the body; nerve cells can only target a small number of cells.
C) Nerve cells and blood work together. The endocrine has nothing to do with the nervous
D) Endocrine hormones only target a very small number of precise responses.
21. The term central nervous system refers to the:
A) autonomic and peripheral nervous systems C) brain and cranial nerves
B) brain, spinal cord, and cranial nerves D) brain and spinal cord
22. The peripheral nervous system consists of:
A) spinal nerves only C) cranial nerves only
B) the brain only D) the spinal and cranial nerves
23. The Schwann cells form a myelin sheath around the:
A) dendrites B) cell body C) nucleus D) axon
24. The neuron processes that normally receives incoming stimuli are called:
A) axons B) dendrites C) neurolemmas D) Schwann cells
25. Lobe that contains the primary motor area that enables voluntary control of skeletal muscle
A) parietal lobe B) temporal lobe C) occipital lobe D) frontal lobe
26. Afferent nerves are called ______, and motor nerves are called ______.
A) motor nerves; sensory nerves C) mixed nerves; motor nerves
B) peripheral nerves; cranial nerves D) sensory nerves; efferent nerves
27. The area of the brain stem that plays a role in consciousness and the awake/sleep cycle is the:
A) thalamus B) pineal gland C) limbic system D) cerebellum
28. Control of temperature, endocrine activity, metabolism, and thirst are functions associated with
A) thalamus B) cerebellum C) hypothalamus D) cerebrum
29. The vital centers for the control of visceral activities such as heart rate, breathing, blood
pressure, swallowing, and vomiting are located in the:
A) pons B) midbrain C) cerebrum D) hypothalamus
30. Preparing the body for “fight-or-flight” response during threatening situations is the role of the:
A) sympathetic nervous system C) parasympathetic nervous system
B) cerebrum D) somatic nervous system
31. Which of the following statements is true about menstruation?
A) In a normal 28-day menstrual cycle, you would expect menstruation to last for
approximately 3 – 5 days.
B) During menstruation, the entire endometrium is shed.
C) During menstruation, only the functional layer of the endometrium is shed, while the
basal layer remains intact.
D) Absence of menstruation always indicates an active pregnancy.
32. At which point in the menstrual cycle a woman is most fertile?
A) Days 1 – 5 B) Days 9 – 16 C) Days 17 – 21 D) Days 22 – 28
33. Which of the following symptoms indicates that a woman is about to ovulate?
A) Decrease in basal body temperature C) Thickening of cervical mucus
B) Increase in basal body temperature D) Thinning of cervical mucus
34. In which of the following organs sperm cells are found?
A) Pancreas B) ovaries C) testes D) liver
35. Which of the following organs produce egg cells?
A) testes B) ovaries C) liver D) pancreas
36. What is the size of an egg cell compared to a sperm cell?
A) much larger B) much lighter C) much smaller D) faster swimmers
37. What organ carries the sperm cells from the testes to the urethra?
A) Vas deferens B) seminal vesicle C) scrotum D) testes
38. In what part of the reproductive system fertilized egg is developed?
A) ovary B) vagina C) uterus D) oviduct
39. Which of the following processes is under Follicular phase?
A) As estrogen levels rise, like a switch, it turns off the production of follicle-stimulating
B) The rise in estrogen from the dominant follicle triggers a surge in the amount of luteinizing
hormone (LH) that your brain produces.
C) This causes the dominant follicle to release its egg from the ovary.
D) As the egg is released (a process called ovulation) it’s captured by finger-like projections on
the end of the fallopian tubes (fimbriae). The fimbriae sweep the egg into the fallopian tube.
40. Reproduction among human beings is necessary because
A) to perpetuate life C) to spread human race
B) to increase population rate D) to evade the world
41. The actual site of protein synthesis is the
A. nucleus B. mitochondrion C. chloroplast D. ribosome.
42. If the DNA template reads “ATA”, then which of the following would be the corresponding
sequence on the mRNA?
43. The genetic code is based upon the reading of how many bases at a time?
A. one B. two C. three D. four
44. Amino acids are held together by __?__ bonds.
A. hydrogen B. peptide C. ionic D. high energy
45. How many codons are needed to specify three amino acids?
A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 12
46. One similarity between DNA and messenger RNA molecules is that they both contain
a. the same sugar
b. genetic codes based on sequences of bases
c. a nitrogenous base known as uracil
d. double-stranded polymers
47. Which of the following is not part of protein synthesis?
A. replication B. translation C. transcription D. transpiration
48. A type of mutation wherein there are switches on a section of base pairs.
A. deletion B. substitution C. duplication D. insertion
49. In the RNA molecule, which nitrogen base is found in place of thymine?
A. guanine B. cytosine C. thymine D. uracil
50. Which defines a codon?
a. a protein that being transcription by breaking apart H bonds
b. a free-floating base that attaches to an open DNA strand
c. the genetic code word of three bases on mRNA that specify one amino acid
d. the strong bond between two complementary nitrogen bases

Prepared by:


Teacher III



Head Teacher III, Science

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