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It is known that family’s role in children’s upbringing is very important while others

disagree. In my opinion family can teach more significant values that any peers or friends.

First of all, a child’s learning and socialization are most influenced by their family since the
family is the child’s primary social group. The family’s important role can be evident as
family contributes in the developmental, emotional and cognitive growth of a child as long
as it is born.

Parents can also teach about what is right and what is wrong to do by sharing family stories
that describe their experiences in their life, their impact they had on them and the
conclusions that ended up to. A child will also learn about relationships, manners, self-
esteem, worth and loyalty and how significant it is to apply them in their every-day life.

Last but not least, the support parents can give their children is consistent structure to the
problems they might deal with in their everyday life. That structure and consistency gives
the child security that firmly needs.

In conclusion, family can convey knowledge and values to their children that are
extremely necessary and can constitute milestone for the rest of their life.

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