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Pismena priprema za nastavni čas

Nastavnik: Name Surename

Škola: School
Odjeljenje i razred: I-3
Broj učenika:
Čas u rasporedu: 5.čas (prva smjena)
Datum održavanja: 27.02.2020. godine
Nastavni predmet: Engleski jezik
Nastavna tema: We're going on holiday
Nastavna jedinica: Welcome to Cape Town – the city that has everything!
Tip časa: Obrada novog teksta

Ciljevi rada:
1.) Obrazovni: usvojiti nove izraze i riječi vezane za opis grada i turističke aktivnosti i
praktično ih primjeniti.
2.) Vaspitni: Učenje o novoj kulturi
3.) Funkcionalni: Upotreba izraza koji su karakteristični za temu
Oblici nastavnog rada:
- Frontalni (T  S)
- Individualni (T  S)
- U paru (S  S)
Nastavne metode:
- Metoda izlaganja
- Metoda razgovora
- Demonstracije i ilustracije
- Metoda rada na tekstu
Nastavna sredstva: udžbenik, fotografije i pomoćna sredstva (tabla,kreda, CD)
Mjesto rada: učionica
Vremeska dinamika časa:
- Uvod oko 10 min
- Glavni dio oko 30 min
- Završni dio oko 5 min

My name is Nebojša Tomanić and I will be you English teacher today. Today we are going learn
something new.
-T writes the title on the board “Welcome to Cape town – the city that has everything!”
-T writes word “Cape /keɪp/“ on the board and explains that its a large peace of land sticking
out into the sea.
-T asks the S “ Has anyone heard about Cape Town before and if you did can you tell me where
it is? “
Expected answer – Yes, it's a city in South Africa
-T will show the picture of Cape Town to the S and explain it to them that Cape Town is a big
city in the southern part of South Africa
-T will ask students to describe the city in the picture
Expected asnwers – big city, lot of buildings, big mountains, sea, big football stadium
5 min

The main part:

T: Please open you books on page 62, now we are going to listen to a CD about Cape Town,
please follow along.
T will play CD about cape town
After the CD has finished T will ask some questions in order to see if students understood the
Question: How many tourists visit Cape Town each year?
Expected answer – 2 million
T will write “Capital city /ˈkæp.ɪ.təl/“ on the board and explain that its a centar of goverment of
a coutry and give more exaplease (Belgrade is a capital of Serbia, Lonon is a capital of England)
Question: Is Cape Town the capital city of South Africa ?
Expected answer – no, Pretoria is capital city of South Africa

Question: Is Cape town a biggest city in South Africa ?

Expected answer – no, Johannesburg is the biggest city in South Africa

Question: is cape town the most popular city with tourists in South Africa
Expected answer: yes

T will write following words and explain their meaning

-attraction /əˈtræk.ʃən/ (something the people come to see because they are iterested in it)
-sight /saɪt/ (places of interest, especially for visitors)
- beach /biːtʃ/ (an area of sand or small stones near the sea)
Question: What does Cape Town has to offer to tourists
Expected answer: many attractions, sights , activities, beautiful scenery, beaches, shopping

T will write following word on a board

-unforgettable /ˌʌn.fəˈɡet.ə.bəl/ (positive experience that is hard to forget)
Question: Is Cape Town easily forgettable
Expected answer: no, Cape Town is unforgetable

T will write following words and explain their meaning

-Hiking /ˈhaɪ.kɪŋ/ (the activity of going for long walks, especially across country)
-Climbing /ˈklaɪ.mɪŋ/ (the sport or activity of climbing mountains or cliffs)
-Parachuting /ˈpær.ə.ʃuːt/ (jumping from an aircraft with parachute)
-Diving /ˈdaɪ.vɪŋ/ (the sport or activity of swimming or exploring under water)
-Surfing /ˈsɜː.fɪŋ/ (the sport of riding on a wave on a special board)

Question: What activites or sports can we do in Cape Town ?

Expected answer (hikinh,climbing,parachuting,diving,gold,surfing,kayaking,scuba diving)

T will write following word on a board

-Shipwreck /ˈʃɪp.rek/ (destroyed ship on the bottom of the sea)
-Shark /ʃɑːk/ (a large fish that has sharp teeth and a pointed fin on its back)
-Cage /keɪdʒ/ (a space surrounded on all sides by bars or wires)
Question: What can we find slong the coastline ?
Expected answer: (shpwrecks,sharks)

T will write following words and explain their meaning

-Conservation area /ˌkɒn.səˈveɪ.ʃən / /ˈeə.ri.ə/ (an area of importance which is protected
against undesirable changes)
-Natural habitat /ˈnætʃ.ər.əl/ /ˈhæb.ɪ.tæt/ (the natural home or environment of an animal, plant,
or other organism)
-Exploring /ɪkˈsplɔːr/ (travel through (an unfamiliar area) in order to learn about it)

Question: What can we find in the Boulders Beach?

Expected answer: (penguins)

T will write following words and explain their meaning

-Fact /fækt/ (a thing that is known or proved to be true)
-Figure /ˈfɪɡ.ər/ (number)
-Currency /ˈkʌr.ə (local money)
Question: Can you give me some facts and figures about Cape Town?
Expected answer: (climate is pleasent, in summer its 26°C, in winter temperature don’t fall below
10°C, local currency I rend, three main languages are Xhosa, English and Afrikaans, population of
Cape Town is about 3.5 million)

25 min

T will ask S to sit in pairs and do the exercise 5 (a) What do you know about South Africa? Read the
questions and circle your answers. If you don’t know the answers, guess them.

1.) What is the capital of South Africa?

a) Cape Town b) Pretoria c)Johannesburg
2.) What's the population of Cape town?
a) about 3,500,00 b) about 2,000,000 c) about 10,000,000
3.) How many tourists visit Cape town every year?
a) About 1,000,000 b) about 5,000,000 c) about 2,000,000
4.) What might you see at Boulders Beach?
a) Shiprecks b) penguins c) sharks

Correct Answers:
1: b
2: a
3: c
4: b
10 min
The end part:
-T: Ok, now lets see what we've learend today. Can someone tell me everything he know about
Cape Town?
Expected answers (students will talk using new words we learned to describe Cape Town)

For homework you will try to describe the city you live in or some other city you find interesting

5 min

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