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Prepared by




Prepared for

14TH MAY 2023

Elements 4 3 2 1 Total

A vague sense of
Presents the main idea There is a main idea Details and examples
the main idea is
Main Idea and supports it supported are not organized and
weakly supported 3
(12) throughout most of the throughout most of are hard to follow and
throughout the
paper. the paper. understand.

Some paragraphs
All paragraphs have Most paragraphs have clear ideas,
clear ideas, are have clear ideas, are support from Introductory
supported with supported with some examples may be paragraph is not 5
examples and have examples and have missing and apparent.
smooth transitions. transitions. transitions are

Content is sound
Exceptionally well-
and solid; ideas are
presented and argued; Well-presented and
present but not
Content – ideas are detailed, well argued; ideas are
Topic developed, supported detailed, developed Unable to find specific
developed or 40
chosen with specific evidence and supported with details.
supported; some
(40) & facts, as well as evidence and details,
evidence, but
examples and specific mostly specific.
usually of a
generalized nature.

Shows a pattern of
errors in spelling,
A few errors in
grammar, syntax
Grammar & Excellent grammar, grammar, spelling, Numerous
Mechanics spelling, syntax and syntax and grammatical and/or 3
punctuation. Could
(12) punctuation. punctuation, but not spelling errors.
also be a sign of
lack of proof-

Introduces the topic Does not clearly

Introduces the topic Introduces the
clearly and creatively. introduce the topic.
Organization clearly. Maintains topic. Somewhat
Maintain clear focus Does not establish or
& focus on the topic. maintains focus on
on the topic. maintain focus on the 4
preparation Include transitions the topic. Include
Effectively include topic. Use ineffective
(16) to connect key some transitions to
smooth transitions to transitions that rarely
points. connect key points.
connect key points. connect points.

Total /100
Elements 4 3 2 1 TOTAL

Student presents Student presents Audience has Audience cannot

information in logical, information in difficulty following understand
interesting sequence logical sequence presentation because presentation because 4
which audience can which audience student jumps there is no sequence of
follow. can follow. around. information.

The volume is too

low or too loud and
the rate is too fast or
too slow. The
The volume is not pronunciation and
he speakers deliver the too low or too enunciation are The volume is low and
message in a confident, loud and the rate unclear. The speakers the rate is so fast.
poised, enthusiastic is not too fat or exhibit many However, you can
fashion. The volume too slow. The disfluencies, such as understand some of
Delivery and rate vary to add pronunciation and “uhm”, “ah”, or “you the message. The 6
emphasis and interest. enunciation are know”. The listener is pronunciation and
Pronunciation and clear. The speakers distracted by enunciation are
enunciation are very exhibit little problems in the unclear. The speakers
clear. disfluency, such as delivery of the appear uninterested.
“ah”, “uhm”. message and has
understanding the
words in the
The speakers
The speakers provide The speakers
include some
a variety of types of focus primarily
relevant content. The speakers say
content appropriate on relevant
The speakers irrelevant content.
for the tasks, such as content. The
wanders off the The speakers focus
details and examples speakers stick to
Content topic. The speakers primarily on
and various forms of the topic. The 5
(20) use words and irrelevant content.
evidence. The speakers adapt
concepts which are The speakers appear
speakers adapt the the content in a
inappropriate for to ignore the listener
content in a specific general way to
the knowledge and and the situation
way to the listener the listener and
experiences of the
and situation. the situation.
Very original Some originality Little or no
Repetitive with little
presentation of apparent, good variation, material
variety, insufficient
Creativity material, captures variety and presented with 6
use of
the audience’s blending of little originality or
attention. materials/media. interpretation.

Well-dressed, More proper attire
according to Shabby clothes, wear
according to what but no manners,
Attire what has been slippers and little 3
has been advised and with not prepared
advised but not manners.
wellprepared members.

Total /100
B) Nature or the idea of the game

TIME: 5 Minutes

Group size 4 or more

Guess the object just using our sense of touch

By getting to know their own bodies better, these changes can be less mysterious. Students who
are in tune with their own bodies can use all of their senses as tools as they explore and try to
understand the world around them. This activity helps student learn more about their sense of
touch, along with properties of objects, observation and descriptive vocabulary.


Using the following instructions, make at least 1 Mystery Box ahead of time. In the side of a large
cardboard box, cut a hole big enough for our students to stick their hands through. Inside the box,
tape, glue or staple a piece of fabric over the hole, creating a “curtain”. Only tape, glue or staple
the top of the curtain—you want students to be able to push it aside as they reach their hands
into the box. If you have the resources, make several boxes, 1 for each team. Smaller boxes (like
shoe boxes) and smaller objects can be used if you’re making many boxes. If you’re making only
1 large box, you could create 4 holes, 1 on each side, so that more than 1 student can reach in
at the same time. Collect several objects for placing in the box. Make them things that your
students are familiar with – a glove, a shoelace, a crayon, an apple, a rock, etc.

Opening Discussion

Ask our students what it might be like to feel their way through the dark. How could they tell where
they are? Have they ever tried finding a light switch in the dark? Was it easy or hard to do?

The Challenge

Figure out what is hiding in the “Box of Mystery” just by using your sense of touch!
Doing the Activity

1. If you have made enough boxes for each team, hand them out (if you have only 1 box, you can
have students take turns guessing what you have placed in it).
2. Divide your students into teams of 2 or 3.
3. One person in each team will be the “Guesser”, and should close their eyes or wear a blindfold.
4. Once the Guessers are all ready with their eyes closed or blindfolds on, hand random objects out
to the other team members to place in the boxes. They should place one object at a time into the
5. Once the object is in the Mystery Box, the other team members should help the Guesser guide
their hand into the box and feel around. Ask them to guess what it is they are feeling. Once they
have guessed, they can open their eyes and remove the object to look at it.

After 5–10 minutes of activity, when every team has had a student guess an object, bring them
together to share their observations with each other. Was it easy or hard to guess what their
object was? Were some objects harder to figure out than others? This discussion should last no
more than a few minutes. Give every student a chance to guess what’s in the Mystery Box (make
sure to hand out new objects for each new Guesser).
C) Elements used to create the games

The game "Mystery Box" incorporates several elements to create an intriguing and entertaining
experience for the players. The central element is a black box that has been sprayed to enhance
its mysterious appearance. The concept of the game revolves around healthy food items such as
pineapples, apples, oranges, bananas, and nuts, emphasizing the importance of nutrition.

To add an element of surprise and amusement, the game includes additional items such as toy
snakes, lizards, frogs, and slimes. The inclusion of these unexpected elements aims to captivate
the audience and keep them engaged throughout the game.

The arrangement of the items within the box is carefully planned to heighten the suspense and
make the game more interesting. This strategic arrangement creates anticipation and encourages
players to explore the contents of the box, leading to an exciting and interactive experience.

Overall, "Mystery Box" combines the visual appeal of the sprayed black box, the healthy food
items, toy creatures, and slimes to create an engaging and amusing game that stimulates curiosity
and discovery.
D) Applicability/acceptance of the games to different groups

The goal of this activity is to figure out what's inside a collection of Mystery Boxes without opening
them. It investigates 'working scientifically' and how a range of skills and methods are utilized to
build scientific ideas based on data. There are several pattern types of games accessible in
mystery box games. This game does have an age limit, and it also depends on the game genre.
In the United States, mystery box games are not permitted for children unless they feature a
harmless way to play or an object. Mystery games are extremely popular, inspiring generations
of amateur sleuths. However, their attraction goes beyond the superficial; they offer remarkable
mental and emotional advantages, and can even assist to explain the biases of genuine

They should only put one thing in each box at a time. Once the item of interest is in the Mystery
Box, the other members of the team should assist the Guesser by guiding their hand inside the
box and feeling about. Request that they guess what they are experiencing. When they have
guessed correctly, they can open their eyes and remove the object to examine it. The audience
we are targeting is a group of people who are most expected to be interested in our games. And
members in this group typically share characteristics. Our assignment's target participants are
students, lecturers, and anybody else who wants to enroll because there is no age limit.
E) Effect/impact of the games to the player - syaza
F) Your opinions/ recommendations/ Lessons – syaza








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