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GRAMMAR ACTIVITY – Complete the sentences

1.Write have got or has got:

o A bird has got two wings.
o Birds have got feathers.
o A fish ____________ scales.
o Mammals ____________ fur.
o A cat ____________ a tail.
o Cows __________ two horns.
o Ducks ____________ a beak.
o A fish ____________ fins.
o A pig ____________ a snout.
o An elephant ________ a trunk.
o A mouse __________ whiskers.
o Bears ____________ four legs.
o Pandas ____________ paws.
o A zebra ____________ hoofs.
o An eagle ____________ claws.
o Tigers ____________ stripes.
o Camels _________ two humps.
o A snail ____________ a shell.
GRAMMAR ACTIVITY – Complete the sentences
2.Write can or can’t
o Birds can fly.
o Birds can’t run.
o Fish ____________ slither.
o Cows ____________ crawl
o Kangaroos __________ jump.
o Penguins __________ slither.
o Frogs ____________ run.
o Owls ____________ climb.
o Turtles ____________ swim.
o Whales ____________ walk.
o Dogs ____________ fly.
o Foxes ____________ run.
o Koalas ____________ climb.
o Snails ____________ crawl.
o Octopuses ___________ jump.
o Rabbits ____________ swim.
o Giraffes ____________ walk.
o Parrots ____________ fly.

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