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A review:


Lim, Valdez
Presented by Dolino,
The film that will
change your
perception about
"Healthy" food
THAT SUGAR FILM, Australia's highest grossing
film, increased global awareness of the
dangers of hidden sugars to people's health.

2. It is the story of one man's quest to

learn the harsh truth about sugar
Daemon Gameau discovers the negative
consequences of a high sugar diet on a
healthy body

In this tour, Damon illustrates some of the
difficulties that affect the sugar business
3. Prior to the film, he ate a low-refined-
sugar diet.

While adopting his new sugar intake to reflect

society, he maintains his usual daily caloric intake.
This experience sends his body reeling into the
negative effects that sugar has on the body.
That Sugar film
will forever affect
your perception of
"healthy" eating.
one of a kind discusses
documentary about health
"Be aware of foods labeled as healthy as on the food
they might be high in sugar and could be and wellness
service industry
the source of your inability to slim down or
maintain your health. Controlling your
sugar consumption may be the solution to
your health problems." mix informative, amusing and
thought stimulating with
historical and biological
lessons, and amusing graphical
Based on the movie "That Sugar Film",
sugar affects people emotionally, the lack
of sugar makes us feel uncomfortable or
disturbed but too much sugar may cause
people in having an unhealthy body.
1. Obesity
2. Unbalanced body figure
3. Bad health condition
-Heart Disease
In conclusion, “That Sugar Film” intends to project the
good and the bad effects of sugar in our daily lifestyle.
Sugar has become prevalent in our society. As the result of
the experiment in the movie "That Sugar film", shows that
the limitation on sugar process may be difficult but that
sacrifice didn't mean nothing. What you work is what you

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