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Hi, are you here alone? Or are you waiting for friends? I am doing a survey, possible to spare
me 5 minutes of your time, it won’t take long. We are doing a survey in conjunction with
merdeka day.
嗨,请问你是一个人吗?还是在等朋友?我们在做一个调察,请问有 5 分钟的时间吗? 不会耽误

If theyre not okay :

Alright no problem. Thank you. Have a nice day.

If theyre okay:
You can choose either you want to answer the questions in the paper or just answer us the
questions when we ask you. Which one do you prefer?

Okay before we start may I know whats your name? How to I call you? 在还没开始这些
Okay Maggie, how old are you? Maggie,你今年几岁呢?
Whats your religion? 你是什么宗教?
Okay the first question, what do you think of the meaning of live? 你觉得生命的意义
Ermmm maybe what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about
live? Maybe is family? Friends? Studies? Religion? Or bf/gf 就是你想到生命第一个想
Okay next, do you think your life has purpose? 下一题,你觉得你的生命有目的吗?
If yes, 如果回答有
Good! Whats the purpose of your life then? Can I know?
If no, 如果回答没有
Why?! Why do you think like that? Whats the reason you giving me this answer?

Whats is your favorite Malaysian food? 你最最最喜欢的一样马来西亚食物是什么?

Wow! Nasi lemak is my favorite cuisine also! Which nasi lemak is the best one you’ve
那么巧,我最喜欢的也是 nasi lemak,酱你吃过最好吃的 nasi lemak 在哪里?
Do you know Kak Rosy’s nasi lemak? No? its somewhere near my chuch TOW. Do you
know TOW? Have you heard of this chuch before?
你懂 kak rosy 吗?我最喜欢的 nasi lemak。是在我的教会 TOW 附近,你懂 TOW 吗?神
Yaa its at S2, near summer sport only. The Kak Rosy;s nasi lemak is also near there,
the roundabout there.
是在 S2,summer 羽球场那边罢了。那个很好吃的 nasi lemak 就是在那里附近罢了。

Okay next question, how many religions in Malaysia? 马来西亚一共有多少个宗教?

3? 4? Whats the 3? Can you name them out? 3?4?你可以说出全部宗教吗?
Ohhh, do you know whats the different between these religions? Whats your first
impression on these religions? 你知道这些宗教有什么不一样吗?你对这些宗教的影响
For me im a Christian, how to you look at a Christian? Whats your impression on
Christian? 好像我是一个基督徒,你对基督徒的看法是怎样的呢?就是你的第一影响

What are the 3 rukun negara? 说出其中3个 rukun negara

What are your weekend activities? 你平时周末的活动是什么呢?

Wow that’s so interesting, njhl 哇好精彩
Huh? Nothing to do, boring? Why? How come? 什么?没有东西做?那么无聊的吗?为
My weekend is fun tho, do you want to know what I usually do for my weekend? 我的
I actually go to church, but not the one that just go and listen to sermon, study bible all
that like what you thought  我每个周末都会去教会,可是不是你想象的那种只是去听牧
My church got one group called Youth Network who is for the youth only. We have a lot
of fun activities every Saturday. Sometimes we play games, sometimes we go for
outdoor activities. I have a lot of good friends among this youth network too, I usually go
yamcha with them after service and all that.

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