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A time where there was no rain. Three months without a single drop of water falling from the sky. It felt
peaceful; it felt nice. As the days would start in a bright warm sun welcoming the people in the city and
ending in a beautiful sunset that sets off and welcomes the beautiful moon who will fill the night sky
with harmony. As the stars glimmered in the nights. The bright lights from tall buildings closing off. The
silent was louder than it was at day times. There was no rain; no nothing, but it felt relaxing and I liked
that. Welcomed by days without the rain. The sun rose up as busy families prepared for their days.
Mothers began preparing lunches for their children who were packing up their bags as their husbands
gave them a sweet kiss on the cheek saying goodbye for work. The dark yet quiet and peaceful streets at
night were filled with people, children continuing their lives like every day, but it was obvious that the
place felt sad without the rain. In a busy town like Yangon, birds chirped. The sound of busy cars honking
their way through the busy streets that were in a traffic jam almost every day. Students in white and
green uniforms walking on the pavement of the streets, holding their parents’ hand as they headed
towards the school gate which was bombarded with students, pushing their way into the school.

In the evening, the children have gone back home. Parents are talking about office work in the living
room while the children study away, or either just take a break of course. The sun was setting. The birds
have stopped chirping. Suddenly the sky went grey. The sky which was in a colorful gradient because of
the sun was now dull grey. As little droplets of water started pouring down. The drops hit the roofs of
the apartment, as this was the first time, they finally got out from the puffy clouds that hold them close.
Mothers calls their children to come out of their room to eat dinner, the children come out of their
room as they sit on the dining table. As the droplet's hits on the leaves, giving it water. The trees look
greener. The flowers have bloomed more. The grey sky was filled with the colors of the flowers and
plants. The sky became darker and darker. Thunder could be heard. The families have finished their
dinner. The parents are asleep; The children are as well. Suddenly a graceful light shook the dark night
sky, huge noise was heard. It sounded angry yet you could feel the softness it had. As the light parted
into tiny little veins filling the dark sky with a light that was emphasized because of it. As the sound grew
louder and louder the droplets of water showered more and more. Ending a peaceful day with an
enchanting night sky.


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