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A pastor's job is not just all about delivering a sermon, they are clergymen who serve their church

sincere and despite that, they are not perfect, pastors make mistakes but it appears to be the
only thing most people notice about them.

According to Paul (2020) It is always easy to see the mistakes Pastors but not their sacrifices, it is
easy to point out where the pastors went wrong because we have no idea what they had to go
through because they don't know what it feels like to work as one. Furthermore, A lot of people
often see the faults of others especially pastors who are sometimes linked to their past, so it is
easy to judge them even when they make the small mistakes without having to explain their side.

Almost every pastor, at some point in their ministry, will encounter criticism. However, how a
person responds to criticism is not necessarily something that happens naturally wholesome. Joel
R. Beeke and Nick Thompson (2020), in their new book, Pastors and their Critics: that guides
pastors to Cope with Criticism and judgement in the Ministry. The book also discusses a common
but unaddressed problem that is unfortunately spread throughout the church today.

There are many reasons why people criticize pastors and every pastor have their own
experiences of criticism. Sometimes it's about different religion perspective talking about how
their religious beliefs are against Christianity or that theirs have more power. Most of the
people's judgement usually happens when pastors make mistakes due to the fact that they are
known to be good people, but even with a simple mistake like not being able to keep a promise
can lead to some point of criticism due pastors always seeming to be very genuine. What most
people don't realize is that being friendly is part of their job and to be one is to have positivity
from within

In an article of Piper, John (2013) talks about reasons of why it's a great thing to be a pastor. The
article mostly talks about how god is the answer and that reading the Bible helps you see a better
perspective in life but it also tells us how being a pastor can give joy and gives optimism in life.
Additionally, being a pastor also helps in gaining wisdom and gives them a better understanding
not only in life but also towards other people.

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