Geo Revision

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What is development compass rose?

Understanding the questioning the idea of development involves thinking
about a variety of factors. The Development Compass Rose (DCR), is a tool to
support this thinking.
What is the Human Development Index? P126
Human Development Index (HDI) was created to better measure
HDI combines three elements:
 living standards: GNI per capita
 health: the life expectancy or average age which people live to
 education: the average number of years of schooling children receive
What is BRICS? P. 129
Five countries, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are considered to
be at a similar stage in a process of rapid economic development. These are called
What is poverty? P133
Poverty means lacking access to basic resources such as clean water, shelter,
food, work, healthcare, sanitation and education are all significant.
What is the International Aid? P136
International aid is the voluntary of money, good or knowledge from one
country to another, often a developed country supporting developing countries.
These are two main types of aid
 Bilateral aid - a government in one country provides aid to the government
of a foreign country.
 Non-governmental aid- charities called non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) raise money from public to support development projects in other
What is DT? P146
DT means doubling time. It is the projected amount of time that it will take for
a given population to double.
What are Population pyramids? P147
Population pyramid is a graph that shows the age and gender distribution of a
given population. Gender is shown on the left and right sides, age on the y-axis,
and the percentage of population on the x-axis.
What is the ES Lee's migration model? P150
ES Lee's migration model is a model that accounts for push/pull factors and
intervening obstacles in order to predict migration patterns. It advocates the idea
that intervening obstacles can block migration to certain areas, while push and
pull factors can promote migration out of an old area to a new one.
What is the Weathering? P164
Weathering is a process that changed the structure and appearance of
materials like cliffs by how they are exposed to the atmosphere.
What is the Erosion? P166
Erosion is the wearing or breaking down of material like rocks.
What are Caves, Arches, Stacks and Stumps? P168
The chalk contains structural weaknesses, which mean that the sea can erode
the cliff at different rates, creating and enlarging cracks in the rock, which are
eventually enlarged into caves. Two caves either side of a headland can eventually
be eroded through to form an arch.
What is the longshore drift? P171
Longshore drift is the transportation of beach material (such as sand and
pebbles) along the beach.
What are Bar, Spit, Bay, Lagoon, Tombolo? P172
 A spit is a barrier bar that is connected to the bay's headland by a chain.
 A bar is created when there is a gap in the coastland with water in it.
 A bay is a body of water partially surrounded by land.
 A lagoon is a body of water separated from larger bodies of water by a
natural barrier.
 A Tombolo is where a spit joins onto an island
What are Hard/ soft engineering methods? P177
 Hard engineering - which is usually more expensive and involves more
dramatic physical structures and changes.
 Soft engineering - which usually involves trying to work more closely with
nature and is usually cheaper.
What is the Monsoon? P185
A monsoon is a seasonal change in the direction of the prevailing, or strongest,
winds of a region. Monsoons cause wet and dry seasons throughout much of the
tropics. Monsoons are most often associated with the Indian Ocean
What is the Biome? What is the Mountain Biome? P188
Biome, also called major life zone, the largest geographic biotic unit, a major
community of plants and animals with similar life forms and environmental
conditions. Alpine biomes are found in mountain regions worldwide, including the
Andes, Alps, and Rocky Mountains. The alpine biome usually lies between an
altitude of about 10,000 feet (3,000 meters), and the place where the snow line of
a mountain begins.
What is the Urbanization? P192
Urbanization – A process where an increasing proportion of the population
lives in towns and cities resulting in their growth.
What is the Belt and Road Initiative? P197
The Belt and Road initiative is an immensely ambitious development campaign
through which China wants to boost trade and stimulate economic growth across
Asia and beyond.
What is wave cut platforms? P169
Wave-cut platform, also called Abrasion Platform, gently sloping rock ledge
that extends from the high-tide level at the steep-cliff base to below the low-tide
level. It develops as a result of wave abrasion; beaches protect the shore from
abrasion and therefore prevent the formation of platforms.

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