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Jeevan Bhandari
Exam Roll No: 17022/16
TU Regd. No: 7-2-25-1247-2016

A Summer Project Submitted to

Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University
In the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration

Nepal Commerce Campus
Tribhuvan University

New Baneshwor, Kathmandu

January 2021
This is to certify that I have completed the Summer Project entitled “Determinants of
Restaurant Selection in Koteswor” under the guidance of “Mr. Jit Bahadur KC” in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration(BBA) at
Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University. This is my original work and I have not
submitted it earlier elsewhere.


Jeevan Bhandari


This is to certify that the summer project entitled “Determinants of Restaurant Selection in
Koteswor” is an academic work done by “Jeevan Bhandari” submitted in the partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration(BBA) at
Faculty of Management, Tribhuwan University under my guidance and supervision. To the best
of my knowledge, the information presented by him/her in the summer project report has not
been submitted earlier.


Signature of the Supervisor

Name: Jit Bahadur KC

Date: January,2021

The summer project entitled " Determinants of Restaurant Selection in Koteswor " has been
submitted by “Jeevan Bhandari" for the final examination to the faculty management,
Tribhuvan University, in the fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelors of
Business Administration (BBA). The research committee of this campus has found this project
report satisfactory in scope and quality and has therefore forwarded for examination.



BBA Research Committee

This study Determinants of Restaurant Selection in Koteswor has been prepared for partial
fulfillment of Bachelor of Business Administration. It is directed towards investigating
Determinants of Restaurant Selection in Koteswor. Individuals and my friends did contribute
immensely towards the success of this report. My limitless thanks go to my supervisor for
painstakingly seeing me through the arduous task of summer project, and also for his unflinching
support and relentless advice to ensure the completion of my studies. Besides, their
understanding, encouraging and personal guidance has provided the good basis for this present
form of project report. Therefore, I would like to convey my special thanks to respected sir for
their valuable inputs. I am also thankful to our college’s Library Staff and Administrative Staff
who directly or indirectly have been helpful in some of the other way. I would like to express my
grateful thanks to the respondents who participated in filling the questionnaires and provided the
valuable information for this study. With the help and support by respondents, we have
successfully completed the part of the questionnaire.

Jeevan Bhandari

January 2021

Consumer attitude refers to the thoughts or beliefs, feelings, and behaviors or intentions towards
a particular thing, usually a good or service. Consumer attitude may be positive or negative, and
it consequently affects their purchasing decision. In the study, three variables are taken as
independent variables: price, brand image and service, whereas, restaurant selection is taken as
the dependent variable. The main purpose of the study is to explore the association between
marital status and reputed restaurants, price sensitivity and influence of outlook of the restaurant
and the impact of independent variables on dependent variable. 

Certificate from the Supervisor.......................................................................................................ii
Letter of Approval..........................................................................................................................iii
Executive Summary..........................................................................................................................v
Table of
List of Tables..................................................................................................................................vii
List of Figures...............................................................................................................................viii
CHAPTER I Introduction................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study..................................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of problems.....................................................................................................2

1.3 Purpose of the study.........................................................................................................2

1.4 Significance of the study.................................................................................................2

1.5 Literature survey:.............................................................................................................3

1.5.1. Theoretical framework.................................................................................................6
1.6 Research methods used for data collection and analysis.................................................6
1.6.1. Research Design......................................................................................................7
1.6.2. Population and sample.............................................................................................7
1.6.3. Nature and sources of data.......................................................................................7
1.6.4. Definition of the variables.......................................................................................7
1.6.5. Methods of data analysis.........................................................................................8
1.7 Limitations of the study...................................................................................................8

CHAPTER II Data Presentation and Analysis..............................................................................10

2.1 Respondent Profile........................................................................................................10
2.2 Data Presentation and Analysis.....................................................................................13
CHAPTER III Conclusion and Action Implications......................................................................17
3.1 Conclusion.....................................................................................................................17
3.2 Action implications and Recommendation...................................................................17

Annexure A

Table 2. 1 Demographic Information of Respondents...................................................................10
Table 2. 2 Perceived opinion on visiting reputed restaurants........................................................12
Table 2. 3 Perceived effect on price..............................................................................................12
Table 2. 4 Opinion in visiting reputed restaurant..........................................................................13
Table 2. 5 Perceived effect of service............................................................................................14
Table 2. 6 Selection of restaurant..................................................................................................15

Figure 1. 1 Conceptual framework of the study..............................................................................6

Figure 2. 1 Gender of Respondents 10

Figure 2. 2 Age Group of Respondents.........................................................................................11
Figure 2. 3 Marital Status of Respondents.....................................................................................11

Figure 2. 4 Survey on Perceived Effect on Price...........................................................................13
Figure 2. 5 Survey on opinion in visiting reputed restaurant........................................................14
Figure 2. 6 Survey on perceived effect of service.........................................................................15
Figure 2. 7 Survey on selection of restaurant................................................................................16


A: Agree
BBA: Bachelors of Business Administration
D: Disagree
N: Neither disagree or agree
n: Number
S.D: Standard Deviation
SA: Strongly Agree
SDA: Strongly Disagree

1.6.1. Background of the study

Consumers’ preferences on restaurant food are very strong in this society. This is because of the
continue changes in working and social life and habits of dining out. In social context, gradually
the numbers of working families are increasing worldwide. Consumer Preference is the term in
which consumer like one thing over another. Consumer select an option that has the most likely
among the number of options by consumer have to satisfy his/her need or desire. The result of
their behavior that consumer prefer by showing while purchasing or searching the product. The
study of consumer preferences on fast food items is so much important as it investigates the trend
and pattern of fast food consumption and the importance of various factors affecting the choice
of fast food among the consumers. In today's world, the habit of taking fast food is changing very
fast. People who are living in the city have high tendency to consume fast food compared to the
people living in the rural areas. The reason for the change is the time factor. They do not have
much time to prepare food at their home. As society develops, the economic activities also
expand. Therefore, people become busy and that discourages them to prepare food at their home.
As such, the only alternative is to consume food that is prepared by others and preferably light in
nature. While people select food, a number of factors are considered by them (Islam & Ullah,

In recent years, the major food consumption trend in urban parts of developing countries is that
more consumers are eating increasingly more meals outside of their homes and most of the
growth in away-from home eating has been in the fast food sector. The interest shown at the
national and internationals levels concerning the fast foods is derived from the scarcity of time in
competitive, dynamic and urban fast life.

Normally, jobholders and students tend to have a busy schedule. Students away from their home
have to cook themselves, which not only affects their studies. They are often conscious about
how to save as much time as possible. In this regard fast food has help them manage their time
and at least provide time for leisure.

1.6.2. Statement of problems

There is an increasing trend of customer attraction towards the restaurants and their items. The
food industry is booming and it is very important to find out the reason behind people preferring
to eat and the overall customer satisfaction from having fast food items. There are certain factors
that people look for while eating out at food items, which needed to be highlighted. There are
fast food items in restaurant in Nepal such as, momo, pizza, burger, chowmein, fries, sausage,
roll, sandwich etc., which are gaining a huge popularity in the Nepalese restaurant and food
industry. Therefore, this research will find the answers to these


i. What are the determinants for choosing any restaurant?

ii. Is there relationship between Independent variables (quality, price, brand image, location)
and Dependent Variable (restaurant selection)?

1.6.3. Purpose of the study

This study aims to explore the factors that influence the factors determining the restaurant
selection. The specific objectives of the study can be listed out as below:

i. To explore the relationship between price and the restaurant selection.

ii. To find out the relationship between brand image and restaurant selection.
iii. To find out the relationship between quality and the restaurant selection.

1.6.4. Significance of the study

This study examines the factors affecting buying behavior of skin care products among women.
From the last few years, these types of researches were more focused by the researchers.
However, in academic level, there were least researches done. That is why this research provides
critical analysis on the topic so that the findings from the study would be useful as a reference for
similar research in future. This research would be helpful to analyze the various factors affecting
buying decision to discover the key factors that can influence on buying decision. The major
significances of the study are:

i. The study can help to identify which factors affect the buying decision of women

ii. The study provides a unique opportunity to know about consumer’s needs, demands, and
level of satisfaction.
iii. The findings can be useful for the similar research works in future.

1.6.5. Literature survey:

The study is focused to explore the factors determining restaurant selection in Koteshwor,
Kathmandu. Although there has not been much of a research on restaurant done in the context of
Nepal, we can still refer to numerous studies done in various other place settings throughout the
world. Some of the research work that had been conducted to find the determinant of people in
selection of the restaurant are

(Oni, O. A., Matiza, T., 2014) researched on the factors influencing consumer choice of fast food
outlet. The aim of this study was to establish the value and relevance of the salient factors
influencing rural-consumer choice of fast food outlet. A quantitative survey was undertaken,
with data being generated from a convenient sample of 267 respondents. Data in this research
study were analyzed by utilizing the Statistical Package for Social Sciences. The study
established that affordability was the main motivator for rural-based consumers in their selection
of fast food outlet. The study further established that the traditional salient factors of value for
money, convenience and accessibility were significant factor influencing their choice of fast food
outlet. It was also found that factors such as nutritional value and the variety of the menu were
not significant influencers amongst the respondents.

(Azim, A., Shah, N. A., Mehmood, Z., Mehmood, S., Bagram, M. M., 2014) conducted research
in Pakistan on June 2014.This study was based on fourteen variables: cleanliness, privacy, price,
food taste and quality, brand image, menu, etc. All the factors indicated positive results i.e., all
the factors had positive impact on the customers’ selection of the restaurants. But businesses
cannot pay attention to all of them. Therefore, the basic aim of the study is to provide the most
optimal factors that has greater impact on customers’ selection of restaurants. This study
analyzed five most important factors: food quality and taste, cleanliness, physical environment,
staff cooperation and suitable environment for family gathering that highly influence customers
selection of restaurants. It was concluded that among these five optimal factors, food quality and
taste and physical environment need financial expenses to improve.

(Mhlanga, O., Tichaawa, T. M., 2016) investigated in Port Elizabeth, South Africa with the main
objective of determining the factors that affect consumer selection criteria in formal full-service
restaurants. The study was based on primary data collected from 10 respondents with the help of
structured questionnaires. The sample for this research were 400 which were included in the
statistical analysis. The variables used in this research are: convenience, to relax, been there
before, celebration, business need, social occasion, quality food, good service, good ambience,
quietness and recommendations on selection of formal full-service restaurants. The result
depicted that the reasons for selecting a particular restaurant differed between restaurants. 24%
respondents selected restaurant A and 29% respondents selected restaurant B because of good
service. Likewise, other factors also differed between restaurants while selecting a particular
restaurant. On the other hand peace and quietness was found to be very important when
customers selected a restaurant.

(Sahni, S., Mohsin, F., 2017) studied the factors influencing the selection of fine dining
restaurant. The research was based on three qualities: food quality, service quality and
atmospherics quality. The study was based on primary data collected through a questionnaire.
Questions related the respondent’s gender, age, marital status, educational qualifications,
designation, experience, purpose of visits, monthly income, and religion they were associated
with. The samples were drawn from the population of 200 respondents, who were either local
residents or tourists at Delhi & NCR region. The study was based on primary data which was
collected through a self-constructed questionnaire. The data in this study was analyzed using chi
square, t-test and ANOVA using SPSS. The purpose of this study was to test the association
between customer’s demographics and the role of customers in selection of restaurants. The
findings from this research indicated that the demographic variables were positively related with
the selection of restaurants. Customers preferred service quality as a major determinant in
selecting restaurant over food and atmospheric quality. The study concluded that these
demographic factors have their influence in selection of restaurants. The result clearly showed
that among all quality factors, customers choice of selecting restaurant is determined by service
quality. This study also revealed that there is a significant relationship between the customer’s
purpose of visiting restaurant and their selection of restaurant.

(Hamidy, H., Claver, J, 2019) investigated customer satisfaction in the restaurant industry in
Kabul, Afghanistan. The main focus of this paper was to study what factors may or may not

affect customer satisfaction. The primary objectives of the paper included exploration of
determinants of poor customer satisfaction, reasons why customers dine at restaurants in spite of
knowing that some restaurants do not observe better health standards and study if service quality
factors can impact customer satisfaction. Particularly, the study explored whether (1) restaurant
atmosphere, (2) employee conduct, (3) food quality (4) harassment (5) respect for family privacy
(6) competitions (7) and locations impact the level of satisfaction customers express from the
restaurant industry. Using the linear regression data analysis approach, the paper has unique
findings. The findings indicate that customers currently prioritize cultural issues, such as respect
for family privacy rather than service quality factors, such as food quality, employee behavior,
and restaurant atmosphere. The paper concluded that due to lack of competition, customers these
days value a restaurant, where they feel relaxed with their families and there is a great deal of
respect for females. This paper contributed to a number of ways from the provision of empirical
evidence on customer satisfaction in restaurants in Kabul, to establishments of proofs that can
help in decision making process in the relevant industry, to exploration of contextual evidence
that excels the operation and management, and positively impact the overall growth of
restaurants in Kabul.

(Loudon, D. L., Bitta, A. J., 1993) studied consumer behavior that helped everybody as all are
consumers. It is essential for marketers to understand consumers to survive and succeed in these
competitive marketing environment. The following reasons highlighted the importance of
studying consumer behavior as a discipline. Consumer behavior is said to be an applied
discipline as some decisions are significantly affected by their behavior or expected actions. The
two perspectives that seek application of its knowledge are micro and societal perspectives. The
micro perspectives involved understanding consumer for the purpose of helping a firm or
organization to achieve its objectives. The people involved in this field try to understand
consumers in order to be more effective at their tasks. Whereas, the societal or macro perspective
applied knowledge of consumers to aggregate level faced by mass or society as a whole. The
behavior of consumer has significant influence on the quality and level of the standard of living.
(Akbar, Y. A., Alaudeen, M. S., 2012) noticed that the consumers usually have a wide range of
options to choose from. There are restaurants by the thousands offering a full range of food
varieties and services. To be successful and outstanding, restaurant has to be able to exceed
consumers' expectation by really understanding customers' reasons for selecting a particular type

of dining experience. Thus this study will dig the factors that influencing consumer in selecting
normal full-service restaurant in Malaysia. Most previous research was study about premium or
high class full-service restaurant and fast-food restaurant. There were only few researches about
normal full-service restaurant. In fact, there are a lot of numbers of normal full-service restaurant
that operate in Malaysia. Because of that, it is important to do the study about this normal full-
service restaurant that relates with consumer behavior. This research will study 1about what
consumer wants from normal full-service restaurant in Seri Iskandar, Perak and also will help
normal full-service restaurant entrepreneur to improve their service competitiveness. This
research can be beneficial to the full-service restaurant entrepreneur, the academician and
researcher, the consumer, and the policy maker or government (Akbar & Alaudeen, 2012)

1.6.6. Theoretical framework

The theoretical framework is the structure that can hold or support theory of a research study.
This study intends to examine the factors affecting consumer’s preference of foods items. The
study suggests that the taste, price and location are the independent variable for brand preference
for food items for the restaurants selection in Nepal.

Figure 1. 1
Conceptual framework of the study

Independent Dependent
variables variables

Brand image


Location Restaurant

Quality selection

1.6.7. Research methods used for data collection and analysis

The method will describe actions to be taken to investigate a research problem and the rationale
for the application of specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process, and

analyze information applied to understanding the problem, thereby, allowing the reader to
critically evaluate a study’s overall validity and reliability.

1.6.8. Research Design

Research design is the blueprint for fulfilling research objectives and answering research
questions. It ensures that the study would be relevant to the problem and that it uses economical
procedures. Descriptive research design was used in this study. Self-Administered questionnaire
was provided to the respondent for the data collection. The research is based on survey
conducted through the questionnaires and direct meeting with the respondent and survey was
conducted among respondent.

1.6.9. Population and sample

Research design is the blueprint for fulfilling research objectives and answering research
questions. This study will adopt descriptive research design for fact findings and identifies
adequate information about the determinant of people in selection of restaurant. It is a process of
accumulating fact and describe phenomena as it exists. Such design involves the systematic
collection and presentation of data to give clear picture of a particular situation. This study will
also be based on casual comparative research design. This research design is used in order to
direction, magnitudes and relationship between customer preference on restaurant selection and
different independent variable. Casual comparative designs are used to find the factors
influencing customer preference on selection of restaurant in koteshwor kathmandu.

1.6.10. Nature and sources of data

This research relies on both primary and secondary sources of data. The primary sources of the
data have been used to determine the perception of the customers regarding the selection of
restaurants around koteshwor area. Previous studies on determinants of restaurant selection has
also have been reviewed for the reference of the study.

1.6.11. Definition of the variables

A variable is defined as anything that has a quantity or quality that varies. Each of the variables
of the study are defined in the section below.

This variable has a significant impact on consumer buying behavior and because of its
importance we can easily state that price is treated as single and most critical factor which can
cause determinant on consumer decision making and hence can significantly impacts the entire

purchase process. Moreover, marketers might vary prices by considering economic situation
prevailing in the location and might also consider perception of the target market, as it might
result in change in the determination of customer perceived value and this change in perception
is always critically important in the consumer’s purchase decision. Similarly, for youth, price
might be treated as the most impactful factor.

Brand image is the impression in the consumers’ mind of a brand's total personality (real and
imaginary qualities and shortcomings). Brand image is developed over time through advertising
campaigns with a consistent theme, and is authenticated through the consumers’ direct
experience. Brand image is the overall impression in consumers’ mind that is formed from all
sources. Consumers develop various associations with the brand. Based on these associations,
they form brand image.

Location refers to the place where the restaurant is situated. In today’s restaurant selection
location is regarded as the major variable or determinant for restaurant selection. Generally,
location show the accessibility of the customers to the restaurant.

Taste is the perception produced or stimulated when a substance in the mouth reacts chemically
with taste receptor cells located on taste buds in the oral cavity, mostly on the taste of
the food items given by the restaurant is another important factor in selection of the restaurant.

Restaurant selection in this theory refers to the process of choosing a favorable place to have
food. Selection of restaurant is done on various basis such as varieties of items, price of the
foods, service quality, environment, location, reputation and other so on. People have different
priorities while choosing a restaurant so they select restaurants according to their own
perspective. Since, the number of restaurants has been increased a lot these days, it’s been easy
for people to select as they have got lot of options to select as well as compare.

1.6.12. Methods of data analysis

Data was analyzed through different descriptive statistics such as percentage, frequencies, mean
and standard. The data collected, the was edited and tabulated according to related identification
of variables through Likert scale for all samples.

1.6.13. Limitations of the study

The major limitations of the study are listed below:

i. The sample size and sampling area of this study is small. Thus, the findings cannot be
generalized to all the consumers in Nepal.
ii. Only three of the major variables i.e. price, brand image, location of the restaurant are
considered in the study.
iii. This study has used non-probability sampling method. Thus, the research findings may
not be generalizable to the whole study population.
iv. The study is primarily based on questionnaire method of data collection. Therefore,
limitations of these methods also remain in the study.
v. The validity of the study depends on the accuracy of the information provided by the
respondents to be covered under the study


1.6.14. Respondent Profile

Table 2. 1
Demographic Information of Respondents
n= 90
Frequency Percent

Gender Male 42 46.7

Female 48 53.3
Age Below 20 15 16.7
20 and above 75 83.3
Marital Status Married 38 42.2
Single 52 57.8

Source: Field Survey 2021

Table 2.1 showed the frequency and percentage of the demographic data that includes the
gender, age group and marital status of the respondents.
Figure 2. 1
Gender of Respondents

Male Female
Figure 2.1 above showed that 46.7% of the respondents were male whereas 53.3% were female.
Figure 2. 2
Age Group of Respondents









Below 20 20 and Above

Figure 2.2, above showed that 16.7% of the respondents were aged below 20 years and 83.3%
were 20 years and above
Figure 2. 3
Marital Status of Respondents







Married Single

Figure 2.3 above showed the marital status of the respondents. 42.2% of the respondents were
married while 57.8% were unmarried.

Table 2. 2
Perceived opinion on visiting reputed restaurants
n= 90
Frequency Percent

Do you visit only Yes 18 20

reputed restaurant No 57 63.3
Not Sure 15 16.7

Source: Field Survey 2021

From table 2.2, showed 20% of the respondents visited only reputed restaurant, 63.3%
respondents didn’t only visit reputed restaurant whereas 16.7% were unfamiliar with the reputed

1.6.15. Data Presentation and Analysis
Table 2. 3
Perceived effect on price

Q1 2 1 4 1 82 4.78 0.77
Q2 8 14 19 32 17 3.40 1.21
Q3 8 24 40 12 6 2.82 1.00
Grand Mean 3.87

Source: Field Survey 2021

Figure 2. 4
Survey on Perceived Effect on Price










Q1 Q2 Q3


From figure 2.4, 91.11% of the respondents strongly got influenced by the price of the food
(4.78±0.77). Likewise, 35.56% of the respondent agreed that price doesn’t matter if the food
satisfied the customers (3.40±1.21). 44.44% of the respondents were neutral that increase of
price doesn’t affect decision to visit the restaurant (2.82±1.00).

Table 2. 4
Opinion in visiting reputed restaurant

Q4 8 11 26 34 11 3.32 1.11
Q5 6 24 35 14 11 3.00 1.09
Q6 17 37 24 7 5 2.40 1.05
Grand Mean 2.91

Source: Field Survey 2021

Figure 2. 5
Survey on opinion in visiting reputed restaurant








Q4 Q5 Q6


From figure 2.5, 47.6% of the respondents agreed that reputed restaurants attracted to visit
(3.32±1.11). Likewise, 38.89% of the respondents were neutral that reputed restaurants always
provided quality service (3.00±1.09). 41.11% of the respondents disagreed that they always
visited hi-fi restaurants only (2.40±1.05).

Table 2. 5
Perceived effect of service

Q7 4 10 16 40 20 3.69 1.07
Q8 8 18 30 22 12 3.13 1.15
Q9 2 6 21 36 25 3.84 0.98
Grand Mean

Source: Field Survey 2021

Figure 2. 6
Survey on perceived effect of service









Q7 Q8 Q9


From figure 2.6, 44.44% of the respondents agreed that varieties of food influenced to visit the
restaurant (3.69±1.07). 33.33% of the respondents were neutral that online service attracted to
buy food from a restaurant (3.13±1.16). 40.00% of the respondents agreed that quick service
affected the preference of the restaurant (3.84±0.98).

Table 2. 6
Selection of restaurant

Q10 5 4 14 27 40 4.03 1.13

Q11 3 3 15 33 36 4.07 1.00
Q12 4 8 16 21 41 3.97 1.18
Grand Mean

Source: Field Survey 2021

Figure 2. 7
Survey on selection of restaurant









Q10 Q11 Q12


From figure 2.7, 44.44% of the respondents strongly agreed that the restaurant provides pure
drinking water (4.03±1.13). Likewise, 40.00% of the respondents strongly agreed that hygienic
food is provided in the restaurant (4.07±1.00). 45.56% of the respondents strongly agreed that
restaurants charged fair price (3.93±0.88).


1.6.16. Conclusion
This study has been conducted in order to explore the factors determining selection of restaurant
and to examine the association of marital status with opinion on visiting reputed restaurant, price
sensitivity and outlook of the restaurants. Quantitative, descriptive, relational and exploratory
research designs have been implemented for the purpose of the study. This study is based on the
primary data collected through the means of survey questionnaire. The questionnaire was
administered on altogether 90 customers of restaurants at Koteswor area. Various statistical tools
such as mean and standard deviation have been employed in this study in order to analyze the
data. The analysis of data using these statistics has facilitated the understanding and
interpretation of the situation of variables, perception of respondents on restaurant selection and
association of independent variables with the dependent variables.
Based on the findings attained through analyzing the determinants of restaurant selection, the
perception of respondents on the variables of the study is determine.. As per the result of the
ranking question, food service time is ranked as the most important factor in restaurant selection,
whereas, interior design is ranked as the least important factor. Likewise, music and environment
is ranked two. Analysis of descriptive statistics suggest that outlook of the restaurant is the most
important factor of restaurant selection, pice sensitivity is the second most important factor
influencing restaurant selection. Likewise, opinion on visiting reputed restaurant is found to be
the third most influential factor.

1.6.17. Action implications and Recommendation

The customers are highly influenced by the outlook of the restaurant. Customers are likely to
visit the restaurant by the attractiveness of the restaurant’s outlook. Thus, restaurants should
focus on maintaining the physical attractiveness of the restaurant. Innovative ideas should be
used by the restaurant in building the infrastructure of the restaurant.
The perception and attitude of customers have significant influence on food service time as well.
Customers are likely to choose those restaurants in which the food ordered by them is prepared
quite fast. Thus, restaurant should focus on the food service time. Restaurants should have
adequate number of staffs for cooking the food separately as well as for serving the food to the
customers for timely service. As revealed in the study, there is a significant association between
marital status and price sensitivity. Single people are more price sensitive than married
customers as they earn alone and need to save from their only earning. Hence, such people would
prefer to visit low cost restaurants. Thus, restaurants can take idea from this result in adding
menu with low cost food varieties for such customers as well. Similarly, restaurants can also

come up with various offers of discounts and complementary dishes in order to attract customers.

Akbar, Y. A., Alaudeen, M. S. (2012). Determinants of Factors that Influence Consumers in
Choosing Normalfull-Service Restaurant : Case in Seri Iskandar, Perak. South East Asian
Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, 1(7), 137-145.
Azim, A., Shah, N. A., Mehmood, Z., Mehmood, S., Bagram, M. M. (2014). Factors Effecting
the Customers Selection of Restaurants in Pakisthan. International Review of
Management and Business Research, 3(2), 1003.1013.
Hamidy, H., Claver, J. (2019). The Determinants of Customer Satisfaction in Kabul:Evidence
from Restaurant Industry. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.25457.10087
Loudon, D. L., Bitta, A. J. (1993). Consumer Behaviour: Concepts and Applications. New York;
Mhlanga, O., Tichaawa, T. M. (2016). What are the current factors affecting consumer selection
criteria in fomal full service restaurant in Port Eliabeth, South Africa ? African Journal of
Hospitaluty, Tourism and Leisure, 5(2), 1-11.
Oni, O. A., Matiza, T. (2014). Factor Influencing Consumer Choice of Fast Food Outlet: The
Case of an American. Mediterranean Journal of Social Science, 5(2), 1-11.
Sahni, S., Mohsin, F. (2017). Factors Influencing the Selection of Fine Dining Restaurant in
Delhi and NCR:An Empirical Study. International Journal of Research and Innovation in
Social Science, 16-22.
A Questionnaire on “Determinants of Restaurant Selection in Koteswor "
Dear respondents,
I am Jeevan Bhandari, currently student of Nepal Commerce Campus conducting a research
survey on “Determinants of Restaurant Selection in Koteswor”. I would request you to cooperate
by filling in the questionnaire. Answers from respondent will be used for academic purpose only
and will be treated with much confidentiality. Please take a few minute to answer the following
Please tick () the most appropriate response
1. Gender

a. Male b. Female

2. Age

a. Below 20 b. 20 years and above

3. Marital Status

a. Unmarried b. Married
4. Do you visit only reputed restaurants?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Not Sure
Please tick the appropriate answers for the statements where 1 is strongly disagree, 2 is disagree,
3 is neutral, 4 is agree and 5 is strongly agree.
S.N. STATEMENT 1 2 3 4 5
1. I get influenced by price of the food .

2. Price doesn’t matter if the food satisfies

3. Increase of price doesn’t affect my decision
to visit the restaurant.
4. Reputed restaurants attract me to visit
5. I believe reputed restaurants always
provide quality service.
6. I always visit hi-fi restaurant only.

7. Varieties of food influences me to visit the


8. Online service attracts me to buy food from

a restaurant.

9. Quick service affects my preference of the


10. The restaurant I visit provides pure

drinking water.

11. Hygienic food is provided in the restaurant

I visit.

12. The restaurant I visit charges fair price.

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