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Electric Circuits & Electron Devices - EC 147201

Ms. B. Ramani, AP/ECE S. S. N. College of Engineering

Extrinsic Semiconductors (What we really use as commercial semiconductors)

In commercial semiconductors, we control the conductivity by adding impurities of a different valance than Si. This process is called doping and can lead to dramatic changes in the control over the conductivity.

Band Diagram
Pure Semiconductors Possible
Electron Energy Gap Valence Band Conduction Band

Impurity-Doped Semiconductors
Possible Electron Energy Gap

Conduction Band Extra Energy Level Valence Band

Why do impurities add carriers?

Phosphorus has one more valence electron than Si. In the process of becoming a substitutional impurity the extra electron is weakly bonded (~30 meV). Since this is about kBT at room temperature the electron becomes free to roam around free in the conduction band.

Donors Impurities or DOPANTS

Since this is about kBT at room temperature the electron becomes free to roam around free in the conduction band.

Band Diagram for Donor-Type Impurities

Possible Electron Energy Gap Extra Energy Level Occupied Extra Energy Level Valence Band
What Happens? MOBILE Electron Forms in the CB Hole is LOCALIZED (STUCK) at the Impurity Atom! Nomenclature Called a n-Type Semiconductor

Conduction Band E

Charge carriers are (negative) electrons

Lower Valence Impurities: Acceptors

Boron has one less valence electron than Si. In the process of becoming a substitutional impurity the extra electron can become bound to the boron, making 4 covalent bonds to the adjacent Si. The Filling of this bond empties another bond. In this sense the hole is weakly bound to the boron.

Band Diagram for Acceptor-Type Impurities

Possible Electron Energy Eg E Valence Band What Happens? MOBILE Hole Forms in the VB Electron is LOCALIZED (STUCK) at the Impurity Atom! Nomenclature Called a p-Type Semiconductor Conduction Band Extra Energy Level Unoccupied Extra Energy Level

Charge Carriers are (Positive) Holes

Dopants in Group IV Semiconductors

Common Acceptors in Si and Ge Common Donors in Si and Ge

Dopants in III-V Semiconductors

Common acceptors on cation site Common acceptors on anion site

Common donors on cation site Common donors on anion site

Carrier Concentration with Impurities

We always know that at equilibrium:

n = N C NV e

2 i



and that the crystal is always charge neutral no excess positive or negative charge:
all positive charges all negative charges

i =1

i =1

In the case of an impurity, the electron roams from the donor, leaving the donor as a net positive charge: 1 electron = 1 positively charged donors or 1 hole = 1 negatively charged acceptor

Carrier concentration in n-type materials

n-type: more electrons than holes

np = N C NV e
all positive charges all negative charges


i =1

i =1

+ p + ND = n

assuming all the donors are ionized (small activation energy). then

n nN

+ D


C NV e



n nN N C NV e
+ n 2 nN D ni2 = 0

+ D




Carrier concentration in n-type materials

which leads to
+ N D > ni + ND 1 n= 2 2

( )
+ D



which is a good assumption

+ D


n N

2 i + D

n >> p
Typical values for Si:
+ N D = 1018 cm -3 , ni = 1.45 1010 cm-3 + n N D = 1018 cm-3 and p = 2.1102 cm -3

Carrier concentration in p-type materials

p-type: more holes than electrons


all positive charges

np = N C NV e
all negative charges


i =1

i =1

n + NA = p

assuming all the acceptors are ionized (small activation energy). then

p pN


= N C NV e



= ni2

N 1 p= 2 2

( )


Carrier concentration in p-type materials

again making the good assumption
N A > ni




ni2 NA

p >> n
Typical values for Si:
+ N D = 1018 cm -3 , ni = 1.45 1010 cm-3 p N A = 1018 cm -3 and n = 2.1102 cm-3

Carrier Concentration in Doped EXTRINSIC Materials

carrier concentration is proportional to the doping!

n or p ND or NA

Conductivity in doped materials

from before: for n-type:

J = ( ne n + pe p ) E
+ D


= ne n + pe p

ni2 + = N e n + + e p N D e n ND ni2 = e n + N A e p N A e p NA

for p-type:

If all the impurities are ionized then the conductivity is relatively free of that strong temperature dependence.

Exhaustion and Saturation Behavior

Conductivity Vs. T for a Real p-Type Semiconductor: B-doped Si

At Some T, All of the B Impurities Have Accepted an electron

We are fortunate that we live here for our commercial semiconductors, e.g. Si..

Transition from Extrinsic to Intrinsic Behavior at Some T!

Saturation Behavior: p-Type Semiconductors

Materials for Applications are Engineered to operate in the Saturation Range so is T-independent!
Three temperatures regimes Low T: Extrinsic Regime
Only Some Dopant Atoms Have Accepted an e- from the VB Carrier Density Increases with T as more Acceptors are Activated

Middle T: Saturation Range

All Dopant Atoms Have Accepted an e-, Fixing nh. (nh = [Acceptor]!) nh is T independent. So is !

High T: Intrinsic Behavior

Intrinsic Carrier Concentration exceeds [dopant] so intrinsic conductivity is observed

What Does (T) Look Like?

Carrier Concentration ne(T) Conductivity s(T)

We See the Effect of (T) in the Saturation Range!

Metals versus semiconductors


1 .10 1 .10

4 3

100 10 Log of the resisitivity 1 rm rs


0.1 0.01 1 .10 1 .10 1 .10 1 .10

3 4 5 6 7


1 .10

0.001 0.001




0.003 0.0033

( T i) 1
reciprocal temperature

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