Resurrection - The Temple of The Wild Heroes

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The Temple of the Wild Heroes: Resurrection

Mera, Horse, Mutt and Predator stood in the shrine chamber. Silently gazing upon the body of their
friend. To some, he a brother in arms. To others, a leader. To one, a companion. Skouria lay, pale, cold
and lifeless. Holding only a rusted blade, with a wolf’s head shaped pommel. Stripped of the Blue
Armour, freed of its curse.

“Mother Artio,” Mera spoke softly, tears in her eyes, “here lies one of your sons. A warrior, burdened
by steel and sacrifice. Burdened with task, war and battle. Although he rarely looked to your heroes
for guidance, he fought in your name. He helped balance the natural order. He helped ease the
suffering of thousands. Please, watch over him. See that he continues his hunt. See that he rests next
to you, mother, his spirit free. See that he reunites with Leonidas. For a wolf needs its pack.” The
funeral rites were passed. Words mumbled; tears shed. Other wounded soldiers paid their respects.
For Warbreed, this was natural, expected, normal. Moments passed.

All of a sudden, great winds and dark clouds filled the skies. Bird’s and animals of the forest cried out
and then fell silent. Howls and calls turned to raindrops. Only baited breaths could be heard over the
silence. A growl, echoed from the rear of the chamber, but quickly returned to a purr. More silence.
Then, miraculously a cough. Followed by a stir. The few within the chamber looked on as Skouria’s
eyes flickered open briefly, and breath filled his lungs. Horse uttered, “he is twice lived…”

Mera fell to her knees having witnessed a miracle, Horse and Mutt rushed outside to tell the army
outside, Predator remained.

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