The Seven and The World Beyond

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The Seven and The World Beyond

World Information
The Seven
 Bharata. Traditionalists, powerful privileged cabal, gracious hosts, they uphold their borders
but don’t focus much on expansion. Capital – Fedah.
 Shenzhou. Highly religious, their king is considered to be a living god and the descendant of
the Uniter. Their main Casus Belli is religion, whether claiming new lands to spread the word
or taking back holy sites from rivals. They’re extremely industrious. Capital- Meishu.
 Ghala. They just deposed their king and have declared themselves a republic, most of their
cabal was killed or fled during the coup. They’re now looking to prove themselves to the rest
of the world. Capital – Vinteaux.
 Alba. They have the most modern tech, as well as lots of spies and merchants. They claim
that they are not expansionist but have a finger in every pie. They have the smallest amount
of land but have amassed a sizeable merchant fleet. Capital – Wolford.
 Kaabu. The most prosperous region of the Old Empire, they are incredibly wealthy. They buy
mercenaries to supplement a small but elite army. They’re more interested in setting up
merchant colonies in the wildlands and new world rather than taking the lands of their
neighbours. Capital – Owobasi.
 Ruthenia. The Frozen north, a tough cold people, they have a huge amount of land but it’s
not useable for half the year. They have the largest population and the biggest army (mostly
levies and conscripts). They are very aggressive towards their neighbours, often making land
grabs during the summer and then retreating as winter sets in. Capital – Kyzniki.
 Etrus. The heart of the Old Empire, used to be considered the centre of the world. Now it’s
mostly just a city-state that tries to stay neutral. They have lots of old magic and their Cabal
is elite but small. Capital – Etrus.

The Untamed Lands

 The New world. A mysterious land across the seas. Only now being colonised and explored,
supposedly filled with gold, bloodshed and unageing savages with strange magics.
 Beyond the Borders. The lands beyond the Old Empire. Once thought to be simple wildlands
filled with barbarians and little else, now it is found that there is much in the way of
resources and arable land to be claimed by those willing to fight for it.
 The Northern Wasteland. Across the Northern sea, past Ruthenia, lies a mass of tundra,
hills, towering unknown mountains, and frozen woodlands. Only the most desperate of
adventurers attempt to make a living in such an inhospitable land, especially with the
presence of the fearsome Ogre Mawtribes that make the land home.
Gods and Religion
 The Church of the Uniter. The Uniter founded the Old Empire, he is an ancient human man
now ascended to godhood. He set up the Magisterial Cabals to assist with managing the
provincial governments of the Empire.
 The Prosperists. A religion founded on the concept of self-betterment. No actual gods but a
Buddhist-like belief in enlightenment. Many of this faith believe that the Uniter did not
ascend but reached this enlightenment.
 The Old Faith. A tight knit pantheon of gods from the time before the Old Empire, it is
considered quirky to follow the old faith but not a crime. People would see them the way we
might see Wiccans, strange but not a problem.

Conflict shapes the World

 Through war was the empire formed. Since its’ fall the Seven Kingdoms have gone to war
many times over land and any other reason imaginable. Feuds run deep.
 Even now, in the race to claim the untamed lands, rival countries, businesses, families, faiths
and other organisations war with each other over rights of ownership.

 Full casters, otherwise known as Privileged, form mighty Cabals and are a caste all of their
own. These Privileged require rune inscribed gloves as their focus. There’s no difference
between natural, divine and arcane casters, these are simply Privileged that have a specific
o When the Old Empire collapsed, kingdoms rose in place of the old provincial
governments and the Magisterial Cabals were reformed into Royal Cabals.
o Privileged often dislike being close to gunpowder, some are even allergic to it, but
this is not a universal rule.
 Half and Third casters are called mages and supplement their magics with martial abilities.
They don’t require gloves.
Firearms are a new form of weapon that has revolutionised combat, but these weapons though
deadly, have not yet reached the point where they can fully replace blade and bow. Indeed, many
hold that such traditional weapons are superior in certain situations.

Tech level is Napoleonic / Three Musketeers sort of level.

 Above weapons have misfire

 Carbine 400gp, 1d12 piercing damage, 7Ibs, Ammunition (range 50/150), loading, two-
handed, misfire
 Military Rifle 600gp, 2d8 piercing damage, 9Ibs, Ammunition (range 200/800), loading,
 Blunderbuss 300gp, 2d8 piercing damage, 10Ibs, Ammunition (range 20/60), loading, two-
handed, explosive, misfire
Misfire. Whenever you make an attack roll with a firearm, and the dice roll is equal to or lower than
the weapon’s Misfire score, the weapon misfires. The attack misses, and the weapon cannot be used
again until you spend an action to try and repair it. To repair your firearm, you must make a
successful Tinker’s Tools check (DC equal to 8 + misfire score). If your check fails, the weapon is
broken and must be mended out of combat at a quarter of the cost of the firearm. Creatures who
use a firearm without being proficient increase the weapon’s misfire score by 1.
Explosive. Upon a hit, everything within 5 ft of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC
equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier) or suffer 1d8 fire damage. If the
weapon misses, the ammunition fails to detonate, or bounces away harmlessly before doing so.

Household Names:
People whose names are known across the Seven for their acumen and skill. Split by Stat for
simplicities sake (does not mean representative has 30 in that stat for eg.)

 Str. Colonel Sam Delvin of the Siege Breakers, an Alban man of huge stature and
stubbornness. Most popularised for his tale of breaking a troll’s skull with his fist.
 Dex. Miss Janet “Hailstorm” Thompson, the fastest gun on the frontier.
 Con. Zithulele (Name meaning, He Is Quiet), currently a prisoner of Kaabu. Considered
“immortal by current magical and medical definitions.” Famously was decapitated and
walked away from his “execution”.
 Wis. Zhuge Sima “the Great Grandfather” eldest elven privileged and a known to be unto a
force of nature in the New World. The Elven people worship him as a god.
 Int. Tactician Amartri Sen, “The Woman of 10,000 Plans” considered the greatest current
military and political tactical mind on the planet. An advisor to the king of Bharata.
 Cha. Geoffrey “Jeff” Halpsin, First Minister of Ghala. Elected by popular support, head of the
Ghalan workers union.
Player Information
 Dwarf. One of the United Peoples, denizens of the Seven. Most commonly found in Ruthenia
and Alba.
 Halfling. One of the United Peoples, denizens of the Seven. Most commonly found in Ghala
and Bharata.
 Human. The majority of the world, they can be found almost anywhere. Even across the seas
in the New World isolated tribes can be found, likewise in the Wildlands beyond the borders.
 Dragonborn. One of the United Peoples, denizens of the Seven. Most commonly found in
Shenzhou and Kaabu.
 Tiefling. Extremely rare and feared, they bear the blood of the dark creatures that enslaved
the world before the Uniter founded the Old Empire and drove them back to their dark
 Half-Orc. Orcs live in tribes beyond the Borders. There is some mingling between humans
and orc, a few of these half-orcs live out in the wildland towns but they get a rough
treatment from those in the Seven.
 Elf. Elves are new to the Seven, they are the inhabitants of the New World. Strange unageing
peoples with their own strange magics. Most often they are seen as savages by most of the
Seven. Those that have made it to the Seven struggle to find work or are brought to the
Seven in chains.
 Gnome. Same as Elves, these are a new people found first in the Deep Jungles of the New
World. They’ve found some kinship with the Halflings of Ghala and Bharata in the Seven
though most prefer to travel the Seven and avoid settling down.
 Half-Elf. Most are the bastard children of adventurers who returned home from the New
World taken in by the beauty of its’ native peoples with an elvish partner on their arm (or in
some cases slave). They have a better chance than half-orcs in the Seven but still find it hard
to be thought of as more than a savage.

Classes – Martial
 Barbarian. A fierce warrior of primitive background, these warriors can be anything from a
hulking half-orcish Berserker from the wildlands to an elvish scalp-taker from the deep
 Monk. Martial artists most often found in Bharata and Shenzhou, some are mages and many
follow the path of the Prosperists. Similar to druids these people seldom use firearms,
though some learn to incorporate them into their arts.
 Fighter. Warriors found across the whole Seven and the rest of the world, everyone from
rifle wielding musketeer to a mage-knight slinging sorcery and wielding blade. Proficient
with all Firearms.
 Rogue. Scoundrels, Criminals and Pirates. They specialise in stealth and exploiting enemy
weaknesses. Proficient with Sidearms, some train with long arms to make themselves
dangerous snipers.
Classes – Mages
 Artificer. Mages with a knack for invention and being at the cutting edge of technology.
Proficient with Firearms.
 Blood Hunter. A Mage that dabbles in blood magics, these mages may be a researcher of
forgotten lore or an Elven Brave trained in the magics of the New World. Proficient with
 Paladin. Mages-Warriors that live by their oaths, usually part of Knightly orders, in the time
of the Old Empire they often acted as bodyguards for the Cabal. Proficient with all Firearms.
 Ranger. Mage-Warriors who find themselves on the outskirts of civilisation, often their
magics allow them to lean towards survival and tracking. Proficient with all Firearms.
 Warlock. Mages, rather than Privileged, these people formed bargains with things from
beyond our world and received powerful magics in return. They are untrusted and most
pretend to be another kind of mage or even Privileged. Firearms available through enhanced
blade pact (like the bow).

Classes – Privileged
 Bard. Privileged who find their magics in the use of music, they often serve as spies and
diplomats for the Cabals. Proficient with Pistols.
 Cleric. Privileged who often specialise in healing arts, many are followers of one of the three
major religions but not all are, some are closer to doctors than priests. Firearms are available
depending on domain.
 Druid. Privileged who specialise in manipulating nature and shape-changing, similar to
Clerics some follow the faiths, and some prefer the healing arts. Druids have a special
disdain for firearms.
 Sorcerer. Privileged born with innate abilities tied to their bloodlines, many believe these
were the first Privileged before the Cabals were formed. Their magics are unique and often
dangerous, some have even spoken of Sorcerers who don’t need gloves to cast their spells.
 Wizard. The Most Common form of Privileged, and often what many assume a Privileged to
be, these casters seclude themselves in their Cabals and research the arcane to perfect their

The currency used in the Seven and the surrounding lands is known as a Crown. Crowns are printed
money in the main though the majority of people still use the copper and silver coins to pay for daily
goods and services.

 Coins.
o 1 Crown = 1 GP (a rounded gold coin with the face of a regent).
o 1 Petty-Crown = 1 SP (a square silver coin)
o 1 Cap = 1 CP (a small copper, usually odd shapes)
 Paper Money.
o A Half-Note (5 Crowns)
o A Crown Note (10 Crowns)
o A 50 Crown Note (5 Crown notes or 50 Crowns)
o A 100 Crown Note (10 Crown notes or 100 Crowns)
o Above 100 Crown notes it typically goes up in 100s.
Magic Items
Black Powder (common consumable, usable by any non-full caster able to cast spells, not including
racial abilities) – selling price 1 Crown (gp) for 10 shots

- Powder can be taken and consumed as an action, the consumer feels a rush as their physical
abilities and senses are enhanced, for the next 10 minutes they are considered to be in a
‘Powder trance’ gaining the following abilities:
o +1 to all physical saving throws, attack rolls, damage rolls, and physical skill check
o +1 to perceptions checks, if the consumer has darkvision, it is extended by 30ft if
they do not, they gain darkvision 60ft.
o Movement speed, jump distance and jump height are increased by 5ft.
- After the trance ends, the consumer cannot benefit from these effects again for the next
hour unless they take a double dose of powder. At the end of a lengthened powder trance
the consumer must make a constitution saving throw (without the powder benefit) equal to
a DC of 13 + the number of additional doses taken (base 15 for a total 20 min powder
trance), on a fail the consumer immediately gains exhaustion levels equal to the number of
additional does taken.
- Alternatively, one can take multiple doses of powder to enhance their magic to dangerous
levels, entering a “Heightened Powder Trance”. By taking more than one shot of powder you
can gain an additional +# to powder trance effects equal to the number of additional shots
you take.
o Note that at the end of such a trance you immediately must make the save of and
extended trance.
o Additionally, if one extends a “Heightened Powder Trance” by more than the 10
minutes the trance allows they must make the same save as normal lengthening
with the following addition. Starting DC is increase to 15 + number of shots taken.
 On a fail, in addition to the normal exhaustion levels, the mage loses access
to their magic for 1 day

Privileged Gloves (uncommon magic focus, required and usable only by full casters)

- A privileged requires these gloves to act as a focus when they use their magics, while they
wear these gloves they may ignore the vocal, or somatic components of spells. Material
components that have an associated gold cost are still required.
- Privileged gloves are still fabric and have a chance to be consumed when a Privileged casts a
spell of 5th level or higher.
- Gloves can be enhanced to give +1 (rare), +2 (very rare), or +3 (legendary) to spell attack
rolls and spell saving throws. These gloves also increase the level that might consume them
by this bonus as well.

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