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Data Analyst

Course Content
1) History, Installation
2) Python Language Fundamentals
3) Python Operators
4) Input and Output Statements
5) Flow Control
6) String Data Type
7) List Data Structure
8) Tuple Data Structure
9) Set Data Structure
10) Dictionary Data Structure
11) Functions
12) Modules
13) Packages
14) File Handling
15) Exception Handling
16) OOPs
17) Regular expressions
18) Multi Threading
19) Python Database Programing
20) Python Logging Module

21) Pandas
22) Numpy
23) seaborn
24) Matplotlib
25) scikit
26) Introduction to SQL
27) Retrieving Data
28) Updating Data
29) Inserting Data
30) Deleting Data
31) Sorting and Filtering Data
32) Advanced Filtering
33) Summarizing Data
34) Grouping Data
35) Using Subqueries
36) Joining Tables
37) Managing Tables

38) Basic statistics

39) Probability theory
Power BI

40) Introduction
41) Power Bi Data Sources
42) Power Query
43) Combine Queries
44) Power Pivot
45) DAX
46) Power view
Data Visualization
Course content
1) Introduction to Data visualization-Significance and Advantages
2) Data Visualization using Python
3) Types of Data Visualization-Charts,,Tables,Graphs, Maps,
Infographics Dashboards
4) DV using Matplotlib , low level interface
5) Pandas visualization, easy to use interface
6) using ggplot in python
7) DV using seaborn , High level interface
8) DV with Tableu-Introduction
9) Power Bi Data Sources
10) Power View- Report View/Power View
11) Filters in Power View
12) Visualizing different types of data

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