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1. Which of the following statements is true?

A. loc is to locate labels from the index, iloc locates the element
in the index
B. iloc locates the labels from the index, loc locates the
element in the index
C. None of the above

2. What is the functionality of value_counts()?

A. Used to find count number of columns
B. Used to find duplicate values and counts
C. Used to find unique values and counts

3. Weather forecasting is an example of _________

A. Supervised Learning
B. Unsupervised Learning
C. Reinforcement Learning

4. Which of the following function is used to check if a dataframe

has any missing values?
A. fillna()
B. isna()
C. isnull()

5. In probability sampling, probability of selecting an item from

the population is known and is:
A. Equal to zero
B. Equal to one
C. Not equal to zero
6. What would be the correlation between study time and test
A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Neutral

7. How we will choose the root node in decision tree?

A. Select the attribute which has minimum value of information
B. Select the attribute which has maximum value of
information Gain
C. None of the above

8. What is 'K' in K- Nearest Neighbors?

A. It's a number used to identify similar neighbors for the new
data point
B. It's a number used to identify similar neighbors for the
similar data point
C. None of the above

9. Overfitting can be avoided by:

A. Building a less complicated and simpler model
B. By removing some less impacting variables
C. By validating and finetuning the model
D. All the above can be used for avoiding overfitting

10. The goal of PCA is to perform dimensionality reduction

through _________
A. Feature selection
B. Feature extraction
C. Both A and B

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