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AlBERT EINSTEIN - vocabulary

Stand out –distinguished, outstanding = istaknut

Absend –minded = being lost in thoughts = duboko zamisljen da gubi vezu sa realnoscu

Piercing eyes =sharp =prodorne oci ili prodoran pogled

Humanity = mankind= covecanstvo

Used to = imati obicaj da nesto radis

To give lecture= drzati predavanje

To accompany = to follow = pratiti

Faithful = loyal, devoted= odan

To attend = to be present = prisustvovati, pohadjati nastavu,kurs, fakultet

Opportunity = chance = prilika, shansa

To deliver = to give = isporuciti

To reply = to answer

To involve = to include, to contain = sadrzati,

Equation = jednacina

To snooze = to have a short, light sleep = dremati

To pretend = praviti se kao da ...

Chauffeur = professional driver = shofer

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