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Exercise 3 (grammar focus)

She used to fail all her exams.

Life didn’t use to be so good.

She will get up and move around instead of listening to the teacher.

Her teachers would complain about her disruptive behaviour.

She is always disturbing people. (annoying)

She was always forgetting and handing in her homework late.

Exercise 4.

2.Mom would take me to….

3.I didn’t use to like……

4.I used to hate…………..

5.I would go swimmning every week. (repeated past action)

6.I went on a school trip………………….

Exercise 7.

2. Before, Julie was always checking her make-up…………….Now, she is always checking her phone

3.Before, Sam was always talking………………..Now, he is always talking about his girlfriend

4.Before, Dave was always losing his temper (to lose temper=to become angry easily) Now he is losing
his keys.

5.Before,Mary was telling lies…………..Now, she is always telling people what to do

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