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The discussers believe that these data, although limited to the case
Discussion of “Liquefaction Susceptibility PI⫽0, will provide useful insight into the subject.
Criteria for Silts and Clays” by
Ross W. Boulanger and I. M. Idriss
November 2006, Vol. 132, No. 11, pp. 1413–1426.
Experimental Procedure
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DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-0241共2006兲132:1共1413兲
Stress-controlled undrained cyclic triaxial tests were conducted in
a GDS 2 Hz Dynamic Triaxial Testing System on dry-compacted
G. A. Athanasopoulos, M.ASCE1; and and then fully saturated mixtures of fine sand and nonplastic silt,
V. C. Xenaki, Ph.D.2 under conditions of constant void ratio. The grain size of sand is
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Patras, GR-26500, D50 = 0.12 mm with a uniformity coefficient Cu = 1.7. The corre-
Greece. sponding values for the nonplastic silt are D50 = 0.02 mm and
Soils Engineer, Edafomichaniki S.A., Athens, Greece. Cu = 10, 共Fig. 1兲. The tests were conducted on soil mixtures with
fines content ranging from 0% 共clean sand兲 to 100% 共pure silt兲.
The consolidation pressure of specimens was ␴⬘o = 200 kPa,
The authors’ study provides valuable insight into the stress-strain
whereas the value of void ratio was kept at e ⬇ 0.66 in all tests,
behavior of fine-grained soils 共silts and clays兲 under monotonic
with the exception of the tests conducted on silt specimens in
and cyclic undrained loading. The distinct behavioral features of
which the void ratio was e ⬇ 0.78. In all tests, the specimens were
sands versus clays under the aforementioned types of loading are loaded with uniform sinusoidal cycles with a frequency of 0.1 Hz.
first identified with regard to the shape of the hysteresis loops, the The cyclic stress, excess pore water pressure, and axial strain of
value of excess pore-water pressure ratio, and the magnitude of the specimen were continuously recorded during testing. The low
developed strains. Then, a classification of fine-grained soils into value of loading frequency used in the tests suggests a uniform
two classes of materials is proposed, namely, “sand-like” materi- distribution of pore water pressure in the specimens, and that
als that are susceptible to liquefaction 共in the classical meaning of initial liquefaction occurs when the pore water pressure ratio be-
the term兲, and “clay-like” materials that are susceptible to cyclic comes ru = 100%. The cyclic stress ratios, CSR, applied to tested
softening. In addition, the authors emphasize the critical impor- specimens range from 0.07 to 0.49.
tance of using the appropriate procedure for evaluating the cyclic
strength for each class of material.
Following the establishment of the above framework, the au- Test Results
thors review a database of test results compiled from the literature
and found that the plasticity index, PI, of fines is the single most Two typical examples of cyclic stress-strain curves from the dis-
important parameter for distinguishing between the two types of cussers’ test results 共accompanied by corresponding plots of ex-
behavior. They propose the use of a limit value of PI⫽7 as cess pore water pressure and axial strain as a function of number
follows: of cycles of loading兲 are shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, for mixtures
1. for PI⬍ 7, the material is susceptible to liquefaction 共i.e., with fines content equal to 10 and 55%, respectively. In each of
exhibits “sand-like” behavior兲 and its liquefaction resistance these diagrams, two stress-strain loops are shown i.e., the loop for
should be evaluated using the available procedures for sands; the first cycle of loading 共N = 1兲, and the loop corresponding to
2. for PIⱖ 7, the soil behaves as a ‘clay-like’ material and its initial liquefaction 共N = NL兲. The observed behavior is in agree-
behavior should be analyzed using the procedures available
for evaluating the cyclic strength of cohesive soils.
A transition zone of plasticity index from 3 to 8 is proposed by
the authors, who also suggest discontinuing the use of the Chinese
criteria of liquefaction susceptibility. Finally, the authors discuss
the applicability of the liquefaction criterion proposed in the
paper to soils containing less than 50% fines 共coarse-grained ma-
terials兲. They argue that as long as the amount of fines is greater
than a threshold value, FCthr 共which is the limit above which the
fine grains constitute the loading-carrying matrix of soil兲, their
criterion could be extended to fines content FC ⬍ 50%.
The discussers have recently presented results of cyclic triaxial
tests on saturated mixtures of sand with different amounts of non-
plastic silt 共Xenaki and Athanasopoulos 2003兲. The tests were
conducted to investigate the effect of fines content on the lique-
faction resistance of sand-silt mixtures. In view of the authors’
study and other recently published data, the discussers would like
to present some related data 共not included in their previous pub- Fig. 1. Grain size curves for the sand and the nonplastic silt used in
lication兲 and compare them to the findings reported in the paper. this investigation


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:1031-1034.

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Fig. 2. 共a兲 Stress-strain relationship for the first cycle 共N = 1兲 and the
Fig. 3. 共a兲 Stress-strain relationship for the first cycle 共N = 1兲 and the
liquefaction cycle N = NL of loading; 共b兲 excess pore water pressure
liquefaction cycle N = NL of loading; 共b兲 excess pore water pressure
and axial strain versus number of load cycles for FC = 10%
and axial strain versus number of load cycles for FC = 55%

ment with the behavior of “sand-like” soils described in the paper,

i.e., the stress-strain loops at initial liquefaction have a flat middle fines, the authors emphasize the importance of evaluating the
portion combined with strain-hardening ends. In addition, the ex- threshold fines content, FCthr, for each particular soil type. For
cess pore water pressure ratio reaches the value of ru = 100%, as the sand-silt mixtures tested by the discussers it was found that
described in the paper. FCthr ⬇ 42%, whereas the Ghahremani and Ghalandarzadeh
The above diagrams also indicate that the liquefaction resis- 共2006兲 results for sand-clay mixtures indicate that FCthr ⬇ 30%.
tance of these soils decreases with increasing fines content. Xe- The discussers agree with the authors on the importance of evalu-
naki and Athanasopoulos 共2003兲 have shown that sand-silt ating a threshold fines content for a soil sample, and would like to
mixtures develop the lowest liquefaction resistance for a thresh- present some evidence on how the soil behavior changes depend-
old value of fines content, FCthr, above which the behavior is ing on whether its fines content is lower or higher than the cor-
reversed, with the resistance increasing slowly for increasing val- responding threshold value. In Fig. 4, the liquefaction resistance
ues of fines content. The diagrams of Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 also indi- of the sand-silt mixtures tested by the discussers 共expressed by
cate that the pre-liquefaction strains of sand-silt mixtures increase the number of cycles to liquefaction, NL兲 is plotted versus the
significantly with the fines content 共based on the discussers’ re- relative density, Dr, of each mixture. The diagram of Fig. 4 indi-
sults the pre-liquefaction strains increase from 0.2% for the case cates that the NL versus Dr curve is composed of two unique 共i.e.,
of clean sand to more than 8% for FC ⬎ 55%兲. independent of FC兲 branches intersecting at a point correspond-
It is worth mentioning that cyclic triaxial tests recently con- ing to the threshold value of fines content. One of the branches
ducted by Ghahremani and Ghalandarzadeh 共2006兲 show trends describes the liquefaction behavior for fines content ranging from
similar to the ones presented by the discussers, on plastic sand- 0% to FCthr, whereas the other branch holds for FC ⬎ FCthr. The
clay mixtures with PI values ranging 共according to the discussers’ differentiation of liquefaction behavior depending on FC vs FCthr
estimations兲 from 2 to 11. They report decreasing liquefaction is evident in Fig. 4. Thus, the relative density of the soil 共appro-
resistance and increasing pre-liquefaction strains with increasing priately evaluated for fines content greater than 15%兲 may be a
fines content as well as the development of ru values equal to useful parameter for assessing the liquefaction susceptibility and
100%. Thus, this type of soil could be classified as “sand-like,” resistance, provided the fines content and its threshold values are
despite the fact that its plasticity index may take values higher known. It is worth mentioning that the differentiation of the be-
than the limit value PI⫽7. havior of sand-silt mixtures in triaxial compression, depending on
Regarding the applicability of the proposed liquefaction sus- whether FC is lower or higher than FCthr, has also been recently
ceptibility criterion 共PI⫽7兲 to coarse-grained soils containing demonstrated by Yang et al. 共2006a,b兲.


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:1031-1034.

Closure to “Liquefaction Susceptibility
Criteria for Silts and Clays” by
Ross W. Boulanger and I. M. Idriss
November 2006, Vol. 132, No. 11, pp. 1413–1426.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-0241共2006兲132:11共1413兲

Ross W. Boulanger, M.ASCE1; and

I. M. Idriss, F.ASCE2
Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of California, Davis, CA 95616. E-mail: rwboulanger@
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Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineer-
ing, University of California, Davis, CA 95616. E-mail: imidriss@
Fig. 4. Number of cycles to liquefaction, NL, versus relative density
Dr of sand-silt mixtures with different fines content under conditions
of constant void ratio 共CSR ⬇ 0.23兲 The writers appreciate the discussers’ interest in the paper and
their experimental results contributing to the literature on the und-
rained stress-strain behavior of silt-sand mixtures. The discussers’
experimental results are consistent with previous findings for the
effects of fines content on the monotonic and cyclic undrained
Conclusions responses of mixtures of sand and nonplastic silt, such as those by
Shen et al. 共1977兲, Troncoso and Verdugo 共1985兲, Kuerbis et al.
This discussion is based on the discussers’ test results as well as 共1988兲, Vaid 共1994兲, Koester 共1994兲, Lade and Yamamuro 共1997兲,
on other recently reported test results. The main conclusions of Thevanayagam 共1998兲, Polito and Martin 共2001兲, Thevanayagam
the discussion may be summarized as follows: et al. 共2002兲, and Carraro et al. 共2003兲. Applying these experi-
1. The behavior of nonplastic silty sands having fines content mental results to engineering practice, however, requires an im-
proved understanding of how fines content affects in situ tests,
ranging from 0 to 100% under cyclic loading is consistent
such as has been explored by Carraro et al. 共2003兲, Huang et al.
with the behavior attributed by the authors to “sand-like”
共2005兲, and Thevanayagam et al. 共2006兲. The writers expect that
this is an area where additional research could produce significant
2. The behavior of plastic clayey sands 共with fines content rang-
advances relative to current practice.
ing from 0 to 50%兲 under cyclic loading is consistent with
The writers would like to clarify the recommended liquefac-
the behavior of “sand-like” materials, although their plastic-
tion susceptibility criteria in response to some of the discussers’
ity index may take values higher than the limit value 共PI⫽7兲 comments. The recommended criteria were developed solely for
proposed by the authors. the purpose of guiding the choice of engineering procedures to be
3. The evaluation of the threshold fines content of soils is im- used in assessing the potential for strength loss and large strains
portant not only for verifying the applicability of the lique- in different types of fine-grained soils due to earthquakes. For
faction criterion proposed by the authors to coarse-grained current practice, this corresponds to the choice of evaluating seis-
soils, but also for describing their liquefaction behavior in mic behavior using:
terms of relative density. 共1兲 Standard Penetration Test 共SPT兲 and Cone Penetration Test
4. Preliquefaction strains of sand-silt and sand-clay mixtures 共CPT兲 based liquefaction correlations that were developed
共that behave similar to the “sand-like” materials described by primarily based on experiences with sands, silty sands, sandy
the authors兲 under cyclic loading increase significantly with silts, and silts; or
increasing fines content, FC, especially when FC ⬎ FCthr. 共2兲 Information from in situ testing, laboratory testing of high-
This behavior may negate the beneficial effect of post lique- quality field samples, and empirical correlations which are
faction dilatancy of these soils similar to, or build upon established procedures for evaluat-
ing the monotonic undrained shear strengths of clays or plas-
tic silts.
References It is useful to note that the historical move toward heavy reli-
ance on in situ test-based liquefaction correlations for sands was,
in large part, because the disturbance experienced by sands during
Ghahremani, M., and Ghalandarzadeh, A. 共2006兲. “Effect of plastic fines
conventional sampling and testing rendered the results of cyclic
on cyclic resistance of sands.” Proc., Soil and Rock Behavior and
laboratory tests inapplicable 共e.g., Seed 1979兲. Issues of sample
Modeling (GSP No 150), R. Luna, Z. Hong, G. Ma, and M. Huang,
disturbance for clays, while still important, are manageable
eds., ASCE, Reston, Va., 406–412.
Xenaki, V. C., and Athanasopoulos, G. A. 共2003兲. “Liquefaction resis-
enough that practice routinely utilizes conventional sampling and
tance of sand-silt mixtures: an experimental investigation of the effect laboratory testing to improve the characterization of in situ
of fines.” Soil Dyn. Earthquake Eng., 23共2006兲, 183–194. strength and compressibility properties for such soils. The plas-
Yang, S. L., Sandven, R., and Grande, L. 共2006a兲. “Instability of sand-silt ticity index 共PI兲 was used in the paper as a proxy for distinguish-
mixtures.” Soil Dyn. Earthquake Eng., 26, 183–190. ing between “sand-like” soils that would be better evaluated by
Yang, S. L., Sandven, R., and Grande, L. 共2006b兲. “Steady-state lines of the first methodology and “clay-like” soils that would be better
sand-silt mixtures.” Can. Geotech. J., 43, 1213–1219. evaluated by the second methodology. The PI is not the “single


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:1031-1034.

most important parameter for distinguishing between” sand-like eds., ASCE, Reston, Va., 406–412.
and clay-like behavior, as the discussers wrote, but rather is only Huang, A. B., Huang, Y. T., and Ho, F. J. 共2005兲. “Assessment of lique-
a proxy to be used when there is insufficient in situ and laboratory faction potential for a silty sand in central western Taiwan.” Proc.,
test data to characterize the soil behavior directly. 16th Int. Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,
The recommended liquefaction susceptibility criteria are not Millpress Science Publishers, Rotterdam, 2653–2658.
intended as a distinction between soils that will or will not gen- Koester, J. P. 共1994兲. “The influence of fines type and content on cyclic
erate an excess pore pressure ratio 共ru兲 of 100%, although this strength.” Proc.,Ground Failures under Seismic Conditions, (Geotech.
point was perhaps not sufficiently emphasized in the paper. While Spec. Publ. 44), S. Prakash and P. Dakoulas, eds., ASCE, New York,
a sand may develop ru = 100% during undrained cyclic loading 17–33.
and a high plasticity clay may not, the situation can be more Kuerbis, R., Negussey, D., and Vaid, Y. P. 共1988兲. “Effect of gradation
subtle for fine-grained soils of lower plasticity. For example, con- and fines content on the undrained response of sand.” Proc., Hydraul.
sider the cyclic test results for the CWOC silt with liquid limit, Fill Struct. Div., D. J. A. Van Zyl and S. G. Vick, eds., ASCE, Reston,
Va., 330–345.
Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS on 06/30/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

LL= 41 and PI= 10 as listed in Table 1 and further described in

Lade, P., and Yamamuro, J. A. 共1997兲. “Effects of non-plastic fines on
Boulanger and Idriss 共2004, 2007兲. This silt developed ru static liquefaction of sands.” Can. Geotech. J., 34共6兲, 918–928.
= 100% during undrained cyclic loading 共Woodward-Clyde Con- Polito, C. P., and Martin, J. R., II. 共2001兲. “Effects of nonplastic fines on
sultants 1992兲, and also exhibited all the features of the stress- the liquefaction resistance of sands.” J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.,
history normalized behavior associated with clays based on the 127共5兲, 408–415.
results of in situ vane shear tests, CPT soundings, and laboratory Seed, H. B. 共1979兲. “Soil liquefaction and cyclic mobility evaluation for
tests 共consolidation, and monotonic and cyclic undrained triaxial level ground during earthquakes.” J. Geotech. Engrg. Div., 105共2兲,
and simple shear兲 performed for that site. In contrast, the strength 201–255.
and compressibility characteristics of that soil would have been Shen, C. K., Vrymoed, J. L., and Uyeno, C. K. 共1977兲. “The effect of
poorly predicted by reliance on SPT- or CPT-based liquefaction fines on liquefaction of sands.” Proc., IX Int. Conf. on Soil Mechanics
correlations. Thus, this low-plasticity silt 共ML兲 was classified as and Foundation Engineering, 381–385.
“clay-like” in the paper because its strength and compressibility Thevanayagam, S. 共1998兲. “Effect of fines and confining stress on und-
characteristics could be best evaluated using the types of proce- rained shear strength of silty sands.” J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.,
dures associated with clays 关e.g., a stress history and normalized 124共6兲, 479–491.
Thevanayagam, S., Ecemis, N., Kanagalingam, T., and Martin, G. R.
soil engineering parameters 共SHANSEP兲 type approach兴, regard-
共2006兲. “Effects of fines on liquefaction screening using penetration
less of it having developed ru = 100% in cyclic laboratory tests. In
resistance.” Proc., 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake En-
this regard, the discussers may have misunderstood our intentions
gineering, San Francisco.
when they concluded that the sand-clay mixtures tested by Ghahr- Thevanayagam, S., Shenthan, T., Mohan, S., and Liang, J. 共2002兲. “Und-
emani and Ghalandarzadeh 共2006兲, with estimated PI values of 2 rained fragility of clean sands, silty sands, and sandy silts.” J. Geo-
to 11, could be classified as sand-like simply because they devel- tech. Geoenviron. Eng., 128共10兲, 849–859.
oped ru = 100%. For these types of soils, more detailed informa- Troncoso, J. H., and Verdugo, R. 共1985兲. “Silt content and dynamic be-
tion is needed before an informed choice of engineering havior of tailing sands.” Proc., XI Int. Conf. on Soil Mechanics and
procedure can be made. Foundation Engineering, 1311–1314.
Effective communication regarding issues of liquefaction re- Vaid, Y. P. 共1994兲. “Liquefaction of silty soils.” Proc., Ground Failures
quires a clear understanding of the technical definitions used by under Seismic Conditions, (Geotech. Spec. Publ. 44), S. Prakash and
different individuals. For the paper, definitions for terms were P. Dakoulas, eds., ASCE, New York, 1–16.
chosen such that the names for soil type, soil behavior, and analy- Woodward-Clyde Consultants. 共1992兲. “California Water Operations
sis methodology were reasonably consistent: 共1兲 “liquefaction” Center—Site evaluation and remediation—Conceptual design.” Ap-
was reserved for describing the behavior of sand-like or cohesion- pendix E, CWOC Site Characterization Memo, Oakland, Calif.
less soils that would be appropriately evaluated using semiempir-
ical SPT- or CPT-based “liquefaction” correlations; 共2兲 “cyclic
softening” was used to describe the behavior of clay-like or co-
hesive soils that would be appropriately evaluated using proce-
dures developed for, or modified from those for clays; and 共3兲 the Discussion of “Assessment of the
recommended criteria were called “liquefaction susceptibility cri- Liquefaction Susceptibility of Fine-Grained
teria,” because they distinguished between these two cases. Soils” by Jonathan D. Bray and
Rodolfo B. Sancio
September 2006, Vol. 132, No. 9, pp. 1165–1177.
References DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-0241共2006兲132:9共1165兲

Boulanger, R. W., and Idriss, I. M. 共2004兲. “Evaluating the potential for

G. A. Athanasopoulos, M.ASCE1; and
liquefaction or cyclic failure of silts and clays.” Rep. No. UCD/CGM-
04/01, Center for Geotechnical Modeling, Dept. of Civil and Environ- V. C. Xenaki, Ph.D.2
mental Engineering, Univ. of California, Davis, Calif. Professor, Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Univ. of Patras, Patras, Greece.
Boulanger, R. W., and Idriss, I. M. 共2007兲. “Evaluation of cyclic soften- Soils Engr., Edafomichaniki S.A., Athens, Greece.
ing in silts and clays.” J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 133共6兲, 641–
Carraro, J. A. H., Bandini, P., and Salgado, R. 共2003兲. “Liquefaction The authors present valuable test data on the liquefaction resis-
resistance of clean and nonplastic silty sands based on cone penetra- tance of fine-grained soils having fines content FC⬎70% and
tion resistance.” J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 129共11兲, 965–976. plasticity index ranging from 0 to 25. Their research is based on
Ghahremani, M., and Ghalandarzadeh, A. 共2006兲. “Effect of Plastic Fines cyclic triaxial and simple shear testing conducted on undisturbed
on Cyclic Resistance of Sands.” Proc., Soil and Rock Behavior and specimens of natural soils sampled from liquefied sites in Ada-
Modeling (GSP No 150), R. Luna, Z. Hong, G. Ma, and M. Huang, pazari, Turkey, in the 1999 Kokaeli earthquake. Their results in-


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:1031-1034.

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Fig. 1. Grain size curves for the sand and nonplastic silt used in this

Fig. 3. 共a兲 Stress-strain relationship for the first cycle 共N = 1兲 and the
liquefaction cycle 共NL兲 of loading; 共b兲 excess pore water pressure and
axial strain versus number of load cycles for FC⫽55%

dicate clearly that the liquefaction resistance increases with

increasing plasticity of the soil and that the “Chinese criteria” are
unsafe and their use should be discontinued. New criteria are
proposed in the paper for assessing the liquefaction susceptibility
of fine-grained soils in terms of the plasticity index, PI, of the soil
and the ratio of its water content to the liquid limit, wc / LL.
The authors also provide examples of experimental stress-
strain curves for fine-grained soils of varying plasticity under uni-
form cyclic loading. Their diagrams indicate the development of
the characteristic “banana-shaped” hysteresis loops following ini-
tial liquefaction, which is the result of the dilatant behavior of
material during cyclic shearing. Finally, based on a literature re-
view, the authors recognize the complexity of the liquefaction
behavior of low-plasticity silty soils and the dependence of their
liquefaction resistance on the fines content, FC.
The discussers have recently presented results of cyclic triaxial
tests on a saturated sand mixed with different amounts of a non-
plastic silt 共Xenaki and Athanasopoulos 2003兲. The tests were
conducted to investigate the effect of fines content 共FC values
Fig. 2. 共a兲 Stress-strain relationship for the first cycle 共N = 1兲 and the ranging from 0 to 100%兲 on the liquefaction resistance of silty
liquefaction cycle 共NL兲 of loading; 共b兲 excess pore water pressure and sands. In view of the authors’ findings and other recently pub-
axial strain versus number of load cycles for FC⫽10% lished data of other investigators, the discussers would like to


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:1031-1034.

present some data not included in their previous publication con- tion, the discussers’ results indicate that the liquefaction suscep-
cerning the shape of cyclic stress-strain loops and its dependence tibility and initiation of fine-grained soils depends on fines
on the value of fines content. content and further research is warranted for establishing reliable
values of FCthr for different types of silts and silty sands.

Test Results References

Stress-controlled undrained cyclic triaxial tests were conducted Boulanger, R. W. and Idriss, I. M. 共2006兲, “Liquefaction susceptibility
on saturated mixtures of sand with a nonplastic silt under condi- criteria for silts and clays.” J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 132共11兲,
tions of constant void ratio 共e ⬇ 0.66兲, Fig. 1. In all tests, the 2006, 1413–1426.
specimens were subjected to uniform sinusoidal cycles of load Ghahremani, M., and Ghalandarzadeh, A. 共2006兲. “Effect of plastic fines
Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS on 06/30/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

with a frequency of 0.1 Hz and the cyclic stress, excess pore on cyclic resistance of sands.” ASCE GSP No 150: Soil and rock
water pressure, and axial strain of the specimens were continu- behavior and modeling, R. Luna, Z. Hong, G. Ma, and M. Huang,
ously recorded during testing. Initial liquefaction of the specimen eds., 406–412.
was considered to occur when the pore water ratio reached the Xenaki, V. C., and Athanasopoulos, G. A. 共2003兲. “Liquefaction resis-
value ru = 100%. tance of sand-silt mixtures: An experimental investigation of the effect
The test results indicate that the liquefaction resistance of the of fines.” Soil Dyn. Earthquake Eng., 23, 183–194.
sand/silt mixtures decreases with increasing fines content, FC,
and reaches a minimum value at FCthr ⬇ 40%. For fines content
FC⬎FCthr, the liquefaction resistance starts to increase slowly
with increasing fines content, although it remains lower than that
of clean sand. A similar behavior has been recently reported by
Discussion of “Assessment of the
Ghahremani and Ghalandarzadeh 共2006兲 for sand/clay mixtures, Liquefaction Susceptibility of Fine-Grained
of varying plasticity 共PI⫽2–11, based on the discussers’ Soils” by Jonathan D. Bray and
estimation兲. Rodolfo B. Sancio
The above findings indicate that liquefiable silty/clayey soils September 2006, Vol. 132, No. 9, pp. 1165–1177.
may be particularly susceptible to strength and stiffness loss, es- DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-0241共2006兲132:9共1165兲
pecially when containing some critical 共or threshold兲 amount of
plastic or nonplastic fines. This threshold fines content generally
B. Tom Boardman, P.E., G.E., M.ASCE1
seems to be less than 50% and it is reasonable to expect that its 1
Assoc. Engr., East Bay Municipal Utility District, Oakland, CA 94607.
value depends on the characteristics of the grains constituting the E-mail:
“soil skeleton” 共see also Boulanger and Idriss 2006兲. It may be
thus concluded that when assessing the liquefaction hazard of
soils containing fines, due consideration should be given to their The authors have provided a thorough assessment of the seismic
fines content in addition to plasticity index, water content, and performance of certain fine-grained soils during the disastrous
liquid limit. 1999 Kocaeli earthquake. This type of paper is very helpful to the
Stress-strain curves 共with corresponding pore water pressure design community as it approaches the problem in a familiar for-
and axial strain variation兲 for two sand/silt mixtures having fines mat that can be easily applied to future projects. The discusser’s
content of 10 and 55% 共tested under CSR ⬇ 0.23兲 are shown in comments relate to using field exploration data as a preliminary
Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, respectively. In these figures, for each value of means to assess the liquefaction potential of cohesive soils.
fines content, the corresponding stress-strain plots depict the com- On a previous heavy rail project in the United States, the dis-
plete or partial loop of the first cycle of loading 共N = 1兲, as well as cusser, along with numerous colleagues, was responsible for a
the loop developed at initial liquefaction, NL 共i.e., ru = 100%兲. The geotechnical field investigation consisting of 141 soil borings and
behavior depicted in the above diagrams is similar to that de- 23 CPTs. The future rail line crosses over alluvial fan deposits
scribed by the authors for low-plasticity natural fine-grained soils, that experienced liquefaction during previous earthquakes. The
i.e., a low-strength/stiffness middle part followed by strain hard- design team chose to incorporate the recommendations presented
ening at the ends of each loop. The discussers’ results, however, by Seed et al. 共2005兲 and Bray et al. 共2004兲 when evaluating the
reveal a behavioral feature that cannot be derived directly from liquefaction susceptibility of cohesive soils. A brief summary of
the authors’ results: the amplitude of pre-liquefaction strains in- the results are presented in Boardman and Rinne 共2006兲.
creases with fines content 共1% for FC⫽10% and ⬎ 8% for FC ⱖ The discusser found that if the visual field classification was a
55%兲. Thus, it may be concluded that the amount of nonplastic medium stiff 共or softer兲, wet, lean clay 共CL兲 or silt 共ML兲, then the
共or even plastic兲 fines contained in a soil play an important role soil would generally be considered “liquefiable” per the Seed
when assessing its mechanical behavior under cyclic loading. et al. 共2005兲 and Bray et al. 共2004兲 criteria. Basically, any satu-
rated low-plasticity soils with SPT blow counts 共N1兲60 of approxi-
mately 8 or less were generally found to meet or exceed a water
Conclusions content/liquid limit ratio of 80 to 85 percent. The authors make a
similar point when they note that “a soil’s normalized standard
The discussers have conducted undrained cyclic triaxial tests on penetration test 共N1兲60 value in combination with its plasticity
artificial soils containing increasing amounts of fines 共⬍ No 200 index were good indicators of the cyclic resistance of fine-grained
sieve兲. The stress-strain behavior recorded in these tests is very soils.”
similar to the one reported by the authors for natural fine-grained The discusser attempted to find similar trends when evaluating
soils, i.e., a behavior characterized by the development of loops the CPT data for the rail project, but did not observe consistent
with a flattened middle part and strain hardening ends. In addi- results. However, in one area of the project, medium stiff low-


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:1031-1034.

plasticity silts 共ML兲 and 共CL-ML兲 were encountered at a depth of General
approximately 20 to 30 ft. These silty soils had fines contents
ranging from 54 to 82%, 共N1兲60 blow counts of 5 to 7, liquid limit The authors appreciate the discussers sharing their insights on the
of 25, PI of 7 and water content/liquid limit ratios of approxi- liquefaction of fine-grained soils. Two discussions were submitted
mately 0.6 to 1.0. These same soils had Ic values ranging from in response to this paper. Each discussion will be addressed sepa-
approximately 2.6 to 2.8 in nearby CPTs. Thus, these soils would rately, as they bring forth different issues. The first discusser, Mr.
be deemed to be not liquefiable per the Robertson and Wride Boardman, shared his experience in the application of our semi-
共1998兲 procedure, but would be potentially liquefiable using the empirical criteria on a project in northern California. The discus-
author’s procedures. This confirms the Youd et al. 共2001兲 recom- sion points are the relationships of penetration resistance to
mendation to take soil samples for layers with Ic values greater ground failure, soil plasticity to the soil behavior index, and the
than 2.4. The discusser is curious whether the authors found simi- seismic response of clayey soils. The second group of discussers,
lar contradictory results when evaluating the SPT and CPT field Dr. Athanasopoulos and Mr. Xenaki, emphasizes the important
Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS on 06/30/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

data from Turkey. role of the amount of fines in a soil in terms of its cyclic response.
In closing, the discusser wants to note that these low SPT blow
count, low-plasticity soils are generally the type of subgrade ma-
terials that meet the liquefaction criteria being proposed by the Penetration Resistance and Ground Failure
authors. As the SPT blow counts get higher, the saturated soils
usually do not meet the water content/liquid limit ratio criteria. The primary aim of the authors’ paper was to evaluate existing
However, the discusser would also like to point out that if satu- liquefaction susceptibility criteria for fine-grained soils, such as
rated, medium stiff 共or softer兲 cohesive soils are encountered dur- the Chinese Criteria, and to offer improved criteria for identifying
ing a field investigation, these soils will likely be problematic fine-grained soils that could potentially lose strength or liquefy if
whether the issue is static settlement or seismic response. In ad- they were at the appropriate state and stress conditions, and
dition, just because the cohesive soils do not meet the currently loaded cyclically at intense levels. The shallow, loose, saturated
proposed liquefaction susceptibility criteria does not mean that fine-grained soils of Adapazari underwent cyclic mobility with
they are immune to seismic strength and stiffness losses. Martin limited strain potential after the generation of large excess pore
and Olgun 共2006兲 thoroughly address this issue in their work for pressures. In the paper, no attempt was made to develop a
the same 1999 Kocaeli earthquake. liquefaction-triggering relationship for fine-grained soils based on
penetration resistance.
The penetration resistance of a soil deposit as measured in the
References cone penetration test 共CPT兲 or standard penetration test 共SPT兲
depends primarily on soil type, soil state 共i.e., void ratio and soil
Boardman, B. T., and Rinne, E. E. 共2006兲. “Recent database for liquefac- fabric兲, in situ stresses, and stress history, among other factors.
tion susceptibility calculations in cohesive soils.” Proc., 8th U.S. Likewise, liquefaction resistance has been shown to be affected
Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, April 18–22, 2006, similarly by these same factors as well as others. Accordingly,
Paper No. 524. several correlations between a soil deposit’s penetration resistance
Bray, J. D., et al. 共2004兲. “Subsurface characterization of ground failure and its liquefaction resistance have been proposed by researchers,
sites at Adapazari, Turkey.” J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 130共7兲, with the state-of-practice being defined in Youd et al. 共2001兲 at
the time of the writing of the authors’ paper. Although the SPT-
Martin, J. R., and Olgun, C. G. 共2006兲. “Unanticipated seismic vulner-
based and CPT-based liquefaction-triggering correlations are ro-
ability of fine-grained plastic soils.” Proc., 8th U.S. Conf. on Earth-
bust for clean sand and sand with some fines, they are not as
quake Engineering, San Francisco, April 18–22, 2006, Paper No. 369.
reliable for fine-grained soils. For example, the liquefaction-
Robertson, P. K., and Wride, C. E. 共1998兲. “Evaluating cyclic liquefaction
potential using the cone penetration test.” Canadian Journal of Geo- triggering database of the well-used Seed et al. 共1985兲 SPT-based
technical Engineering, 35共3兲, 442–459. correlation contains only 13 cases involving soils with significant
Seed, R. B., et al. 共2003兲. “Recent advances in soil liquefaction engineer- fines 共i.e.,⬎35% fines兲. CPT procedures can be unreliable for
ing: A unified and consistent framework.” Earthquake Engineering fine-grained soils with low tip resistances 共Youd et al., 2001兲. Use
Research Center Report 2003-06, Univ. of California, 72. of SPT blow counts to estimate the static undrained shear strength
Youd, T. L., et al. 共2001兲. “Liquefaction resistance of soils: Report from of clayey soils is problematic, so dynamic shear strength is not
1996 and 1998 NCEER Workshops on Eval. of Liquef. Resist. of evaluated reliably through the SPT. CPT offers a more reliable
Soils.” J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 127共10兲, 817–833. approach to estimating the undrained shear strength of clayey
soils, but its use in transitional soils 共i.e., nonplastic silts to clayey
silts to silty clays of low plasticity兲 is less well established.
Hence, its use in estimating liquefaction resistance of low-
plasticity soils is more promising, but still less reliable than its
Closure to “Assessment of the Liquefaction use in evaluating the liquefaction of clean sands or sand with
Susceptibility of Fine-Grained Soils” by some fines.
Jonathan D. Bray and Rodolfo B. Sancio Fortunately, the fine-grained soils in Adapazari could be
September 2006, Vol. 132, No. 9, pp. 1165–1177. sampled and tested effectively in the laboratory with minimal
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-0241共2006兲132:9共1165兲 effects of disturbance if extreme care was exercised in the field
sampling, transportation, and specimen preparation procedures.
Jonathan D. Bray1 and Rodolfo B. Sancio2 As described in the authors’ paper, the Dames and Moore hydrau-
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Envir. Engrg., Univ. of California, Berke- lic piston sampler was primarily used, and testing was quickly
ley, CA 94720-1710. performed in Turkey to minimize sample disturbance. Reconsoli-
2 dation to the in situ stress state resulted in relatively small
Sr. Proj. Engr., Golder Assoc. Inc., 500 Century Plaza Dr., Ste. 190,
Houston, TX 77073. changes in the specimen’s void ratio in comparison to its initial


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:1031-1034.

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Fig. 1. Site F profile: 共a兲 CPT tip resistance; 共b兲 SPT N60; 共c兲 soil behavior index; 共d兲 PI; and 共e兲 wc / LL 共data from Sancio 2003兲

void ratio 共i.e., ⌬e / eo ⬍ 0.03兲. Cyclic laboratory testing provides a loading, regardless of the soil’s plasticity index 共PI兲. Soils that
viable means to evaluate the cyclic response of fine-grained soils meet these conditions also typically offer significant challenges
if sample disturbance effects are minimized. The authors contend for static design.
that field sampling and laboratory testing currently offer the most
reliable way to evaluate the liquefaction susceptibility, resistance,
and response of fine-grained soils. Soil Plasticity and Soil Behavior Index
In examining the data developed by Bray et al. 共2004兲, how-
ever, it is clear that fine-grained soils with low penetration resis- Although the authors found that the soil behavior index 共Ic兲 pro-
tances tend to be potentially liquefiable if they satisfy the authors’ posed by Robertson and Wride 共1998兲 was useful in discriminat-
proposed liquefaction susceptibility criteria. Figs. 1共a and b兲 and ing between different soil types preliminarily, it should be
Figs. 2共a and b兲 present the CPT tip penetration resistance 共qt in remembered that it provides merely an indication of soil type. As
MPa兲 and the uncorrected SPT blow counts 共N60兲 for Site F and recommended by Youd et al. 共2001兲, soil samples should be re-
Site A in Adapazari, respectively 共Bray et al. 2004兲. In terms of trieved to confirm its applicability on a site-specific basis. In Ada-
liquefaction, the critical layers at these sites 共depths of 1.5 to pazari, Ic was employed successfully to classify soil preliminarily
3.2 m at Site F and depths of 4.2 to 5.0 m at Site A兲 exhibit qt so that the companion boring and sampling program could focus
ⱕ 2.5 MPa and N60 ⱕ 6 blows/ 30 cm. Consistent ground condi- on retrieving soil from the potentially most critical layers. How-
tions were measured at other locations throughout the city of ever, Ic was not used to evaluate soil susceptibility to liquefaction,
Adapazari 共Bray et al. 2004兲. In the authors’ experience, shallow because it was not reliable. Instead, PI and wc / LL proved to be
共depth⬍ 10 m兲, normally consolidated to slightly overconsoli- the most reliable indices of liquefaction susceptibility.
dated, saturated fine-grained soils will typically have low penetra- Figs. 1共c–e兲 and Figs. 2共c–e兲 present Ic, PI, and wc / LL data for
tion resistance 共qt ⬍ 2 MPa兲 in combination with high values of Site F and Site A, respectively. The soils between depths of 1.6
water content to liquid limit ratio 共wc / LL兲. These soils should be and 5 m at Site F exhibit Ic ⬎ 2.6, but their PIs are typically
carefully studied for their ground failure potential under seismic smaller than 10 and wc / LL⬎ 0.85. At Site A, the soils up to a

Fig. 2. Site A profile: 共a兲 CPT tip resistance; 共b兲 SPT N60; 共c兲 soil behavior index; 共d兲 PI; and 共e兲 wc / LL 共data from Sancio 2003兲


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:1031-1034.

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Fig. 3. Potrero Canyon profile POT-12: 共a兲 CPT tip resistance; 共b兲 SPT N60; 共c兲 soil behavior index; 共d兲 PI; and 共e兲 wc / LL 共data from Bennett
et al. 1998兲

depth of 6.7 m below ground surface have Ic ⬎ 2.6, but their PIs these fine-grained soils were observed. After extensive sampling
are typically between 10 and 15, and wc / LL⬎ 0.85. Four-story and testing, the problem soils were found to generally have PI
buildings at both sites were affected by ground failure as a result ⬍ 12 and wc / LL⬎ 0.85.
of the 1999 Kocaeli 共Mw = 7.5兲 earthquake. Although these values Sites with shallow cohesive soil deposits of sufficient strength
of Ic would have rendered the soil nonsusceptible to liquefaction in Adapazari did not undergo extensive ground failure 共Sancio
according to Robertson and Wride 共1998兲, the PI and wc / LL data et al. 2002兲. However, this is not always the case, and there are
classify the soil as liquefiable according to the criteria proposed cases of weak, saturated cohesive soils that undergo significant
by the authors. Moreover, Ic ⬎ 2.6 at Site F identifies soils with ground deformation as a result of earthquake shaking that could
PI⬍ 10 共Figs. 1共c and d兲兲, whereas Ic ⬎ 2.6 at Site A identifies lead to unsatisfactory building performance. The Martin and
soils with PI⬎ 10 共Figs. 2共c and d兲兲. The difference between the Olgun 共2006兲 paper identifies one case, but there are many other
PI values at Site F and Site A for similar values of Ic highlights cases described in the literature 共e.g., Boulanger et al. 1998;
the importance of incorporating sampling within site investigation Holzer et al. 1999兲. The authors’ proposed liquefaction suscepti-
programs. bility criteria should be used to identify fine-grained soils that
As noted in the paper, evidence of liquefaction was also ob- may undergo a seismic response with characteristics that are simi-
served in Potrero Canyon, California, after the 1994 Northridge lar in many 共but not in all兲 ways to that exhibited by liquefiable
共Mw = 6.7兲 earthquake. Some field and laboratory testing by Ben- clean sands. It should not be used to eliminate from engineering
nett et al. 共1998兲, which is shown in Fig. 3, provides data that consideration soils that are screened by their criteria to not be
again indicates that Ic ⬎ 2.6 should not be used as a strict criterion susceptible to the liquefaction phenomenon.
to evaluate a soil’s liquefaction susceptibility. Over depths from 4
to 5 m, for example, the soil’s PI⬍ 10 and wc / LL⬎ 0.85 even
though its measured Ic values are typically greater than 2.6. Fines Content
The authors emphatically agree with the Youd et al. 共2001兲
recommendation that “. . . all soils with an Ic of 2.4 or greater The second discussion emphasizes the importance of the amount
should be sampled and tested to confirm the soil type and to test of fines in a soil in terms of its cyclic response. The authors agree
the liquefiability with other criteria.” The authors recommend that that the amount of fines is an important consideration. However,
liquefaction susceptibility be evaluated using their proposed PI the soils that the authors tested were fine-grained soils that had
and wc / LL criteria. nearly or in most cases had more than 50% fines. In all cases, the
soil’s fines content was greater than its threshold fines content as
defined by Thevanayagam et al. 共2002兲. Hence the authors’ data
Seismic Response of Clayey Soils do not allow them to comment on the effects of fines for soils
with fines contents that are below and above the threshold fines
The discusser correctly notes that clayey soils that do not satisfy content. For the soils tested, the soil’s interfine void ratio would
the proposed liquefaction susceptibility criteria are not “immune best describe the state of the soil. However, the soils tested con-
to seismic strength and stiffness losses.” The authors stated in the sistently contained about 10 to 30% sand-sized particles, so that
conclusions of the paper that “there may be cases where sensitive global void ratio, or water content, was found to be an adequate
soils with PI⬎ 18 undergo severe strength loss as a result of descriptor of the state of the saturated soils, which also had con-
earthquake-induced straining, so the proposed criteria should be sistent mineralogy.
applied with engineering judgment.” Liquefaction of fine-grained The discussers’ cyclic triaxial test results, which are described
soils as defined by cyclic mobility with limited strain potential for in more detail in Xenaki and Athanasopoulos 共2003兲, indicate that
the shallow soils in Adapazari contributed significantly to ground the amount of fines is important. One way that fines content is
failure and poor building performance during the 1999 Kocaeli important for the two tests shown in their discussion is that vastly
earthquake 共Bray et al. 2004兲. At some sites, sediment ejecta of differing amounts of fines lead to significantly different “effec-


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:1031-1034.

tive” void ratios 共i.e., different intergrain contact densities as de- findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
fined by Thevanayagam et al. 2002兲. The test performed on the material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
共e = 0.68兲 sand-silt mixture with 10% fines had an intergranular views of the NSF.
void ratio of 0.86. The test performed on the 共e = 0.68兲 sand-silt
mixture with 55% fines had an interfine void ratio of 1.24. Both
tests were performed at the same effective confining stress. The References
latter test results exhibit cyclic mobility with unlimited strain po-
tential; whereas the former test results exhibit cyclic mobility Bennett, M. J., et al. 共1998兲. “Subsurface geotechnical investigations near
with limited strain potential. These observations are consistent sites of ground deformation caused by the January 17, 1994,
with the significantly higher “effective” void ratio of the speci- Northridge, California, earthquake.” U.S. Geol. Surv. Open-File Rep.
men with 55% fines as opposed to 10% fines. 98–373.
Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS on 06/30/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

The amount of fines is a discriminating factor for this case, Boulanger, R. W., et al. 共1998兲. “Behavior of a fine-grained soil during
because two different soils that are at the same global void ratio the Loma Prieta earthquake.” Can. Geotech. J., 35, 146–158.
have different intergrain contact densities. Each soil’s response is Bray, J. D., et al. 共2004兲. “Subsurface characterization at ground failure
controlled by its position relative to its respective critical state sites in Adapazari, Turkey.” J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 130共7兲,
line 共CSL兲. Although each test specimen was consolidated at the 673–685.
same effective confining stress, each soil has a different intergrain Holzer, T. L., et al. 共1999兲. “Liquefaction and soil failure during 1994
Northridge earthquake.” J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 125共6兲, 438–
contact density, and each soil likely has a different CSL because
of their different fines contents. Critical state soil mechanics and
Martin, J. R., and Olgun, C. G. 共2006兲 “Unanticipated seismic vulnerabil-
equivalent intergrain contact density concepts may be used to
ity of fine-grained plastic soils.” Proc., 8NCEE, EERI, San Francisco,
explain the different cyclic responses of the two different sand-silt
Paper No. 369.
mixtures that were reconstituted to the same global void ratio. Robertson, P. K., and Wride, C. E. 共1998兲. “Evaluating cyclic liquefaction
potential using the cone penetration test.” Can. Geotech. J., 35共3兲,
Closing Remarks Sancio, R. B. 共2003兲. “Ground failure and building performance in Ada-
pazari, Turkey.” Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of California at Berkeley, Berke-
Through their research, the authors have found that recommend- ley, Calif.
ing strict criteria to discern soil response is problematic, and they Sancio, R. B., et al. 共2002兲. “Correlation between ground failure and soil
have tried to emphasize that their semiempirical criteria should be conditions in Adapazari, Turkey.” Soil Dyn. & EQ Engrg., 22, 1093–
applied with judgment. Soil response is typically controlled by 1102.
soil type, initial conditions 共state and stress兲, stress history, and by Seed, H. B., et al. 共1985兲. “Influence of SPT procedures in soil liquefac-
the loading path, among other factors. The application of simpli- tion resistance evaluation.” J. Geotech. Engrg., 111共12兲, 1425–1445.
Thevanayagam, S., et al. 共2002兲. “Undrained fragility of clean sands, silty
fied screening criteria, although useful, cannot replace the appli-
sands, and sandy silts.” J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 128共10兲, 849–
cation of sound geotechnical engineering principles and 859.
experience. Xenaki, V. C., and Athanasopoulos, G. A. 共2003兲. “Liquefaction resis-
tance of sand-silt mixtures: An experimental investigation of the effect
of fines.” Soil Dyn. & EQ Engrg., 23, 183–194.
Acknowledgments Youd, T. L., et al. 共2001兲. “Liquefaction resistance of soils: Summary
report from the 1996 NCEER and 1998 NCEER/NSF workshops on
This material is based upon work supported by the National Sci- evaluation of liquefaction resistance of soils.” J. Geotech. Geoenvi-
ence Foundation under Grant No. CMMI-0116006. Any opinions, ron. Eng., 127共10兲, 817–833.


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2008.134:1031-1034.

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