A Little (About) Martial Arts: A L M A

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A Little [about] Martial Arts
Print Edition
September 1999

Members Issue

“In a world of ignorance,

knowledge is power”
- Sun Zi

“In a world of ignorance,

Table of Contents

3 Editor’s Corner
4 Martial Technique : Eagle Seizes Gullet
5 “May the Force...” : How to Learn Breathing in Meditation
7 Introduction to French Boxing
11 History of Martial Arts : How SAMBO was Created
17 Training Suggestion : A Date with Destiny
18 The Other Side of The Coin : Flexibility Part II
21 Interview: An Aikido Master, Suganuma Sensei
25 Users Corner, You Wrote ...
28 Chinese Set : “Leading the Bench”
31 Vengel Chronicle : The Chinese-Okinawan Connection
33 Chinese Set : Complete 1st Path of the 18 Hands of Luohan
40 Vietnamese Set : Cross-like Boxing, Final Part
45 Chinese Styles : Baji Quan 8 Extremes Boxing
49 Coming Soon ...
The authors and publishers of this material are NOT
RESPONSIBLE in any manner whatsoever for any injury
which may occur through reading or following the
instructions in this publication.

The activities, physical or otherwise, described in this

material may be too strenuous or dangerous for some
people, and the reader(s) should consult both a physician
and qualified instructor before engaging in them.

This is issue #1 of ALMA printable version for Members

This file has been last updated :
Tuesday August 31, 1999.

Thanks to:
Arthur Sennott, ALMA US editor
Christophe Frugier, ALMA Europe editor
Mark Kerr, ALMA advisor
Dick Vengel
Michail Lukashev
Kai Yu

You may submit material (text, photos) in a zip file to

alma@spheral.com. Note that submission does not guarantee


Editor’s Corner
Here We Go Again !

Exactly four years after the very first FTP transfer Now I would like to talk to you about those without
which uploaded the brand new website that I called who this version would never have existed.
ALMA, the very first printable version is presented
here for our members. About one year ago I started to
post on various message boards,
I decided that the name should newsgroups and mailing lists in
stand for ‘A Little [about] order to find people of good will
Martial Arts’, but also chose it to help me with ALMA. I got
because it means “soul” in many answers (a good sign) but
several languages, including actually only one person was
Latin, and because I thought it there when I needed him: Arthur
would be never anything else Sennott III.
than “a little something” in the
vast world of Martial Arts. I I now feel lucky that he chose to
wonder now if it is still a “little stick with me in our travels
something”. Fabien Sena, ALMA founder , toward a better Martial Arts
webmaster and executive editor.
world. His help and support are
I will certainly not transform the priceless and greatly
world but I really hope that ALMA will help a few appreciated. Plus, he is a very skilled and
fellow martial artists and make them want to know knowledgeable Traditional Chinese and Japanese
even more with each visit. Doctor, which is not an easy accomplishment for
anybody and even less so for a westerner. Arthur,
Because knowledge without skills and sweat is like you are the wheels of my Bike. Merci.
high octane gasoline without a good motor, I
recommend you really try and train the techniques At about the same time (should have been my
demonstrated and explained here in our printable lucky star), I met Mark Kerr online on a now
version. Technology can be useful: you can just defunct mailing list. He was also here when I
print out the pages you want, go to the gym or the needed him and was always ready to give a hand
park with them and play around, testing and trying when he had the time. In and out, he produced a
to integrate this new knowledge into your own huge amount of work, especially in translation and
practice. The best is to even forget that you learned proof-reading. He didn’t check this column so
it from a “book”. After all without your sweat all please forgive the English syntax and spelling
the paper of the world is worthless when it comes mistakes. ;-) Mark’s support and advice are
to Martial Arts. always valuable and wise. Without him, you might
be reading a much worse version, completely
We always try to promote an open-minded spirit illogical and without any interest. ;-) Merci Mark
in our webpages, and we will keep this spirit alive d’être là.
in these pages. Even if you think such or such an
article has nothing to do with your current practice, Last but not least, my third arm, the one who slaps
please make the effort to read it as you mayfind me in the morning, Christophe Frugier. I won’t say
something inside that will help you understand anything else about him, as he already knows.
something else.
Finally thank you for trusting us enough to have
Then you will know you didn’t waste your money subscribed this issue. We will do our best to not
;-) disappoint you.


Martial Technique
Eagle Seizes Gullet/Gripping Through with Hand

1. "A" stands with left foot forward, and "B" attacks
by stepping into a right Gong Bu and executing a
mid-level straight punch with his right hand.

2. "A" loops his left hand up and out to contact the

inside of "B's" forearm, and continues the circular
motion to seize "B's" wrist."A" completes the circle
twisting "B's" wrist so that his palm is now facing
upwards. "A" should make sure that this twisting
effects not only his opponent's wrist, but also his
elbow, shoulder, spine, and center. At this point 1
"A" should begin to step forward with his right

3. Coordinated with the finishing of his step

forward, "A" shoots out his right hand and seizes
"B's" throat, grasping high around the trachea. "A"
should squeeze his his thumb and fingers together,
attempting to make them touch behind the trachea.

Practice Points:
1. If "A" wishes to down his opponent, he should 2
make sure not to inadvertently hold him up with
his left hand but rather to control his opponent’s
arm. Also he must be sure to push frontward and
upward in order to uproot him.

2. If "A" wishes to choke his opponent, he should

make sure that the qin na on the opponent's right
arm encourages the opponent to keep from
backing away too much. Too induce
unconciousness, make sure that the thumb and
fingers are squeezing the arteries, as well as the
trachea. A variation of this technique can be made
by grabbing the trachea and arteries and pulling 3
them down. This works especially well if the
opponent has a little experience of the previous Neither the author nor the editing team will
technique and try to counter it by lowering his be held responsible for any damage resulting
gravity center. from practice of the portrayed techniques.
by Arthur Sennott Always be careful and consult a qualified


“May the Force ...”
How to Learn Breathing in Meditation

Basic Steps to Energetic
To begin with, inhale with the breath sensation at
Breathing the base of the skull and let it flow all the way
down the spine. Then, if you are male, let it spread
First of all, get comfortably installed in a place you down your right leg to the sole of your foot, to the
like and where you will not be disturbed for a while. ends of your toes, and out into the air. Inhale the
Turn off the cell-phone or pager, disconnect the breath sensation at the base of the skull again and
phone line, close the door and be cool. let it spread down your spine, down your left leg
to the ends of your toes and out into the air. If you
You can either lay down your bed or sit on a chair, are female, begin with the left side first, because
or just be outside under a tree. It is better if you the male and female energetic systems are different.
can get fresh air (through an open window for
instance) but airconditioning is NOT a good idea. Then let the breath from the base of the skull spread
down over both shoulders, past your elbows and
Ready ? There are seven basic steps: wrists, to the tips of your fingers and out into the
1. Start out with three or seven long in-
and-out breaths, thinking Yi (pronunce Yeee)- Let the breath at the base of the throat spread
with the in-breath and Su (pronunce Sooo) with down the central nerve path down the front of the
the out. Keep the meditation syllable for the same body, past the lungs and liver, all the way down to
lenght as the breath. It is normal if you can’t prevent the bladder and colon.
the sound from being emitted.
Inhale the breath right at the middle of the chest
2. Be clearly aware of each in-and-out and let it go all the way down to your intestines
breath cycle. Feel the trajectory of the air into
your body. Imagine you are breathing in fresh air Let all these breath sensations spread so that they
and breathing out old air. connect and flow together, and you'll feel a greatly
improved sense of well-being.
3. Observe the breath as it goes in and out,
noticing whether it's comfortable or uncomfortable, 4. Learn the four basic ways of adjusting the
broad or narrow, obstructed or free-flowing, fast breath:
or slow, short or long, and warm or cool. If the
breath doesn't feel comfortable, change it until a. in long and out long
it does. For instance, if breathing in long and out b. in short and out short,
long is uncomfortable, try breathing in short and c. in short and out long,
out short. As soon as you find that your breathing d. in long and out short.
feels comfortable, let this comfortable breath
sensation spread to the different parts of the body. Breathe whichever way is most comfortable for
A good way to find your own method of proper you. Or, better yet, learn to breathe comfortably
breathing is to slightly force the two or three all four ways, because your physical condition and
inhalations (in-breath) and expirations (out-breath), your breath are always changing.
and then slowly go back to your “normal”


great chances that you will keep this basic drill as
5. Become acquainted with the bases or focal an “energetic warm-up”.
points of the mind - the resting spots of the breath
- and center your awareness on whichever one Why Learn to Breath in
seems most comfortable. A few of these bases

a. the top of the head 1. For the sake of both feeling and
b. the root of eyebrows, experiencing the Qi inside you, and later in the
c. the center of the palms, whole universe. Once you are able to clearly
d. the center of the feet, recognize it, you will be able to work on it and be
e. the solar plexus, more efficient.
f. the dantian (near the navel).
2. For the sake of improving the energy
If you suffer from frequent headaches or nervous already existing in every part of your body, so
problems, don't focus on any spot above the base that you can contend with such things as disease
of the throat. Also, don't try to force the breath or and pain.
put yourself into a trance. Breathe freely and
naturally. Stay focused on your body and on the 3. For the sake of clarifying the knowledge
sounds (silent or not) Su and Yi. already within you, so that it can become a basis
for the skills leading to the cultivation and release
Let the mind be at ease with the breath - but not of the Qi.
to the point where it slips away.
You should always keep these seven steps in mind,
6. Spread your awareness - your sense of because they are absolutely basic to every aspect
conscious feeling - throughout the entire body. of breath meditation. You may discover that they
can be even applied in motion meditation. When
7. Coordinate the breath sensations you've mastered them, you will have cut a main
throughout the body, letting them flow road. As for the side roads - the incidentals of
together comfortably, keeping your breath meditation - there are plenty of them, but
awareness as broad as possible. Once you are they aren't really important. You'll be perfectly
fully aware of the aspects of the breath you already safe if you stick to these seven steps and practice
know in your body, you'll come to know all many them as much as possible.
other aspects as well. Breath, by its very nature,
has many facets: breath sensations flowing in the 4. Simply to feel better, have less stress, and
nerves, those flowing around and about the nerves, enjoy breathing. After all, this is the most natural
and those spreading from the nerves to every pore. act for every living being so just make the most of
Beneficial breath sensations and harmful ones are it!
mixed together by their very nature. Don’t be
scared. If you feel really uncomfortable, relax. Do by Fabien Sena
other exercises or just your usual activities and try

For beginners, it is useless to train breathing

meditation for more than 45 minutes.

If you practice diligently and reasonably, very soon

you should feel the effect of your energy (Qi)
flowing more freely. Later with other exercises you
will be able to control and direct it but there are


Introduction to
French Boxing

This French word means “old threaded down
The history of martial arts in the West goes back shoe”, a metaphor for the old French method of
to pre-history. Archeological evidence suggests fighting in shoes, using hand strikes, if necessary.
that boxing was known in the Ancient Middle East Striking surfacs used for kicking were: the toe,
and Crete. The Ancient Greeks practiced boxing, edge of foot, and heel of boot. Main targets include:
wrestling, and pankraton. The latter was a ‘no ankle, shin,and knee. The groin or abdomen were
holds barred’ art with only biting being forbidden. too high to be targets, but kicks to those point s
The Roman legions spread pancraeous and cestus were also used.
(boxing with a special kind of gloves) throughout
the empire. These were continually developed Fists were used less than the open hands. The
during the Middle Ages,when even St. Bernard of striking surfaces used were: the edge of hand, palm
Sienna was a known boxer.. heel, fingers, and back of hand. Main targets
included: ears, temples, nose, throat, carotid artery,
In the eighteenth century, well-developed systems and back of the head.
cam into being. From those ancient roots boxing,
wrestling, Savate, Cornish wrestling, Lutte Breton,
Zapota, Makila, and other arts were developed.

Unlike their eastern analogs, the western arts did

not require accepting a specific belief system, nor
were they developed as part of a search for
enlightenment. Combat efficiency was the sole The word “savate” demonstrates that it was a
criteria. These arts were often very different from combat method arising from the lower social
the ones carrying the same name today. Boxing classes - as the higher social classes woremore
originally allowed strikes to the legs and grappling. rigid shoes. There is no exact information about
Savate savate’s origin, but we are sure that the following
facts contributed to its creation.


Since Celtic times, there was a game in some areas developed: kicking while placing one’s hands on
of France in which two men had to kick each the ground. Many grappling techniques were also
other in the shins. At last this game came to Paris, added.
where this former popular game became a combat
method. In Paris, chausson became popular during the
1820s, a later date than savate. Most “savateurs”
In the middle of XVIII century, the best known were either workers or rich young idlers, though
master of “duel savate” was a man called Baptist, usually it was the bourgeois, army’s officers, and
a dancer who studied savate at the Duke of Berry’s policemen who wanted to study self-defense
court. He is known for creating the high kick. methods. Of course, the “noble public” didn’t want
any contact with these proletarians.
Besides Baptist, the best known savate masters
were Karp, Minion, Rauchero, Sabatier, Fanfan, Because of this, two branches of savate were
François and Champan. Because thesemasters did developed. First, there was the “classical” savate
not have surnames, we can only assume that they of the proletarians and criminals. Its technical
were commoners. arsenal wasn’t very complicated, and power and
fierceness were emphasized. “Classical” savate
Very quickly, savate was adopted by criminals. was popular till the beginning of the XXth century,
They added different hand strikes, using knuckle- mainly in the countryside.
dusters, clubs and knives.
The other branch - “romantic” savate, included
Chausson complicated techniques, known as “leg-playing”.
“Romantic” savate wasn’t practiced on the streets.
This word, meaning “soft shoe” or “slipper”, refers It s home was the halls, as it required special soft
to a kind of shoe which was used in fencing, shoes, which didn’t damage parquet. It can be
dancing , etc.. described as a kind of “leg fencing”.

In the middle of the XVII century in Provence, “Romantic” savate was a tool for the elite to be
especially near Marseille, there were popular strong without special training in power., and “jeux
“competitions”, where competitors tries to touch de Marseille” was excellent for this. Chausson
each other with the toe in a specific zone above arose from the mixing of “romantic savate” and
the waist. It was called “jeux de Marseille”, “jeux de Marseille”, with the term “chausson”
“Marseille’s game”. Sailors especially liked it, caming into popular use in 1829.
because they could amuse themselves in this way
during their long journeys. Besides soft shoes, teachers of chausson also used
big gloves - for the safety of both the fingers and
faces of their rich clients. The distinguished feature
of chausson was the high kick to the head , “fouétté
haut” or “chassé haut”. To this day, this kick is a
distinguishing feature of karate and taekwondo.
Chausson was very popular during the reign of
Louis-Phillippe (1830-1848).

Gradually sailors began to use middle and high

kicks during fights in bars and similar places, but
their skill was poor. Very often those who tried to
kick an opponent’s head, lost their balance and
failed. Because of this, a new method was Escrime (Fencing)


Lecour. A couple of years later, he became the
In classical French boxing, the influence of the master’s assistant. In 1830, he opened his own
French fencing school was clearly noticable until school.
the end of WW2 . The on-guard position (la garde)
was similar to the one used in fencing. There was But Lecour didn’t like the fact that savate was
no escaping an attack from the side. Instead of known as streetfighting and that it was first popular
this, parries (les parades) were used. among criminals. So he changed the place of
teaching to a new place closer to the city center
Its main techniques included straight punches and and began to select new students. His students
kicks, and straight parries. Punches were made were mainly wealthy merchants, lawers, reporters,
while advancing the front leg, as is done in fencing painters.
attacks. Also the body was balanced during kicks
by moving the hands in theopposite direction. A Lecour was very skilled in savate and stick fencing.
kick’s precision and speed were more highly At the end of 1830, he was defeated by Owen
esteemed than its power. Swift, one of the best English boxers who came
especially from Englandfor the match. Lecour
decided to study English boxing, and in the next
year moved to London, where he studied boxing
in the school of someone named Smith. He
returned to Paris a year later but continued studying
boxing with an English coach named Adams who
lived in Paris.

XIX Century - Golden Age In 1832, Lecour began to teach a new martial art
which he called “French Boxing” (La Boxe
Michell Casseux was born near Paris in 1794. Francaise). He claimed the “Code of Honor”, and
Even during his childhood, he was familiar with published rules and technical methods. He also
brutal fighting. In 1824, he published a book which claimed that any real man should be able to fence
described the different methods of streetfighting. with both the stick and sword.
which he called “savate”.
1862-1924 is known as the “time of Charlemonts”.
His system was based on front, side and Joseph-Pierre Charlemont began to study French
roundhouse kicks, executed by the foot reinforced boxing in Algeria, where he was with the French
bystrong boots. The main targets were the shin, army. After retiring, he moved to Paris and began
ankle, and knee. The hands maintained a low to train in Vigneron’s school of French boxing. In
position for catching opponent’s legs and parrying 1862, Joseph made a tour of Europe, challenging
groin kicks, but if the opportunity presented itself, many famous boxers (of the English boxing school),
Casseux also advised the use of open-hand strikes staff-fencers and other fighters. During these 10
to the head. In the worst situations, he advised the years of challenges, he was never defeated.
use of a stick or knuckle-dusters.

Within a week, Casseux became a star. The

number of his students grew so much that by 1825
he already had to rent a new training hall (salle).
Among his students, it was possible to find people
of very class.
In 1871, Charlemont was an active member of
One of his students was the 16 year old Charles Paris’s Commune, and he had to escape to Belgium


magazine devoted to savate by himself.
after its falling. There he developed his own system,
which he described in a famous book (1877). Due
Finally, on January, 5, 1965, Pierre Baruzi
to his fame, Joseph Charlemont was amnestied
organized the National Committee of French
by the French government in the summer of 1879
Boxing. It was a federation comprised of 30 clubs.
- a year before the official communar’s amnesty.
Ten years later, this Committee was reorganized
After returning to Paris he opened his famous
into the National Federation. In 1985, the
“Academy of French Boxing”. He remained the
International Federation of French Boxing Savate
headmaster of the Academy until 1899, when his
was established.
son, Charles, replaced him.
Today, French Boxing is a well organized sport
Charles Charlemont was the first world champion
and continues to spreadthroughout the world.
of French boxing. In 1899, he won by a kick to
stomach in the sixth round of a fight against Jerry F.S.
Driskoll - Britain’s mid-weight boxing champion.
This was the final point in the dialogue between
English and French boxing.

But in “Charlemont’s time”, there wasn’t a changing Want to know
of generations, and after WW1, a crisis began in
French boxing. Thousands of boxers were killed
or badly injured during the war.
more about this
The new president of the Academy after Charles subject?
Charlemont became Count Pierre Baruzi. It was
he who saved French boxing from dying

In 1937, the last French Boxing National

Check the
Championship took place. By this time, there were
not more than 500 french-boxers from several ALMA Online
clubs of Paris, Lyon, Marseille and Lille. In 1938,
Charlemont’s hall was closed forever. By the end
of the 1940s, only 100 boxers remained.
During Germany’s occupation and after the WW2,
Pierre Baruzi did everything possible to keep http://www.spheral.com/alma/
French boxing alive. He rented gyms, trained book/
coaches, paid them salaries, and organized
festivals. Up to 1960, he published a special


History of Martial Arts
How SAMBO was Created

by Michail LUKASHEV

Fake History Of course, at that time I believed every printed

word, and had no any doubts about Kharlampiev's
version of the story. The only thing that confused
Everything began on a cloudy December day in me and was not understood was why Rahtanov,
1947, when I read a fascinating story by in such an interesting story, did not mention
Rahtanovin "Ogonyok" magazine: "History of V.A.Spiridonov, who began to work in the field of
Sambo". With clever and lively language, he wrote self-defence much earlier than Kharlampiev, and
the story of Anatolii Kharlampiev - how he, due also created a system which he called "sambo".
to his father's advice, created a Soviet system of Spiridonov synthesized this aresneal from a
free-style wrestling and self-defence - sambo. collection of the most effective methods of jujutsu,
French wrestling, American free-style wrestling,
He travelled throughout almost the whole Soviet everyday self-defence, and English and French
Union, finding and collecting the most effective boxing.
methods of wrestling and self-defence system from
every nationality. Later on,upon this base he At that time, though I was familiar with this system,
created a new principle and the best - Soviet - I didn't know anything about its author, except his
system. name. This practical acquaintance with
Spiridonov's system and perplexity about
When, in 1938, some wrestlers came to Moscow Rahtanov's passing over it in silence was my first
on all-USSR meeting, Anatolii said: "I propose that, impulse, resulting in many years of research which
instead of engaging in exotic judo wrestling which allowed me to find the real history of sambo.
is alien to us, that you try your skills in our Soviet
free-style wrestling". Then, even with a bandage During the first stage, my focus was upon
on his eyes, he defeated any of them who had Spiridonov exclusively: both his biography and
doubts about the advantages of the beautiful system work. But this was very complicated work.
he created. It was decided that this system would Spiridonov and his relatives were dead, and there
be named "SAMBO" ("SAMozashchita Bez was no personnel file for him in the archives of the
Oruzhiya" or "Self-defence without weapons"), "Dinamo" club, so during this long time the only
because this system gave so many possibilities for sources were oral stories from his friends,
defense from attacks, even without a weapon. colleagues, and neighbours.
Not every article has as much success at capturing Following up on this chain of events, I found
the reader's interest as Rahtanov's article had. Fyodor Ivanovich Zhamkov, a master of sport
Though it was 50 years ago, I still remember how shooting, who was one of Spiridonov’s chiefs when
my friends and I were impressed. The information he worked his last years at "Dinamo". But the most
was absolutely new. This article was the first interesting information I found was not about
information about sambo in a non-sport Spiridonov, it was instead information about
publication. Almost everyone had heard of jujutsu, another man.
but until recently when it came into the popular
sport life, sambo was not well-known. It was from Zhamkov that I heard for the first time


a previously unknown name - Oshchepkov - who Once per year, the best students were selectedto
was Zhamkov’s student in the 1920s in study at the famous institute Kodokan-judo. The
Vladivostok. From that point onward, I had a eacher , while swearing him t o secrecy, told the
second direction for my research. And again, many Russian boy the unusual principle of this selection.
years of work. From this point, it was not only a The solemn day came. Many young claimants sat
time of collecting information, but also analysing down on the straw mats, or tatami. Creator of judo,
materials. Like a blind man, I found the lost paths doctor Jigoro Kano began his speech. A moralizing
on which sambo should have developed toits speech was made which was very long and, quite
modern position. At that time I also understood frankly, also very boring. With all respect to the
that this was not only interesting for me. orator, it was extremely difficult for the young men
to not turn away to look at something else. But
First Step on the Right Oshchepkov knew, that teachers of Kodokan
intently watched them from the rear. Every
Track movement of the claimants was considered as
inattention and even as disrespect to the judo
V.S.Oshchepkov... At the end of the frost of
grandmaster. Vasilii didn't have very much
December 1892, in the village Alexandrovskii
experience in keeping Japanese sitting positions -
penal colony, which housed Sakhalin island’s
without chair,resting on one’s own heels. He had
female prisoners, the peasant widow Maria
pins and needles in his legs, and though he wanted
Oshchepkova gave birth to a son.
to stretch them or simply move them a few inches,
he sat still without any change. When somebody
At that time, this baby with two brands - illegally
finally came up to him and said that he was
born and the son of prison inmate- had a poor
admitted to Kodokan, Oshchepkov tried to stand,
future. When the boy became an orphan, he was
but could not do it and simply fell on his side.
11 years old. But a few years later, the orphan's
path of life became lucky when it crossed with the
enlighted and noble path of a beautiful man - Japan A Russian in Kodokan
esearchibishop Nicolai.
In Kodokan's archives, there is still exists a record
[Two comments from translator for Western of Vasilii Oshchepkov’s admission on October, 29,
readers: (1) After 1905, when Russia was defeated 1911. Vasilii received full instruction at that time in
in Russia-Japan war, Sakhalin became Japanese judo, though even now Japanese specialists think
territory. (2) Nicolai was Archbishop of the Russian that Japanese judo training is beyond a European's
Orthodox Christian Church.] strength. At that time, the training system was cruel
and uterrly pitiless. It was not a long time until after
With insufficient money, Nicolai managed to still the Russia-Japan war had ended that a Russian
succeed in founding several schools in Japan. In fellow was willingly choosen as a sparring partner..
one of them, a spiritual seminary in Kyoto, due to He was a non-conditional opponent, as he was a
the support of an unknown sponsor a 14-year- real enemy. So the unskillful Oshchepkov was
old orphan named Vasya Oshchepkov was ruthlessly thrown on the hard tatami, as more
admitted. experienced wrestlers strangled him and broke his
arms, but he, as is the custom in judo, thanked
The Archibishop was a man of large views, so in them for the lesson by humbly bowing even when
the seminary it was even possible to study judo they had broken one of his ribs. Soon, however,
wrestling, created by Jigoro Kano 25 years ago. he became a difficult opponent, even for the
Vasilii quickly took to this new field. A clever and experienced wrestlers.
adroit student, he quickly studied the techniques
of Japanese wrestling, was liked by his teacher, Vasilii didn't simply finishhis training at this institute,
who also did him an important service. he acquired a master's degree. A half-year later


he received a black belt. At that time, the Japanese Military Soviet, Oshchepkov was assigned as a
were very demanding and critical when bestwoing military translator in one of the departments of the
degrees, and especially so for foreigners. Vasilii Headquarters of the Siberian Military District. As
became the first Russian, and one of only four Vasilii Sergeevich was a master of difficult Eastern
Europeans, to received first dan during those years. languages, even high-level specialists often asked
his advice. But wrestling and self-defence was one
Actually, the obstinate Russian youth was honoured of the main parts of his life, so in his new place of
with warm praise from grandmaster Kano himself, living he began to proclaim his science of self-
who was not known to be generous with such defence, an important topic for military men.
things. And Oshchepkov kept a Japanese
magazine by his side which conatined the words: Judo Demonstrations in
"Russian bear got his own way" for a long time. USSR
Soon Vasilii again passed his exams and received
second dan.
At the meeting of the Osoaviahim section at
Headquarters of the Siberian Military District (the
After returning to his motherland, Vasilii, who knew
all-USSR club for the military preparation of civilian
not only Japanese but also English, began work
men), Vasilii Sergeevich gave a speech about the
as a military translator. It was natural that he
art of self-defence, describing how judo is used in
became a pioneer of judo in Russia. In 1914,
the armies of many capitalist countries. Immediately
Japanese wrestling was new even for the western
following, he demonstrated various methods of
states, which first played a role in the sport, but in
disarmament. Novosibirsk's newspapers said,
the farthest provincial Russian town, there was judo
"The methods were clever, and all the spectators
club with a half-hundred members. After acquiring
were impressed." Oshchepkov agreed to yet
a basic knowledge of this style of wrestling,
another meeting to demonstrate the art of self
members began to stage inner-club competitions.
defence against a group of attackers.
The first international judo competition took place
not in Paris, London or New-York, but in a place
Immediately afterward, a group was founded for
called Vladivostok.
the studying of self-defence among the
headquarter's officers. Subsequently, Vasilii
From 1921 on, Oshchepkov was a commander
Sergeevich became very popular. He was invited
in the Red Army. But later he undertook very
to teach at the local "Dinamo" club (a training place
strange work for a regular army man: he began
for state-security officers) and the school for the
advertising and selling Soviet movies in China and
Japan. But this civil business was only a mask for
intellegence service work. At that time, China and
Later, the way of the developing of the art of self-
Japan were the USSR's enemies, and good
defence fell in the hands of Boris Sergeevich
knowledges of these countries, as well as his
Kalpus. An old sportsman, he was a General
knowledge of languages helped him to do this
(brigade commander), and had served as assistant
work. His skills in martial arts were not exactly an
inspector of non-military and physical education
obstacle either. In China, he used the opportunity
for the Red Army. After hearing about
to study Chinese martial arts, or wushu.
Oshchepkov's activity in Novosibirsk, he
immediately understood its value in developing
When Vasilii Sergeevich returned to Vladivostok,
military hand-to-hand combat, so Vasilii Sergeevich
he again undertook his favourite work: teaching
was invited to Moscow.
new-generation students.

Soon Oshchepkov moved to Novosibirsk.

According to the order of USSR's Revolutionary


Usually, Vasilii Sergeevich started his work with a too. This quota was developed by Oshchepkov.
demonstration of his art. This time, however, he
entered the scene during a special organized sports Evolution of Techniques
event of the Central House of Red Army.
Spectators with great interest looked at the tall Vasilii Sergeevich was able to see in the future, as
robust shaved-headed man dressed in a half- now kicks have an important place in hand-to-
military suit. After a short time, everyone hand combat. Even a half-century ago,
understood that he was a great master. He was Oshchepkov recognized the importance of this
attacked by several "enemies" - barehanded, effective method of barehand fighting. His principle:
armed with sabre, rifle, dagger, and gun. And this strike-throw-strike. But he understood that good
was not playing, but using a real bayonet, and sharp experience in kicking and defending against kicks
knife and sabre. Even the gun was loaded by could only be obtained by free-fighting. Free
cartridge-case without gunpowder and bullet. The fighting, however, used such dangerous methods
supervisor stood behind Oshchepkov's back and that this was impossible. Therfore, he constructed
was able to say that the demonstrator really did veneer "armour" and even "gloves for feet" for
fend off the weapon before it was shot - as in this softing the blows - like modern "feet" in kickboxing!
case he clearly saw the small light in the barrel of
weapon, which was not hidden by Oshchepkov's Though modern "sambo" wrestling has a name
body. created by Spiridonov, its contents were created
by Oshchepkov. He absolutely rejected the simple
Everything was real. Disarmed knives flew away. studying of methods, based on his idea that good
Rifles and guns appeared in Oshchepkov's hands skills in self-defence could only be brought up with
without being fired while the "enemy" was either a large sports foundation. Though sport fighting is
thrown or cried out while held in a strong joint limited, it trains such necessary fighting abilities as
lock. The nearest number of "Physical Culture and the skill of quickly and correctly adapting to
Sport" included a photo report of this performance. rqapidly changing situations, and the skill of using
the most effective and expedient methods for a
At the end of 1929, courses were scheduled for particular situation. And all of these things in a
commanders of the Moscow garrison in stressful situation. Sport fighting could develop
preparation for organizing education in hand-to- useful combat skills in the closest situation to real
hand combat due to a new handbook. The fighting with the adequately realistic resistance of
program included methods of self-defence and an opponent.
disarmament. The head of these courses - Vasilii
Sergeevich. But which kind of wrestling should be a base for
the training necessary for skill in combat? Though
Of course, he had taken part in creating this I said above that Oshchepkov taught Japanese
handbook. When it was published, pictures and judo, this was only true during the beginning stage
descriptions were included of Oshchepkov's of his work. After some time the work of Vasilii
beautiful methods on its pages. And Vasilii Sergeevich and his students became a research
Sergeevich was not restricted to theory alone, as laboratory for creating sambo - a new international
he also participated in the hand-to-hand combat kind of wrestling, collecting the best achievements
competitions, winning first place. of many international and national kinds of wrestling
- naturally including judo as well.
At that time the well-known physical culture
complex was established and named "Prepared And what was the method used to create this new
for Work and Defence". One of the second level kind of wrestling? Vasilii Sergeevich was a judo
quota items was methods of self-defence and master and knew all its good sides., but unlike many
disarmament, not for males only, but for females foreign followers of this system he was also able


to see its bad side. He was not a timid student of common physical exercises and ignored them.
Japanese teachers, like the orthodox "copyists"
who avoid even the thought of breaking any of the Vasilii Sergeevich wrote, "Our task is to develop
‘holy’ canons of judo established by Jigoro Kano. the studying of jiu-do, especially from the methodic
Oshchepkov didn't intend to limit himself to things and hygienic points of view, to a higher level than
made in Japan. He tried to create a new effective that of the Germans,for example, for whom this
system of applied wrestling and self-defence which system has been a popular sport in recent years...
would be more effective than others. From the methodic point of view, we have a way,
different not only from German's but also from
The development of this system was absolutely Kodokan's... Even now, the Kodokan institute
independent from any contact with foreign judo doesn't have a section of preparing physical
schools - and even more importantly, without any exercises... It is impossible to develop an organism
contact with canonical Japanese judo. Because of without special exercises".
this, Oshchepkov wasn't limited and was absolutely
free in his work. His approach was truly scientific, During these many years, Oshchepkov was not
demanding constant review and the changing of limited to the judo cell. He also knew of the recent
any obsolete principles, with practical evaluation achievements in the Russian, western European
based on new modern knowledge. This was the and American sciences of physical education. This
approach used by Oshchepkov. gave him the possibility to complete the gaps in
the Japanese system on a scientific basis. For
As these sportsmen didn’t have tatami, they instead example, as physical exercises he used so-called
changed it to a soft wrestling cover. Instead of a "free movements" from the Swedish systems of
large Japanese kimono, they used tight jackets; Muller, Buk, Suren. He also introduced strong
instead of judo bridges - sport shorts; instead of medical controls on the health of wrestlers.
barefoot wrestling - wrestling in special light shoes.
Rules were also changed, approaching the rules
At first glance, it may seem that these are of other international styles of wrestling.
insignificant changes, but these changes evoked
new aspects of technique which differed from A New Approach
classical judo. For a better understanding, let's
remember an opposite example, when, in the But it seems that most important thing for the
1960s, sambo wrestlers who participated judo development of a new "synthetic" kind of wrestling
competitions had to restudy wrestling to was the creation of a technical - and hence tactical
accomodate the trappings of a hard tatami, large - arsenal. Oshchepkov thought long about this
kimono and barefeet. question, understanding that this was a key factor.
He especially noted that it is not right to simply
Soft cover allowed not only safe throws, resulting study wrestling, "it is necessary to use it in
in fewer injuries, but also helped to develop strenghtening the defence of our country, enriching
ground-fighting methods. Later, the Japanese said it by our achievements in the sense of methods of
that this part of sambo technique was more studying, and methods of use."
developed than in judo, and especially studied our
wrestling to enhance their personal arsenal. Without hesitation, Oshchepkov threw away many
"antiquarian treasures" of judo and resolutely
Though it may sound strange, in Oshchepkov's time renewed its techniques. Obsolete methods were
even the Japanese did not possess good methods replaced by new more effective ones.
for teaching judo, as every teacher taught on the
basis of his own experience and abilities. Also, The enrichment and development oif techniques
Japanese teachers denied the necessecity of by different ways was one of the main tasks of


Vasilii Sergeevich. First, he added joint locks for Now, Vasilii Sergeevich was not alone,as he
the legs which were absent in sport judo. These worked together with his students: V.G. Kuzovlev,
were also used in training-competition and in V.V. Sidorov, N.M. Galkovskii, I.V. Vasiliev, R.A.
practice by various students of Oshepkov and Shkolnikov, A.A. Kharlampiev and many others.
himself. This developed new enriching features in They taught not only in a number of groups in the
the "manner of performing the methods". This capital, but also in Leningrad, Kharkov and other
practice was received in a new, different light from cities. Gradually, self-defence, and sport wrestling
classical judo conditions, resulting in new based upon it, became a subject of study in all
independent methods and combinations. All four physical culture institutes and the twenty four
thesethings gave results, but still the decisive factor physical culture colleges of the country.
was missing.
To be continued
Oshchepkov analysed all existing international
styles of wrestling, Chinese wushu, and a number
of national kinds of wrestling from the point of view
of "application in real fighting". He concentrated
not only on strikes from wushu and English and
French boxing, but also on methods from "Finnish-
French" wrestling and a few other kinds of
wrestling, which Vasilii Sergeevich named "free-
style". These included American free-style
wrestling, Swiss wrestling, caucasian wrestling and
Persian wrestling. He specially noted that some
methods, and especially, throws, could be
applicable as self-defence methods.

Oshchepkov wanted to widely disseminate useful

methods of hand-to-hand combat, so he worked
in many different military and civilian organisations.
But the real "star hour" of his work was when he
taught at the Moscow Institute of Physical Culture.
Advancing the spread of this new wrestling and
self-defence art throughout the country was only
possible with a large number of coaches, so Vasilii
Sergeevich taught young people, who later taught Want to know more
many other men in different cities.
about this subject or
other Russian points of
view on Martial Arts ?



Training Advice
10. A Date With Destiny

By Arthur Sennott ©Arthur Sennott 1999, All rights reserved

After 20 years of training, I have found the About the author: Arthur L. Sennott began his
regularity, and consistency of a training schedule, combined study of Asian healing and martial arts
to be much more far reaching than it would initially 20 years ago. He currently maintains a split practice
seem. Its not just about amount, or quality of between Cape Cod, MA, and Milford, NH. Arthur
combines his knowledge of Sotai, Kappo, and
training. Its about consistency. Its about dedicating
Traditional Chinese Herbalism, to specialize in
a reserved time of your life for something, day in, degenerative musculo-skeletal disorders, and
day out whether you feel like it or not. Having a traumatic injury management.
regular practice time, that does not get interfered
with, whether it is 4 hours a day, or 4 hours a
month, teaches the mind about dedication, and
follow through. Furthermore, the ability to put a
consistent time aside for the self, whether it is for
martial arts, meditation, reading or car washing, is
of the utmost importance to a humans health and

When I have a patient, and I say, “I want you to

put a half hour a day, aside for doing something by
yourself, that you truly enjoy, with absolutely no
interruptions”, and they say, “I don’t think I can
do that”, I know they will NEVER get better. I
know they have no real interest in improving the
quality of their own life, let alone their health. If
say, Sundays at 9:00 are your time by yourself,
and you allow that time to be changed by the
influence of an external force, you have lost internal
control. You break a promise to yourself, and begin
not to trust your own self. This can have dire
consequences in life. You need to be able to believe Verse 1 of the Yi Jing (I Ching)
yourself, when you say “I am going to do this”. If
you cannot believe your own words, you will
eventually become frightened to tackle big tasks,
you will be afraid to attempt self-reliance, because
you know you are not to be trusted.

This is why, for a martial artist, sticking to a regular

practice schedule, in addition to practicing a
particular amount is so important. Martial arts
should build confidence, not destroy it. Be careful
in your approach to training. It echo’s your whole


The Other side of the Coin
TCM Chronicle #2-Flexibility, Part II

If we wish to be more flexible, we now know that when extraction is taking place, the more easily
we must have a balanced, free flowing Liver with digestible it is. In Western nutrition circles, the
an adequate supply of Yin, and of Blood. The virtues of raw foods are often praised because of
question remains, how do we do this. Well, there their higher nutrient count. However, it is not the
are many methodologies of Chinese Medicine, and nutrients within the food that is of concern, it is the
each of these can play a role. I shall go through nutrients we can extract from the food that is vital.
each of our 3 requirements for flexibility, and This is why Chinese nutrition prefers foods that
discuss some methods of application from the have already been “pre-digested” by the cooking
branches appropriate to the task. process. All this means that soups, stews and
congees are to be considered desirable, and quite
In Chinese Medicine we say that the Spleen beneficial, while salads, raw fruits and vegetables
makes the Blood. This can be seen as a metaphor, should be avoided.
indicating that our choice of foods, and our ability
to assimilate them, has direct relationship to the Thirdly, thought (and worry) are the emotions
quality of our blood,and its ability to exchange associated with the Spleen.
nutrients for waste products. Thus the Spleen, Engaging these emotions while eating, can be
which in Chinese medicine, is responsible for detrimental to the Spleen.
transformation of food nutrients, must be strong, if It is best to pay attention to ones food while eating,
the body is to build sufficient amounts of quality and not to the days events, or other concerns. Even
Blood. Sufficient, quality Blood is, afterall, vital to from a WSM (Western Scientific Medecine) point
the attainment of flexibility. of view, a sizable amount of digestion takes place
during the chewing process, and inattention to ones
For the Spleen to be strong we must eat healthy, food can result in hasty chewing.
easily digestible, balanced meals. What makes a Rushed chewing impedes digestion.
healthy meal, is of course a topic of great debate Chinese Medicine regards certain foods as being
in Western medicine these days, but from a Chinese superior to tone various bodily systems. Listed
viewpoint, it means several things. Some of which below are some everyday foods that specifically
may seem in opposition to commonly held beliefs target the Spleen and Blood. These are foods that
in the West about nutrition. are desireable, if one wishes to gain maximum
Firstly, the food should not be too cold in
temperature. The digestive system must heat all Blood Spleen/Qi
things eaten to above body temperature before Beef Chicken
they can be digested. As we want the energy in Duck Curred Pork (Ham)
our food to go toward building health, and not to Egg Pork Liver
be wasted on the digestion process itself, it is Spinach Soybean
preferable to eat foods that are at least as warm Litchi Fava beans
as one’s body. This means that chilled foods, such Red GrapesPineapple
as iced drinks, ice cream and chilled fruits should
be avoided. In addition to these everyday foods, there are a
number of Chinese medicinals that are suitable for
Secondly, the closer a food is to the state its in everyday consumption. These are most easily


prepared as broth components for a soup or stew.
For some recipes, please refer to the related article Another, simpler formula for Spleen and Blood
“TCM Cooking”. A few of the more palatable Tonification is “Shaolin Return To Origins Pills”.
Chinese Herbs are: This is a formula of only two herbs, Huang Qi
(Astragalus) and Dang Gui (Angelica Sinensis).
Blood Spleen/Qi It is classically prepared as a pill, but is easier and
Shu Di Huang Lian Zi more economical to make as a wine.
Gou Qi Zi Dang Shen 5 Qian (15 grams) of each herb in a liter of Vodka
Rou Gui Fu Ling or Gin, will do.
Dang Gui Yi Mi Ren Let it sit a month or more to extract, then drink a
shot or two per day. You can microwave the shot
Though a proper diet is the most important factor to boil off the alcohol, if you like.
in proper Spleen function and Blood production, Eliminating the alcohol will be better for the Spleen,
these processes can be strengthened through but less efficacious for the Blood.
other means as well. Most notably Herbalism,
Acutherapy and Qi Gong. Summary
Herbal Formulas For This brings us near the end of this month’s
Blood And Spleen installment. Before we end though, I’d like to
summarize what we have learned in both installment
The most common formula for simultaneously one and two. First we covered a few general ideas
boosting Spleen function and Blood production about flexibility.
is Ba Zhen Tang (Eight Precious Soup). This is These are:
one of the core tonification formulas of Chinese
medicine, and is actually composed of the two most mFlexibility is Important for injury
basic formulas in the Chinese pharmacopoeia. Ba prevention, as well as speed and
Zhen Tang is comprised of Si Jun Zi Tang (4 power generation
Gentlemen Soup) and Si Wu Tang (4 Things mStretching is necessary, but far
Soup). from the only issue in flexibility
Si Jun Zi Tang is 4 part formula designed to tonify mChinese medicine can significantly
the Spleen and Qi. Its counterpart, Si Wu Tang is increase your ability to become
directed at the Blood, and functions to both tone flexible
and invigorate the Blood. When these two formula
are combined they form Ba Zhen Tang. Ba Zhen Then we went on to look at TCM’s ideas about
Tang is available as a patent medicine called Ba flexibility, and what the basic requirements are for
Zhen Wan (eight precious pill). In America, the flexibility. These are:
prepared, or “patent” version is often referred to
as “women’s precious pills”. Don't be fooled by mThe Liver rules the sinews, and thus
the name, its equally good for both men and exerts a strong influence on
women, especially those desiring increased flexibility
flexibility.In a healthy individual, this preparation mThe Liver must have enough Yin,
makes an excellent tonification formula, and as it to create a flexible state
is fully balanced, can be taken without an Herbalists mThe Liver must have enough Blood
recommendation, provided one is not already ill. to create a flexible state
Additionally, the herbs in this formula can be added mWe must strengthen the Spleen to
to soups, and eaten, as they are mild in taste increase Blood production
(though some taste better than others), and quite mWe must eat foods capable of
nutritious. producing Blood to allow the Spleen
to manufacture Blood


Now slowly rotate your finger clockwise, while
In terms of applications, we have discussed imagining you are shooting warm, gentle energy
creating an internal environment conducive to out of your finger. 6-9 seconds should do. Now
Blood nourishment, and therefore, flexibility. If we repeat the stretch. Did you see any change? Leave
include this month’s teaser, we have also shown a message on the ALMA message board to let
two techniques employing point therapy to facilitate me know. I can also be contacted for questions
an immediate, if temporary increase in flexibility. and comments at arthur@spheral.com

Attempting to create lasting change with point ©Arthur Sennott 1999, All rights reserved
therapy and some other “tricks”, is ultimately futile,
without first changing the internal environment. About the author: Arthur L. Sennott began his
Think of this internal therapy as jiebegong (basic combined study of Asian healing and martial arts
drill) for the health. 20 years ago. He currently maintains a split practice
between Cape Cod, MA, and Milford, NH. Arthur
Your homework this month is to : combines his knowledge of Sotai, Kappo, and
- Eat right for flexibility Traditional Chinese Herbalism, to specialize in
degenerative musculo-skeletal disorders, and
- Incorporate some of the foods
traumatic injury management.
listed, at least three times a week,
hopefully everyday
- With permission of a qualified
Chinese herbalist, try out some of the
herbs listed
- Try the new “Magic Finger” technique
(see below)
- Try to figure out why/how the
“Magic Finger” technique works

Next Month: we will finish our discussion of the

Spleen and Blood, by looking at the role
Acupunture, Moxibustion and Qi Gong can play
in assisting our quest for ultimate flexibility. I
promise their will be plenty of “points” to play with.
We will also revisit the Liver, and begin to examine
how we can influence it, to our best advantage.
Interested in buying
This Month’s Teaser herbs or formulas ?
Contact Sennott Sensei
If you liked last month’s Tiger Balm trick, your
directly for ingredients
going to love this month’s little application. I call
this one “The Magic Finger”. and their preparation.
Have your partner lie on their back. Perform a
Hamstring stretch on their left leg, and gauge the
distance of their stretch. Lower their leg, have
them place the leg in lateral rotation with partial A glossary is available online, as is
hip and knee flexion (as though they were going to is the full recipe of the soups.
do a butterfly stretch). You can also contact Sennott
Now clear your mind, lightly place your right index Sensei directly for any problems
finger on their left leg Lv-8. Your finger should press related to Traditional Chinese
just hard enough to take the slack out of the “skin” Medicine, like herbs and formulas.
without pressing “into the muscle”.


An Aikido Master
Interview with Suganuma Sensei

Q ) Please tell us about your early experiences in from what I imagined a Martial Artist to be like.
Aikido. He seemed to have a divine sense of purpose. The
impression I got from him was that anyone could
improve their inner-self by continued practice of

Life as O-Sensei Uchi-

Q) Please tell us about your experience as
uchideshi (live-in student , apprentice) to O-sensei.

A) It was in 1967 that I officially became uchideshi

to the Founder. I had been going to Hombu Dojo
for the previous five years, as well as training at
the University Club Dojo. As uchideshi, I was often
able to take ukemi for Osensei. That was the main
way that he taught us. Also I accompanied the
Founder during his journeys. And while in Tokyo,
I would meet him before the morning practice, and
then go in to practice with him. Aside from that
there were always small things that needed doing
around the Dojo. I guess you could say that my
main job was to see to the every day happenings
at the Dojo. There was always something to keep
A ) In April of 1963, I was twenty years old and me busy.
attending Asia University in Tokyo. It was at that
Q) What were some of Osensei's teachings that
time that I first became involved in Aikido through
you find most important?
the University's Aikido Club. The Head Instructor
for that club was Tamura Sensei (Tamura Sensei A) That we are "living here and now" and we
is now a Chief Instructor of the French Aikido should do our best at this point in time. The
Federation). Tamura Sensei's size belied his Founder said to me "Aikido is a plus within a circle"
extraordinarily powerful waza. But of all his . The circle symbolizes the Universe, and the plus
characteristics, the one that endeared most people is a point in space without time. To be here now is
to him (including myself) was his humanity. I think most important. If you spend time worrying about
many people, of course including myself, began tomorrow or yesterday, it is empty here and now."
(and continue to begin) Aikido thanks to this Although planning and reflection are important, you
wonderful man. So it was April when I first entered should concentrate on doing your best right now.
the Aikido Club, and the next testing was in June. This is similar with a philosophy of Zen. The
That was the first time I met O-sensei (Morihei Founder was at an old age when I became his
Ueshiba). I was fascinated about the atmosphere pupil. To look at him you wouldn't think it, but he
that surrounded him. He was completely different was very strong. Another thing that impressed me


about him was his generosity. When we would have and from 5:00-6:00, and the last from 6:30-7:30.
tea together, he would offer me half of his okashi I used to like to practice Shodo (Japanese
(a Japanese snack) saying "you, eat!". There were Calligraphy) when I found some time. Once,
frequent times during traveling when we would eat Osawa Sensei (Hombu Dojo Chief Instructor)
at a restaurant. Before leaving, the Founder would found me and asked "Did you clean?" I answered
often purchase a small gift. This he would give to him "No, not yet." He told me: "First of all you
his wife upon returning home. He was always very should do your job--after that -- do your studies."
kind to her. She was always around and we called I believe this was pp a valuable lesson for me.
her Oku-sama (honorable wife). The Founder was
also very devout. Whenever we would pass in front
of a shrine, he surely clasped his hands together
and said a silent prayer. I didn't feel that the
Founder was the type of mystical person that some
people had written about in books. I would
describe him as a strict teacher, but also very kind,
warm, sympathetic and magnanimous. I believe
he had a deep love for all life.

Q) Could you please tell us about training at

Hombu Dojo at that time.

A) It was quite the same as it is here (at Shohei

juku, Suganuma Sensei's home dojo). The practice
commenced with some warm up exercises
(stretching). Then we would start with a tenkan or
other similar basic waza. Every eight minutes or
so, the waza would change, or we would change
Daily Schedule of a young partners. The waza was always basic waza. The
more experienced people would work with the
master less experienced ones. There was a great
Q) What was your daily schedule when you were atmosphere in the dojo. Practice was a joy. We
an uchideshi? would usually end with Kokyu-ho and maybe a
stretching exercise.
A) I would arrive at the dojo at 5:30 am. First I
would clean the office and then the hall. Shortly Q) Could you tell us about your move to Fukuoka
before 6:30, I would meet O-sensei in his room in 1970?
on the second floor. Then we would go to the third A) Osensei passed away in 1969. At around the
floor for practice. Practice lasted for an hour (until same time, the job of head instructor in Kyushu
7:30). There was a short break, and then another opened up. Talk at Hombu was to send someone
practice at 8:00. After that practice there was a as a replacement. That's how I arrived here in April
morning meeting at 9:30. When the meeting finished of 1970.
I would have breakfast. At 10:30 there was
Tokukei practice which is like a private lesson. Q) What was the situation that you found in
After that, if there were some errands to do I would Fukuoka?
do them, or if Osensei was going out, I would go
with him. I would usually have some lunch around A) I felt that there was a lot of room for expansion.
this time. There was practice again from 3:00-4:00, There is a large population base here, and I felt it


was important to make dojos at spread out Eventually they are both destroyed. But if a ruler
locations so that everyone who wanted to practice is a person of virtue: embodying kindness, love,
could do so close to their home. and consideration, then his power will never wane.
He has no warring ambition, yet he will never be
Q) Do you feel that the shidoins who teach classes defeated. Another way of saying this is: he that
every day are on their way to becoming teachers rules by power is bound to fail, but he who rules
in their own right? by good will shall prosper. Aikido is a discipline
A) I think it is up to them. Of course I think there of both the body and the mind. Skill is important
is a responsibility for people who learn and benefit but it is no good with out purity of heart. That is
from Aikido to turn around and teach those things what led many people to follow Osensei. It wasn't
to the new people who come along. Someone who just his excellent skills, because there were many
has a good feel for Aikido and who wants to extend with such skills. It was his good will that attracted
their knowledge to others, I think I would like that many to follow him. I'm reminded of another saying
person to help with training at the dojo, and that is important for Aikido practitioners: it is
eventually I would hope to be able to entrust the "masakatsu, agatsu" This basically means "play fair"
matter to them. . If you win, do so reasonably. Don't win with
wickedness. This saying also means to "conquer
Q ) How does a person who wants to improve go (over come) yourself". First control yourself. This
about doing so? is very important.

A) Get up in the morning, go to practice, have

some breakfast, go to work. In the evening, go to
practice again.

Philosophy of Aikido
Q) If we concern ourselves with the physical parts
of practice, how can we improve our spirit?

A) The philosophy of Aikido is inside every basic

waza. The Founder said "Aikido is misogi". Thus
Aikido removes the wickedness from our hearts
and helps us to recover pureness (a pure heart).
As you follow the path of Aikido, you may feel
that you must beat your rival, and that you must
be strong during practice. But I think that if you
continue Aikido, you will find the purity that you
seek. Eiji Yoshikawa (Author of Musashi, and Thank you very much to Suganuma Sensei and
many other famous texts) once said, when he goes his senior uchideshi Nobuaki Nakamura and
to meet someone for the first time he massages his Hideki Takemura. Thanks also to the people
face in order to give a "softer impression". We who made this interview possible
Japanese don't smile a lot. However, when we
smile others smile too. This is also true in Aikido. What is Shohei Juku ?
Q) You have quoted often from Genpei Seisuiki Shohei Juku Aikido dojo is located in Fukuoka
(The struggles between Minamoto and Taira). Japan. Fukuoka is the largest city on the major
Could you please once again explain the quote island of Kyushu in western Japan. Shohei Juku is
"We are ruined by fighting for power above virtue". actually a group of over 50 dojos, all under the
direction of Shihan Morito Suganuma. Suganuma
A) If a ruler reaches for power, as in war, then he sensei was sent to Fukuoka in 1970 by Hombu at
can put forth the power of ten. His opponent puts
forth fifteen. He, twenty. The opponent, thirty.


Dojo in Tokyo. Since that time, Suganuma sensei
has opened a new dojo or Aikido group at an
average rate of better than one new training center
every year. Suganuma sensei has at present
approximately 4000 students, including many non-
Japanese students. If you want to
The term "Shohei Juku" was given to name have your own
Suganuma sensei's dojo group by Doshu
Kisshomaru Ueshiba. The name was taken from
Doshu and Osensei's first name: "Sho" from
Kisshomaru and "hei" from Morihei. published on &
in ALMA,
Despite its size, Shohei juku is a very close,
personal and family style dojo. Classes are
scheduled frequently, and each has its own unique
structure. Practice is always conducted in a logical, contact us at
constructive and meaningful way. The
atmospherethe dojo is serious yet cheerful. Sempai
(senior students) take their responsibility to pass
on what they have learned with determination and
and specify
dedication. “Interview” in
the subject

You can find out more about

Suganuma Sensei Dojo at :
To k y o / D o j o / 8 8 4 6 /
where this interview comes


Users Corner
You wrote us ...

Before I go on, I will tell you a little bit about myself. Lee have got the same teacher, but Master P’ng
I am 26 years old, and I live in Zoetermeer, is older than Mr. Lee and Master P’ng was the
Holland. I have got a Bachelors degree and am successor in the style, and he is still teaching the
now studying Chinese cultures and languages . traditional art. When Mr. Lee was 17 he came to
Europe and started teaching (and his martial art
When I was 6 years old I started with Judo at developed from then on).
local school, I trained for a couple of years. After
that I started looking for a Kung Fu school in my In 1995 I started getting problems with my knee
hometown. (irritated patella) which forced me to stop training
in 1998. In the beginning of this year I started
When I was 12 I started with Wing Chun Kung training again: my knee problems will probably
Fu at a school ran by a student of Wang Kiu. I left never go away fully. On top of that I had a viral
the school at the age of 16, disappointed and I did infection which took me out for another 3 months.
not learn much over there. Later I would found After that I went on a vacation to Singapore and
out that the school had a bad reputation in the Malaysia, I have been traveling over there for 7
Martial Art world in Holland. and a half weeks.
I went to see Master P’ng Chye Khim, but it was
At that age I started to find out more and more on a Saturday morning, so the school was closed.
about the Chinese Martial Arts. In about 1990 a Because I was staying in Kulim, with relatives of
read an old article about “Kung Fu Lee” and his my girlfriend, I could not travel alone . There was
Martial Art, I was impressed and at that moment I no other opportunity to go back again, so after al
thought it would be great to train under him. The those years I finally was in Malaysia, and I did not
article was about Mr. Sai Bah Lee from Malaysia, see anything or anybody!
and his martial art was called Sao Lim Kung Fu.
In Holland we train three times a week, about 2
In 1993 I and a friend of mine decided to contact hours per lesson. Actual teaching by Mr. Lee takes
him. Since then I have been training Sao Lim Kung about one hour, per lesson. We train in a public
Fu. As time went on I learnt a little bit more about gym hall, which is also used by others, so we do
the backgrounds of out art. So I learnt that the art not have a permanent training area. This means
was from Penang, Malaysia. That a “shaolin monk” that we cannot set up any equipment. Because of
started a temple there in the shaolin tradition. This that, and because of our limited training hours, Mr
was at the beginning of this century. Mr. Lee does Lee cannot teach in the same manner as he would
not talk much about the backgrounds of the style, do in M’sia. Mr. Lee was 17 when he came to
because he developed the traditional art onto a Europe, and since that time his Martial Art is in
modern art, which was started by him. He every development. This means that some things in the
now and then talks about the time he was trained style have been changed. I do not know exactly
in the temple in Malaysia. When he was very young which things, but I do know that he adapted the
(between 4 and 6 years of age) he brought to the style to make it more suitable for us Europeans.
temple by his mother. He was selected, and he Only a few of us trained the “Iron Fist” because of
began his training under the monk Sik Koe Chum. the reasons mentioned above; we do not have
The name I later found out when I got the Lohan sandbags, hardening stones or a wooden dummy.
book by Master P’ng. Master P’ng and Master Some have started but gave up within a half year.


representing a well know University. I know that it
In training Mr. Lee focuses on self defense and is a lot to ask, and I will probably have to do many
practical moves, and of course practice of several things by myself.
patterns. The school we train in is accessible for What I am trying to do now is connecting Sao
everybody, but Mr. Lee does not advertise, for Lim Guo Shu in Malaysia to the Henan Shaolin
years he wasn’t even listed in the Yellow Pages. temple. I want to take Sao Lim as the example for
About 10-15 years ago he would appear in a traditional Buddhist Martial Art in modern society,
Martial Arts magazine every now and again, but witch has got ties with real the real Shaolin Temple,
now he does not do that anymore. Only 15-20 confirmed by documents.
people train in our school, and about 10 of them
are senior students, and 2 of them are students of I truly hope that you can help me out, in some way
Mr. Lee for over 25 years now. They are the only or an other.
two in Holland that have a Assistant Instructor
Diploma. Besides the open school, Mr. Lee Dion Scholten, Holland
teaches privately everyday, and has got private
students all over Europe. Saolim is the name of a school/style mainly
practiced in Malaysia, in the Penang Island.Saolim
Sao Lim Kung Fu (or Guo Shu) is not much wide indeed is a Fujian pronunciation, but you have to
spread. Master P’ng has groomed over 50 keep in mind that most of the Chinese “overseas”
instructors and has associate organisations in are from southern China. In Malaysia, they came
Switzerland, America, Ireland and France with from Fujian. Tthat is why this dialect is widely
more than 5,000 students. Mr. Lee has not, as I spoken there. In Vietnam, where another master
mentioned above, got very many students, and is stayed, it became Thieu Lam. So people from
teaching ‘New&Improved" Sao Lim. Fujian can speak about “mainland shaolin” and say
Over the years I got more and more interested in saolim but it is widely accepted that Saolim refers
the background of Sao Lim and how it was to the Malaysian school (located in Penang actually
originally practiced. Mr. Lee does not talk much but it is very sad that you couldn’t meet anyone
about the background of the style, even if we ask there. Mmaybe a matter of fate ?).
about it. He never talks about people, places and It is a major shaolin derived style because the
dates. What he does do is tell stories of how things founder of this school was one of the few genuine
were when he lived in the temple. monks who escaped Henan shaolin’s destruction
Sometimes senior students tell us about some in 1928. Unlike many other survivors, this monk
things, but they do not know much either. So I had already reached master level and thus
have been roaming on the internet searching for promoted a very high quality teaching. There are
anything and anybody that has got something to archives with his name and his level kept in the
do with Sao Lim, as introduced by Sik Koe Chum. Henan temple (at least they were kept there until
It is not easy to find anything. Some people “have 1952), and both the training work and practice he
heard something” about it, and tell me stories and transmitted are obvious evidence that he achieved
legends (also about general Shaolin), but what I a high level. Ssuch a level can be only gained under
am really interested in is facts. And facts are the guidance of one or several masters .... It’s a
presented in documents about the time when the kind of initiation mark.
document is written. As I am studying Chinese at But nowadays, I don’t think there are any “genuine”
Leiden University, Holland, I can search in the Shaolin Archives left. The last big destruction was
biggest library about Chinese languages and history in 1928 by the Jiang Jieshi (Chang Kai Chek) army
in Europe! But that takes a VERY lot of time, and when they were trying to “capture” a local warlord
so does studying Chinese. So what I am looking friend with the Shaolin Abbot. It was probably
for is names of document, writers, periods (which the most terrible one because they used cannons
dynasty etc.) A lot of legends and stories are and rifles.The whole library was burned and
known, but I want to know about what scholars hundreds of monks died. It is strange that Shaolin
think, people that made a serious study out of it, temple, famous for its nationalist fights in the past,


was destroying by the Nationalist Army. fighter.
However, some copies or reconstitutions have Your teacher probably thought that this kind of
been made quite soon afterward (around 1930) exercises would suit you properly and that you
based upon drafts, oral tradition and the memories would be able to make the most of it.
of survivors. Those precious copies have been kept So keep training hard and enjoy it. ;-)
very carefully but didn’t escape the tragedy of the ffab
whole country. First in 1942 and then again in
1952, most of them were lost and the cultural
revolution finished the job. What we have now
are only copies of copies (in the best case).
But in the case of Shi Gao Can (Sik Koe Chum),
it was recorded that he was in the temple prior to
1928 and that he did spend a good amount of
time there (As he had already aquired the title of
“respected”.). I didn’t see the “genuine” post 1928
archives myself but had in my hands copies of them
(which were accessible at least until 1992).
The Saolim school (Fujian and later Malaysian
transcription for Shaolin) is very famous for its “iron
hand” techniques and the current master is Pong
Chye Kim who, with Don Draegger, wrote a book
about shaolin Lohan kungfu (which you can find in
the ALMA bookstore).

Good luck with your training and be careful with

your health.

Hello, Send your comments,

My Sifu, started to teach me some wing chun
techniques, and I was wondering, if I can use them
questions, ideas and
as Tang Lang´s. I think thats why he´s teaching me suggestions to the
wing chun and some training with wooden dummy. editor.
Is it a good idea?
Hugo Maradiaga, Tegucigalpa alma@spheral.com
First of all, I cannot make any comment on your Letters may be edited
Shifu, allowing that a Shifu knows what he is doing
and that an outsider’s eye may not be able to
for reasons of space
percieve his real goal. and clarity (but not
But anyway, Tanglang and wingchun share many always ;-).
basic principles (like the centerline, sticking hands,
bridging, intercepting hands...) so I guess it is a If you do not wish to have your
good idea to use some WC techniques to develop message published, please let us
tanglang skills. The dummy drills can be useful for know.
every stylist, no matter whether long or close range.
Afterall, it will become what you do with it, so if
you can intelligently integrate WC and Tanglang,
you will be a very strong close to middle range


Chinese Set
Ban Deng Quan : Leading the Bench Boxing


Vengel Chronicle
The Chinese-Okinawan Connection

Therehas been a lot written on the descent of at a distinctly Goju-Ryu flavor, while half the Kata
least some of theOkinawan Martial Arts from practiced in the style are Shorin-Ryu, and the other
China, but not much in the way of specific half are Tomari-te, of which more anon.
information outside of a few books here and there.
I don’t propose to revolutionize Martial Arts Goju ryu and Chinese
history here either, but a few jottings on the subject
are in order, as my friend Fabien Sena has
requested me to write somethings for you.
Mr. Miyagi was a student of Kanryo Higashonna,
As a long-time practitioner of MA of China, who studied a style of Kung Fu, probably Wu Chu
Okinawa, Japan and Indonesia, I’m in somewhat Ch’uan [wuzu quan] or Ngo Cho Ch’uen as it is
of a position to comment here, particularly on the also called,”Five Ancestors Boxing”. At least some
art of Okinawan Kenpo, and it’s connection with of the forms of Goju-ryu are found in Ngo Cho
Chinese Kenpo. Ch’uen, while others are influenced by Baihe
Ch’uan [baihe quan] (WhiteCrane Boxing), which
Mr. Miyagi learned from a tea merchant native to
Origin of Okinawan Fujian whose name was Wu Guan Kui or Go Gen
Kenpo Ki on Okinawa. I have seen photos of this man
teaching White crane on Okinawa, and possess a
Okinawan Kenpo is a style founded in 1953 based couple of these photos, so this is no fiction,
on the life-long practice of Mr. Shigeru Nakamura guaranteed.
of Okinawa. He studied Shorin-Ryu with Kentsu
Yabu, a senior student of Anko Itosu, who was a On several occasions, Mr. Miyagi went to China
senior student of Sokon Matsumura, founder of for a while. Tthis was during the early years of
Shorin-Ryu. Matsumura studied from many people 20th century up to about 1930. Hhe made several
including Tote Sakugawa, who studied from, trips to study several martial arts, reportedly even
among others, a Chinese Military Attache to Pa Kua [bagua zhang]. Miyagi’s revised version
Okinawa named Kung Hsiang Chung [Gong of Sanchin contains the single palm change from
Xiangzhong], pronounced Kusankuin in Japanese, that art, and his seipai kata appears to have a
who was an expert in an unnamed Chinese art version of the double palm change,complete with
some of whose techniques suggested Luo Han footwork. Reportedly he even studied Qigong at
Ch’uan [luohan quan]. The ultimate Kata of the Ching Wu [jingwu tiyu hui] Institute in Shanghai.
Shorin-Ryu, Kusanku, supposedly created by his This I can not verify, but Miyagi’s warm-up drills
student Sakugawa to reflect his teachings, was show evidence of familiarity with the Baduanjin
named in his honor. (Eight Pieces of Brocade) excercise.

Mr. Nakamura studied Goju-Ryu, to some extent Mr. Nakamura’s teacher of Tomari-te (The Hand
at last, with Mr. Chojun Miyagi, founder of Goju- of Tomari Village, Okinawa) was Shinkichi Peichin
ryu, who was the captain of the Iichu Prefectural Kuniyoshi. Peichin is a title in Okinawan nobility.
school karate team, of which Mr. Nakamura was Kuniyoshi had traveled extensively in Northern
a member. Though Kentsu Yabu was the Instructor China and Manchuria, where he actually joined a
of this club, Miyagi sometimes ran the basic bandit gang and rode with them on horseback
practice. This gives the Okinawan Kenpo basics through several provinces!


Legacy of the “Punch Facts: Some islands of
Knight” Okinawa (Yaeyama islands)
are only 150 km away from
Kuniyoshi returned to Okinawa with a vast
knowledge of martial arts and an enormous Taiwan and 250 km from
collection of Chinese weapons, and the ability to Chinese shores. Those same
use them all quite well. He taught Nakamura the
other half of the Okinawa Kenpo Katas, and some
islands are 900 km away
weapons forms as well. from the closest “Japanese”
Okinawan Kenpo is thought by many masters on town (on Kyushu Island) and
Okinawa to be the style both closest to the original
more than 2500 km away
Okinawan Shorin forms, and one of the most
combat effective. Many Okinawan karate masters from Tokyo.
who now head their own styles once studied under
Mr. Nakamura, because they felt that his kata Facts: Ryukyu Kingdom
(forms) were closest to the Chinese originals , and (Okinawa) was, until 400
because Mr.Nakamura, known on Okinawa as
Chizikun-Bushi (Punch Knight) had such powerful years ago, a semi-
fighting skills that he could knock out any opponent independant state with close
with either hand or foot. My own teacher, who relationship to the Chinese
received his first black Belt from Mr.Nakamura
directly, was a recipient of this on occasion, so it’s Imperial Court (Ming then
no rumor.:-) Qing).
Mr.Nakamura passed on in 1969, after having The Japanese invaded the
affected many lives for the better. His art, so
intimately connected from three different lineages Ryu-kyu kingdom in 1609 to
with those of China, continues to do so. obtain sugar and silk from
by Dick Vengel
Facts: Okinawa’s biggest
About the author : Dick Vengel is a long time
practitioner of martial arts. With more than 30 years island is Naha where 80% of
of Japanese Arts, 17 years of Chinese Arts and the US Army in Japan is
many years of several other arts, he gained deep located. Many karate schools
knowledge and wisdom on the topic. Thanks to
many trips in Asia, Master Vengel met with very have been created especially
secretive Masters and exchanged with them for US soldiers. The only
thoughts on the true philosophy of Fighting and Japanese in the class is the
Survival Practice. He kindly accepted to write a
series of texts for ALMA to transmit his rare teacher.
insights to our users.


Chinese Set
First Path of the 18 Hands of the Arahants

Song of the First Path

For 1000 autumns, the martial arts of Shaolin have been
transmitted, this has been permitted by the 18 Techniques
of the Arhats;
The patriarch greets and kisses the moon with two hands;
The white tiger washes his face and water flows;
In the mud, grow onions which reinforce muscles and
Knock over defensive walls to hunt scoundrels;
The flowery palm hits trees and cuts them down;
Blood flows when the face meets hands and arms;
As a one thousand pound hammer, the two hands fall;
Display the elbow and the joy of the Heaven King
overwhelms him;
A hand is sufficient to break a brick of gold;
One-handed the hermit firmly pulls out eggplants ;
One turns around and breaks a log in two;
One pierces the court with a valiant elbow;
Again an elbow on the other hand, like the dragon in
trade winds;
One flowery hand goes up and three not tight;
The hermit goes in to his underground cave and a song
of victory is raised;
Back on the mountain, one lavishes the eighteen
techniques, and during one thousand autumns Shaolin
remains heroic.


Chinese Set
1st Path of 18 hands of Arahants : Taolu

This set must be done in a vigourous 2) The Patriarch's Salute

and vivid way at first. Then with time
and skills, it can be done almost as The left foot advances a half step, the right foot
slowly as Taijiquan. It is good to vary following and coming up to join it (bingbu: 'joined
the speed and rhythm of this set in order feet'). The two hands leave the sides and travel
forward, elbows bent, and cross themselves in front
to appreciate its physical, internal,
of the chest (Technique: 'Plant a Flower').
energetic, and even spiritual aspects. The left hand is on top, the right hand below, with
palms turned toward the outside, fingers pointed
Remember that it was created to provide upward.
a good exercise after long sessions of The gaze is upon the hands. (Fig.2)
meditation. Most of the applications are
multilayered. Once you understand the
striking and blocking techniques, try to
find the hidden take-down and Qinna
(joint locking) techniques.

1) Beginning Stance

Standing with feet together and slightly opened,

shoulders held low, fingers unfolded along the body.
The body is straight, and the gaze is toward the
front. (Fig.1)

3) Kissing The Moon

The feet remain immobile. The two hands
simultaneously rise from the sides, then the elbows
bend so that they come to rest lightly upon the
The hands cross themselves before the chest, left
hand on top.
The gaze is upon the hands (Fig. 3).


with the tip of the foot touching the ground (xubu:
'empty stance'). The left palm slices downward
from the right. The right palm shoots upwards to
the right (loushou: 'collected hand'), then comes
to rest in a guarding position before the chest, with
the palm facing the inside. At the same time, the
two legs bend.
The gaze follows the left palm (Fig. 5).

4) White Tiger Washes Its

The feet do not move. Hands describe a circular
arc with the palms adhering together. The right palm
pushes the left one toward the outside and the top,
elbows bent; fingers pointing upward. 6) Advance a Step and
The gaze is upon the right hand (Fig. 4).
Knock Over the Wall

The left heel travels back to rest on the ground.

The top of the body revolves 45° toward the left.
The right foot advances a step toward the front,
and the right leg is stretched (gongbu: 'bow stance').
The two palms push toward the front, turned
toward the front with upward fingers.
The gaze is upon the two hands (Fig. 6).

5) Onion Grows in the Mud

The right foot doesn't move. The top of the body

revolves 45° toward the left. The left heel rises,


7) Take a Step and Lightly 9) Display Right Elbow
Touch the Hands
The left foot pushes the ground; the right foot
advances a step. The two feet anchor to the
The right foot doesn't move, the left foot advances
ground, the body revolving 90° toward the left.
and comes to rest next to the right foot in xubu
The right palm slices in a circular arc toward the
('empty stance'). At the same time, the top of the
outside, then the elbow bends and hits from the
body revolves 90° toward the right. The left hand
right to the left.
returns to the front of the chest and slices
The gaze is toward the front right (Fig. 9).
downward from the top left. The right hand travels
back from the right toward the left in guard position
in front of the chest, elbow bent, pressing upward
with the palm turned toward the inside.
The gaze is upon the left palm (Fig. 7).

10) Display the Elbow on

the Left Side
8) Lower Palms While
Pulling Toward Oneself With the two feet screwed into the ground, the
body revolves 180° toward the right. The left foot
The left heel descends to the ground, while the advances one large step, knee bent, to form a left
right foot doesn't move. The left leg does a lateral gongbu. The right palm describes a circular arc
step to form mabu ('rider stance'). The left hand from the right while slicing. Then the left elbow
goes up toward the left and rests in a position to rises and parries, tip forward. The right palm guards
pull, with the palm facing the inside, fingers slightly the chest.
upward. The right hand protects the torso. The gaze is toward the right (Fig.10).
The gaze is upon the left hand (Fig. 8).


11) Raise the Hand and 13) The Ferocious Tiger
Slice Turns Around
The right foot doesn't move, while the left foot The right foot goes forward. With both feet on the
comes up to meet it in xubu ('empty stance'). At ground; the body revolves 180° toward the left in
the same time, the body turns almost completely left gongbu (‘bow stance’). At the same time, the
toward the right, knees bent into a squat. The left two hands grab frontward.
palm slices from the right downward to the left. Then the two palms come back to cross before
The right palm guards the chest. the chest with the elbows bent.
The gaze is toward the left (Fig. 11). The gaze is toward the right (Fig. 13).

12) Hermit Picks Eggplants

14) Elbow Explodes the
The right leg goes up with the knee raised, and the Court
body revolves 45° toward the right. The left palm
rises up from the left. The right hand sharply pierces Both feet are firmly screwed into the ground. The
toward the front, palm turned upward, fingers body turns 180° toward the right, with the right
tensed forward. foot stepping forward to form a right gongbu (‘bow
The gaze is upon the right palm (Fig. 12). stance’). The right elbow hits toward the front right,
fist closed with knuckles skyward.
The gaze is toward the front right (Fig. 14).

15) Turn and Parry the


The foot right advances a step. Both feet are
The left foot advances a step, and the two feet screwed into the ground, legs turning 90° to the
secure themselves to the ground. The body left to form mabu (‘rider stance’). In the same
revolves 90° to the right to form mabu (‘rider movement, the body turns 45° to the left, and the
stance’). At the same time, the arms gather two palms circularly grab from right to left. Then
themselves and the elbows hit the two sides the elbows are gathered with the palms turned
simultaneously. toward the inside.
The gaze is toward toward the left (Fig. 15). The gaze is toward the right side (Fig. 17).

16) Pivot and Posture of

the Gold Chisel

The two feet are screwed into the ground. The 18) The Hermit Returns To
body turns 90° to the right. The left foot advances His Underground Cave
a step, left leg bent to form left gongbu (‘bow
stance’). At the same time, the two palms come
back from the outside, crossing before the chest. The left foot goes back next to the right foot in
The elbows are bent, with the left hand on the bingbu. The two palms hit from both sides in a
outside, right hand on the inside, and with both circular movement from the inside toward the
palms turned toward the outside. outside, coming back and then crossing upward
The gaze is upon the two hands (Fig. 15). in front of the chest. The elbows are bent, fingers
upward, with the palms toward the outside.
The gaze is upon the right (Fig. 18).

17) Small Monkey Grabs

With Its Claws

19) The Old Tiger Leans on

the Mountain


The right foot makes a lateral step to form left Pictures from Shaolin Da Quan, first edition
gongbu (‘bow stance’). At the same time, the two Translation from Chinese by Abel Segretin
hands push upward. Then the fists close and come English translation and editing by Mark Kerr
Executive editor : Fabien Sena
to hit forcefully toward the front. The right fist
© A.L.M.A [Fabien Sena] 1999
guards the chest, while the left fist guards the waist.
All rights reserved.
The elbows are bent.
The gaze is upon the right (Fig. 19).

Stay tuned for new

ALMA publications !
As a member, you
will have the
chance to pre-order
20) Closing Stance our future
Educational Martial
The left foot goes back next to the right foot. Stand
up, shoulders naturally relaxed. The fingers relax,
Arts Manuals at a
and the hands, after travelling in front of the chest, discount price.
are adhere to the thighs on each side, palm facing
inward. The body is straight and relax. Breathing
is regular.
The gaze is in front (Fig. 20).
We will also give you
the rare opportunity
to get Chinese
manuals entirely

Our goal : better

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Vietnamese Set
Thap Tu Quyen (Cross-like boxing) Part 2/2


Chinese Styles
Eight Extremes Boxing : Ba Ji Quan

General Introduction to style that is handed down generation by

generation). The original “Quan Pu”(delivered by
Ba Ji a grandmaster from “Ba Ji Village” who served
Ba ji is an approximately three-hundred year old the last emperor, Pu Yi, as his bodyguard and Sifu)
Gong-Fu style with an impressive and glorious records a very detailed story.
history. Since Yung Zheng’s time (Yung Zheng was
an early emperor of the Qing Dynasty), almost According to this account, Wu was born in the
every emperor of the Qing Dynasty studied Ba Ji Shangdong Province of China to a rich family. Since
and employed Ba Ji practitioners as his bodyguards childhood, he had a great interest in Kung Fu and
or as trainers for his high-level military officers. tried to learn from every famous great master during
Emperor Qian Lung said, "For peace and soft style, that time. After a number of years of studying and
we have Tai Chi, but for fighting and conquesting, training, he achieved a very high level of Kung Fu
we have Ba Ji." and had great difficulty finding a better teacher to
improve his Kung Fu. So he announced that if
Ba Ji earned its high reputation in China because someone could beat him and show something
of its violent, sudden release of explosive power special, he would give his property to that person
combined with its simple, yet very efficient and become his student.
techniques. Today this style is still very popular in
north China, especially among young people. One day, a couple came in and showed something
Since traditional training is very hard and takes very special. Wu thought he had found the right
diligent practice, and also because many traditional people and became their student. During a routine
Chinese Kung Fu masters are often very cautious visit to the couple while the husband was away,
with whom they share their knowledge, fewer and the man’s wife wanted to test Wu’s Kung Fu.
fewer people can obtain such a high level of During the confrontation, the woman threw Wu to
competency. Consequently, fewer people have the the ground with only one action. The woman felt
opportunity to learn the original traditional forms very sorry for Wu because her husband had taught
and to obtain a high level of skill. Wu for twenty years, yet Wu’s Kung Fu was still
not good enough. Then the woman showed Wu
In present times, it is sometimes difficult to some secret things. The next day, when the man
differentiate between Ba Ji and other styles such returned and saw Wu’s practice, he was surprised.
as Long Fist when modern players practice these He asked his wife about Wu and was told what
sets. Since the end of the cultural revolution in happened. The man said that they no longer had
China, one may be able to find a few people who anything to teach Wu, for his Kung Fu was now
have made efforts to retrace and keep the original better than theirs. Then the couple disappeared in
Ba Ji trainings that had been previously delivered silence.
generation by generation.
Later, Wu went to the famous Shaolin Temple for
The Origin of Ba Ji three years to study Qi Kung from the chief monk.
After he left Shaolin Temple, Wu happened to meet
Several different stories exist about the originator another monk, Kui-Yuan Lai, and learned the spear
of Ba Ji, Zhung Wu. There even exist several technique from him for another three years. Then,
versions of the Quan Pu (the secret book of each he worked as a transportation guard. He traveled


around the country and met no competitor. Some years. After this stage, one’s external strength,
time later, he went to Beijing and showed his Ba Ji internal feeling, and Qi Gung power should be
and spear . His special Kung Fu surprised great.
everybody including the Emperor and earned his
reputation as “Magic Spear Wu”. In his later life, The final stage is dedicated to internal training. It
he stayed in Meng Chun with his daughter, Wu includes: Xu Xi Gung ( Qi Gung, number counting
Rong, and his first student, Wu Yung who came style to enhance the inside-body), Nei Dong Gung
from Meng Chun, and taught Ba Ji there. Today (Qi Gung, internal movement style, for feeling and
people call Meng Chun the Ba Ji Village. health) and Kou Qi Gung (Qi Gung, mouth gas
style for power). It is believed that all these Qi
Ba Ji Training Gung styles originated from Shaolin Temple. No
person can claim that he has completed the highest
level. But there is a common saying: “After ten
In the original Ba Ji system, there were not as many years of serious training, people can claim to have
routines or forms as found today. Many new Ba Ji a big completion.”
students who had previously become
accomplished in other styles, brought many
additional routines to present day Ba Ji. The original
Ba Ji Principles and
forms (excluding the weapons forms) are: Jin Gang Theory
Ba Shi (gold-steal eight forms), Ba Ji Xiao Jia (Ba
Ji Short Form), Ba Ji(Ba Ji Long form), Ba Ji Two Ba Ji theory is quite simple. Imagine a situation in
Person Routine(application), and Liou Da Kai(six which there are four people holding your arms and
big open). Ba Ji training includes spiritual training, your legs to the ground with a fifth person
external body building, internal Qi Gung training threatening to cut your arm off. You are scared.
and technique training. The spiritual training You forget everything and try to escape from the
develops eight different kinds of spirits. The four people. At this moment, even though you are
external movement and technique training teaches a normal person, you may somehow be able to
to move like eight different kinds of animal and show a great power and successfully escape from
builds eight different kinds of skills. And the Qi the four people’s control. But later, when asked
Gung training combined with spirit training enables to show this power again, you cannot do so. Why?
people to release the special explosive Ba Ji power. In the Ba Ji theory, it is believed that before you
are born, you have a natural power attached to
The training procedure of the Ba Ji system includes your body, but after birth, you are taught how to
three stages. The first stage includes: (a) Zhang walk, how to use your hands, and how to enhance
Zhuang (stance) or Di Pen Bu; (b) Jin Gang Ba your muscles. As a result, you develop the learned
Shi and; (c) Ba Ji Xiao Jia. The stance, which helps muscular power and forget the natural one. Later
to build leg strength, strengthen the spirit, and sink in daily life, when you need to use your power,
the Qi, is the first and most difficult training for Ba you naturally do it by using the learned way. But
Ji students. Jin Gang Ba Shi is used to develop Ba sometimes when you have an empty mind or a
Ji power. Ba Ji Xiao Jia is for the training of body crazy mind, you forget the learned way and the
movement, basic techniques and body built-up. natural power may readily surface. This power is
The first stage usually takes one to three years. one of the major treasures of Ba Ji. From this point
After finishing the first stage, it can be said that of view, the first stage of training in Ba Ji system
the Ba Ji student has a small completion. transforms the learned power to the natural one
thus the first stage is most important in the Ba Ji
The second stage includes: Ba Ji, Ba Ji Two People training system.
Routine, and Liou Da Ka. All of them are for the
training of the body’s internal and external In this century, almost all the top Chinese governors
movement and technique. This stage takes three are guarded by Ba Ji practitioners.


Basic Power and coordinate the muscles in your body to release
power. The fourth point means to clean and
Punching Technique concentrate your mind into one point — your target
— so that you can recall the natural power. If you
Ba Ji power, in the traditional group, is called Ba correctly follow these four points, or even if you
Ji San Chui Li, or three step power, or a power can have some understanding of them, your
with three sources. The first is the shoulder power, punching will be very special.
the second is the waist springing power, and the
third is the stamping and dropping power. If This punching technique usually does not take a
somebody can use the internal Qi to coordinate long time to master for experienced students if they
these three sources to release power in a moment, follow the correct way, commonly one or two
the person will be great and any simple action will months. But if someone goes about it incorrectly,
be extremely explosive and powerful enough to the consequences will be quite different. Tenseness
cause great damage to an enemy. The people who and relaxation are two opposite directions in martial
seriously want to learn this magic power should arts practice. The deepest relaxation can be
try to find a real traditional Ba Ji master. After three achieved from the tensest practice and the sharpest
years of serious training with a qualified teacher, momentary tenseness can only be achieved from
one should expect to obtain some of this power. the deepest relaxation. Therefore any type of
explosive power release can only be achieved from
But one should be aware that there is no short-cut some level of relaxation. The best stylist should
way to get this power. How good one’s power is have both the deepest relaxation and sharpest
depends on how hard and how much he trains in momentary tenseness.
the correct way. Punching is a big attack weapon
for empty hand competition. But in the modern When talking at this level, regular techniques can
Kung Fu world, it seems that not many people be ignored. Real KUNG FU in the martial art sense
can claim that a single punch is powerful and means suddenly released power, the sensitivity of
explosive enough to cause serious internal injury the body, and durability, not some pieces of
and kill people. If a person wishes to develop his superior techniques. This level of Kung Fu can
punching skills, he should pay attention to the never be topped. How high one’s Kung Fu level
following major points translated from a Chinese is can be illustrated from his one moment. Nothing
poem common to the traditional Kung Fu world: can be hidden. The one with higher level of Kung
Fu can usually learns all kinds of new techniques
(1) Make the movement of the three quicker and performs them better (even better
sections of your body clear; than the ones who teach the techniques).
(2) The activities of the four internal and
external ends of your body should start The Characteristics of Ba
and stop at the same moment;
(3) Tie your five elements;
(4) Keep the six kinds of human desires
away from your mind. In last two century, almost all the top Chinese
governers selected Ba Ji masters as their body
The human body can be divided into three big guards. You may wonder why this style is so
sections and three small sections. The first major special. Ba Ji is a very effective style not because
point means that when you punch, you should it has some superior techniques. All the Ba Ji
know the order of the movements among the three techniques are very simple, straightforward and
sections. The second point means that you should solid. As a classical Ba Ji grappling technique, a
coordinate your feet and hands, and your mind, Ba Ji practitioner can momentarily break the
Spirit, and Blood into a union. Any movement opponent’s arm by only grabbing his arm and
should be your whole body’s coordinated suddenly snapping the whole body.
movement. The third point means that you should


The major purpose of Ba Ji training is to develop Ji techniques very special.
the ultimate snapping power. After gaining this type
of power, some very efficient techniques can be The Power developed in Ba Ji exercise msy also
performed or applied. Therefore, Ba Ji power very be helpful in doin a better job in all other
constitutes the foundation of Ba Ji system. Without martial arts styles.
this power, Baji techniques are no different (or
even worse) from other styles. The power is very Benefits and New
violent and sharply released. A top Ba Ji master
can suddenly move out of the way of a bullet from
Things In Ba Ji Training
a close range handgun(this level is not very usual,
so please don’t try this on any BaJi practitioners). Ba Ji exercise is very helpful for one’s health. In
Ba Ji exercise, a practitioner needs to fully stretch
Ba Ji, like many other Kung Fu styles, is a complete his tendons in a circular manner. He needs to be
system. Based on the core power, many striking, deeply relaxed physically and mentally. This
grappling, and throwing techniques are developed. exercise is as the same as the one in Tai Chi. It
helps to improve internal circulation and heal some
1. A typical Ba Ji striking technique is: walk in, chronic diseases.
drop body by stamping, and suddenly snap the
whole body when touching the target. You may wonder why Ba Ji practitioners are not
Theoretically, this strike can generate an unlimited good if it is such a good style. In Ba Ji histroy,
force. A Ba Ji practitioner can easily break his most of the masters are doers, not talkers. They
own arm if not destroying the target. About 70 worked very hard and built the BaJi principles
years ago, grandmaster Li, Suwen (a top martial into their body under their consciousness. When
artist at the time in China) and his fourth student teaching students, they only can state the principle
Huo, Diange(the last emperor’s body Guard) in a very vague way and ask their students just to
seriously wounded many of their challengers by do more practice. In my teaching, I usually first
using this technique. (Those fights usually lasted clarify the Ba Ji principle to students in an accurate
less than one second). Other striking techniques way which is a result of my teaching. The students
are designed for close range fight. just need to drive their body according to the
principle in their form exercise. After one year of
2. Ba Ji grappling techniques are also simple. Inside training, most of the students can understand the
a human body, there are many levers inter- principle very well. But how well their bodies
connected by some joints. The joints can move in follow the principle to release certain power
certain ranges. Any movement out of the ranges depends on how much work they have done in
may break the joints. In Ba Ji offensive grappling, the course of building the principle into their body.
a practitioner can lock an opponent’s particular
lever with the two sides of his body and suddenly by Kai Yu
snap the whole body to break the lever. In
defensive grappling, if one side of the body is
locked, a practitioner can put the other side of his
body on the opponent and snap to forcibly escape
from the lock. Ba Ji grappling techniques consists
of Body Twine (Da Chan) and Arm Lock (Xiao

3. Throwing Techniques, in other words, low body

striking, are based on Ba Ji foot work. A typical
Ba Ji throwing technique is a leg lock and body
snap throw. Throwing is a fight for balence. The
solid foot work and rotating body make these Ba


Coming Soon
Next month...

Martial Technique : Bagua Application

“May the Force...” : Basic Qigong Drill
How to Overcome without Fighting
History of Martial Arts : How SAMBO was Created (2/2)
Training Suggestion
The Other Side of The Coin : Flexibility Part III
Users Corner, You wrote ...
Chinese Set : Jingang Quan (Diamond Boxing)
Vengel Chronicle
Quick History of Martial Arts
Chinese Styles : Baji Quan Eight Extremes Boxing
Japanese Kata
More techniques, more
informations, more forms
and many many good
surprises !!

See you next month...

Be careful, keep training.

The ALMA Team

“I will have to wait then ...”



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