Cushing Syndrome K

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.cIP Jof cushing

Adrenal qland 0
*Adenal qland compoied of Adenal coitex 3 Adienad medulia
*AArnal Cotex composed af3 2ones a GER Eram .outside to inside)
1.tona GTiomeHidoso
2.2ona fosiuata Ohomane @contrel @achon 011
3. tona ichculais
ona Glomeulaa
1. Hoicne Aldosicrole
hos otlg PpedtSie
2- ontrol: iainly Controiled
hy Na,k, RAAS 3 minumal uidol y ACTH Na w
VNa tkstmula Aldotteone secnton
3.Action: TNa eabiorphon frotn hidne tubuler 2k excrelion Kidneg
4.11: Cona'S Syndeme lhsperaldaskeronism)
5.W: hypoaláostciotim (Aist.ocorhial failue) (Aádiwens
ona koasiculata
1.Horfhone: Coñisol
2. Control: Pituitary AcTH
3. A chion: 3 4 3
5.: Adrtlocortcol foiure (Addislon's disease)
1. Hormone: 0dena androgens
2. Cont-ol ACTH
3. Achion Anabobe on nwsle, pubit Jauillary hair, minor on rtiainity 223 Senual chakat+s

. Gunjehtal odrenal igferplasia

5.v hdretoorh ad faiure
xAdrenal medulla
Secek Cattcholamines (cpinephrine. & no-ep inephine) which are cataboke
homones Setrttd in jsponse to Sympathehe achivation trees 3 emeyences)
whan M:pheochiomoyfoma

Achons of cohisolneabelicant te Lihe

1 CHOvglusose uhli2ation by isues (= insulinesistance =diabetogenid, So
-Diabetes its physiolo;ial alian is to maintain blood lucase luel spieutnt yfyn
2- P-Okin Cotabouc effectan prolcins (musde weaknes,osteopobosii)exte
-Patholagicaly: 1. mustle weakness 3 was ing 3.delayed wound hea liny ( collagen)
2. osttop0rasis 4. Vascular phepa (atv collagen
kuptue of vered) 5. Striae: wide >1 cm,depprered,rdth
3.fat mobüa.hon of fat fr»m extremihes to cenker dt 4 colla,gen.depessed
Pothologicaly: 1.moon face Poyythemiareddih
2. Truncal oleritylemon on motthshick
3. Ssupraclauitular fat aCumnulafionbusalo hump
1. Antiinfiommotoijinhbits phayoyfasiu
2- Anh FibkotL u flooblast
3 Aniallagic i cosonipholk
4.Anh vit D vca 3 cause bone RSophion
.aldosteone Like: HT 3hypholemia
2. andragen lie: OHisuhisn in Females Oacne Eay clolurt of ePipkhgiu (shovt stadu
3. jthiopoiehin like :Poly ythemia :@ Redish shiat in childen)
facial ple hota
EFfect on Bane nQHo)
-TReC pYrodiston Polyauthemio
neuhophir mildl infotad lukatyhic caunt
basophls,eainophid, monocytesvmyhogyir
L aphialleantieEla. infechons
Shot Stoture dt
ealy closueof epiphgis divecfly GH Secrehion
osfcoporosis (cotabotc ellet on bont mahix)
inhibit insuln ldre ghowth facta-1 &Somatomédin)
Thstapenhi uses
anninklo mnatory ai: ucCD LoHtiol has antiVitD
anheaboficas: Ssc
anh aliergic as:6A
Shock to T SP
BM Failse Captashic anemia)
ALLScLL ( yphoytu)

Cushing syodrome

Causes o Cushing Syndiome

mic cauSe of Cushin

Iathogenic hom midilaly piesibed CST

Kctal ,Topical
any rou: onB inhaled,parenksod,
its T
Dase houteof admnuhain, duwafon, cononitantduyi prolonginy
fators: Potencj , ,

Conhnuostintake ofSieoids fov z7 weeks

Jong teHm Stetoids:
ACTH dependent: ACTH, LOHÍol2cushing
1. fitluta adenonamjc cauise of ACTH dafend.nt cushing
xmlc of hgpesuioitm Suall miuo adenoma (no piesi ue manifestalions
in Gdat Called 28 cushing CUshing disease
2- Ectopic ATH SCehon: as a pauit of paantophske Syndiome
TM COuses:1.Bronchegenic carnoma 2. Coinoid tumors 3. Poncreae tulMor
36 4 Pheochramo tytoma 5. medulla Carcinoma of thaid6-HCC
3.EctoPic RHSeuehon

ACTH independant: JACTH 1 Cushing

1.Adrenal tumor: 1. unlattal adrenad odenoma (mlc cause ofadenad cuchng)
1 cushin COFCnoma

mlc, Coue pf hygzrcor. 3. Bilateol n Odcnoma tasis

ticoism, in(cuiarenn
1-Hdrex Tgpeploiia MaCofnodular g Piqnented adrenal nodular

P of cushing
1 fathognomoni Sizns Samgtons:
1. Stiae: widey1 um , depressed, iedáish puple in clor
2. Easy busing mulhple echymoic paBches 3 skin
3.facial plethora
-Procmo mppathy
5. unexploined osteop1osis 2 musosllaa
b. obesity- Short Statwt in childrcen
2Suggeshve features:
12 diakekes
2. Fat: -moon face
- cen al obesity (lennon matth Sthik aprearaKe)
SLpaciaidarfat occummulahion.>Biffl uump
3- Prokins. dlayed wound healing
4.0JdaskoneLiki achions: HTAhpokalemia
acne hirsuhism, ealy closue ofepiphyiis Shot Statue)
5androgen uke
Polay theno
7. infe hons
EmiiDUl icgulakfs
3 Piy chologiod distuwbancs euphora daprtuion

) No pieJiure manifstations (Sually pituton g
ACTH instead af 4
in 5 [AcTH dependent) cushing dt
tol hypupimentañion J anti
Shmwale MSH

of Sc coliagen
(ushinoid Striae: 1. wide Sdepreced destihon
2.Reodsh ppledt thin shin 8 poytYthemia
3. oon Fale
pt: ifacial piefhora
x face of Cuhing
2. Acneshisuksm 4- pupura

dkish Shioe
whitt JDiae
Bone mineraldenuity Bone mintal densily
3 +t
No other Cushing
xwtlosr in cushing: Ecfop CShing
cAuses of ShotStature
cloiut of epiphys
2. cany 1
Cortiol ihibits insulin.ike groih Factor
Diagnoshic worhup of Cushiny syldivonle

Hx phusiol examinadoncP ho.should be teStd:

PS witk hiyhy pathognomnic signs 3 synptams of Cushiay
2.Pts with Suggestie featucs unusal for HTN
3. Shot s obese children
4-PLs wth adrenal incidentaloma :Acidertal dutariy of adienod ma
by imoginfudkes peuforned tor aCaJe yhelatd to ad-enal dwae

Excude eXojenou CS by
1. Thorough drag Hx
2. Basal ONDI leVel af L.0o Am: vess low Basal conisol. exqgenous CS
High 6asal tartiol (00considered to dxor scree far Cuthing but anyued
fo exclude eXogenous Cushing

32 Stp apponck for dx of Cushing:

Step1: Is it cuwhing ?7,b serneningtests dependinyon patholoy ol Cuuhing
1my oveHiht Dekamethasone Suppretantet
iden: failule to Stop cortiol produton despite Sppielion of AcTH by dexamethaun
Skeps: AdmnGier 1mg desomethayone at ll pm A neouAe cohíol iekel behm 8-84anm
next moMiDg
Results ugldL (Emol/),unSuppiesibke -Ne for Cushiny
(Level o 2
Cokhsol Suppss ible ve tor
O -Do Ou dose 0ST:
1dea the Same a5 above

. Steps: Adminise o5 mg Desamcthasone etay 6 hus kav 2dags ( tamy 3Pn,4 Am,a
meas we Cotisol fevel hs after the last dose
Resuts: the Same as obovre (mok spufi thon.ovenight DsT)

ophma test for Pseudocuuhing

u h in0 r e to hol (uf)
Sheps: at least 2 measunents, uwe volame <3L,
idea: eXusive corhisol phodulion ine Cieaoine clearane > boml|min
eslts: elevohions moke tham3 fimes the ULN is daynoshic
Lotenight salivarjcoiol: ot in Et"
idea: loss ol no-inal duunoal coriol prodchon with abnomaly high late niyht
CoIol suehon
- tps: Somple.coliectcd by passive drookny ovchewing cotton piedaet "Salvete"
- not Suitabfe fak depresSivcpts.night shsEtworl@s dt altted Civcadian ththm

LResulHsO2weJoeeniag keytsareneded tojotostepz. (we usally staus

with ove-night DST2uh- uEC then confum uithtáe mort Jpecihie,
-12,3 Sceaniny tst: LDDST) to exclude Pendocushidg:1.Prrgnang
2. cko 3. chroi liver 4.Morlid obesity 5. depresian 6.anhelychotiusA0A
7. Altohol dependence 8.G-lucocortatoid rtsictana 9.poordy calliroled DM

1 e,1-ve»cinical supitjofn
highly clinial sspitionsrpat xveening test
-Ve Stop the woup
32-ve Sceelingtesti Stop the wovtrp

Step 2: loah u. Canse of cushin1 by biochemial evaluaha It then kodioogicol:

Bipchemil evaluatuon
Oighdlase D3T
idea: High dose dexomcthasone (Ib my|2 days) Can Suppheis cOHisol if mildy elewakkd
ad renad Ectopic
in case of pituitary but tan'tSPps modevotely to highy èleuahed corhisol in
Odrenad Ectopic eushing Kspeutivel
Steps: . ma eveH 6 his fo 2 days measue preest-basal couisol leve
0t9 amS posttest corisol level 48 hus later
Suppession5o ol pretcst basal couniiolAdrenal or ectopa

Honiba ACTHLow ACTHDdrnal

High ectopic

2Radiologiul evaluahion
Adre nolTfor adicnad lesions
EctopiL Cuhing:
CTMRT H3N, chet abdomenPelvis

- MKL en sllo fwiua tor pituitarj aden oma: L.ovMal in abot so7 of pts

wth CD
-BilateaTnfeior petrosol SinurSampligy(BTA
g0ld Handard todilfereniate ben pihutary ctopic cuhin

Basal LorhJol jevel : only wed to exclude exojenos Cuskiy

Honing Corfiol leel: -Not used for DX

5 ugldl jeneally excludes CS y5o Suygeshive

- Joss ol oHmal cinadian yhm alio in:
Dight Shft wovkas
drreaie plu
ttiialy ill pts
other lab findiqgs:poy ythemia &milut wBc hpokalemia hypocalcemia
ypyyutia jycoluria hperin sulktenia (t insuljn resistan
Treatmant ofCushing
The 1 only dehnitiv teotmant
Ophions: .Tvanssphênoidal | Tlansnaiol selechie pituitay njuadn etony
unilattrol [bilattod adrenalectom ansuanial approach i

2 Rodiotion theepy: al fr Sugery macho odnoma

3 Medical treatment
indication s bekon Suiguy far preparakionof pt
1 thevapy in caei of ver bad prog nasi
- Adenocorhiual Cainoma

ectopic uuhing
failue of Swjical t
) Acutc emejent Complia fony of hype-CoHiLolism
Inopuosle higk opu-akive nik pt

ophions hepatotoxk t
adrena OKetoconatole 4. aminolate thinide
-DHug inhibiting_Steoid Synthesis:

1. Bromo Cipine Cdopamnt agonit
2.octheohde (Somatostotine ognist
3. VolproiLaid (GABA M)
upoheptodine (.Serotanin anfagoniit)
-Corhsol receptor antojonilt: {ifephstone

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