Emerging Technology Assingment

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Adama Science and Technology

Emerging Technology- Assignment I

Name: Samuale Tigestu

ID No.: UGR/26695/14

Submitted to: Ins.Hiwot Abebe

1. Explain what was the motive behind each Industrial revolutions and why
the revolutions exist ?

Firstly the first industrial revolutions were the result of technological inventions which
allowed the countries which produce them to make much better use of the raw materials.
Their main characteristics are changing the physical environment of the country,
increasing in output of goods and services and improving the efficiency and productivity of
workers. Ancient history of ICT, The era of the Industrial revolution has always been
recognized as a major turning point in history, a moment of national growth and prosperity.
This is the era where the expansion of industry caused a rapid expansion of trade, an
increase in efficiency and productivity, and consequently an improvement in living
standards. What are the basic reasons behind the First Industrial Revolution and why is it
so significant today? The short answer is that a lack of technology to perform any kind of
automation. In other words, the First Industrial revolution couldn't have occurred without
the technological breakthroughs that allow for machines to automate, direct and regulate

The second industrial revolution was characterized by the introduction of new

technologies that greatly increased productivity in factories and other workplaces. This
industrial revolution led to a lot of advances in technology and this led to the development
of new machines that could do things that were previously impossible. The second
industrial revolution was characterized by the use of electricity, petroleum, and steel.
These three factors led to the development of new industries and the expansion of
existing ones. The reason behind the second industrial revolution was to reduce the time
and human efforts required in producing goods and services. The industrial revolution led
to a lot of advances in technology and this led to the development of new machines that
could do things that were previously impossible.

Some historians believe that the third industrial revolution was started because of
advances in technology, while others believe it was started because of changes in social
and economic conditions. The industrial revolution was started to improve worker
productivity and to make use of new technologies that were becoming available. The third
industrial revolution is being driven by the need to make industry more sustainable and to
reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing. The Fourth Industrial Revolution
heralds a series of social, political, cultural, and economic upheavals that will unfold over
the 21st century. Building on the widespread availability of digital technologies that were
the result of the Third Industrial, or Digital, Revolution, the Fourth Industrial Revolution
will be driven largely by the convergence of digital, biological, and physical innovations. It’s
important to appreciate that the Fourth Industrial Revolution involves a systemic change
across many sectors and aspects of human life: the crosscutting impacts of
emerging technologies are even more important than the exciting capabilities they
represent. Like the First Industrial Revolution’s steam-powered factories, the Second
Industrial Revolution’s application of science to mass production and manufacturing, and
the Third Industrial Revolution’s start into digitization, the Fourth Industrial Revolution’s
technologies, such as artificial intelligence, genome editing, augmented reality, robotics,
and 3-D printing, are rapidly changing the way humans create, exchange, and distribute

In General the first industrial revolution saw the introduction of new technologies such as
the steam engine and the spinning jenny. This led to an increase in worker productivity and
a decrease in the cost of goods.  The second industrial revolution saw the introduction of
new technologies such as the electricity and the internal combustion engine. This led to a
further increase in worker productivity and a decrease in the cost of goods.  The third
industrial revolution is being driven by the need to make industry more sustainable and to
reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing. New technologies such as 3D printing
and robotics are being used to create products that are more environmentally friendly and
require less energy.

2. Explain why it is necessary to have 5G network for other emerging


5G is the 5th generation mobile network. It is a new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G,
3G, and 4G networks. 5G enables a new kind of network that is designed to connect
virtually everyone and everything together including machines, objects, and devices.

5G wireless technology is meant to deliver higher multi-Gbps peak data speeds, ultra-low
latency, more reliability, massive network capacity, increased availability, and a more
uniform user experience to more users. Higher performance and improved efficiency
empower new user experiences and connects new industries.

5G is based on OFDMV (Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing ), a method of

modulating a digital signal across several different channels to reduce interference. 5G
uses 5G NR air interface alongside OFDM principles. Like 4G LTE, 5G OFDM operates
based on the same mobile networking principles. The new 5G NR air interface can further
enhance OFDM to deliver a much higher degree of flexibility and scalability. 5G is
designed to not only deliver faster, better mobile broadband services compared to 4G
LTE, but can also expand into new service areas such as mission-critical communications
and connecting the massive IoT. 

1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G all led to 5G, which is designed to provide more connectivity than was
ever available before. 5G is a unified, more capable air interface. It has been designed
with an extended capacity to enable next-generation user experiences, empower new
deployment models and deliver new services. With high speeds, superior reliability and
negligible latency, 5G will expand the mobile ecosystem into new realms. 5G will impact
every industry, making safer transportation, remote healthcare, precision agriculture,
digitized logistics — and more — a reality. 5G is designed to do a variety of things that can
transform our lives, including giving us faster download speeds, low latency, and more
capacity and connectivity for billions of devices—especially in the areas of virtual reality
(VR), the IoT, and artificial intelligence (AI).

In general, 5G is used for three types of connected services. One example is enhanced
mobile broadband, which allows for faster data speeds on smartphones while also
introducing new ways to connect via virtual and augmented reality. Another is mission-
critical communications, which allows for ultra-reliable links such as remote control of
critical infrastructure such as cars, medical procedures, and even cities in the case of an
emergency. The third type of 5G application is massive IoT, which uses low-cost
connectivity solutions to connect a massive number of embedded sensors such as cameras
and microphones found in virtually everything from vehicles to buildings. These sensors
gather data on various aspects of our lives and can send the information to us through our
smartphones, which can then be used to make decisions or provide insights into our daily
3. Explain the four types of industries with the major events in their industrial

The First Industrial Revolution began in the 18th century, from 1760 to 1820/40 and
focused primarily on textile manufacturing and steam power, iron production and
development in transportation system.

The Second Industrial Revolution resulted in the "Mass society". This transformation
involved significant developments within the chemical, electrical, petroleum, and steel
The second industrial revolution is also called the second phase of the industrial
revolution, since from a technological and a social point of view there is no clean break
between the two revolutions. Many crucial inventions such as the Bessemer and the
Siemens steel making processes were invented in the decades preceding 1871.One of the
most crucial inventions for the communication of technical ideas in this period was the
steam powered rotary printing press which was in fact a technological gift of the last
decades of the first industrial revolution or first phase of the industrial revolution. The
beginnings of wars offer a convenient milestone, since they have an effect on the capital
needed to finance the useful application of new inventions.

The growth of the steel industry following his invention has come in the popular mind to
symbolize the technology of the second Industrial Revolution. If ever there was a labor-
saving invention, this was it. One of the most remarkable inventions was the acetyl
compound of salicylic acid. Railroads became faster, safer, and more comfortable during
the second Industrial Revolution but these resulted from micro inventions rather than
from big breakthroughs. Since the maximum speed of a ship is proportional to the water
line, and iron and steel ships could be made much larger than wooden ships, ships grew
bigger, more powerful, and faster at unprecedented rates. The effect of the automobile
and the bicycle on technology was similar to that of the mechanical clock five centuries
earlier: mechanics involved in making and repairing the devices acquired the skills and the
ideas to extend the principals involved. The development of the airplane in many ways is
paradigmatic of the new mode of technological progress that emerged with the second
Industrial Revolution: formal and informal knowledge combining together to produce a
discontinuous event followed by decades of micro inventions which eventually produced a
major industry, with further technological progress stagnating when most of the obvious
improvements were exhausted.

Production Engineering: From a purely economic point of view, it could be argued that the
most important invention was not another chemical dye, a better engine, or even
electricity, since, with the exception of steel, most of the inventions described had
serviceable albeit less efficient and more expensive substitutes, if not as efficient or as
cheap. First in firearms, then in clocks, pumps, locks, mechanical reapers, typewriters,
sewing machines, and eventually engines and bicycles, interchangeable parts technology
proved superior and replaced the skilled artisan working with chisel and file. The new
technologies of the nineteenth century affected food supplies through production,
distribution, preservation, and eventually preparation.

In agriculture, the adoption of the new husbandry based on fodder crops and stall-fed
livestock continued apace, though in France and in most of Eastern Europe progress was
slow. New implements and tools appeared on the scene, but here the traditional obstacles
to technological progress in agriculture retarded growth: inventions that were useful in
some environments failed elsewhere. A few general-purpose technologies such as barbed
wire were made, but the bulk of technology was site- and crop specific.

Third Industrial Revolution began in the ’70s in the 20th century through partial

automation using memory-programmable controls and computers. Since the introduction of
these technologies, we are now able to automate an entire production process - without
human assistance. The spread of automation and digitization through the use of
electronics and computers, the invention of the Internet, and the discovery of nuclear
energy are also the characteristics the Third Industrial Revolution. The 5 pillars of the
Third Industrial Revolution are:

Changing To Green Energy The first pillar of the 3rd Industrial Revolution is use of
renewable energy sources. Even though these energies only make up a small part of the
world's energy mix, they are growing fast.

Building That Generate Power The second pillar of the 3rd Industrial Revolution is using
new technological advances make it possible to design and build modern buildings. These
buildings create all their own energy from available renewable energy sources. They will
get energy from the sun, wind, garbage, agricultural and forestry waste, ocean waves and
tides, hydro, and geothermal sources. They will make enough energy to meet their own
power needs and have extra that can be shared.

Hydrogen and Other Technologies For Storing Energy They will store energy that comes
and goes in every building and all over the infrastructure. To get the most out of
renewable energy and keep costs down, we will need to find ways to store it. Batteries,
different water pumps, and other media can only store a limited amount of energy.
Hydrogen is the universal medium that "Stores" all forms of renewable energy.
Technology For Smart Grids Using Internet technology to turn each continent's power
grid into an intergrid that shares energy and works like the Internet. Power companies in
Europe are now testing a new way to set up the world's power grid. It works like the
internet and lets businesses and homes generate their own energy and share it with each
other. Energy like solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, hydro, and ocean waves to create
electricity for the buildings. The renewable energy we use to power our buildings will also
be used to power plug-in electric cars or to make hydrogen for fuel cell cars.

Plug-in, Electric, Hybrid, And Fuel Cell-powered Vehicles In turn, the electric plug-in
cars will also work as portable power plants that can sell power back to the main grid. 

 Telenetmakes the first Internet Service Provider possible. John Romkey makes the
first IoT device: a toaster that could be turned on and off over the Internet.
 Google's search engine comes out and changes the way people use the Internet.
 Kevin Ashton came up with the term "Internet of Things" in 1999.

A large-scale DDoS attack on Yahoo! and eBay in 2000 shows how vulnerable the Internet
is. A group of companies started the IPSO Alliance to promote the use of Internet
Protocol. According to Cisco, more "Things or objects" were connected to the Internet
than people.

Fourth Industrial Revolution

The concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution was coined in 2016 by Klaus Schwab, the
founder of the World Economic Forum, in a book of the same name. So where better to
find a good definition than within its pages? "The Fourth Industrial Revolution creates a
world in which virtual and physical systems of manufacturing cooperate with each other in
a flexible way at the global level". The Fourth Industrial Revolution, however, is not only
about smart and connected machines and systems. Its scope is much wider. Occurring
simultaneously are waves of further breakthroughs in areas ranging from gene sequencing
to nanotechnology, from renewable energies to quantum computing. It is the fusion of
these technologies and their interaction across the physical, digital and biological domains
that make the Fourth Industrial Revolution fundamentally different from previous

Technologies of the fourth industrial revolution are:

Artificial Intelligence is set to be one of the key technologies in the sweeping

transformation of the economy, society and the labour market.
Internet of things technology, which is designed to establish a connection between the
physical and digital worlds, has revolutionized numerous sectors. Billions of devices are
already interconnected and more and more devices are becoming smart.

Cobots Robotics is constantly evolving and the cobots, specially designed to interact
physically with humans in collaborative environments, will be key to industry. Among other
things, they optimize production and save employees from doing monotonous and dangerous

Augmented reality and virtual reality, technologies that combine the real world and the
digital world using computer science, enrich the visual experience of both users and
consumers by generating immersive experiences.

The full-blown Fourth Industrial Revolution will allow us to change data into information.
Big data allows massive data management and interpretation for business purposes, which
is particularly relevant when devising business strategies or making decisions.

3D and 4D printing These days we have the means to develop prototypes - or products for
sale - quickly, accurately and economically with 3D and 4D printing This technology is
becoming increasingly important in design, architecture, engineering, etc.

The fourth industrial revolution can pull individuals into smarter networks, with the
potential of more efficient working. The digitalization of the manufacturing
environment allows for more flexible methods of getting the right information to the right
person at the right time. The increasing use of digital devices inside factories and out in
the field means maintenance professionals can be provided with equipment documentation
and service history in a timelier manner, and at the point of use. Maintenance professionals
want to be solving problems, not wasting time trying to source the technical information
that they need.

In short, the fourth industrial revolution is a game-changer, across industrial settings.

The digitalization of manufacturing will change the way that goods are made and
distributed, and how products are serviced and refined.

4. Explain why and how data can be crucial for emerging technologies?
Data is a newly discovered resource and the future of science, technology, the economy,
and everything in our world today and tomorrow. Data have not only triggered tremendous
hype and buzz but more importantly presents enormous challenges that in turn bring
incredible innovation and economic opportunities. This reshaping and paradigm shifting is
driven not only by data itself but all other aspects that could be created, transformed, or
adjusted by understanding, exploring, and utilizing data.  The preceding trend and its
potential have triggered new debate about data-intensive scientific discovery as an
emerging technology, which is being viewed as the new oil and strategic asset since we are
living in the age of big data, and drives or even determines the future of science,
technology, the economy, and everything in our world today and tomorrow.

Data can be used to drive better outcomes, processes and of course, new technology that
could be the next major industry disruption. Data has the potential to drive better
outcomes in many areas. For example, data-driven insights could lead to increased
efficiency and productivity in businesses by a few percentage points, with a measurable
impact on the bottom line. Data-driven marketing could lead to increased sales and a more
successful return on investment for businesses by a few percentage points, again, with a
measurable impact on the bottom line. Data-driven healthcare could lead to improved
patient outcomes by a few percentage points, again, with a measurable impact on the
bottom line. Data-driven transportation could lead to increased efficiency and reduced
costs by a few percentage points again—with a measurable impact on the bottom line.
Data-driven education could lead to improved student outcomes by a few percentage points
again—with a measurable impact on the bottom line.

In general, data is regarded as the new oil and strategic asset since we are living in Data-
driven innovations and applications are increasingly being introduced to help solve complex
problems and meet the demands of ever-changing and unpredictable market. data-driven
technologies and solutions could help address these issues and improve the lives of many

5. Imagine, there is a person who has a web platform to sell goods online, he
does not have support team but his customers keep asking different
questions through the platform 24/7, he tried to answer all the questions
but it is so difficult to address all. From emerging technologies what do you
think is the best solution to make the question answering process easy. Also
explain why?

The best solution for this one is chatbots.

Chatbots: are software that simulates human conversations. They enable the
communication between a human and a machine, which can take the form of messages or
voice commands. A chatbot is designed to work without the assistance of a human
operator. It responds to questions posed to it in natural language as if it were a real
person. It uses pre-programmed scripts and machine learning algorithms to make
conversation possible. Bots are made for a specific reason. A store would most likely want
chatbot services that assists you in placing an order, while a telecom company will want to
create a bot that can address customer service questions.

Question and Answer System (Q&A system) is responsible for answering customer
questions. The question is interpreted by the Q&A system, which then replies with
appropriate responses from the knowledge base. It consists of the following elements: 

Manual Training: Manually compiling a list of commonly asked user questions and mapping
out the answers. It enables the chatbot to identify the most relevant questions' answers

 Automated Training: Sending business documents to the chatbot, such as policy

documents and other Q&A type documents, and instructing it to train itself. From these
documents, the engine generates a list of questions and responses. The chatbot would then
be able to respond with confidence.

In short, we can say that chatbot will be the best and easiest emerging technology
to solve this problem.

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