Homework (AC373) CHP 4 - Loh Yi Cheng

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Computer Assignment

1. What is the balance of Petty Cash on January 24, 2019? ⇒ $63.58

2. What business form did you complete to record the purchase of the Fax machine from
Super Office? ⇒ Check
3. What is the total of the Bill Payment List for January 1-27, 2019? ⇒ $2,621.13
4. How much was the check for Super Office on January 21, 2019? ⇒ $403.68
5. What business form did you complete to record the reduction of the amount owned to
Vince’s Auto Repair on January 24, 2019? ⇒ Expense
6. Which Vendor had the largest unpaid balance as of January 31, 2019? ⇒ Canine Supplies
7. What was the Bill number and amount of the Bill Payment check prepared for Beach
Advertising on January 27, 2019? ⇒ Bill#425 with the amount of $75.00
8. For the transaction with Lulu’s Laundry, the account debited in the Journal is: and the
account credited is: ⇒ Petty
9. What is the balance of the Checking account after recording Check 11? ⇒
10. For the purchase of the Fax machine from Super Office, what account is used in the
Journal for the debit: ⇒ Office
Equipment: Original Cost
and the credit: ⇒ Checking

/ 1-Trans List by Vend Ch 4 / 11-Ck 12 Beach Telephone Company
Ch 4

/ 2-Unpaid Bills Ch 4 / 12-Cks 13-16 Ch 4

/ 3-Cks 2-5 Ch 4 / 13-Exp Trans List Ch4

/ 4-Bill Pmt List Ch 4 / 14-Vend Bal Sum Ch 4

/ 5-Cks 6-8 Ch 4 / 15-Unpaid Bills Ch 4

/ 6-Ck 6 Marina Water District Corrected / 16-Bill Pmt List Ch 4

Ch 4

/ 7-Ck Detail Ch 4 / 17-Trans List by Vend Ch 4

/ 8-Ck 9 Tech Savvy Ch 4 / 18-Ck Detail Ch 4

/ 9-Ck 10 Super Office Ch 4 / 19-Journal Ch 4

/ 10-Ck 11 Venice Rentals Ch 4 / 20-Trial Bal Ch 4

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