Past and Present Perfect

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Past and present perfect

He is an engineer. He worked on projects in the semiconductor industry.

=> (simple) past

=> he does not work on projects in the semicon. ind. anymore

He is an engineer. He has worked on projects in the semiconductor industry.

=> (simple) present perfect

=> he still works on projects in the semicond. ind.

In which sentence does he still work on projects in the semiconductor industry?

Is he working on a project in the semiconductor industry right now?

=> we don't know, no information given about that

The past and the present perfect - exercises (Week 3)

Task 2
 unfinished period of time (this...., recently, today...) 
=>  present perfect

finished period of time (yesterday, last....)

=> past

1 It has not rained this week

2 The weather has been cold recently.

3 It was cold last week.

4 I  did not read the book yesterday

5 I haven´t read the book today.

6 the company has made a lot of money this year

7 The company didn't make / wasn't making so much money last year.

8 Have you been on holiday recently?

 Have you had a holiday recently?

Task 3

1 have you been

2 when I got home from the party last night, I was very tired and fell asleep immediately.

3 Did You finish...  => yesterday

Have you finished.... (yet/just/...)?

4 was not

5 Mr MIller worked for an engeneering company for 15 years. Then he gave it up.

6 has lived (=> up to now, unfinished period of time)

7 Did you go to the cinema last night?

   Yes, but it was a mistake. The film was awful.

8 died, met

9 I have never met

10: She has gone out. 

when exactly did she go out?

How long have you lived there?

Where did you live before that?

did you live

Task 4
1 I have eaten breakfast today

2 l have not taken my breakfast

3 I went to a meeting

4 I did not wake up early yesterday

Electrical supply (Unit 44) (Week 4)

=> until 15:20 h

1 direct current

2 alternating current

3 mains

4 frequency
5 Hertz

6 sine-wave

7 single-phase

a transmission

b field coils

c distribution line

d grid

e step-up

f down

1 b
2 e
3 a
4 f
5 c
6 d

1 correct

2 correct

3 direct current

4 direct current

Ciruits and components (Unit 45) (Week 4)

=> homework: Complete the tasks 45.1-3

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