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20, 1067-1079 (1996)


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Prince of Songkla Uniwrsity. Hat Yai, Thailand 901 I0

Heat pump dryer is a complex system because of the interaction of heat and mass transfer of the working fluids. Since the
system cannot be completely close, ambient conditions (temperature and humidity) influence the performance of the
system. To investigate the performance of the heat pump dryer thoroughly, simulation models of heat pump dryer
components have been developed. The finite-difference method was employed in the simulation to examine the state of
the working fluids and heat and mass transfer. The simulation of each component can be used to construct different
system configurations the results of which are reported in Part 2.
KEY WORDS heat pump; heat pump model; heat pump dryer; heat pump simulation

Drying, which is an energy-intensive process and, on average, takes up to 6% of the total processing energy
(Hodgett, 1976), is a process needing R&D for improvement. Heat pump drying is the technology with
promise for efficiently using this energy. A heat pump, by its name, is a device implicitly supplying heat
mainly for space heating applications and heat recovery. The application of heat pumps for drying has
received continuous attention since it possesses two-fold beneficial characteristics. Through the evaporator,
the heat pump recuperates sensible and latent heat from the dryer exhaust, hence the energy is recovered.
Condensation occurring at the evaporator reduces the humidity of the working air, thus increasing the
effectiveness of product drying. It is therefore anticipated that the heat pump dryer (HPD) can accelerate the
drying process and use energy more efficiently. Furthermore, the heat pump dryer is suitable for temperature-
sensitive products because effective drying can occur at low temperature (because of low humidity). The
specific moisture extraction rate (SMER, kilograms of water per kilowatt-hour) of the HPD was reported as
1 4 H . O kg k W - h - ' with an average of about 2.CL2.5 kg k W -'
h - ' (Hodgett, 1976). The latent heat of
water is equivalent to an SMER of 1.56 kg k W h-'. A comparison of vegetable drying by the H P D and
a conventional dryer using an electrical heater found that an energy saving of 40% can be made and the
processing time reduced by 407% (Rossi et al., 1992).
The heat pump air dehumidifier coupled with a dryer is a complex system since all the components are
interdependent. Any change in one component will inevitably influence the others. The change to the dryer
itself is dynamic, thus adding a transient-behaviour problem to the experiment. Slow response time to
changes in heat exchanger-type components results in difficulty in data interpretation. Studies of HPDs by
computer simulation have received attention in recent years. In the study of Zylla et al. (1982), the H P D
system was considered as a controlled volume where the balance of heat and mass was simulated. The
simplification of the H P D model required many assumptions that might not be valid, for example the
coefficient of performance (COP) was assumed as high as 1057 times that of a Carnot cycle. In addition,
the temperature difference between the outlet air and the heat exchanger surface (condenser and

CCC 0363-907X/96/121067-13 Received 23 May 1995

0 1996 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised 23 August 1995

evaporator) was assumed to be 5°C. Chou et al. (1994) used the first law of thermodynamics and psychro-
metric processes to simulate the steady state of an H P D assuming a C O P of eight. Four equations
governing the dryer, condenser, evaporator and compressor were used to construct a heat pump
components selection guide. Because the simulation was limited to the air side only, no effect of the
refrigerant was taken into account. Simulation based on energy balance at each component was reported
by Manuel et al. (1990), but they assumed constant heat transfer coefficients in the condenser and
evaporator despite the facts of refrigerant phase change and water condensation on the evaporator.
Simulation proposed by Pendyala et al. (1990) took into account refrigerant phase change and water
vapour condensation on the evaporator but ignored pressure drop in the system. A simulation
approach which included the pressure drop and continuous drying was reported by Jolly et al.
It is obvious that different simulations used different assumptions. The simplification of the models
required many assumptions and always at the expense of accuracy. Many simulations in recent years,
therefore, resulted in different or even contradicting conclusions. Jai et al. (1990) and Manuel
et al. (1990) showed that higher air flow rate resulted in higher SMER, which was against to the
conclusion by Baines et al. (1987), Pendyala et al. (1990) and Theerakulpisut (1990). The SMER of
the close system as analysed by Zylla et al. (1982) was higher than that of the open system, while
Theerakulpisut (1990) found that the open system was better. The working condition that gave the
maximum COP also resulted in the maximum SMER (Tai et al., 1982a,b), but this was not the
case in other studies (Theerakulpisut, 1990; Jia et al., 1990). Although results from some experi-
ments demonstrated that the system performance depended on the ambient conditions (Jia et al., 1990),
the role of the ambient conditions was not throughoutly studied. Furthermore, in previous studies
the heat exchangers were sectioned as single phase and two-phase regions and the simulation
assumed constant thermodynamic and thermophysical properties of the heat exchanger fluids
over the regions. This is not a valid assumption because as the state of the fluid continuously
changes, the vapour quality (in the two-phase region), pressure and temperature vary simul-
This paper presents the simulation models of three HPD configurations; two open systems and one
closed system. The simulated models take into account heat and mass transfer on both the air and
refrigerant sides. Emphasis is placed on the finite difference approach to the simulation procedure in
order to take care of the continuous change of the thermodynamic and thermophysical properties
of the working fluids. In all previous studies, this numerical method was avoided, perhaps, in order
to simplify the models and reduce the computation time. Although it is a time consuming simulation,
it is employed in this study to ensure accuracy. The results of the simulation are presented in
Part 2.


2. I The configurations
The three HPD configurations shown in Figure 1 were studied. In configuration A, ambient air is
drawn to be dehumidified in the evaporator, after which the dehumidified air recovers heat from
the condenser. The working air entering the dryer is therefore warm and dry. The moisture in the
product is mainly driven off by the very low humidity of the working air. A similar arrangement is
apparent in configuration B, but the moisture in the working air is not extracted prior to entering the
dryer. The working air is hotter than that in configuration A. In this case, the air leaving the dryer is relat-
ively moist and warm, which enhances heat recovery by the evaporator. Configuration C is a closed
cycle with a partially vented air and fresh air intake before and after the evaporator, respectively.
In configuration C, the exhaust vent and fresh air intake are required to prevent system in-

c + D

Figure 1. Heat pump dryer models (E = evaporator, C = condenser, D = dryer)

2.2 The assumptions

In this study the following assumptions are made.

(a) The heat pump is operated in the steady state.

(b) The walls of the components, tube and dryer are adiabatic. vãi cả bê nguyên đoạn này vào bài kia
(c) The air pressure in the system is constant at 1 atm. Áp suất không khí ở 1 atm không đổi
(d) The ambient conditions are constant.
(e) The temperature and air velocity are uniformly distributed. uniformly: đều
(f) The drying process is a constant rate period and constant wet bulb process.
(g) Compression of the refrigerant vapour is a polytropic process.
(h) The specific heat of air over the operating temperature range is constant.
(i) The mixing of air is an adiabatic process.


complicate: phức tạp
3. I Air circuit simulation
Configurations A and B are simple air circuits, since the outlet of one component is i..e inlet of t..e succeeding
one. The simulation started with ambient conditions of the inlet air. Configuration C is rather complicated as
it is a partially closed system with fresh air mixing. In the simulation, the air conditions entering the dryer
were initially assumed. Heat and mass transfers in the dryer and evaporator (obtained from dryer and
evaporator models) gave the air conditions at the evaporator exit. Upon fresh air mixing, the conditions at
the condenser inlet were calculated. The inlet conditions of the condenser were also obtained from the
assumed initial conditions at the dryer inlet (by backward calculation from the condenser model). The two

Quen nhỉ ???

Figure 2. P-h diagram of refrigerant (1-2 polytropic compression; 2-3,9-10 adiabatical pressure drop at compressor valves; 3 4 , 5 4 ,
8-9 pressure drop in connecting tubes; 4-5 condenser; 6-7 isenthalpic expansion; 7-8 evaporator; 1&1 effect of compressor temperature)

values were compared and, unless agreement was obtained within the specified tolerance, iteration was
continued until convergence was obtained.

3.2 Refrigerant circuit simulation

Figure 2 is the P-h diagram of the refrigerant in a vapour compression heat pump cycle that includes
pressure drops at the compressor valves, in the condenser, and in the evaporator and connecting tubes.
A polytropic compression process was assumed in the compressor modelling. To start the simulation, the
compressor inlet states ( P I ,T I ,superheated 10°C)were initially assumed. Discharge states ( P , , T,) together
with the refrigerant mass flow rate (hj,)and compressor power (W,) were determined from the compressor
model. By assuming 13.79 kPa pressure drop at the compressor valves (Threlkeld, 1972) and the amount of
heat transferred at the compressor inlet, states 3 and 9 were established.
The pressure drop and heat transfer at the discharge tube and suction tube of the compressor gave states
4 and 8, respectively. The condenser model was employed to determine state 5 and subsequently state 6 due
to pressure drops and heat loss. Similarly, the evaporator model was used to calculate state 7. Unless
enthalpy at state 6 agreed with that of state 7 within a specified tolerance, iteration was continued. In the
refrigerant circuit simulation, heat and mass transfer, phase change, pressure drops, and the properties of air
and refrigerant were all taken into account.
The heat and mass balances of both refrigerant and air circuits were both checked. Unless the two circuits
agreed with each other, the whole simulation was repeated. In conclusion, the simulation consists of two
iterative loops, namely the inner loop and outer loop for the refrigerant and working air, respectively.
Particular attention was given to the finite difference approach where the heat transfer area was divided into
several infinitesimal elements. Details of mathematical models of components are given in the following


4. I Condenser model
The condenser model is divided into three regions as illustrated in Figure 3(a). Heat transfer is considered in
an infinitesimal section AA, where the approaching temperatures of air and refrigerant are known. The
boundaries of each region are determined by the pressure and the corresponding temperature in the
refrigerant line. The quality of vapour in the two-phase section is calculated from the heat transfer, mass flow
rate (of air and refrigerant) and specific latent heat of refrigerant in the investigated area. The heat transfer in


in -I
subcool phase changing
refrigerant ' I
superheat I
AA ' but

out wet coil dry coil I in

Figure 3. Models of condenser and evaporator for simulation: (a) condenser; (b) evaporator

the condenser is analysed based on the effectiveness-NTU method (Kays and London, 1964), which gives
heat exchanger effectiveness as


Single phase region: for single phase (vapour or liquid) heat transfer in a crossflow heat exchanger, the heat
exchanger effectiveness is (Incropera and De Witt, 1990)

Công thức tính epsilon cho vùng 1 pha

(ban đầu vào chưa đạt đến nhiệt độ để chuyển pha)
E = 1 - exp
(NTU),0d2'{exp( - C(NTU)$78) - l }
U là K
1 (3)

UA A là F
NTU,, = ~
Cmin là min (C1, C2) (4)
In the condenser, the refrigerant temperature (T,) is higher than that of the air (Ta),and TaTaand Tr,oare
derived from equations (1) and (2),
ECmin(7'r.i - Ta,i)
Ta.0 = Ta,i +
ECmin(Tr,i - Ta,i)
Tr,o = Tr,i -
The heat transfer coefficient of a finned horizontal tube is given by
o In (Do/Di 1
U tính bằng công thức: 'U =hiAiA A+ 27cKcL


and qf is determined from the work of Kraus (1964).

Two phase region: in this region the refrigerant temperature is constant at saturation point. The existing air
from the infinitesimal A A in the two phase region is given by
Ta.0= 7'a.i + Etp(Tr,i - 7'a.i)
E~~ = 1 - exp( - NTU,,)
Pressure drop in condenser: the pressure drop occurs differently in different regions, depending on the phase
of the refrigerant. The simulation neglected the effects of gravity and acceleration.
(i) The single phase pressure drop equations are,
Straight tube pressure drop,
T L ~ V ~
T = 64/Re for Re < 2300
l / ~ = 2.010g(Ret"~) - 0 8 for Re > 2300
" ~
The pressure drop at bends, connecting tubes and valves is

(ii) The two phase pressure drop equations (Travis et al., 1973) are as follows.
For straight tubes, the pressure drop is

For horizontal tubes, the components of the total pressure gradient are related to wall friction and
acceleration gradient as follows:

(z)(z)f = +

dZ a
= - (GL
dXd z
2 )( [2X
) + ( I -2X) - 2(1 - X ) ( E ) ] (15)

dX X o - X i
dZ L
Gv = GX

Equation (10) was adopted for pressure drop in bends and the friction coefficient was defined as (Geary, 1975)
(5.58 x 10-6)(Re~”)
z = 144

The same approach is used in the calculation of pressure drop in the evaporator.

4.2 Evaporator model

The evaporator model consists of three regions as the refrigerant changes from the liquid phase to a mixture
and finally to superheated vapour (Figure 3(b)). Normally the liquid phase does not appear in the
evaporator, but in order to generalize the model the liquid phase is included. States of the refrigerant ( P , T )
are used to established the boundaries of the regions. On the air side, two regions appear, namely the dry
region-where only heat is transferred-and the wet region-where heat transfer and mass transfer take
place simultaneously. The boundary of the two regions is set by the dew point of the air-water vapour

Dry region-single phase refrigerant: heat transfer in the dry region and single phase refrigerant is analysed
using the condenser model but the air temperature is higher than that of the refrigerant. Consequently,
equations (5) and (6) become,

Dry region-two phase refrigerant: equation (8) is modified for heat transfer calculations as

Ta,o = Ta,i - Etp(Ta,i - 7 ’ r . i ) (19)

where E , is
~ defined by equation (9).

Wet region: the dry and wet regions are distinguished by the condensation temperature of the air-water
vapour mixture, which is (Stoecker, 1958)

If the air temperature is below Ta,d, we have a wet region and the heat and mass transfer equation are as
For the heat transfer equations, the total heat taken from the air comprises sensible and latent compo-

Qa = ha(Ta- T,)AA, + MahfsAW (21)

Heat transfer to the refrigerant is given by

Qr = Uwi(Ts - Tr)AAi (22)

For the heat balance, we equate equations (21) and (22) to obtain

U,i(T, - Tr)AAi= ha(Ta- T , ) A A o + M a h ‘ , A ~ (23)



- hi1 + Ail.($)
Ai dw
For the mass transfer equation, we have
M,Aw = KD(w - w ,) AAo
The term KD is obtained from ASHRAE (1981):

KD =
Cpa +~ C p s

Substitute equations (25) and (26) into (23),

U,i(T, - Tr)AAi = ha(Ta- T,)AA, + h f , ( ~ w,)AA,


Cpa +~ C p s

Solve for T, from equation (27) we subsequently determine the leaving air temperature (Ta,o)and humidity
(wa,o ) from the sensible heat component of equations (21) and (25), (26), respectively.

4.3 Compressor model

A mathematical model for a reciprocating compressor has been described by Threlkeld (1972): the volumetric
efficiency is given by

q" = [+
1 c- @>'-*I (2)
and the mass flow rate by

The work required to drive the compressor is given by

w,= PJIMr(")[(g) ( k - 1 )/k -11
and the discharge temperature by

4.4 Heat transfer coeflcients

The force convection heat transfer coefficient on the air side of a finned coil has been given by Rich
h, = 0.195 G , C,, Pra- 213 Rea- 0 ' 3 (34)


On the refrigerant side, the forced convection heat transfer coefficient for a single phase refrigerant is
determined from the work of Perry and Chilton (1973):

I 1.86Re'/3 Pr ' P

0.116(Re2'j - 125)Pr"j [+

for Re < 2100

for 2100 < R e < 10000

for Re > 10000




The forced convection heat transfer coefficient in the two phase refrigerant region of the condenser is
evaluated by correlations given by Travis et al. (1973),

Di -
hx -
~1 1 . 1 5


x,,-- -(
;JO.l (!5)0'5( 3 9

0.707 Pr, Re:"; Re, < 50

F2 = \ 5 Pr, 5 In [l + Pr,(0.09636 Re:'585 - l)]; for 50 6 Re, d 1125
5Pr1 51n(l + Pr,) + 2.51n(000313Re~'8'2);for Re, > 1125
For the evaporator, h, is given by ASHRAE (1981):

where Kf = AXh,,/L

4.5 Refrigerant tube model

The tubes connecting the heat pump components are insulated. Therefore, only pressure drop in the single
phase flow is taken into account. Equations (10) and (11) are used to evaluate the pressure drop in the
refrigerant tube model.

T T,,,, Ta.aut TW

Figure 4. Working air in dryer

4.6 Dryer model

Heat and mass transfer occurring in the dryer is complex. The transfer characteristics depend on the types of
dryer (batch or continuous), the flow rate and the flow directions of air and product (concurrent, counter or
cross flow) and type of product. In this study, the simulation is limited to constant rate drying in order to
avoid the dynamic behaviour of falling rate drying. In the actual experiment, the drying load (kilograms of
water per hour) will be one of the independent variables. The performance of the H P D at the falling rate will
be constructed from the results of different but constant drying loads.
The working air in the constant drying rate period follows the constant wet bulb temperature in the
psychrometric chart as shown in Figure 4 ( Keey, 1978). Air enters the dryer at Ta,inand and leaves the
dryer at T,,,,,, wa,oul.Knowing the inlet condition, the outlet can be calculated using the ASHRAE (1981)
relation, but the iteration involved in the calculation is tedious. For simplicity, the dryer is treated as a black
box. The inlet and outlet conditions are related by the dryer efficiency (DE). A similar approach using the
‘contact factor’ (CF) has been used successfully previously (Chou et al., 1994).

This approach generalizes the HPD model and can be applied to other dryers provided the efficiency is
known. Furthermore, different dryer efficiencies can be used to simulate the different stages of drying
(constant rate and falling rate).

4.7 Workingfluid properties

Thermodynamic and thermophysical properties of refrigerant R22 and air are derived from ASHRAE (1981).
Those properties are the enthalpy of water, the air density, the air viscosity, the conduction heat transfer
coefficient of air, the saturation state ( P and T ) of refrigerant, the densities, specific heat capacities, viscosity
coefficients and conduction heat transfer coefficients of both saturated vapour and saturated liquid refriger-
ant, the latent heat of the refrigerant and the conduction heat transfer coefficient of water.

Mathematical models for HPD components have been developed. The heat exchanger components were
divided into several infinitesimal elements in which the pressure drop, the state of the refrigerant and the
balance of heat and mass of both refrigerant and air were calculated. This approach, although a time
consuming simulation, has been employed in the study and accurate results are expected. The results of the

simulation are presented in Part 2 to examine the drying performance of different H P D configurations.
Particular attention is given to the effects of ambient conditions on the SMER, COP and product

The authors would like to express their gratitude to the National Science and Technology Development
Agency (Thailand) for the research grant allocated.

= heat transfer area (m')
= fin area (m')
= heat capacity rate ratio = Cmin/Cmax
= smaller heat capacity rate (kW K - ' )
= greater heat capacity rate (kW K - ')
= specific heat of air (kJ kg-')
= specific heat of water vapour (kJ kg- ')
= centre-to-centre distance of bend (m)
= clearance volume of compressor (dimensionless decimal)
= diameter of tube (m)
= thickness of water layer (m)
= mass flux velocity (kg m-'s- I )
= heat transfer coefficient (kW m-'K-')
= latent heat of refrigerant or air (kJ k g - ' )
= thermal conductivity ( k W m - ' K - ' )
= mass transfer coefficient (kgm-'s-')
= loss coefficient
= compression index
= length (m)
= mass flow rate (kgs-')
= speed of compressor (r.p.s.)
= number of transfer units
= pressure (kPa)
= piston displacement (m3rev-')
= Prandtl number
= heat transfer rate (kW)
= Reynolds's number
= temperature (K or "C)
= temperature of water film (K or "C)
= temperature of wetted surface (K or "C)
= tube row spacing (m)
= overall heat transfer coefficient (kW m-'K-')
= heat transfer coefficient of air (kW m-'K-')
=combined coefficient of heat transfer through refrigerant film, tube wall and water film
= velocity (m s- ')
= compressor power (kW)
= vapour quality

& = heat exchanger effectiveness

z = friction factor
P = density (kgm-3)
P = dynamic viscosity (Pa s)
rl = efficiency
0 = absolute humidity ratio


a = air, acceleration
b = properties evaluated at bulk mean temperature
C = cold fluid
f = fin, friction
h = hot fluid
i = inlet or inside
1 = saturated liquid
0 = outlet or outside
r = refrigerant
S = saturated condition
SP = single phase
tP = two phase
V = saturated vapour
W = properties evaluated at wall temperature or water film
X = vapour quality

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