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Length Width

External Dimension 7,900 3,000

Verge 300 both sides (300 x 2) 600
Length of roof covering 8,500
Pitch 30o
Eave 450 mm from walling
From center of the house to external wall (3000/2) 1,500
Add eave on one side 450
Horizontal distance from center of the house to end of
eave (1500 +450) 1,950
Height of roof from tip of the eave to ridge cap= (Tan 30
x 1950)= 1,125.83 1,126
Length of sloping roof covering (√19502 + 11262)=
2,251.75 2,252

No of trusses
Width of the building 7,900 7,900
Less Gable walls 200 mm on both sides (400)
Internal dimension of the building 7,500
Truss spacing centre to centre 1500 mm c/c
Total Number of trusses (7500/1500) +1 6

1 Rafter
Length of rafter is the same as the length of sloping roof.
= 2,252
Rafter size 100 x 50
Cost of 100 x 50 timber 100 Kshs per metre
Therefore cost of rafter (2.25 x 2 x 6 x 100) 2,700.00
Multiply rafter by 2 because of rafter on both sides

2 Ceiling Joist/ Tie beam

Length of ceiling joist/ Tie beam = 3,000
No of trusses 6 No
Ceiling Joist/Tie beam size 100 x 50
Cost of 100 x 50 timber 100 Kshs per metre
Therefore cost of Tie Beam (3.0 x 6 x 100) 1,800.00

3 King Post
From center of the house to external wall (3000/2) 1,500
Height of Tie beam from center of the house to ridge
cap= (Tan 30 x 1500)= 866.03
King Post size 100 x 75
Cost of 100 x 75 timber 100 Kshs per metre
Therefore cost of king Post (.866 x 6 x 100) 519.60
4 Purlins
The length of purlins is the same as the length of roof
covering = 8,500 mm
Purlins size 50 x 50
Cost of 50 x 50 timber 100 Kshs per metre
Therefore cost of Purlins (8.5 x 4 x 2 x 100) 6,800.00
There are 4 pulins on each sloping side of the roof
totaling to 8 No

5 Ridge cap
The overal length of roof is 8,500 mm
1 Ridge cap = 2 metre long (2,000 mm )
There the Number or ridge cap required = (8,500/2,000)
= 4.25 Pcs (Say 5)
Cost of 2 m long ridge cap = 500 Kshs
Total cost of ridge cap = (5 x 500) 2,500.00

6 Roof Covering.
Total roof area = (8,500 x 2,252 x 2) 38.28
Roofing sheet Length 2,500 mm
Assume roofing sheet width 860 mm
Assume head lap of 150 mm and side lap of 100 mm
Effective coverage of one roofing sheet (2,350 x 760 mm)
= 1.786 m
Total roof sheets required (38.28/1.79)= 21.39 (Say 22
Cost of 1 No roofing sheet 1,200 Kshs
Total cost of roof covering (22 x 1,200) 26,400.00

7 Ordinary Nails
Assume 4" nails
1 Kg of 4" ordinary nails 55 Pcs 55
4" nails required for the entire roof 108

Total Kg required for the roof (108/98) = 1.96 (Say 2 Kgs) 2.00
Cost of ordinary4" nails 20 Kg @ 150 Kshs.
Cost per Kg of ordinary 4" nails = (150/20) = 7.5 Kshs)
Total Cost of ordinary 4" nails required = (2 x 7.5 ) 15.00

8 Roofing nails
1 Kg of roofing nails cover 9 m of roof area
Total Roof Area = 38.28
Therefore total kg of roofing nails required = (38.28 /9) =
4.25 Kg 4.25
Cost of roofing nails 15 Kg @ 200 Kshs.
Cost per Kg of roofing nails = (200/15) = 13.33 Kshs (say
13.35 Kshs) 13.35
Total Cost of roofing nails required = (4.25 x 13.35 ) 56.74
1 Rafter 2,700.00
2 Ceiling Joist/ Tie beam 1,800.00
3 King Post 519.60
4 Purlins 6,800.00
5 Ridge cap 2,500.00
6 Roof Covering. 26,400.00
7 Ordinary Nails 15
8 Roofing nails 56.74
SUB- TOTAL 1 40,791.34
Add Waste 3% 1,223.74
COVERING. 42,015.08

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